
Do I have to be reminded of what I can do?


07-14-2013, 07:42 PM
Aqua blue eyes scanned the area as the brute lay on his side. Thane thought a good while as he watched the horizon. His sister had confessed something before everything had happened. Thank the stars she and he were still alive. Memories of the pit he felt in his stomach as he fell down the cliff resurfaced. As he fell there was nothing to grab on; nothing to save him. But in the end...there was. With a sigh the brute set his head down on his dark gray paws as he looked around. Thane was thinking of taking a nap but he couldn't sleep, not now. Not when there were things to be done and new thoughts in his head. The man felt sleep tug at his eyelids. He longed to see someone from his family. His mate, their children, his sister. But then at the thought of that, he remembered what his sister had said before she fell as well. She had a son, he had a nephew. Yet she said he was dead. Did Thane really have a nephew? Did the boy really die? Who was the father? Could it be the late Octavian? Thoughts of that scrambled through his mind as the brute put pieces together.

What if...what if what if what if....what if the boy had been the son of Octavian? The male couldn't even think of what the boy could have done. He could have waged peace...or have been killed. Too bad he never got to meet the boy. Thane wondered what kind of brains the pup would have had. Bold like his father? Smart and calm like his mother? A small smile appeared at the edges of the male's maw. The wolf shifted as he lay there on his right side. His back left leg had been broken from the fall. But thank the stars that was the only thing that had been broken. The brute couldn't thank Erani enough for patching him up.

Either out of stupidity or curiosity did Thane try to move his leg. With a grunt he felt pain shoot up his leg. For some reason being bound to little movement or a sad hobble he felt quite old. But he wasn't old, just four years old. Thane had a long way to go; but maybe he longed for the wolf he used to be. Well, he ways longed for the wolf he used to be. And then as the male longed to be the brute he used to be he was also content with himself now. What was this, a.mid-life crisis or something? With a small huff and a roll of aqua blue orbs did he let that thought slip from his mind. Ridiculous, lets be real here now.

"Cyril." he called out.

A golden eagle flew down from it's perch on a tree branch before replying.

"Yes master Thane? Is there anything you need?"he asked

"yes, I just needed you to reply so I could make sure I'm not going crazy!" he said with a small chuckle.

"My pleasure you old coot!"[/b] the eagle said with a smirk

"Ey! If I didn't have this bum leg I would be up and at you in a second!"

[I]"I know Master Thane, I might as well have my fun while knowing youncant do anything but stay there. Yet I'll shake my tail feathers in your face now so you can chase them down later when you're healed. Think of it as something to heal for or look forward to. Or youncan send the young masters after me so they can use me as a chew you."
Cyril said with a smile and a chuckle.

"I'm sure I'll look forward to that Cy. You might as well go fly around or something.I'm not getting up anytime soon. Heck, I might now even move!" he said.

With a nod the eagle opened his wings and took off.

Thane watched his companion fly off until he realized he didn't know when he would be back. Great, out here alone with a bum leg. Despite being on the border of the territory he was still alert. But at ease enough to perk up his white lined ears as close his eyes for a few moments.


07-14-2013, 08:07 PM
The boy trudged on after he had received some information from his Aunt. She told him about his father and precious information about him. The boy looked around with his white gaze as his nose took in the scent of a pack. How far had he wandered to cool off? And where was he? Should Auggie turn back? With a shake of his head the young brute kept on going. The territory was nice and he wondered what wolves resided in its borders. His gaze then looked up at a eagle that had flown by. It had seemed to have came from the brush. Was it possible that the eagle had found a meal there? Did he scavenge and leave something behind?

The yearling's stomach growled as he even thought about food. His black tail wagged as the boy cautiously crossed the border and peeked into the brush. It surprisingly opened up into a spacious area. The grass was soft and the sunlight poked through the branches. His white gaze looked over the spacious area and up at a ray of sunlight that poked through. It was the biggest one here and settled on a...a wolf? The wolf lay there on its side with it's eyes closed. Augustus crept closer to it wondering if it was even alive. But when he saw the rise and fall of the brute's chest did he know that the wolf was among the living. Auggie sat down on his haunches beside the brute. He was looking at the wolf's face waiting for him to open his eyes. The young brute wondered what color eyes the man would have once he opened them.

"Exscuse me....hello." he said before flicking his tail as he waited.

"My name is Augustus, who might you be?" he said

But before he could give te man time to open his eyes and answer the boy noticed the Bruce's pelt and markings.

The X's along his back were like this of his mother's. and the white lined ears were the opposite. His mother had black lined ears. And his pelt color was black, his mother's was white. And there lay the same dark gray legs as his mother as well.

"Wait! Are....are you Thane?" he asked as the boy looks at the man with a surprised look on his face.

Was this the male who took part in the stories his mother had told him? If he was..would he live up to the brute Auggie thought he was? Could this be his Uncle? The yearling's tail wagged as he eve thought about it.

Auggie wondered what words this man would speak. Would they be as valiant as his mother had told him? Would the male be as calm as he had thought? Or would he lash out at him for being here? Or would he even send the boy away? With a shiver of anticipation Augustus looked on at the wolf he thought was his Uncle Thane. But all he could do was was for a confirmation or an answer. So he waited and wait would Auggie do.


07-16-2013, 06:29 PM
The brute lay there as he gave into sleep. His breath became relaxed and was set to a soft, slow, and steady pace. In and out did he breath. The oxygen that he took in had fueled his body for four years now, and it will continue for many more. Thane opened his eyes and looked up towards the sky in reaction to something wet hitting his nose. There was a white dot on his nose that melted as soon as it hit his fur. Snow, he could see it falling from the sky. No question was given or answered. All he did was stand up without pain in his broken leg at all. He could even move it! White lines ears perked up as the male watched Cyril fly back. The eagle only smiled as he perched on Thane's shoulders. Spreading his wings did Cyril then look at his master. Aqua blue eyes met golden as Thane spread his own wings. Those of a golden eagle, just like Cyril's. he smiled as he and his friend flew up into the sky and flew as it snowed. His dark fur had accumulated many white dots as the snow gathered on him. Soon enough there wasn't a black hair left to be seen on him. White was his fur and he sort of looked like either Hureia or their mother. A shiver ran down the man's back as he then landed on a cliff. Before the brute knew it he was falling again. He felt his heart drop to the pit of his stomach before hearing a voice Excuse themselves and say hello.

Thane stirred as he was awaken from his odd dream. The male kept his eyes closed as he waited a few moments. The voice came up again, this time introducing what sounded like a he, so himself as Augustus. By the sound of the voice this Augustus sounded young and was sitting right in front of Thane. Then did Augustus ask in surprise if his name was Thane. This made the man's eyebrows furrow a bit. White lines ears perked up as the brute slowly opened his eyes. Aqua blue eyes settled on a rather young brute. He could see tufts of puppy fur sticking out of an adult coat. Something about this Augustus caught the wolf's eye. He looked like someone he had seen before. But ThNe couldn't quite put his claw on it. With a small shrug the male lifted his head before replying.

" name is Thane Tsarev. You don't smell of this pack or any other. It isn't very wise to wander into a pack's boundaries without permission or an invitation kid. But now that you're here I'll talk to you. I'm not going anywhere anyway."

With a grunt the wolf lifted up his upper body and sat on his haunches with the broken leg still on it's side. Pain shot up his back left leg once more but then went down to a throb. It took a few moments for him to get up but it was nice to sit upright again.

"And if I may ask Augustus, how do you know my name? And where are your parents? I'm sure they would be worried sick about you being here. I know I would if one of my own children wandered off without notice at their age." he said calmly as his aqua blue gaze settled on the young brute.

Thane looked at Augustus and wondered where he had come from. By the looks of it he was a bit skinny; probably having trouble catching his own food. Then this made the man wonder if this boy even had parents. With a sigh he sat there awaiting an answer.


07-16-2013, 06:51 PM
Moments passed without an answer. The boy quietly sat on his hunched with his white gaze fixated on the Bruce's face. He was waiting for him to open his eyes...and eventually..he did! Auggie looked on as he watched the eyelids pull back to reveal aqua blue eyes, the same ones f his mother. The boy wagged his tail in excitement, this had to be his Uncle Thane! And yet, the man before him even confirmed it! He said he was Thane Tsarev, and that it wasn't wise for him to wander into the boundaries. And then he said something about talking cause he wasn't going anywhere. He wouldn't be go anywhere?

It wasn't long before Thane struggled to sit upright with a pained grunt. Augustus then remembered the odd position the leg was in, it must be broken.

"Oh no you don't have to-.....sit up" he said before cutting off and finishing his sentence; while looking at the upright brute beside him.

Then did the make's maws open once more and ask him how he knew his name and where his parents were. Black ears pinned against the young Bruce's head for a moment before hearing his Uncle Thane say that he himself would be worried if one of his own children would wander off like he did. Those must be his cousins he was talking about. His Aunt Loccian was right! But now this meant he had another place to stay....Yet Auggie knew where he wanted to stay. There was no question to that.

"Well I'm mighty sorry sir for intruding or passing the boundaries. I'll be more careful next time, I promise. And I know your name from my mother. She used to tell stories about you. They would be such great and valiant stories sir. And my parents? My father is dead and I've never met him before. And as for my mother she left me when I was a pup. I still don't really know why but I was sickly at the time. And my mother mother" he said before stopping mid-sentence.

Augustus feared for some reason that his uncle would be upset by the thought that his mother was his sister. Auggie didn't know why he thought that but he was scared to say her name. Black ears pinned against the yearling's head as he looked up at his Uncle. Augustus' white gaze looked into Thane's aqua blue and never broke the contact. After a moment he looked away and stared at his paws.


07-17-2013, 06:12 AM
The me ignored the words of the yearling as he sat up. Understanding the concern for his leg the boy must have though he let it slide. White lined ears perked up once more as he readied himself to listen to the pup's words. It wasn't long before Aigustus spoke once more. Thane listened to him apologize for crossing the borders and promised he would be more careful next time.

"A promise is a thing to uphold Augustus; make sure you say that with reassurance to yourself as well." he said before listening to the rest of the yearling's words.

Next did he say that he knew his name from his mother. Augustus said how his mother had told him stories about him. Really, quite odd how someone would tell stories about him. Thar couldn't quite wrap his mind around this because it didn't make sense. The boy them said he had never met his father before and his mother had left him at a young age. Continuing he went to say his mother's name before stopping. Why did he stop?

Aqua blue eyes looked down at the young brute as they waited for an answer.

"Speak child!" he said, a little too loud

"If there is anything you're hiding from me I'm sure I can understand. And if I don't, well...then that will be a first." be said with a small chuckle.

Thane shifted on his haunches so he could bring his broken limb into a more comfortable position. With a grimace on his face he did so before relaxing once more.


07-17-2013, 06:23 AM
Auggie sat there with his black ears pinned against his head. The boy waited for his uncle to speak before fully replying. But a command came, a command to speak. Perhaps it wasn't a command but t sounded like on. With a small nod he agreed before finishing his sentence. Augustus also took into note the words of a promise as well. It took a few moments before he could collect himself. Then the brute said he would understand; and if not then it would be a first. The boy nodded once more before saying what he had to.

"My mother, she-she's your sister, Hureia Tsarev. And my father is Octavian." be said before looking back down at his paws.

Auggie's white gaze then looked back up at his Uncle. Would he understand this even? Or would he not and call it a first.a small shiver ran up his spine as he thought and sat there. Before long he even spoke up again!

"My Aunt Loccian said I had more family here; I guess she was right. I'm happy I do though, I really am." he said.

What if he had to stay here? What if his mother was here? For some reason Augustus knew he loved his mother but felt like staying with his Aunt was the best thing to do. She had moved on thinking he was dead. And he will move on thinking she is gone! Yet of course one day sooner or later he would run into her again.

The boy didn't even know what he was. He knew his mother an father were from to different packs. But he needed to know everything behind that.

"If it's alright sir...may you please tell me of where I come from? Like you know...the packs and the rest of my family? he asked feebly.

Auggie wanted to know everything, he just couldn't help it. With a small sniffle a tear ran down his cheek and the yearling tried to turn his head away to hide it. He still felt like he was the odd one out. He had to know why; and this man had all the answers.


07-17-2013, 06:46 AM
Whitened ears perked up even more as the boy said his mother was his sister. Then came the name Hureia. It was true! This boy was his nephew? Confusion came upon the Maka's mind until he heard Augustus say his father was Octavian. A sigh escaped his lips as he listened. The brute also listened to His nephew say something about his Aunt Loccian. It was good she had been there with the pup. A small smile appears don his maw before listening to him ask another question.

Augustus wanted to know more of his history. Then turning away did the brute see a rest streak down his face. Sitting on his haunches for a moment did he wait. Then leaning to the side he kicked away the tear before touching the top of the boy's head with his nose.

"It is quite a surprise to hear this; yet I am happy to have a nephew. I knew your father and I do know your mother. In fact she is somewhere in these lands. I'm sure she would be overjoyed to see you Augustus. But now I figure I will tell you what you want to know."

With a quick sigh and a breath before speaking Thane began.

"Well first of all, your mother and I were born into the Pack of Stars. Our parents were Caligar and Lilionia. I was born the what you would call a prince and she was the princess. And even thinking about it now it seems so unreal, like a dream almost. But my father and mother trained me to take the throne one day. Various lessons on behavior. Lessons to fight and hunt. I never took a real liking to fighting but more to hunting. And your mother was given these behavior lessons too. She was allowed to play with the other pups, I wasn't. Heck, I didn't even know how to play until my mate taught me on the first night I met her. But Hureia looked on as I learned and trained. She would always be there to comfort me and reassure me on things....but as we grew we somewhat grew a little apart. She was disappearing off into the outer territories often. And next thing you know it a patrol finds her dead on the borders. Obviously she wasn't dead dead since she is here alive today. Butbwe thought she was dead, and thus a war was created. The blame went to your grandfather, Poxiterso, your father's father. His fur was found in the gash in her neck. Theresa's evidence that your uncle and father weren't too far from the site either. Both brothers Pontifex and Octaviannwatched their father kill your father's lover. And in the battle I myself watched Poxiterso kill my own father. And then when everyone looked towards me I ordered a retreat. But when we came back an ambush had occurred. Everyone who had stayed back had been slaughtered, including my mother. So...your grandfather on your father's side, Poxiterso, killed your grandfather and was at fault for the death of your grandmother. Your mother was assumed dead. I fled the next day looking for another life. Your father supposedly gave up the throne to his brother since Pontifex had scold heart back then like his father . But I think today he has changed like many of us. And your Aunt Loccian I do not know much about. But you Augustus, you're something.

My own children would be heirs to my disbanded or extinct pack and so would you if all of us died. And you're probbly the heir of your father's pack since he was the firstborn son. Yet you're a powerful wolf boy. You're a mixture of the two packs that came to hate each other. You cod have made peace....or have been killed. But all of that is over son. And now you're here listening to me speak and I'm sitting here with a bum leg.
he finished

Thane looked at his nephew awaiting a reply. Surely the boy would be a bit overloaded with information. Yet then again happy to know it. With a sigh Thane lay back down on his side with a grimace on his face. Even after saying all of this made him feel even older. But e waited, and wait would he do.