
Coyote Ugly


05-26-2019, 01:35 PM

Skaelingr Pyre

The sound of the falls relaxed Skaelingr as he lounged next to the creek. Farther upstream the Cedar Falls raced down the rockface and crashed up the surface of the river below, sculpting rock and bringing fresh water right to him. His paws were sore from having travelled so far. He was starting to doubt the other Ademre had headed this direction. Would they really have started north and just continued walking south so far or did they perhaps branch out when the fire and attackers scattered their band. It was difficult to say. He was still cursing himself at getting separated and not being able to find them. He stills wore that all he could smell was fire and ash, even now. He'd been lucky and he knew it but he still couldn't help feeling guilty about it. He should've made completely sure he was by the sides of the others but when the fighting broke out he was to focused on the battle to pay attention to what was happening with the others. It was foolish!

Skaelingr batted a pebble into stream. He watched it strike the water and sink down beneath the surface. Amused, the boy stood and continued batting rocks across the river with all the force he could muster until one skipped upon the surface, struck the beach on the other side and went skittering right into the bushes completing its destination by triggering a yelp. His ears flicked back. Uh oh… what sort of creature had he just struck?

He was answered with a growl as a coyote couple emerged from beneath the brush where they'd been curled up napping. Skaelingr growled back but he made no move. Surely the coyotes weren't going to try to- oh. The coyotes moved upstream to where the river was only a foot or so deep and they began to cross. At one point one of the coyotes slipped. Skaelingr started to head downstream away from the coyote pair. He wasn't terribly interested in fighting just yet but he felt too much pride to just turn tail and run from a pair of mangy coyotes. He glanced back at the small, ratty, in his opinion, creatures and sure enough they'd crossed the river and seemed to have no intention of turning back. He knew it was winter in Auster and for a moment he wondered if the coyotes were starving and that was why they were being so bold. Were they hungry and relying on the fact they had him outnumbered in order to make an easy meal. It was true he was tired from the journey but he felt he was more than a match for this delusional coyote couple.

Skaelingr moved with silent and deadly precision as he set himself up to engage his enemies. His skull and tail shifted gracefully to align with his spine, his chin tucking against the curvature of her neck. Skae rolled his strong shoulders forward as his neck drew back pushing a protective covering of excess flesh and fur over his vitals. His condescending gaze narrowed as his ears lay tightly against his lowered crown. Skaelingr would shift his weight evenly among his grounded limbs that were spread equidistant apart and bent slightly at the joints to lower his center of gravity. His toes splayed and claws bit into the sand for better traction. Ivory hackles lifted and laced down his spine as his jaws parted, revealing fangs thirsting for blood and the skin on his face bunched in a silent growl. If these little beasts want a fight over such a harmless little accident then he would give them a fight that would teach them manners for years to come.

The coyotes charged, one barreling right towards his face while the other circled to his left side and attacked him from there. Skaelingr leapt forward and off to his right, effectively dodging both coyotes, the first of which crashed right into his mate. The shook themselves off but Skaelingr was already on the attack, his jaws latching on the side of the male coyote's throat. Skaelingr thrashed his head violently, tearing flesh and sending blood splattering across the river stones. Shrieking like a banshee the coyote flailed but while he was busy with the one the female snuck up behind him, her jaws latching into his left butt cheek. Her fangs sank deep and Skaelingr gasped at the sudden pain. He did not cry out but his gasp was enough for the other coyote to pull itself away from its jaws. It hit the ground and weakly got to its feet, tail between its legs as it backed away from him.

Skaelingr whipped around, trying to get at the female who seemed quite intent on keeping her hold. Shifting his weight to his hind paws he mule kicked backward, managing to catch the female in the chest and forcing her off of him. She scrambled to her feet then stood between him and her mate. Skaelingr snarled violently, jerking forward as if he meant to attack but stopping just short of doing so. The coyotes scrambled back and soon beat a hasty retreat, opting to save what they could of themselves. Skaelingr snorted then eased his body down onto the rocks to catch his breath.
