
fairytale bliss



3 Years

Treat 2019
05-27-2019, 08:16 PM (This post was last modified: 05-28-2019, 09:36 PM by Oxide.)
The boy was finally on his own. Too much work needed to be put in before he got to this point, what with his mother always over his shoulder. From a young age Ox knew he was the center of Nysa’s whole world. She doted on him from before he could remember and allowed him to get away with near murder. Nysa gave him the moon and the stars, and he’d never had to ask for anything. Except for his freedom of her.

Oxide had been forced to fight for that, and indeed he had. A large scrape over his right eye still held the scabs of their tustle. He won though, and Nysa had been forced to allow him to go. A grin played on his rusty features as silver paws carried him over the ruins that littered the landscape.

Garnet eyes reflected the light of the early evening sunlight as he stood tall at a vantage point. He pulled in the fresh air to his lungs and let the summer breeze wash over him. This was the start of a new chapter in his life, one where he made the decisions and not his family. He wore a huge grin on his oxidized features. Ox threw back his head suddenly and let loose a howl of victory, he was riding on a quick high and he wasn’t about to come down.



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
05-28-2019, 09:00 PM

She had a bit of the traveling bug lately, especially now that herbs were growing rapidly within Boreas. She was determined to get a good stock built so that when they finally moved to the new territory they would be well prepared with herbs. This was also important because now her Uncle would have a much higher position, meaning there was potential for more fights, and more injuries that would be needing healed. Plus her companion was teaching her about non healing plants and poisonous plants. Knowledge that would come in handy if she was able to craft more weapons and traps even.

It was early evening and the pair had made it to the spot where they would be hunting for the evening. They both were quiet as they worked, carefully wading through the foliage and looking at the individual plants. When it came to the plants themselves the young female had taught herself quite a bit, watching what plants other healers used, and even seeing Shaye's stash a time or two. She had also self taught herself back in Ruina, since her mother had disappeared from her life, but left a large stock of herbs for her to look through. Learning through her senses at an early age, the plants looks and scent. It came in handy when she worked alone and didn't have a teacher with her.

The howl from the other made the pair pause, listening. A victory howl, not a summoning howl. A victory over what was the big question. She hadn't heard any fighting and didn't smell any blood, so the young healer shrug it off and went back to gently digging out the herbal plants and putting them in her saddlebag to take home.


Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them



3 Years

Treat 2019
05-28-2019, 09:35 PM
His voice quieted after a moment of song as the Nightingale boy continued forward. The grasses here were naturally short, though after years of neglect the forest threatened to close in on the ruins that remained. The tall stones were the main attraction here in this little corner of the continuent, and with garnet eyes fixed on them Ox made his way in their direction.

Silver paws seemed to dance through the grass as his toes were immersed in the emerald green blades. The lush carpet contrasted brightly with Oxide’s rust marked features. Mottled gray form reached the first of the stones and his gaze roved over the obsidian colored stones. Though they were weathered heavily they were still impressive.

Oxide found himself looking up at the once towering structure and he wondered how the stones had come to be in such patterns. He slowed to a halt, head tilting curiously as he gazed upwards. Silvery tail would lash out absently at his ankles as he mulled over what might have been in this place hundreds of years ago. His pace slowed, but excitement still raced in his breast.

Plagued with mystery Oxide searched for a place he might be able to scale the strange stones. Carefully his young form found paw holds, and with a certain luck the boy scaled the stones with grace and care. Impressive for one of his build. With much care the Nightingale boy would find himself above everything for miles.

Though by now the sun was coming close to reuniting with the horizon Ox was sure he spotted a figure in the darkening woods.