
such a nice day, isn't it?


05-31-2019, 12:36 AM
A warm summer breeze ruffled through Bellamy’s dusty-brown fur as she loped along the soft grass. She had no destination in mind, really; she was really just here to enjoy the scenery. As far as her eyes could see, small green shrubs and trees dotted the landscape, giving the area feel distinctly lush and alive. A small smile played along the young female’s lips, feeling especially energized thanks to the mid-afternoon air and the nice landscape. On a whim, the girl quickened her pace until she was sprinting, wind rushing through her coat and buffeting her chest, cream-tipped paws flying haphazardly across the supple ground. She dodged the skinny tree-trunks narrowly; eventually the trees cleared slightly.

Belle let out a whoop and skidded to a stop, letting her momentum take control as she tumbled in a giggling heap onto the silky-soft grass, rolling so her eyes were facing the clouds. At this time, the young female’s mind was free of worries or responsibility; just full of freedom and possibilities. She hadn’t been travelling on her own for long at all, but she felt good about it so far; it was only going to get better, as far as the naïve female was concerned. She was supporting herself, hadn’t yet run into any obstacle that she couldn’t work around, and her rudimentary hunting skills had managed to tide her through… for now, at least. She rolled back onto her stomach abruptly and sprawled out, contentedly allowing the sun’s rays to bathe her back in warmth.



3 Years
Extra large
06-02-2019, 06:34 PM
Life had been relatively uneventful lately, though all things considered, perhaps that wasn't such a bad thing. For Kori, though, it led to her feeling deeply restless. That was why she'd wandered east toward Mount Volkan, temporarily exploring the redbud forest to the south of the dormant volcano. The breeze that came from the sea was a welcome relief from the summer heat, and the opportunity to explore that this gorgeous weather provided her with. Oversized paws trampled the grasses beneath her as she went, navigating without much care in the world between the young redbud trees. They had long since blossomed, painting the land in a palette of green and pink for as far as she could see. The only thing that stood out from the luscious landscape was the looming volcano to the north, a haunting reminder of its powerful, threatening presence even amidst all the beauty of summer.

Briefly her attention lingered on the volcano, but before long she was moving again, panting softly as her tongue lolled from the side of her mouth. She pressed on, hardly slowing until she heard a commotion up ahead - laughter, to be precise, but it took her a long moment to register the sound as such. Her eyebrows pulled together tightly as she lumbered on, searching for the source of the sound. After a short walk she laid eyes upon a female considerably smaller than her, with a dusty brown coat, sprawled out as though she didn't have a single care in the world. A mischievous smile played at Korinna's lips as she tilted her scarred face, pondering - after a brief pause that told her maybe her approach had gone unnoticed, she let out a loud bark, hoping to startle the stranger out of her reverie.


06-02-2019, 11:09 PM
The young she-wolf was in the hazy state between wakefulness and sleep, mind wandering to happy memories of pup-hood adventures and family, grass soft and pillowy beneath her sprawled-out form. The sun’s rays warmed her fur pleasantly, giving her a feeling of comfort and false security. She was snapped back into the moment by a sharp and booming bark, causing her to scramble to her feet reflexively. “What the hell?!” She cried out, voice sharp with indignation, eyes scanning around wildly until they settled on an absolute behemoth of a she-wolf. Bellamy’s ears flicked back a little as her eyes ran over the source of the voice. The stranger was dark-furred and heavily muscled, and Bellamy couldn’t help but notice the numerous scars that littered her hulking form, raking down her face and foreleg. Oh, shit, Bellamy’s mind echoed, features blank with shock while her eyes betrayed whispers of worry. The other wolf’s features had shown a flicker of humour, but Bellamy wasn’t sure if that boded well for her.

What did this she-wolf want? Belle couldn’t yet gauge whether she was here to pick a fight or just have a friendly chat. In attempts to not betray weakness, Bellamy cleared her throat and lifted her chin a little. “Um… hello?” She said in an impudently questioning tone, trying to mask her agitation at where this situation could go. It was clear that the young female had been caught off guard and was trying to take control of the situation. Her green eyes were leveled at the she-wolf’s, shoulders tense in case she had to make any fast movements, jaw clenched and tail flicking.



3 Years
Extra large
06-10-2019, 07:01 PM
Kori was glad to be the reason that the stranger's false sense of security was suddenly uprooted, letting out a loud guffaw of laughter as she sprang upright. "What the hell indeed," she agreed, amusement audible in her voice. Despite the unquestionably feminine tone of her voice, her words were wild and unrestrained, and a wicked grin played at her lips as she watched the smaller female spin around to face her. That same curious expression lingered on her features as the stranger looked her over, and her own silver stare roved shamelessly over the other female's body.. looking appreciative, though, rather than the least bit wary. She was small and didn't boat the build of a fighter, so Kori saw no reason to be wary; and if she proved her wrong, well, she was more than up for the challenge.

"Hello to you, too," the dark-pelted female returned the greeting gladly, raising an eyebrow as she continued to stand her ground. Her surprise greeting hadn't been taken all that well, which had been her hope.. so Kori was delighted, in spite of Bellamy's apparently wariness. "No need to be so on edge. I'm not in a fighting mood, unless you are," Kori added with a shrug, though another soft chuckle fell from her lips. "What's your name, anyway?" Who knew if her brash greeting would earn much information, but she found herself curious about the wolves who lingered near the volcano regardless of whether or not she rubbed them the wrong way.


06-12-2019, 11:24 PM
The petite female frowned at the stranger's clear amusement at her jumpiness, unable to contain an eyeroll. Ha-ha, good one. She thought, some of her initial apprehension fading as she realized she wasn’t about to be attacked out-right.

Still, the dark she-wolf’s languid tone did little to ease Bellamy’s tension; the wolf’s demeanor was relaxed, but somehow reminded Belle of a cobra lazily eyeing off its next strike. She couldn’t deny that the stranger’s condescending tone and somewhat judgmental gaze agitated her a little, making her chocolate-tipped tail brush with irritation.

“Not in a fighting mood?”Bellamy repeated with sarcasm lacing her voice and brows raised, still regarding the warrior-esque she-wolf warily. “Good. I doubt you’d stand a chance against me, anyway.” The small female said dryly, though she made a point not to divert her gaze too far away from the she-wolf in case she made any sudden moves to disprove her point.

“I’m Bellamy.” She offered, sitting back down into the soft grass and folding her tail around her paws in a contrived show of nonchalance. Her still-tense shoulders betrayed that Belle was still ready to belt out of the forest at warp speed if the she-wolf tried anything; she didn’t particularly feel like ending her ex-relaxing day by being ripped to shreds.

She tilted her head slightly at the she-wolf, hazel-green eyes echoing wisps of curiosity behind her otherwise prickly demeanor. She had to admit, despite the female’s intimidating appearance, there had to be some stories behind the scars. “So, what’s your deal? You stick around here often?” Her tone wasn’t without humour, although she clearly wasn’t particularly thrilled about having been snuck up on, irritated at herself especially for letting her guard down so much.



3 Years
Extra large
06-19-2019, 08:19 AM

The other female's agitation didn't go unnoticed, and only made the faint smile that tugged at her lips rise even further, amusement flickering in her pale eyes. It wasn't that she didn't like to come across as a threat, it was simply that she preferred to choose wisely who to torment and when... and this female was not her target today. Not for genuine malice, at least - though poking fun at her seemed like it might be quite entertaining..

Bellamy's retort earned a loud, slightly incredulous snort. She doubted she stood a chance? Interesting. Kori couldn't help but feel an automatic response prickle at the back of her mind, urging her to prove her wrong, but she had a feeling she didn't really think that. If she pressed the subject, she'd gladly attempt to put her in her place, but it seemed like energy she wasn't willing to expend right now. Instead he let a bout of laughter overtake her, shaking her head slightly. "Right," she brushed off the comment quickly enough, though instinctively straightened her posture - as if showing of just how much she dwarfed the smaller wolf.

Bellamy, she introduced herself, moving to sit down. Kori herself reclined to her haunches, rocking back on them to be in  more comfortable position while her gaze stayed locked on Bellamy, unblinking for a long moment. "Kori," she introduced herself in turn, her expression softening just slightly. "I spend a fair amount of time in these parts. I'm sure it won't be hard to find me again, if you find yourself missing my company," she jested lightly, her grin returning. "What about you?"


06-20-2019, 11:48 PM
Bellamy let out a subtle breath of relief as she realized her comment hadn’t ruffled the wolf enough to actually attack her. Still, the yearling was pretty confident in her ability to outmaneuver the stranger, maybe to the point of cockiness; she had to admit the adrenaline rush of running for her life would’ve been pretty sweet.

Her snippy comment about her fighting prowess had elicited raucous laughter from the midnight-furred she-wolf. Pfft, as if you’d know, I could be a ninja or something, she thought indignantly, though a small smile quirked onto delicate maw as the well-built she-wolf adjusted her posture subtly to show just how tall she was in comparison to the petite yearling. “I’m sure it won’t be hard to find me again, if you find yourself missing my company.” Bellamy rolled her eyes in response, “Well, you’ve sold me so far.” She said wryly, though her tone erred more towards joking than derision. Its seemed that most of her irritation had snapped away as quickly as it had come, which wasn’t a rare occurrence for the female.

“Nah, I’ve never been here before. Just passing through, really,” Belle replied with a shrug to the she-wolf’s query, glancing off to the volcano looming over the forest. “You’re brave, sticking around near that thing. Seems like a bit of a time-bomb to me,” She commented, returning her green gaze back to the hulking she-wolf. She had to admit area was picturesque even with the towering volcano, the young trees and low bushes bathed in golden afternoon light. Bellamy sprung to her feet without much warning, shaking a few loose strands of grass from her coat. The rush of being startled awake had ruined her chances of an afternoon nap, leaving her restless for action.

“You’d know this area pretty well, right, Kori? I’m betting you know some cool places,” She said, a conspiratorial smile brushing across her maw. “Anything around here worth checking out?” The young she wolf asked with head tilted slightly, eyes expectantly waiting for the she-wolf's reply. Okay, maybe it was a bit of an overstep to ask a stranger to be her travel guide, but it wouldn’t hurt to try; anyway, if she’d had enough time on her paws to sneak up on her, maybe she had time to show her around.