
No Disrespect [Pack Challenge]


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
05-29-2019, 09:32 PM (This post was last modified: 05-30-2019, 12:05 AM by Acere.)

He had finally left Abaven after speaking with Shaye and Rhyme. Making a pack from the ground up had its difficulties, and with those difficulties came another thought in mind. If the wolves who pledged to follow couldn't be found when he called for them, then it was a risk. A waste of time. Though he knew them for the most part, it was hard to say it was a sure thing. He didn't want to wait any longer, so he came to the battlefield to challenge an alpha for their leadership. He walked with purpose onto the field, his foxes on either side of him knowing the importance of today, walked dutifully alongside him. The alabaster titan hoped that all would go well, and perhaps he might even be luckier with this than he had been finding others to follow him. He stopped in a clearing with stones forming a rough circle, haphazardly similar to the circle of stones that were used in the tournament, only this was a much larger arena. He chose to go into this without his armor and weapons, preferring a clean, all out approach to this potential fight. After a few moments of mental preparation, he tilted his head back and called for the alpha of Fyri to meet him at the battlefield.

He knew Ignatius. He had met him before and had spoken with him about some pack affairs between Fyri and Abaven. But nothing had come of it after that, so he wasn't sure what was going on in Fyri. During the time he spent scouting lands up north, he saw very little activity around Fyri's he wasn't quite sure if the intricately marked alpha was still around or perhaps just one of the quieter types. Whatever the case, he looked forward to his presence and the chance to test one another in strength. If he won, he gained control of the pack. If he lost, he could likely go back to Abaven and try again another time. Whatever the outcome, he held no ill will towards Ignatius.

Acere vs Ignatius for Fyri
Round: 0/?
Height: 45"
Build: Heavy



"You become the monster you fear the most"


Master Fighter (635)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

9 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

UnderachieverLegendarySnake EyesLoserOoh La LaWinner
Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOverachieverSocialiteCritical Observation!Critical Attack!
Ooh La LaScarredCritical Block!Dream WeaverAll Oozed OutDouble Master
Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31KVolcanoValentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019
05-29-2019, 11:14 PM
"Talk" Walk

His uncle had told them of his new plan a couple days prior, and Ignis was excited to say the least. He had kind of been hoping his uncle would take the "cooler" approach to getting a pack...or at least to him it was considered cooler. Raising a pack from the ground up was great and all, but you could really show off your strength and power with a pack challenge! So when he heard his uncle's howl ringing through the air, he abandoned his practice sparring and high tailed it to the battlefield. His companions followed suit with a wolverine ambling alongside him and his cockatoo flying overhead. The blood pumped through his ears as the heat of excitement coursed through him. He wondered if Actaea was there already, or if she was on her way like he was.

By the time he saw his uncle on the horizon, he didn't yet see anyone else. Cool! He was the first to show up! With a grin, he sauntered towards his uncle to roughly bump his shoulder, "Finally doing it eh? Knock 'em dead!" His grin grew wider, than thought about what he'd just said..."Well, maybe not dead know what I mean," He cleared his throat and moved to sit a good distance behind his uncle so he wasn't in the way. He hoped his sister would show up soon.

Ignis has a pair of Sika Deer antlers that are not depicted in his artwork (yet).
Ignis is unpredictable and may become violent with little or no provocation due to his "demon" schizophrenia inherited in his bloodline! Consider this your warning!
*Ignis' tail is docked, and his left ear has been torn away and now resembles a Battle crop style.



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
05-29-2019, 11:45 PM
Aurielle Adravendi

She was busy examining the stone wall when she heard the call. Her form went still, rigid in surprise as a frown puckered her brows. It was one thing to hear a challenge for Erovrare, a pack she knew much less about than she ought to. It was wholly another to hear a call for Ignatius’ pack.

Although her encounters with the male could probably be counted on one paw, she counted the man a friend as well as ally. Not only that, this was also Song’s pack – his home – the challenger called for. She stood for several seconds, frozen and conflicted. As a diplomat, she knew she must remain unbiased should the challenger win. As a friend, she couldn’t help a flicker of anger, which she tamped down. This was a part of life, and every alpha faced this event eventually.

As an alpha, she knew she needed to get her tail up to the Field to assess the challenger—if the wolf won, she wanted to know what kind of leader she might be dealing with. And as an ally and friend, she wanted to stand and support the Agnivo king.

The shimmering Spirit turned on her hocks and broke into a long lope – a gait that she could cover distance in with breaks to trot and regain any wind she spent – casting a brief howl to let the pack know where she was going. If they wished to accompany her and watch the challenge, she wasn’t going to deny them—it was their right to see what happened.

By the time she arrived… she was practically the first to arrive. The only other wolf there was one who’s appearance made her steps falter—for a brief second, she’d though the young man was her father. But the crimson eyes dispelled the impression.

Aelloshir grumbled as he caught up, bumping her shoulder in reproach for her fast pace before he joined her at the sidelines, out of the way and following her gaze to the challenger. The red one was clearly a supporter, and her ears flicked slightly as she recognized the challenger.

Acere. The last and first time she’d met the great pale wolf, he’d been representing Abaven. A silent huff escaped her nostrils. Well, at least the challenger wasn’t a complete stranger she knew absolutely nothing about—she didn’t know this male at all well, either, but at least she wasn’t entirely in the dark.

Briefly, she gave the male a silent nod, simple respect – neither for, nor against him.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: bkRAV4d.png]

At first glance, Aurielle's coat is pure white.. Her fur has an iridescent quality (like moonstones) where the fur shimmers different colors under various angles of light: in this case, the colors shown by rainbow moonstones. Not one hair on her hide is a solid unnatural color, but, ya know, it's really hard to convey that in still art :P
Aurielle's English is heavily laden with an Irish, Swedish mixed accent.
Her family is allowed to crash all her threads, Private and Open.
As of Autumn Year 14, Aurielle glows with a bright blue-white bio-luminescence in her fur, and bears a marking over her left eye - see profile and reference.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
05-30-2019, 12:12 AM
Acere hadn’t been clear which pack he had been challenging for, other then to confirm that it was not Abaven. It did sadden her a little to recognise the name called for was Ignis - he had seemed a pleasant man, and a potential ally. As much as she wished it could have been for a leader she did not know - the new Erovere king, was in fact the only unknown to her right now, she could see where Ace was coming from. Things in Fyri had been terribly quiet, and despite his big dreams, she hadn’t seen any of them come to be yet.

She had a feeling he was struggling for members, which made her feel a little guilty about her large pack count. Not that she was about to start turning anyone away at her border.

She arrived at the battlefield, gave a nod to Acere to show she was still with him, even though she also considered Ignis her friend. Sometimes there were no winners.

She saw Aurielle, and gave the friendly Alpha a nod as well, Valhalla was among one of her allies. She saw Ignis, and moved to stand beside him, seeing that Actaea wasn’t here yet. She sat beside the fiery toned man, silent support, and tried to settle her thoughts.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
05-30-2019, 06:09 PM

There had been a lot of preparation being done for this particular day. She had little idea that today was the day, but she had been preparing as best as she could. Her uncle was working hard to secure them a new pack and a new home, she herself was working hard on gathering herbs so that they would have a stock to hold them over for the rest of the year. She was stashing the herbs in their old den and had dug a much smaller den out of Abaven lands to store the poisonous plants Lorenzo had been gathering. She didn't want those plants in Abaven and risk one of the young ones stumbling across them.

She was in the process of dropping off another load back at the old den. She was getting ready to head back out when her uncle's call rang out in the distance. The sound drew a smile to her features and lightened her mood immediately. Lorenzo was peacefully sleeping in one of the bags slung on her back and he was unknowingly coming along with her. Picking up her pace she hurried herself, rushing to get there. This would be the day that the pack rises from the ashes and she couldn't lie, she was excited for this next step in life.

The battlefield wasn't too horribly far, but she wasn't wasting time, and it was good she hadn't or she would be late. Upon her arrival she spotted a few wolves already gathered. Ignis immediately drew her attention and she would quickly move over to his other side, gently nudging him before sitting beside him and casually letting her bags slip off to the ground. She would first look over to Shaye and smile at her. Then her lava like gaze looked around at the others. An exotic looking wolf not far from them with long teeth and a mane. Something she hadn't encountered before, but she didn't let the surprise show on her face. Instead she let her facial features slip into a neutral position to study what would happen here.

"Speech" & 'Thought'

Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them



4 Years
Extra small
05-30-2019, 06:41 PM
Tana had been spending her time packing her stuff and getting extra herbs for helping Acere with his new pack in the past few weeks. She had been under the impression that they would be building the pack from the ground up but today she heard a call from an unexpected source. It was acere in what sounded like a pack challenge. Strange, he'd never mentioned that he was going to force someone to give up their home to make his own. Still she had said she would be joining him there.

She shimmied into her red cloak and her companions were quick to leap into their places, alma on her chest fur and basil standing beside her. Her bag was under the cloak but weighted down with herbs and seeds. There were even a few bulbs from spring flowers she had found. It wouldn't make their new home perfect but at least it would make it nicer. It would also give her idle paws something to do other than pace and such. The three were then off. She was fully aware that shaye and Rhyme may show up but if they publicly attacked her or made a scene it may look bad on Abaven.

She arrived slowly, her limp making her so slow. She could smell shaye already and her ears folded and her head lowered. She made a path straight for the opposite side of her, so she'd have to cross the battlefield to reach her. Basil had guided her here to this spot so he might keep an eye on the woman. He was well aware of Tana's feelings and he wasn't sure of shaye's feelings nor intentions. There was a loss of all trust for the Abaven leaders for the trio. Rhyme would likely have sided with shaye if they'd brought the issue to his attention, it had become clear when he no longer desired Tana's company and when they had always scented Rhyme with Shaye. He'd made his choice and left Tana behind to deal with the heartbreak and abandonment.

Tana couldn't see the fight but she was listening. Her cloak also hid the fact that she was so scarred and missing parts of her body. She knew the herbs also hid alot of her true scent. She was here to support acere though, having no idea who he was challenging.


Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.



7 Years
Dire wolf

1KPride - Pansexual
05-31-2019, 01:20 PM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2020, 02:16 PM by Souzan.)

Souzan knew things were changing again, his siblings had left. Not so much as a word from them; that wasn't a surprise from Sephira but it wounded him that Ig hadn't felt the need to consult with him before he left. The man wasn't sure if the rest of the pack had noticed the lack of their only higher ranked members yet. Sou had done his best to keep things running, he wanted to believe that his siblings disappearing was just the two of them going off on some ill-adviced adventure, probably at Sephi's behest.

But as the weeks rolled on he knew that couldn't be the case anymore. Still when he heard the call for his brother hope soared in his chest. Maybe, just maybe Ig would turn up, a cocky grin on his face and teasing Sou for even worrying.

And if not? Well Souzan figured he'd had enough of running, he still felt the dull ache of Avis' death every day, still dreamed of her sweet scent and woke up hopeful before reality would crash down in on him. It was time he started living again, and he couldn't do that if he was forced to chase down his brother in a fruitless quest. He wanted to be around his family, wanted to hold on tight to them but he couldn't hold them down, and what Sou needed more than anything right now was stability. Maybe the challenger could still give him that...

Blue paws carried the ice giant towards the south, already feeling the oppressive heat of summer bearing down on his northern built frame. His pelt seemed to catch the heat and he was panting by the time he arrived to see the gathering of wolves. Sou seated himself off to the side away from anyone else, still silently praying his brother might show.

speech action



7 Years

Snake EyesVolcanoChristmas 2019
05-31-2019, 04:26 PM (This post was last modified: 05-31-2019, 05:08 PM by Kirsi.)

Hearing a call meant for none other than Ignatius wasn't cause for immediate alarm, at least according to Kirsi. She was confident in her partner - for the lack of a better term for whatever he was to her - despite the fact that he'd been relatively scarce lately. Like Souzan, it was easy to imagine he'd gotten roped into something at Sephira's suggestion, and that a challenging call such as this would bring him directly back home. Perhaps she ought to have been more concerned with his scarcity, the thought of losing him for a second time would surely destroy her - it wasn't a possibility she was willing to entertain, at least not until it was a certainty.

She delayed her arrival, and for good reason. Surely Ignatius would be there by now, proudly defending the home he had begun to carve out for himself.. right? The longer she delayed, surely upped the chances of him being there when she finally arrived. Or at least that was what she hoped. Immediately she felt her heart sink when she navigated toward the group that had gathered, finding no sign nor scent of him here, though... part of her, deep down, had expected this. Her gaze lifted, searching for the man that had called to challenge for Fyri, briefly dancing over the others that had joined him. All were unfamiliar, save for Souzan, and she offered him a quiet nod of acknowledgement.

Despite the worry that suddenly churned in her stomach, her gaze as as cool and calculated as ever as she settled down a safe distance from the challenger and waited for Ignatius to arrive. He had to - there was no other choice - and she wasn't sure quite what would happen if his absence wasn't as short-lived as she hoped it was...

Song ii


6 Years
Extra large

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
05-31-2019, 05:55 PM
Song hadn’t missed Ignatius’ lack of presence either. The tall snow pelted man had gone about life as normal, patrolling the border, doing a bit of hunting, and checking on the arena. He’d done so frequently after the discussion he had shared with his alpha about walking over hot coals. Song didn’t know where their leader was, but he was loyal enough to continue on business as usual. Alabaster paws carried him over Fyri’s borders when the call rang out.

He honestly hadn’t been expecting it, the wolves of Fyri seemed to keep to themselves. Their numbers were smaller but… Song had found his place here. This was his chosen home, and to feel the uncertainty of its future rocked him to the core. He felt himself put hope in a leader that was gone, but the doubt was already setting in before he turned and made way for the battlefield.

Upon arrival he recognized Aurielle first, looking radiant with her mane flowing down her shoulders and fur shimmering in the summer light. He gave her a grin, grateful for her presence. However, it was Kirsi the Destruction would take his place next to. If the worst were true, if Ignatius did not answer the challenge… Song would be loyal to the one who had been closest to the flame marked alpha.

Icy blue eyes fell on the challenger as Song leaned back onto his haunches. He was a large man, white with scars from battles gone by. Also a complete stranger, much like Ig had been when Song agreed to join his northerly pack.

Elara I


7 Years
06-01-2019, 08:49 PM

She had been staying within the Nook, a pleasant change from the northern territories she was used to. The nook had been a good choice on her part with its supply of food, water, and shade from the summer heat. Acere had found her not long after she had moved and she was happy he had, friendly faces always made transitions so much easier. The time for him to step up and call the pack together was coming soon, she knew it. His confidence the last time she saw him showed it. She knew Acere was a strong fighter, and it didn’t surprise her to hear his challenge call ringing out from the battlefield. This just meant she would be able to get a full view of his fighting ability. She saw how he could handle a big cat, but fighting other wolves were a lot different.

Quickly getting to her feet she headed in the direction of the call, eager to see how Acere would do, not doubting his capabilities one bit. If he had the confidence to call a challenge then he would either win or give them one hell of a fight. The nook wasn't horribly far, but it took her long enough that there was already a small gathering. Her blue eyes would look over all the wolves present, pausing mid step to evaluate the crowd. There was only one wolf she recognized, the others were complete strangers to her. She was uncertain who was friendly and who would be part of the pack he was challenging (Unless she would get closer and take in scents). Her eyes would look to Acere and whether he would see her or not she would shoot a grin in his direction before picking an open spot to sit by herself.

Until she felt like she knew who was for Acere she would remain by herself right now.




13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
06-02-2019, 08:55 AM

Valentine would be remiss if he neglected to attend a pack challenge. Advising his son was 2/3 of his job and what kind of advisor would he be, hm, if he didn't keep abreast with what was happening beyond their borders?

That would be his excuse, anyway, for running off to the battlefield. Yes it was good keep on top of these sorts of things, but what he was really hoping for was another shit show. The last challenge he'd seen had been a doozy that had kept him amused for weeks.

Upon arriving on the scene Valentine was treated to the sight of several of the last challenge's more entertaining background elements. The challenger appeared to be that one guy from Abaven who hadn't heeled for Shaye. Valentine found that promising. Shaye of course was also there and Rhyme too. Also promising. Another wolf who briefly held his attention was Rhyme's little slave mongrel who appeared to be doing what mongrels did best by cowering well out of reach of everybody. The rest of those gathered were completely unknown to him. A couple blue ones were quite lovely and if Valentine could have shaken his fist in exasperation he would have. Why did he have to be so old?


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



4 Years
06-02-2019, 01:25 PM

Wyvern's ears perked as a familair voice reached her, echoing across the distance. Farai lifted her head from her paws, wide blue eyes sweeping from Wyvern towards the direction of the call, her ears swivling wildly for a moment, then the cat rose to her paws, arching her back and a yawn taking over her jaw. "Are you going?" Farai asked, her tail twitching and Wyvern knew she already knew the answer.

The princess, glided across the distance, idly wondering if she might run into Drake along the way of it he'd also be drawn towards the challenge. However when she arrived she pushed those wonders from her mind, sky blue gaze sweeping over the gathered wolves. She only recognized Acere though a few caught her eye, after all they were blue! She swept across the feild to seat herself nearer to Acere her allegiance clear.

"Wyvern Speaks" "Farai Speaks"

Art by Aureilius
Wyvern's companion Farai is a Pibald Leopard of the same age and is always with her unless explicitly stated otherwise.  

[Image: xcqB3Q8.png]

Linart by Pimsri
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantVolcanoCritical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
06-02-2019, 03:24 PM
Pyrrhic, Aureus, Tsarvix and Benkos were on a tour around Boreas. They were stretching their wings, seeing the sights and learning about the mortals who occupied the land more densely here than anywhere in Auster. The challenging howl was just too good to pass up. No doubt many mortal alphas would be there - this would be a good opportunity to see them in their element and to suss out the dynamics of those who ruled Boreas.

Pyrrhic strode confidently out onto the field with Benkos at his side and took in the small gathering of wolves. Most of the wolves were unknown to him, but one mortal woman looked vaguely familiar. Though he couldn't remember her name he recognized her blue feather. He'd met her while digging for bones.

He regarded the others with interest. Some were quite tall. Others were brightly colored and reminded him a bit of his cousin Asharya. One had a great deal of hair on her head. All in all they were an unusual bunch and a sight (minus the height) that Pyrrhic was unaccustomed to. He was eager to see how they all behaved once the challenge got underway.

Pyrrhic has a male mandrill companion named Benkos. Unless he's mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Pyrrhic.



2 Years

Treat 2019
06-02-2019, 04:33 PM


Tsarvix walked dutifully alongside Pyrrhic, greatly enjoying his tour. They had begun far south at the territory of the Risen Empire, and it felt like they'd been walking for months to get to the northern continent. There was much to learn of the others who inhabited the world, and the sights they'd seen on their travels were almost as fascinating as the knowledge that flowed with them.

A call rang out, and Tsarvix wasn't sure what to make of it. He looked to Pyrrhic and Aureus and they both seemed interested, and so when the pair set off he followed without argument. It didn't take long for them to reach the battlefield, and as they came out onto the field and saw the group that had gathered, the chocolate male couldn't help but bristle.

"I don't think we should be here." He whispered carefully. "Any one of these bloodthirsty heathens might jump at the chance to try and smite a God." Emerald eyes glared daggers at the crowd, and he shuffled his weight uncomfortably. Pyrrhic didn't seem worried, but Tsarvix had enough worry for the two of them. He recognized not one of the many wolves who were present. 


PYRRHIC is allowed to crash any of TSARVIX's threads, as in his eyes he is his God.



Expert Fighter (175)

Novice Intellectual (15)

10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KValentines 2020
Treat 2019
06-02-2019, 04:48 PM

She had noticed that a few in the Empire were heading to Boreas when they passed her by on the way. At first, she didn't really think she was interested. But after a bit of thought, she realized there had been a call for a pack challenge. Curiosity got the best of her so she trailed after the group for a short time before going her own way. The others were no longer in sight since it hadn't been her goal to follow them around, but she wouldn't pass up the chance to watch a pack challenge. With the Empire so quiet and seemingly invisible to the outside world, this was perhaps the most interesting thing to happen since the last challenge she had witnessed. The pale ghost made her way to the battlefield and found a group of wolves from all over were here. Perhaps not as many as the last challenge, but still a decent sized group nonetheless. Pale eyes slowly swept over those present, noticing two blue wolves and a pale woman with long hair. That was strange and looked downright wrong. It was unnatural for a wolf to have such long hair, but at least the she-wolf didn't live in the Empire. She felt like she'd be inclined to chop it off, mostly because it looked like having hair that long could get in the way.

Shaking the thought from her head, she noticed the challenger was someone she vaguely recognized from the last challenge during all that drama, but she didn't know his name or anything. Everyone here but the members from her pack were strangers, so with careful movement she headed over to the members of her pack and sat among them. "How do you think this will go? Doesn't seem like the challenged alpha has shown up yet..." She mused. She didn't know what pack was being challenged or who the alpha was, but she could pick out who the alphas were in the crowd. And it didn't look like the one this fight was for had yet to show his face.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
06-02-2019, 06:12 PM (This post was last modified: 06-02-2019, 06:13 PM by Dragon.)

He heard the call while he and his companions had been hunting, but they decided to abandon the hunt in favor of watching the challenge that rang in the air. Dragon vaguely remembered the voice, but he couldn't be sure until he approached the battlefield. He wore the dragon armor, hiding his sightless eyes as he drew closer. He picked up his daughter's scent, and he knew Drake was behind him somewhere as the breeze brought his scent along with his companions. Grinning, he followed Wyvern's scent until he was close enough to gently bump her shoulder and offered an affectionate nuzzle to her head before turning his attention to the challenge at hand. "Pay attention, pack challenges are always a good opportunity to gauge an alpha's strength." Now that he was closer, he figured out it was Acere who was calling. The same Male that he had fought beside against a tiger up North.

Not only that, but he picked up on a few other scents he recognized as well. The alpha of Celestial, which to him was rather amusing. Did they still harbor ill feelings over a silly raid they had won? He had let it go a long time ago, now accustomed to the blindness. He had learned to fight and do everything else again and it was no longer a hindrance. He smelled wolves from Abaven, Valentine, and a few others he didn't recognize. Perhaps a couple from the pack that was being challenged? Not only that, but he scented Abraxas wolves among them as well. He almost didn't pay them any mind when he didn't smell Pyralis around, but Kimahri was quick to get his attention. Whispered words were shared in his ears, and he lifted his head a little too fast as he sightless stared ahead. Tasting the air, he vaguely recognized one of the Abraxas scents...brows furrowed with confusion for a moment. It couldn't be one of them could it? He hadn't seen them since the day they were born, and at one point had thought it all a dream. But Kimahri assured him it was the same girl, and Dragon's demeanor suddenly changed and he became quiet and stoic.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



4 Years
Dragon Mod

Treat 2019
06-02-2019, 06:21 PM


He'd heard the call while in the middle of a hunt, but he decided to finish it before going to check it out. With a pheasant clamped firmly in his jaws, he and his companion headed to the battlefield in time to find both his sisters scent and fathers scent were already there. He grinned past the bird as he picked up his pace, tail waving in the air as he made a beeline for his family. His father sat on one side of his sister, so Drake took up the other side of her and dropped the bird on the ground at his paws. Licking his lips, blue gaze scanned the crowd but none of them were familiar. He glanced at his dad for a moment and noticed the way he almost seemed rigid... what was up with him? He shrugged it off for now and turned his attention to his sister, "I brought a snack!" He pushed the pheasant until it sat in the space between them, offering it to her should she decide she was hungry before turning his attention to the challenging wolf. He was certainly a big guy. All scarred up and he looked like a pretty tough opponent. He wondered who he was challenging, but it seemed that whoever it was, had yet to show up.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
06-02-2019, 07:01 PM
Rhyme debated for a long time if he was going to appear at the challenge that day. Acere’s voice rang over all of Boreas as Rhyme lay curled up for a nap with his growing pups. The den under the maple tree seemed to shrink as much as the kids were growing. They would need to move into their own dens sooner rather than later. If it weren’t so hot during the day the slate alpha would have been sleeping out in the open, as was his preference. However the cool of the earth made sleeping easier with his three growing pups.

Rhyme sighed heavily and told the three of them explicitly to remain within Abaven while he and Shaye were gone. He knew there was a possibility for huge conflict, and even more chance of Tana being present. He had been glad that Shaye told him Acere had found her, the slate alpha had been completely unable to. The woman had slowly disappeared from their lives, one night she had been in the den with the pups and the next day she was gone. Though he had tried more than he should have to find her, his main focus had to be their kids. After Tana abandoned the three of them Rhyme had put his all into raising his pups. They were his whole world, and despite losing their mother Rhyme was determined for them to grow into well rounded adults.

Another sigh left his dark lips as he lifted himself from the den and headed towards the battlefield. He wasn’t long after Shaye, and he maybe recognized half of the crowd that had gathered. Blue and lavender gaze fell on Tana, position across from his alpha partner. She sat alone, red cloak covering her tiny frame. His gaze grew cold as it traveled over her. Rhyme didn’t think forgiveness would be easy. The pain she had put their pups through… He forced his gaze to continue on. He hadn’t been happy about Shaye offering his kids up to Acere when they reached a year old, but he knew he wouldn’t have been able to really fight her on it either. By that point they were old enough to start making their own decisions for their life, they would be free. They would be their own wolves and they would be able to decide who they did and did not want in their lives.

He skimmed over Valentine’sform as well, having even less desire to see his old face. Rhyme’s brows knit as he lowered his haunches to the ground, taking his seat near Shaye’s dark form. He let his eyes linger on Acere and Ignis, trying to be excited for their potential new future.



2 Years

Treat 2019
06-02-2019, 07:34 PM (This post was last modified: 06-02-2019, 08:00 PM by Fracture.)
Dark legs of hidden muscle brought the brute striding forward with haste. He'd get there late, of that he was sure. The challenging call was loud and clear, but Fracture had not been in these lands long and he had struggled to find an optimal route through to the battlefield. The scent of at least a dozen different wolves reached him as he grew nearer, and any other stranger may have hesitated when faced with such an uncertain situation. Fracture, however, had little fear. He'd come to this land to find a new home- a strong pack. This challenge was just what he needed- an opportunity to watch an alpha defend his throne or a loner to climb upon one. Whichever wolf may win, Fracture intended to find himself a place within his followers.

It took only a moment for Fracture to determine which of the many wolves was the challenger, and it seemed that he already had a decent following. He took his time looking through the spectators, judging their demeanor and postures accordingly before taking a seat in an area that felt neutral. There was no bias to this male as these lands were unknown to him. He simply meant to use this opportunity to find a strong, deserving leader. Mismatched eyes set upon the horizon as he waited to see when the defending alpha would arrive.




Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (40)

11 Years
Extra small

Pride - Pansexual
06-02-2019, 08:27 PM (This post was last modified: 06-02-2019, 08:29 PM by Samara.)

Samara Klein

Samara was slowly intergrating herself in the pack Rhyme had called Abaven, taking her time to allow her ankle to heal and get to know the lands she found herself in, the next step would be to try and work her way into the good graces of the pack members, first on her list was Rhyme since she'd already felt she'd softened him already. Shaye would be next, though she hoped she could quicken the process for both alpha's by getting in their children's good graces.

It wasn't hard to tell at least some of the young wolves running around belonged to the two alpha's though she also hadn't failed to notice that Shaye's daughters resembled Rhyme, in fact she'd thought they were him at first, but their scents were stronger nearer Shaye's den so she'd at lease managed to place the two girls.

However when she noticed the two alpha's answering for a call she'd noted but otherwise ignored the woman couldn't help her curiosity... and against her better judgement she tailed after Rhyme's scent, her limbs aching before too long, especially her nearly fully healed ankle. So maybe it wasn't the best idea. Still she was curious and she knew there was a chance the possibility of blood shed would draw her family out, not that she wanted to be connected to them right this moment, she was more useful integrated outside of the family. The woman finally arrived, panting and limping awkwardly since it wasn't possible to walk without putting weight on all her paws.

Brilliant blues swept over the crowd, catching a few times. It seemed she'd found herself the land of goddamn giants! There was a man who resembled Rhyme in a way, and she frowned as she spotted a tiny woman beside the obvious challenger, she looked so much like one of the other pups she'd seen wandering around... and the gears started turning in her mind. Of course, there was also the blue wolves, genuine shock lifting her brows. Oh and the one with a long mane of fur.

Finally though she waddled over to Rhyme, nodding at Shaye as she approached, fixing the alpha pair with a polite smile. Then she settled on her haunches beside Rhyme though made sure there was a polite amount of space between them. She wanted to ask him who if anyone he knew here but there wasn't really any way she could whisper that to him and hope he'd actually hear it, she was afterall unable to even reach his ears. So instead she looked around again, shuffling slightly, clearly brimming with questions.

"Speech", Thoughts & You

[Image: X7DSVIv.png]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.