
little shadow's bed and breakfast



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
06-04-2019, 05:07 PM


The walk from here to where she had tracked Oxide had taken about twenty minutes - the return took over an hour. They had stopped plenty of times as Eris feigned to lose her way, giving Oxide time to rest. When she finally came upon the gully, a wave of powerful relief crashed over her. It had been a struggle to help bear his weight, even if she didn't mind in the least. Her stature made her a poor physical assistant. "Alright, stay here a moment. I'll find somewhere soft to land for the next few days."

In reality, it could take as long as three weeks for him to walk without pain. He would be stiff for most of the summer, but by the thick of winter, she figured he would be good as new. The wolverine hadn't totally massacred him, but the flesh wounds were deep and ugly. Eris grumbled to herself. Although she was looking forward to having a task to dedicate herself to over the coming weeks, and company to boot, she knew Oxide would be less than pleased. She decided, then, to make this time together as pleasant as she possibly could.

Down near the water flowing through the ravine, there was a loamy shore and a grassy overhang, creating a pleasant, shady space that was hidden from immediate view. Perfect, she thought. Eris scrambled back up the slope and gently pressed her face to his side. "Okay, follow me..." By now, the sedative effects and pain relief from the wild opium lettuce should be kicking in. In fact, it had even been reported to create a mild psychotropic effect in some wolves...

Eris skidded awkwardly down the ravine. The sun had fully set and it was dark now. At least here, by the water, he could re-hydrate - and at his own leisure. She imagined that the small freedom might be enough to lift his mood. "I can find some berries for a quick snack and I'll scrounge up some other food tomorrow." It was likely she'd have to return to her siblings and ask for help. Eris was a poor hunter by herself, but together they could bag something of a decent size. Or she could catch fish - it was the one skill that she was remarkably proficient at. Something about the way she perceived their shadows in the water.

"But for now, we should both rest. By the way, what's a coconut?" Eris murmured, curling up near Oxide.

[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]



3 Years

Treat 2019
06-04-2019, 06:05 PM
Every time Eris paused the boy could feel himself growing more lethargic, though he couldn’t refuse the respite. Their going was much more difficult than he could have first imagined. The pain had really begun to set in, radiating from the deep gashes and out into his shoulders and rib cage. Walking was difficult, and he used Eris more with this trip than he had on their first movement. He swayed uncertainly as she left him once more, his mind making circles as he fought to stay upright. As long as they didn’t encounter another danger.. Ox was far from in the right shape to defend himself again.

He was quiet, and lost a lot of the earlier fight he had given the girl. He was starting to stiffen up, and again his legs had been coated in his own blood. He didn’t know if it was the loss of said ichor or the sedative properties of the plant she had fed him. Ox didn’t hesitate to stumble forward as she bid him, were he more lucid he might have feared slipping down the hill. Eris even made an awkward descent as he just tried not to aggravate his chest too much.

The sound of water made his sagging ears perk, he couldn’t see much in the darkness and the moonlight was all but blocked in the gully. He imagined this was likely how his little shadow saw most days. For a moment he debated about submerging himself in the stream. His blood was sticky in his fur and the cool of the water tempted him. Deciding against it ultimately he would gingerly let himself to the mossy floor. Eris mentioned a snack, but with the blood loss and the herbs he had no appetite at all to speak of.

He shifted himself so he could lay on his back, his chest facing the sky as he tucked his limbs to the side. ”But for now, we should both rest. By the way, what's a coconut?” He felt her warmth as she curled her small black form next to his. He sighed heavily, allowing the effects of the plant to take him and his pain off with it.

”It’s kind of a fruit, off a palm tree.” He mumbled, there weren’t many plants he knew but there were a few trees he had committed to memory. His mother and Deimos had taken him a great many places, though he wasn’t a huge fan of the frond bearing trees. He leaned into her, unwilling to admit that he enjoyed her closeness and affection. He didn’t expect his lips to come so loose. ”You can scoot closer,” He whispered as he tilted his rusted features towards her. ”I’m feeling a bit chilled.” It wasn’t a lie but it was a cover-up for his earlier words. He couldn’t even admit to himself the real reason he’d said them. He was beginning to like the chipper little healer.



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
06-04-2019, 07:59 PM


The herb was certainly mollifying his attitude, which Eris was wildly appreciative of. She was tired of his front - everyone had to let their guard down some time. If his vulnerability happened to be revealed with some medicinal assistance, then so be it. "Hmmm... I've never heard of that fruit before," she murmured. Eris felt him in to her smaller frame and gladly returned the favor, pressing her body back against his. With the light finally gone from the sky, the night was cooling off quickly.

A wry smile crept across her face when he told her she could move closer. Happy to oblige, Eris snuggled up to him, but was quickly assaulted by the scent of blood. She wrinkled her nose. "I'm going to clean you up around the wounds, but you should be feeling a bit better by now. I still have some lettuce left over, I'll leave it next to you when you fall asleep." Eris was fairly certain that the bitter herb wouldn't do any harm if Oxide decided to eat a whole head of it. She couldn't imagine the amount of pain he was in.

Carefully, Eris began to groom the fur around his cuts, giving the open wounds a healthy berth. Due to their size difference, Eris was able to work with a surprising deftness. Grooming was one of her favorite past times, and she put her full attention to tending to Oxide. Many a lazy summer afternoon had been passed sandwiched between her siblings while they preened mud from their coats. She was only happy to provide him the same diligence.

"Have you ever tasted a coconut?" Eris asked. She was close to finishing up his grooming, and if he had chewed as much lettuce as she had hoped, Oxide should have been feeling pretty good. Now that he was a bit easier to smell, Eris gave him a taste of true Ademre hospitality by pressing the length of her body to his and resting her muzzle on his ribcage.

[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]



3 Years

Treat 2019
06-04-2019, 08:41 PM
The soothing effects of the plant seeped through him as Oxide slowly sunk into the soft moss beneath him. Eris’s warm frame added to his relaxation and the scent of honeysuckle and lavender seemed to fill the air. Besides that of his drying blood. As the Ademre girl snuggled in closer she seemed to be disturbed by it as she shifted and told him that his wounds would need tending to again. He huffed heavily, but the plant had taken its toll. He could barely feel anything save the relaxing of his muscles and Eris’ soft touch. She made sure to note there was more of the plant to be consumed, and he had no doubt he would have to during the night.

He still felt himself tensing as she shifted, unsure how painful this round was going to be. The dark pelted girl was gentle though, and instead of being impossible to bear her motions soothed him further. He let himself lose the tension as he sighed back into the moss again. Heavy garnet gaze watched her in the miniscule amounts of light as she carefully groomed his matted fur. Her pink tongue moved easily over his rust colored fur, Ox found himself fighting the urge to return the intimate motions. ”Have you ever tasted a coconut?"

She murmured to him as she finished all too soon in Oxide’s mind. Though she pressed himself against him again, and gingerly placed her head near his chest. He sighed heavily in contentment. He closed his deep ruby gaze and fell into the sedative effects. He chuckled softly before he answered her. ”Ha, no. I have not.” Mostly because they were impossible to get into. He wasn’t really one to experiment with the omnivore diet either. He didn’t like the lettuce he had been fed and berries were pretty far down his list of items he’d eat before starving.

Unconsciously his leg had shifted, extending a bit to wrap around Eris’s shoulders to hold her tighter to his side. He wasn’t sure that he had ever been this content before in his life. ”I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy,” he offered in whispered tones. He’d always had to work so hard for any kind of affection, but Eris gave it so freely. It was sad really, that it took him almost bleeding out to get to such a point. The words would have never left his rusted lips had he not been so heavily drugged, but he was unable to keep the thought to himself.



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
06-05-2019, 01:53 PM (This post was last modified: 06-05-2019, 01:54 PM by Eris.)
The rhythmic sound of his breathing soothed her. She could tell by the way his muscles began to relax that the herbs were working to their full effect, which was a blessing from Tor herself. There was precious little she could do for him - at least, that's what it felt like. Nothing could account for each breath she took, which she owed to him. It was unshakable. He had a pull on her now... maybe forever.

Eris didn't like the idea of a debt she was unable to call in, but she did like the idea of having a reason to make him stick around. He was clearly strong and brave, qualities that the Ademre valued deeply. In her homeland, he would be a powerful warrior in his own right. Perhaps the values of her people might appeal to him. "I wonder what it tastes like, then. Sour? Sweet?" She pondered, picturing something strange and foreign. Was it green? Blue? What the flesh watery, or pulpy? Did it have a texture like meat? Eris tended to prefer berries and scavenged food, in part due to her ability to locate it by herself. There was something extra delicious about self-reliance. "I want to find one and eat it with you."

When he spoke and pulled her closer, Eris was genuinely surprised. Affection wasn't a currency to the Ademire - it was the entire community. Even the fighters bore down to be close the pack and their loved ones. Connections with each other strengthened you, gave you something to fight for. Without your love for your people, you were completely unmooreed.

She carefully chose not to acknowledge his words. Even in his medicated state, she didn't want to pry. For this to be his epitome of happiness, he must have had a difficult life. "Let me tell you about my people." She murmured instead. "In our homeland, there's an enormous tree. Beneath the tree lies a series of stones..." And she went on to detail the fighting rituals of the Ademre, how your prowess was paramount to your ranking and, in part, to the respect you received from others.

"I think you would fit right in. We have a secondary way of communicating emotions that are deeply felt, like this -" She murmured and then signed the Ademic for warm smile, followed by the one for deep affection. "Then you can be gruff as you like, while still communicating your inner thoughts."

"Speech." [Image: floaty-heart.gif] Ademic

[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]



3 Years

Treat 2019
06-05-2019, 04:58 PM
His breathing was soft and steady, completely different from the ragged gasps he’d been taking before the set foot into the gully. With his eyes closed, body supported by the thick moss, and Eris tucked perfectly beneath his arm Oxide reached relaxation. An odd sensation on his usually tense and wound body. Despite being so young he had indeed lived an incredibly rough life. ”That would be… nice.” His words were only a bit slurred as even his facial muscles seemed to turn to putty. His drugged mind found the thought of trying his first coconut with her oddly pleasant. Not that Sober Oxide would have been so amused.

His voice quieted as he divulged his secret thoughts, pleasing Nysa and Deimos had been the epitome of his existence. Neither of them had been as sweet, understanding, or loving as Eris. They’d barely known each other 24 hours (time apart excluded) and he felt drawn to her presence. Even if he called off her debt, the boy would likely have tried to find her side. Her vocals were like a song as she offered to give him all she knew of her culture. Oxide listened, but he dozed in and out at her explanations. They caused vivid half dreams as he wavered in and out of consciousness.

He was mostly awake when she told him that he would fit right in. Even in his inebriated state he had to doubt her assessment. He found her signing interesting, not that he could see the way her paws moved. ”You might have to teach me,” Ox mumbled as he pulled her tighter and sighed heavily. Sleep wasn’t so far off, and when sober Oxide returned in the morning he’d wish he’d forgotten their conversation. ”Are you saying I’m gruff?” He joked amusedly, knowing the answer.



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
06-05-2019, 07:23 PM

"Hmm, yes, quite gruff," Eris murmured, pressing her head underneath his chin and using a back-and-forth motion to scratch an itch she couldn't quite reach. Teach him... That was a thought. She wasn't sure if Lament would approve... or her other siblings. Would they like Oxide? He was so prickly. Eris warmed to everyone quickly, regardless of their attitude. Friends meant safety, and Oxide had proved that in spades.

"I'll teach you some things in the morning." He was growing more relaxed by the moment. She could feel his muscles slackening, straining towards sleep. Rest was best. Eris curled into him and fell quickly asleep to the rhythmic sound of his breathing.

Before morning light, she quietly disentangled herself. It was possible he would sleep for a long time - he had been physically depleted, the drugs had done a number on him. In the gully, there was bound to be better options for pain relief and things to staunch the blood flow. It would take a while to gather everything she needed, and Eris figured he would appreciate the privacy once he roused. By the time she returned, it would be like contending with a bear recently woken from hibernation.

By the time she returned, the sun was high in the sky. She was dirty from head to toe from rooting in the bushes and hidden crevasses. Eris had amassed a tidy stash of woolly lambs' ear leaves to stop the blood, as well as some additional moss. There was a bunch of chamomile that she had brought back earlier in the morning lying side by side with 1 scraggly ginger root. "Good morning, Oxide," she said, nudging the chamomile closer. "Eat this, along with any of the leftover lettuce from last night. Have you been drinking water?"

"Speech." [Image: floaty-heart.gif] Ademic

[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]



3 Years

Treat 2019
06-05-2019, 08:38 PM (This post was last modified: 06-05-2019, 08:40 PM by Oxide.)

Oxide barely heard her reply as the boy started to fall into slumber. He ‘hmm’d’ softly as Eris mumbled quietly and rubbed under his chin. He didn’t last much longer and as the girl pressed closer he slipped into a deep slumber.

The day was well underway when the pain woke him from his sleep. The bright light of the sun beamed in his eyes as he blinked back his sleep. He groaned heavily, his chest again feeling like it was on fire as he breathed in and out. It pulsed with his heartbeat and he could hardly focus on anything but the pain and the heat of the day. Eventually he managed to get his feet under himself, his wounds easily opened back up with being disturbed. He hadn’t moved at all the night before, a combination of his exhaustion and the drugs he’d taken. Not he was aching.

The sound of the stream drew him near as his eyes finally adjusted to the light. He winced with each step, but slowly made it to the crystal clear water of the brook. Carefully the boy picked his way over the flat stones and positioned himself in the water so that it flowed easily over the gashes in his flesh. The moss Eris had placed washed away as did any of the grime that remained or was added since the moss had been placed.

Eris crossed his mind and so did the night before. He felt like a fool for everything he had said, and silently prayed the girl might forget. Or at least be kind enough not to mention his moments of weakness. The thought made him wince as much as the feeling of water through his wounds. He breathed deeply, trying to remain stoic. To regain his control over his reaction to the pain. He hurt, more than he wanted to admit, but it wasn’t as bad as the night before when the medicine had yet to take effect.

He lapped up a bit of the clear water as he relaxed into the stream. He wondered for a moment if Eris had left him, but he hadn’t failed to notice the new plants that lingered next to the lettuce he should have eaten before slipping into the pool. He sighed heavily as he bore through the pain, but looked up with deep ruby eyes at Eris approach.

He couldn’t decide if he should smile or bury his face in the water and just not pop back up with how he’d behaved the night before. He wasn’t supposed to feel shame, what was she doing to him?! Internally he couldn’t believe how panicked he was, but all he wore was the hint of a smile as she pushed the herbs closer to him. Eagerly he took her up on the offer. The lettuce wasn’t as pleasant the day after and the new grassy stuff was even worse, but he let himself trust her and took it.

”Yes, you’ve been busy.” He lifted his brow, but even through his practiced voice the pain showed through. She was covered in dirt and.. other bits of nature. He couldn’t explain it, but she was so much more endearing this way. He shook the thought from his head, and was rewarded with an instant headache. He tried not to groan, but it filtered out anyway.



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
06-05-2019, 09:36 PM (This post was last modified: 06-06-2019, 02:23 PM by Eris.)

"Oh, yes, very!" She nodded, dipping her head towards the herbs. "Chamomile, it's very effective and shouldn't have as many side effects as the lettuce. I'm glad you washed yourself up - saves me from having to do it," She smiled cheekily. The night before had loosened her up. Eris was more relaxed now, more herself - she behaved with him as she might her family. Being close to him had helped - although the Ademre didn't know the meaning of personal space, there had been something different about lying close with Oxide. Maybe it was because it was so new to him. There was a certain kind of... intimacy to it that she just couldn't put her paw on.

"Once you're feeling a bit more, ah, relaxed, I need to redo the dressing on your wounds." Beneath the pile of chamomile was a single burdock plant she had unearthed. Eris found a wide, smooth stone and carried the plant over, where she began to gnaw and chew it carefully, creating a poultice that she left to sit in a neat pile on the rock. The grassy overhang they had spent the night over provided some much-needed cover from the full force of the summer sun. Safely in the shade, the poultice wouldn't dry out any time soon.

"How are you feeling?" She added, a touch of genuine concern in her voice. Eris didn't want to fawn over him - one of her better skills as a healer was being able to read her patient's personality and adjust treatment accordingly. Some wolves thrived when they were treated like pups... but Eris had a feeling that Oxide would just about kill her if she tried to mother him. "Let me take a look anyway," she interrupted, trotting over to inspect his wounds. Although she couldn't seem them clearly, she could tell by the smell that they were doing about as well as they could be. The fresh blood must have hurt, but it would take a while for true scabs to form when they were this deep.

Nodding to herself, Eris stepped back. "You'll survive! But you should move as little as possible over the next, say, two or three days until real scabs start to form. Maybe less, maybe more."

She trotted around him to splash in the water until she was chest-deep in it. It was a welcome relief after toiling in the dirt all through the morning. Eris hummed to herself, dunking her muzzle a few times and taking generous gulps of the fresh water. After she finished playing in the water, the small female became very still as she watched the surface of the stream, keeping an eye out for fish darting by.

"Speech." [Image: floaty-heart.gif] Ademic

[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]



3 Years

Treat 2019
06-05-2019, 10:25 PM (This post was last modified: 06-05-2019, 10:27 PM by Oxide.)

Eris cheerfully explained herself as he closed his eyes again and lay his pounding head on the side of the bank, but not before taking a few more deep gulps of the fresh clear water. His shadow was a bit more bold today, likely a result of the previous night’s events. Oxide almost started to say something, he’d been thinking about it since he surfaced into consciousness. ”Look, Eris about last night, I don’t think that plant had me in the right mind…” He could convince the words from his lips however.

She mentioned redressing the wounds, and he was glad she’d wait until the effects started before prodding his exposed flesh. Rusty ears perked as she moved a bit, and he peeked open an eye to watch her work. "How are you feeling?" He sighed, knowing the question was coming. ”Better, though my head is aching and..” she started off again, "Let me take a look anyway." Oxide stifled a heavy sigh as he managed to shift relatively pain free. Pulling his chest from the water so Eris could get a closer look.

The bulky boy stifled a loud groan as she mentioned the two or three days it was going to take him to be patched up enough to think about leaving the general vicinity. ”You’ve got to be kidding me,” He huffed instead, not towards her but more of a rhetorical question. He sighed and lowered himself back into the water as she pranced around him and lowered herself into the stream. He looked away as she splashed around, but turned back out of curiosity when she grew still. ”Working on breakfast now?” He couldn’t deny having someone to fetch breakfast for him… he could get used to that.



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
06-06-2019, 02:46 PM

"Don't act so disappointed," Eris said, only a little cross. The words were slightly under her breath, as she was still focusing closely on the shadows flitting in the water. [align=center]"I'll make sure we have plenty of fun. I did tell you that I'd teach you some Ademic today, so you have that to look forward to!" Out of the corner of her field of vision, Eris heard more than saw a splash and struck fast.

Proudly, she hoisted a medium-sized fish aloft. It struggled madly in her mouth and clamped her jaws tighter until she felt the bones crush and something ooze onto her tongue. Fishing, she hoped, she would always be good at. Trotting over to Oxide, she presented it to him proudly. "Chow time!" Eris announced, nudging it closer to him. "Careful with the scales, I got one stuck in my throat once," she warned, wrinkling her nose at the memory. It had felt like she'd drank water for hours until the tickle disappeared.

"After your meal... I also found some of this," she elaborated by uncovering a stash of cannabis leaves. "I've done this a few times, mostly by myself, but it's the most wonderful feeling. I'll eat some with you can we can relax together! It'll keep us entertained for the rest of the morning, at the very least... and make you a more willing student, I'm sure." Cannabis was fun. It was her one little secret that she kept from her family, a bit afraid of their judgement. The Ademre were warriors, and she didn't want to admit to enjoying losing a little bit of her sense. Once her body was warm and thrumming from the plant, her eyesight didn't seem to matter so much any more. In fact, things almost seemed clearer.

[align=center]"Speech." [Image: floaty-heart.gif] Ademic

[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]



3 Years

Treat 2019
06-07-2019, 03:55 PM

It seemed Eris had an underhanded comment to his own obvious distaste in remaining here for long. He was forced again to debate the price for saving the little shadow’s life for the second time. Deep ruby eyes looked her over as she worked, and with little thought he knew it was. He didn’t want to admit it at all, but he was growing fond of her presence. She tried to tell him there would be much fun to be had, but he wasn’t sure how much fun he was going to have recovering from his severe injury.

Before he could say anything else she suddenly had a fish filling her mouth. He felt his rusty lips pull back in amusement as he started to really appreciate his breakfast getter. She splashed through the water and presented him with the skillfully caught fish and Ox was not one to turn down food. He groaned as he pulled himself out of the water painfully to enjoy his meal as Eris mentioned another surprise for him.

Now that was a plant he recognized. There was never a shortage of that in Deimos and Nysa’s presence. He didn’t miss her mention it was an alone time activity for her, and he wondered what kid of stuck up wolves her family had to be to turn down the plant. He swallowed a bite of flesh as he looked back over to her. ”You don’t cease to amaze me,” he rumbled as he returned focus to the fish. However he wondered where his mouth might get away from him this time he became inebriated in front of her. ”Maybe the next few days wont be so bad after all.”



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
06-07-2019, 04:26 PM

She was chuffed that he seemed to appreciate her hunting skills - but, then again, he certainly wasn't in a position to turn down a meal. Eris nibbled lightly on the crunchy tail fin of the fish, leaving the lion's share to Oxide. She had snacked on berries and greens while she'd been gathering; fragrant plants were one of her favorite foods, in part because they were so easy to find by nose alone. He was still in a great deal of pain, but that was reasonable based on the events of yesterday. "Hmm... I'll start your lessons while you eat. Then you can impress Lament when you meet him," Eris murmured, scooting close to Oxide while he ate.

Although she trusted her chosen family, she wasn't quite sure what they would make of an outsider. The Ademre were here to bring glory back to their people... but what happens if they had all truly lost their way? There was no way Eris could guide them back now - the scent had been stale for a long time. All she had were memories, and her siblings didn't even have that. The idea of creating a new place, just for them, was thrilling.

"Okay, so, to start, you use your paws," she began, placing her much smaller paw on top of his. Eris tapped laugh on his front paw. "We're supposed to be very serious, stoic warriors... so I just told you laugh, like it's a secret just for us. If you knew Ademic, you would know exactly how I'm feeling, even if my face was like - " and she pulled a very straight, stoic face, with just the very tip of her tongue sticking out, then broke into a broad grin.

"Make sure you take your medicine," she said, trying to make it sound more like a command than a plea. Eris pressed her nose briefly to his cheek, a sign of affection that was like second nature to her, then doubled back to her stash of cannabis. She curled around it and began to slowly chew, fixing watchful eyes on Oxide to make sure he finished his meal and also his herbs.

"Speech." [Image: floaty-heart.gif] Ademic

[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]



3 Years

Treat 2019
06-09-2019, 09:16 PM
Most of his attention lingered on the fish in front of him, his body needed the nourishment and he hounded upon it. He didn’t mind when Eris took her little bites, and he felt himself smiling at how close she was. Even her too chipper attitude she didn’t fail to amuse him as she got him started on more lessons of her people. Unsure if he wanted to impress Lament, who was assumed to be her brother. He went along with it though, better to learn while he couldn't do anything else. Might have helped him get in better with the Ademre.

He tried to mimic the motions and returned the taps to her paw, committing smile to memory. He shook his head in amusement as she attempted a neutral look, but didn’t quite get her tongue sucked in. ”Make sure you take your medicine," her words were firm as she turned soft and nuzzled him affectionately. He sighed as she moved away from him and he finished up his breakfast and moved on to the herbs that were meant for his wounds. He consumed them less eagerly than the flesh of the fish as he looked back over to her.

Oxide was already getting fed up with the position he was forced into on his back. He wanted to lay his head on his paws and nap. After he’d finished he’d finally remove himself from the stream to go and lay at Eris’ feet. She needed to redress his wounds, and he wanted a bit of her bonus herb. Awkwardly Oxide lowered himself back to the ground and reached over to start nibbling on the dense sticky buds. ”What other recreational activities do you have?” He’d seen Nysa and Deimos eat mushrooms before, and the next few hours after they hadn’t been anywhere near their normal selves.



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
06-10-2019, 12:46 PM

As Oxide approached her, Eris tended to his wounds with the same dutiful care that she had first shown. With her smaller head and tongue, it was easy for her to clean his savaged chest without causing any undue harm. Eris replaced the dried poultice with a new mix of herbs, packing it on liberally. "This might sting a bit, but that means it's working," she assured him, affectionately bumping her head against his chin.

"Well, there's only this plant here," Eris said, a hint of disappointment to her voice. She'd experimented here and there with other psychedelics, but she hadn't spent a long enough time in Boreas to know where others might be found. It was hard to find time away from her siblings at home, so her experience was somewhat limited. "Do you know any other native flora that might be... fun?" The female asked with a small giggle. The whole conversation felt entirely too clandestine, and her better nature thought that maybe experimenting with Oxide wasn't such a good idea.

"I haven't had much of a chance to, um, study the effects of these other medicinal herbs," Eris said quickly. She only had experience with cannabis - the pleasant, buzzy body high was sometimes easy to conceal. Or she would make up an excuse to go nap it off in her den, with her siblings none the wiser. She hadn't eaten much that day, so the herb began to take effect more quickly than it normally would have. Eris could feel it in her paws, they suddenly seemed heavy and awkward.

"Speech." [Image: floaty-heart.gif] Ademic

[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]



3 Years

Treat 2019
06-10-2019, 05:03 PM

He winced as she cleaned the rendered flash on his chest, he didn’t make near as much noise as the first time she had cleaned it well. Eris convinced him then to be more vocal about his pain levels, but he was still reluctant to allow it to slip. She answered his question as she packed his wounds, not lying when she said it was going to sting. He bit his lip as she finished and sounded disappointed in her own answer. ”No, I don’t. Plants were… never my thing.” She might go on and start teaching him about the herbs she practiced with.

”I’ve seen a few, haven’t done much experimenting. I doubt I could identify anything either.” He was becoming a bit more loose with his weaknesses, realizing the fact he scolded himself internally. He wanted to open up to her, to seek her affection. He couldn’t stop thinking about the what-ifs. What if she started doing the same thing his mother had? Oxide tried to bury the thought, Eris was not Nysa. She couldn’t be.

The rusted beast sighed and rolled his form so he could lean his head into the soft fur of her belly. He inhaled her scent and further willed his doubts of her from him mind. How long was Nysa going to haunt him? Why did she have to return when everything seemed to be going his way? He was… happy. He couldn’t be happy with her invading his head. Hopefully he’d clear her again when he was able to leave the gully. He prayed it would be sooner rather than later.

”Be honest.” His voice was a little darker as he spoke through her smoky fur. ”How long do I have to stay here?” Oxide’s words were a low whisper as he fought back the haunts he’d fled in the first place. He couldn’t stand still because they always caught up to him. ”What’s the sign for desperation?” He wasn’t sure if she’d even be able to hear him he spoke so low. He felt his heart beat fast as his anxiety grew. None of it was about Eris or her efforts. She was… perfect. He just shouldered too much baggage.



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
06-10-2019, 05:34 PM
He was becoming a better patient. She wasn't sure if it was the drugs or the overall progress of his wounds healing, but she would take the improvement either way. "Well, I'm using chamomile and ginger for the main component of your poultice, and the ginger is probably why it stings. It's a spicy little plant," she murmured, trying to teach him just a little bit about what she was doing. Most patients became a little more amenable when they were more involved with their treatment, and she hoped Oxide was the same.

As he moved closer to her, Eris curled around his head. She was more than glad to provide the physical affection he seemed to be craving, even as it surprised her. To the Ademre, your body was something you gave freely: either to satisfy your urges, to comfort a loved one, or to fight for your people. Eris would gladly provide him what comfort she could; it was the least she could do, she owed him her life twice over. It was a debt he could claim for the rest of his days, and she would pay gladly.

"Okay, honestly... just give me two more days. By then you will have decent scab coverage and should be able to walk. You'll be stiff, and the wounds might seep, but you won't open them with every step. Just two days, okay?" Eris pleaded. "I'm not that terrible, am I?" She teased, although she could tell that something darker was plaguing him. There have been times after she'd ingested too much cannabis that she had frightful anxiety and couldn't seem to shake off a distant paranoia that everyone was going to leave her. Was he experiencing negative side effects? So lost in her own body high, she hadn't given thought to it.

"Oh... well, the sign for..." Eris trailed off, leaning down to press her muzzle to the top of his head. They had switched positions now from how they had fallen asleep last night - she was cradling him. Quickly, Eris signed the Ademic for desperation on the top of his head. It was one long, hard press, followed by two quick taps. You could almost get the sense of the emotion just from the sign. "Just... relax, try and focus on the herb is making your body feel. It helps to get out of your own head," she whispered quietly, in reply to his own quiet words. Their hushed speaking was strangely more intimate than she was used to - it made her sweat, just a little bit. The feeling was new and strange, and the little female couldn't quite place it. "Tell me what each one of your paws feels like. Let's start there."

"Speech." [Image: floaty-heart.gif] Ademic

[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]



3 Years

Treat 2019
06-11-2019, 11:16 AM

He assumed correctly as the small girl started to recite what she used in the salve she placed on his gashes. However a comfortable silence fell over them for a long few minutes as they shifted and Oxide involuntarily sought his comfort from her delicate form. Eris held him back, her body curling around his head to make a comfortable pillow. She answered him to the best of her ability, promising only a couple of days at the most. "I'm not that terrible, am I?" He knew she was trying to joke, but he shook his head to disagree with her. He couldn’t bring himself to vocalize what he really thought about her.

She held him closer, not able to say the word as she tapped the sign out gently. He pressed his eyes shut and pulled his rusted ears closer to his skull, committing the pattern to memory. Her voice was soft and comforting as she whispered into his ear. He tried to shut out his memories and his fears and to focus on the words meant only for him.

”They’re heavy.” He spoke in hushed tones, his front paws rested on his chest and his back ones were sprawled in the air. ”Maybe a little tingly, they feel good compared to my chest.” Which was tight, and still throbbed though not to the degree it had been before the lettuce had taken effect. ”What do your paws feel like?” He asked as he reached out one of his own to lay on her white marked one.



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
06-11-2019, 02:08 PM
Their quiet moment was much appreciated. With Oxide by her side, Eris didn't have to worry about the shadows that lurked at the edges of her vision. She would be safe for as long as he would stay by her side - which she hoped would at least last until his wounds were properly scabbed over. Even if he left, Eris knew that she had her family... but what did Oxide have? Once his wounds were healed and he went on his way, who would he return to?

"My paws are very heavy," Eris murmured, letting the pleasant warmth and buzz ascend from the tips of her toes and up through her spine. "'M sorry your chest still hurts..." She added drowsily, wriggling her paw underneath his larger one a bit playfully. "It'll get better. You just have to be consistent. And keep seeing me," the small wolf nodded decisively, as if she could convince him through words alone.

"Why did you save me the second time?" The question was sudden, but it occurred to her that he had gained nothing. In fact, he had paid a dear price. His answer seemed very, very important to the inebriated girl; in her current state, she was a bit more stoic than she typically was. Maybe she should do this more often to practice her Ademic attitude...

[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]



3 Years

Treat 2019
06-12-2019, 10:38 AM
His body was buzzing pleasantly as she answered him back, feeling much the same as he did. She played with his paw as she apologized for how his chest was still feeling. He shook his head again, she’d done all she could for his wounds. She promised he’d heal, just as long as he lingered in her presence. The thought brought a hint of a smile and chased away his deeper thoughts.

"Why did you save me the second time?" Oxide had nearly fallen to sleep when she voiced her question, and he blinked one eye open as he contemplated how he should answer her. He hmm’d softly before words were formed on his lips. ”I don’t know. I acted without thinking.” Ox wasn’t much satisfied with what he came up with. ”I could tell you it was to protect my investment, but that wasn’t it.” He whispered into her fur. His wounds were very much in the way, he felt like he needed to pull her closer, but if they pressed against each other any more they’d be one wolf.

The hint of a sigh left him as he dredged up the real reason, his inhibitions all but gone with his exhaustion and the drugs. Despite having only eaten breakfast he found himself easily tired again. ”You’re not like any other wolf that’s been in my life. I wasn’t about to give you up yet.” He admitted somewhat cryptically as he nuzzled his nose into the soft fur of her belly absently.