
Welcome, Welcome



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
05-20-2019, 08:02 PM
Malleus wove through the halls of the castle in search of The Empire's newest arrival. The previous day Pyrrhic had taken the initiative and recruited a mortal. While Malleus was confident that his son's decision was sound he still wanted to meet the man that had caught Pyrrhic's eye and convinced him of his worthiness. Pyrrhic was still young, still not quite a man, and he had much to learn. It made sense for the man currently in charge of it all to occasionally peek over the shoulder of his someday successor.

It was for that reason he now roamed the castle. He wasn't sure where his son had settled their newest member so he hoping to happen across the man. If he didn't find him soon Malleus would call for him, but for now the Emperor was content to walk the halls. This was his down time so he didn't feel the need to rush around and check this meeting off his to-do list so he could move on to something else.

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



2 Years

Treat 2019
05-20-2019, 11:50 PM (This post was last modified: 05-20-2019, 11:53 PM by Tsarvix.)


Tsarvix did not want to believe that he was lost, again, and so instead he repeated to himself that the path he walked was one that was chosen for him. No, not lost; instead, he was simply unsure of his destination. Someone had told him once that where man-made structures were concerned, that a wolf could follow it's walls on one side and always find his way out- and so that's what the brown male did.

Pyrrhic had told him that to be truly accepted as one of the Empire that he'd have to be approved by his father. The Fallen God, he called himself? Tsarvix scoffed at the thought. It would take a lot for this Malleus to persuade him that he was more holy than his son, and Tsarvix was not convinced it could ever be done. Ever obedient, the chocolate male went looking for Malleus regardless. This meeting was just a stepping stone to Pyrrhic's throne in Tsarvix's eyes, and he was determined to succeed.

He hadn't much to go on having never seen Malleus before, and Pyrrhic had left him in this castle with little other instruction. He knew to identify the Emperor through his silver and black banded patterns and the four long scars that had been etched into the side of his face. Whenever Tsarvix passed by another wolf, he'd find himself searching their faces closely for the tell-tale marks. He might have made a few of them uncomfortable to be studied in such way, but the devout male didn't care much for appearances. He had to find Malleus, and if the other mortals found him odd at all it didn't bother Tsarvix.

Finally, from around a corner came another. This wolf was massive in comparison to some of the others he had seen wandering the halls, even larger still then Pyrrhic. Even if the silvery giant had not been walking towards him, Tsarvix didn't think it possible to not notice the Emperor's scarred visage.

"Malleus?" Tsarvix wondered aloud, settling before the other in a respectable and proud stance. His head was high as he met the Emperor's deep sapphire gaze, and he suddenly felt so small as he realized that his flattened ears did not even come above the giant's eyeline. "This must be the blood of Abraxas."

The chocolate male was conflicted. He wanted so badly to be worthy for Pyrrhic and to prove himself he had to earn the Emperor's approval, but at the same time Tsarvix had made an enemy of Malleus in his mind. To him, Malleus was the only thing that stood between Pyrrhic and his true title. The wolves of this castle hailed the wrong wolf as their Fallen God, and Tsarvix was determined to correct this error.

He steeled himself and forced respect into his tone, dipping his head almost imperceptibly as he spoke. "Pyrrhic sent me, Sir." There was a firm tone of reverance in the wolf's voice was he mentioned the heir, though it faded as his sentence came to address Malleus himself. Slate lips were drawn together tightly, and Tsarvix awaited the large male's response. He only hoped the affair would be over soon so he could go find Pyrrhic once again. He now knew divinity, and greatly disliked when he had to be away from his God.


PYRRHIC is allowed to crash any of TSARVIX's threads, as in his eyes he is his God.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
05-25-2019, 11:42 AM
There. Around the corner ahead emerged a mortal male Malleus was unfamiliar with. By Abraxas standards he was a bit undersized, but for a mortal the male was firmly on the taller end of the spectrum. He was of average build with what Malleus considered to be a promising frame; Pyrrhic had informed him of his opinion that the mortal could be trained up as a capable soldier and in that capacity his build would like be an asset. His demeanor was respectful if a bit terse, but Malleus made the assumption that he was dealing with a serious personality and thought nothing of Tsarvix’s tone. He could appreciate a no nonsense individual.

All of that Malleus took in as he approached Tsarvix. He gave a short nod to confirm his identity, then said, ”My son tells me that you are loyal to the Fallen God and will make a fine addition to our ranks.” In these lands loyalty found outside their reach was an unusual thing. They’d only recently come to Boreas and to Auster, and had yet to hold lasting sway over the more populated continent. Tsarvix, then, was an outlier and Malleus was curious about his history. He was going to make a point to learn more about this mortal who professed his devotion.

”Walk with me,” he commanded as he strode past Tsarvix. ”I would like to hear about the journey that brought you here.” Where had he come from? How had he heard of Abraxas? Malleus was willing to bet there was a story there somewhere and he was determined to hear it and suss out its validity or lack thereof.
Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



2 Years

Treat 2019
05-25-2019, 08:16 PM


Tsarvix waited quietly as Malleus gave his response, hard gaze set firmly upon the Emperor's own. Yes, the wolf was large. Extremely so, in fact. Though Tsarvix did not feel power radiate off this male as he did when he was in Pyrrhic's presence. He'd like to think that it was because Malleus was not as godly as his son, but it was more likely that the chocolate male was loyal enough to Pyrrhic that he was numb to the dominance of any other.

"I am loyal to my Fallen God." He affirmed carefully. Tsarvix did not know what powers the Abraxas possessed, but he decided that to lie to the Emperor was a bad thing. He knew from Pyrrhic that Malleus himself was supposedly the Fallen God, but the devout male did not see it that way. He figured that with a careful alteration to the larger male's sentence, he could avoid lying but still win the Emperor's approval. Not that he cared what Malleus thought of him, but Pyrrhic obviously did and that was enough for Tsarvix.

Was that it? Confirm that he was, in fact, loyal, and he'd be dismissed? Tsarvix could only hope so. It seemed Malleus had other ideas, and the Emperor strode past him and commanded that he should follow.

Tsarvix bristled behind Malleus' back, but pushed down the frustration before obediently trailing along.

"I would like to hear about the journey that brought you here.” But that would take forever. Tsarvix wanted to growl, but instead let out a breathy exhale. He wondered if the Emperor would be happy with the cliff-note version, surely the Abraxas Emperor had better things to do with his time then listen to the story of a mere mortal.

"I was born to a sinner." He began simply. "She betrayed my father by lying with another male, and my older brother was proof of her sin. She did not survive my birth." He looked down at his paws while he spoke, watching the castle's floor pass underneath them as the pair walked on.

"My father told me it was God's will, and that he had chosen me to punish her for her defiance. My brother was punished too, for sharing her blood. Though God was merciful, and only his tongue was removed." A lump formed in Tsarvix's throat and he cleared it with a violent huff. He had loved his brother, even if he was a product of sin. Time to time he'd think of him and miss him terribly.

"Father died. Then my brother died. Then I came here. I got lost in the forest nearby, they call it a maze. Pyrrhic found me." Tsarvix decided it was best to be concise, where Pyrrhic was concerned. If Malleus did have powers unknown to the male, it was best not to think about things that may incur the Emperor's wrath.

"Can you read minds?" He asked suddenly. The male didn't have the confidence to ask Pyrrhic himself- for fear he'd look a fool in his God's presence -but Malleus seemed to be a safe enough person to ask.


PYRRHIC is allowed to crash any of TSARVIX's threads, as in his eyes he is his God.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
06-10-2019, 07:08 PM
Malleus quirked a brow as Tsarvix said he was loyal to his Fallen God. There was only one. Perhaps the mortal was the kind that thought the Fallen God was a personal god. There were some Abraxas who thought that way. Malleus wasn't one of them, but he didn't begrudge them their belief. To him, the Fallen God worked from a distance and left most of the day to day things to his followers. Malleus credited him for the occasional intervention, but he didn't think the Fallen God was with him enough - or cared enough about him personally - to handle his day to day affairs.

Tsarvix gave him a rundown of the life that had brought him to the Abraxas. It was a rather simple life but that might have just been because he was telling an abridged version of it. Malleus learned little about what specifically had brought the mortal to his son, but learning about Tsarvix's mother did give him a sense of where he'd come from. Even if the beginning wasn't the work of the Fallen God, Malleus couldn't deny that it had shaped Tsarvix and prepared him for his time with the Abraxas. "I see," he murmured noncommittally.

Upon hearing Tsarvix's question Malleus glanced back at him curiously. "No, I can't read minds in the traditional sense. The Fallen God saw fit to give his people many gifts, but that isn't one of them." He resumed walking. "Curious question," he commented, the statement meant to bait Tsarvix into saying more.

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



2 Years

Treat 2019
06-10-2019, 09:10 PM (This post was last modified: 06-11-2019, 03:00 AM by Tsarvix.)


The emperor murmured his acknowledgement and Tsarvix was glad there were no further questions to handle. If it were up to him, he'd be saying goodbye to the older male and off to find Pyrrhic as soon as he might be allowed. He couldn't help but get curious, though, as Malleus spoke of the powers of the Fallen God. So he couldn't read minds in the traditional sense, but what did that mean exactly? The devout male was left with more questions then he'd started with.

"So, what can you do then? And Pyrrhic?" He hadn't been reprimanded for the line of questioning, so Tsarvix figured he'd push a little further then. The exact words he was grappling with were hard to phrase, and he stammered slightly and frowned at the floor. "If I lied to you, would you know?" He wanted to ask.

"I'm sure leading this pack is difficult. How are you to decide which of your followers are truthful and good, if not to look inside them and see?"


PYRRHIC is allowed to crash any of TSARVIX's threads, as in his eyes he is his God.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
06-11-2019, 07:09 PM
Malleus was no fool. While his son was seemingly at ease with his newcomer, Malleus was not. He didn't know him so he didn't trust him. While Tsarvix's connection to the Fallen God had granted him access to the Empire, that was all it had gotten him in Malleus' opinion. Trust had to be earned. It was for that reason he was allowing this line of questioning. He wanted to see where it went.

"They are trade secrets," he said with a hint of a smile. He was being deliberately vague. "And they come with the job. Someday Pyrrhic will develop them as well." This was true. Malleus couldn't claim the ability to read minds, but he was a pretty good reader of body language. Most wolves, whether they realized it or not, spoke volumes with their body. In time Pyrrhic would learn this as well.

"How are you to decide which of your followers are truthful and good, if not to look inside them and see?" At this Malleus gave a slight nod of acknowledgement. That was a good assessment. "I will say it doesn't take clairvoyance to know these things. Those who are dishonest will, no matter how hard they try, look and feel dishonest. Maybe not all the time." He studied Tsarvix casually. "Perhaps they are good at hiding it. But sooner or later they'll wear the truth like a cloak and they won't be able to help it."

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



2 Years

Treat 2019
06-11-2019, 08:45 PM


The Emperor was surprisingly easy to talk to, which surprised Tsarvix greatly. He never knew what to expect from the Abraxas wolves, but so far Malleus seemed... relatively normal. At least as normal as a wolf who claimed to have secret hidden abilities could seem. It unnerved him the way Malleus gave his answer, and Tsarvix found himself quietly considering what trade secrets the family may have. The way the Emperor spoke, however, seemed to allude to Pyrrhic not having these abilities. The chocolate male frowned up at the other, visibly disturbed by the news.

"How is Pyrrhic to keep himself safe?" His words were quiet yet serious, and he felt like he should be accusing Malleus of something. Tsarvix was found by Pyrrhic while he walked the forest maze, and there was no one with the yearling a part from his companion. What if instead of Tsarvix, he had come across a wolf who wanted to do him harm? "Surely there are mortals out there who would kill to take home the head of a God." It was a dark thought and as the feeling of dread grew steadily inside the chocolate male's chest, he regretted having said it out loud.

There was something else in the way Malleus spoke, but he couldn't exactly put his finger on it until the Emperor began to speak of dishonesty and truth. He felt it strongest when the large male passed his gaze overtop him, and somehow it felt like he used his eyes to punctuate his words.
"But sooner or later they'll wear the truth like a cloak and they won't be able to help it."

Tsarvix couldn't help but feel scrutinized beneath Malleus's hard blue eyes. How much did he know? He said he couldn't read minds.. but that didn't mean that Malleus wasn't playing him in some way. He wrestled for a moment in silence, contemplating what he could do that would best put him upon the path to reaching the heavens with Pyrrhic. Of course, Tsarvix didn't know if mortals were even allowed in heaven. His God would be granted a throne there however if everything turned out right, and perhaps if he was truly devout then Pyrrhic may allow him to lay at the base of his grand seat. He needed to be careful and cautious, for now the Emperor's word was law and he doubted that Pyrrhic's favor would protect him if he were to offend Malleus.

"Malleus," He began, unsure if there was a specific title he should be using. "Is The Fallen God merciful?" Possibly that question was too vague. Tsarvix's walking slowed to a halt and he turned to look outside the castle ruins to the God's garden in the distance. "By that, I mean... is it open to interpretation? For mortals? Will we be punished if we think differently then others?" His voice grew very quiet, and ears flattened against his skull as he finished. "Is it enough to just have faith?"


PYRRHIC is allowed to crash any of TSARVIX's threads, as in his eyes he is his God.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
06-16-2019, 12:27 PM
At the mention of Pyrrhic's safety Malleus frowned. Was that a threat? The longer he spoke to this mortal the less he knew what to make of him. As the seconds ticked by Malleus was becoming more and more convinced that it had been wise for him to check out Pyrrhic's supposedly divinely inspired catch. At the very least Tsarvix was confused on key points of their religion. At worst he could very well be there with evil intent. "You are mistaken if you think a demigod can be struck down so easily. Pyrrhic can handle himself; he has lived and breathed combat since his eyes first opened. Besides," he said firmly, "Any who so much as touch a child of the Fallen God will taste the fury of his people. This is known." Hopefully that would make him think twice if he was up to no good.

"Is the Fallen God merciful?" Malleus hadn't been paying too close attention to where Tsarvix was but he did note that the mortal had stopped walking. After a few more steps Malleus did the same. A few more questions left Tsarvix's lips and Malleus, instead of just turning back halfway to meet his gaze, found it necessary to turn and face him fully. Those were serious questions. Questions Malleus didn't like. Tsarvix was far too new to their ranks to be having a crisis of faith. "The simplest answer is no, it is not up for interpretation by mortals. There are some exceptions to this; Pyrrhic's mother is mortal and an oracle. She has the diluted blood of a lesser god or spirit in her veins and that places her closer to the divine than most mortals. She speaks to spirits and loyal lesser gods, but when the Fallen God gives her a sign or a vision His will is not up for her to interpret. She is just the messenger."

Malleus studied Tsarvix's face for a second before cautioning, "God is merciful, but just. His punishments and the sparing thereof always fit the crime. If you have questions it would be wise to ask them as they arise so you can be set straight if you are wrong lest your mind lead you astray and take you to a place you cannot come back from. Have faith in those who He has set aside to interpret His will."

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



2 Years

Treat 2019
06-17-2019, 02:49 PM


Tsarvix nodded solemnly as Malleus's tone changed. He couldn't blame the Emperor for his words, he was protective of Pyrrhic. Tsarvix was a stranger here, and it didn't bother the mortal that he'd likely never earn Malleus' trust. Though he did realize that the older male took his words the wrong way, and he felt it was necessary to reiterate. "I apologize," The smaller male began sincerely, dipping his head low to the Emperor. "If you feel my intent was to threaten. It was not. I only worry for Pyrrhic and wish for his safety as any devout follower would." He lifted his head to meet Malleus' gaze once more, hoping the firm conviction in his following words would get through to the other. "I would never harm Pyrrhic, or anyone else here. I only want to learn what relevant information I can to help keep him safe... I'll admit, I would have felt better if he could muster lightning from the heavens to smite his enemies." A ghost of a smile touched the tawny male's lips as he realized how ridiculous that sounded, but it fled as he grew serious once more. "But I swear to you, his enemies are my enemies too."

It was becoming very obvious to the male that Malleus was not appreciative of his line of questioning, and Tsarvix's lips puffed in a sigh. So, he was not free to think of the faith as he hoped. His allegiance to Pyrrhic would evoke punishment, then? He assumed if he were to tell Malleus where his true faith were to lie, that he'd be put down here and now. That couldn't happen, however. He needed to remain here to stand beside Pyrrhic, and there was little doubt in his mind that Pyrrhic's opinion would not be consulted on this matter if Malleus decided he was deserving of his wrath. "I appreciate your lessons on the matter." Tsarvix replied honestly. "I do have faith in Abraxas and those He has chosen. I hope that my questions have not caused an issue. I only want to learn as much as I can to further the empire." He lowered himself into a bow once more, hoping desperately the submission would cow the suspicion he felt from the Emperor. ".. or at least, as much as a mortal can assist."


PYRRHIC is allowed to crash any of TSARVIX's threads, as in his eyes he is his God.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
07-01-2019, 05:57 PM
Malleus studied Tsarvix quietly as the other apologized and tried to explain his reasons for that line of questioning. His devotion - if real - was commendable. While Malleus wasn't totally sold he was tempted to believe that Pyrrhic had done well for himself and found a devoted follower. His naturally suspicious nature prevented him from believing something wholeheartedly so quickly, but Tsarvix's performance did strike him as genuine.

He stayed quiet, his expression contemplative, for several beats before dipping his head slightly in capitulation. "They haven't," he offered in an attempt to be reassuring. "Your desire to understand our way to the best of your ability is admirable and..." his delivery slowed down as he weighed his words, "It pleases me that Pyrrhic has found such a loyal follower."

"Don't be afraid to ask your questions as they arise," he advised. "But take care not to lose sight of our mission and the Fallen God's expectations of us." He glanced down the hall and then back at Tsarvix before saying, "Now I must be going I'm afraid. Good day, Tsarvix, and good luck on the path to understanding."


Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.