
And so it begins


06-27-2013, 09:53 PM
Snow slushed under his feet as the young male wandered his way towards, well he didn't quite know. He'd been around the area a few times, scenting wolves here and there but...never quite wanting to meet them face to face. He figured a pack patrol wouldn't take kindly to his trespassing on these lands, so he hid out at these caves that he had found recently. The only downside? This place felt eerily cold and the walls themselves were in depression and despair. The blonde guy wandered in, ears twitching to the sound of water dripping from the roof of the caverns. The cold air echoed and reverberated off the walls around him, adding that much more of the eery feeling. The air chilled his bones, yet at the same time he didn't exactly feel cold. He was a sucker for water after all, so spring was his favorite time of year. When the spring time thawed the rivers and lakes, opening them for him to play and practice. He was an athlete, it was obvious with his lean powerful legs and body. He was quick to the chase, and loved competition. Why, he was even on the verge of creating a new sport! He just didn't know what he'd call it yet...but he had spotted humans doing it one time with a black and white ball, kicking it across the ground at each other. He knew what that was. But for this, he wanted something entirely new. Never did the young man tire of finding new ideas or ways to do things. And with him constantly being bored in this wasteland, he needed something to do.

No sooner had he lied down on the rocks, when he decided to get up again. Sighing, he watched his breath frost before his eyes. He padded out of the caverns into the bright light outside, his eyes already adjusted to the eerily silent world. Taking in a breath, he let it out with a grunt and walked a little towards the east side of the rocks. There he knew there was a small pool of water to drink, and his throat demanded to be satisfied.
He dipped his muzzle in the freezing cold waters, and took several long gulps. With eyes as clear and blue as the Arctic's bluest water, he gazed around at his surroundings. Empty. Always...empty. Glancing at the water again, he leaped in the small pool, the water washing over him. It was freezing! But he didn't care, water was what he loved. He brought his head up above the water, letting it lap at his shoulders. With his paws standing on some rocks at the bottom, he cast his gaze to the sky, and yelled.


06-28-2013, 02:19 PM

The night was just around the corner by the looks of it. The girl had been out looking for food and now she was just plain bored in a way. The large 32 inch tall lady with a bulky body had arrived at the silent cavern to hear a noise of another wolf. She nearly looked like a stalker how she watched the boy for a few moments before deliberate stepping on a twig for it to snap. She wasn't in the position where he would be able to scent her so this was the best way to show him that she was here besides talking to him. Vahva shook her blue mane as her red eyes starred at him after he got in the water. Entering the place looking up at the hole in the cave the darkness giving off a moonlight like glow. Well there was nothing spooky about that was there? Definitely not.

"What are you doing in a freezing cold pool of water?" She asked in a bit of a snappy tone. She was just confused, but she meant no harm. In fact that was just how Vahva was, in the end she was the one giving attitude to whoever she knew. She would have fit perfectly as a princess if that had been possible. If it weren't for the constant feeling that she was being watched. "You'll die if you stay in that too long." She noted crouching near the pool, flicking her tail. Showing no signs of wanting to attack him because she obviously didn't want to.



06-28-2013, 03:54 PM
The blonde man startled a little when heard something snap somewhere nearby. Moments after, a scent emerged revealing that another wolf was nearby. Turning his head he saw that there was one already sitting by the pool he was in. How did he not scent her sooner!? Confused, he looked her over. She seemed rather large for a female...and her fur. It was an electric blue! His eyes wandered over her, he hadn't seen a wolf like this before. Tilting his ears to her words, he shrugged and stared at her with a lopsided grin. Tongue hanging out comically, even though she sounded pissed off. But he hadn't done anything to piss her off, so he figured it wasn't his position to judge. Maybe she had a bad day, who knows.
"Oh, hi there. The water doesn't really bother me. I was born around it and I live for the water. 'Sides, I have a really thick coat that goes well with my thick skull. So water is like my second home...if I could live in it anyway. Names Tidus, who're you?"

He stepped out of the water as he spoke, pelt clinging to his skin. His head had remained dry. His clear deep blue eyes gazed at her, friendliness clearly apparent. He had no intention to fight, and had no reason to either. He was glad that another wolf had found him, he didn't know where the hell he was in the first place!


07-01-2013, 03:56 AM

Well, she guessed that anyone could have their habits. After all, different wolves were born in different places. She was no exception to that rule, though she had been around many terrains before, Vahva wasn't exactly accustomed to just one. Her mind tried to remember his face, his scent. He looked like he was only a year older, or perhaps the same. She couldn't quiet tell since she herself had a large stature for a female. He was a rogue with no home, that was an excellent opportunity. So far she had been lucky with Killian but she first wanted to speak with this one. Time was a precious thing that gave birth to the very strength that brewed under her strong muscles. Vahva was not afraid of socializing anymore, more she was afraid of losing the Allies that she had already created. Vahva wasn't a nobody anymore, and she was ready to prove herself to Valhalla, what was another male wolf. He had an odd coloring, well not as odd as her blue mane perhaps. That was something only she had, since her father had vanished from mind and memory. For the most part she had known nothing about Sani, so there was no use for the red eyed girl to dig into it.
What was Tidus doing all the way out here in the North? Was he looking to join one of the icy packs, well the most famous that she knew of was Glaciem that was for sure. Her red eyes watched as his fur sucked into his pelt from the moisture of the water. Just like a jacket of some sort, sucking onto whatever it could. Her ears moved forward like a radar to catch his voice. A smile arose on her face, while always fake considering she was a very serious wolf. Though her gaze softened, this male wasn't hostile at all, so it'd be alright to converse with him wouldn't it? "My name is Vahva. I'm looking for loyal wolves to join my pack when it is created in the future. While it's far off, it's a goal I am working up to." She explained with a flick of her tail. A sanctuary, one that others should not penetrate, was what she wanted to create. No matter who they were, or what they had done, she would offer a home. For she was only looking for those who were willing to extend a helping hand. Surely it would create a wonderful family. And perhaps even those seeking to redeem their sins, would be able to find themselves at a peace of mind.



07-03-2013, 12:26 AM
The blonde warrior slid the rest of his body out of the water. His mismatched colored legs a huge contrast against his pale fur. He gazed at the she-wolf, still awed by her blue mane and red eyes. She looked like she should be feared, but to be honest he wasn't afraid at all. In fact, she looked kinda cute. Grinning, he walked over to her. Steam rising from his body where the cold water met his warm skin. "A pack huh? Are you in a pack now? Or are you waiting till you get enough saps before leaving to start one?" He replied humorously, laughter dancing in his deep blue eyes. He sat down, scratching behind a pale ear before licking water off his muzzle. The air didn't feel as cold as it had like previous days, perhaps Spring was finally peeking over the horizon.

The young man stood, shaking out his pelt free of the icy water. Causing his fur to puff out like a shaggy dog. Or like a blow dried kitten. "Tell me, where exactly am I anyway? You can probably tell I'm not from here, if my way of talking doesn't give it away, or the fact that I sit in ice cold water, then I don't know what else does!" He grinned again.


07-05-2013, 04:13 PM

He didn't look very amused to her, but that could have been expected. If anything she was slightly ticked off by his questions. Her ears flicked as her red orbs narrowed on the blonde. "I'm Valhallan, until I get enough members, and enough pack experience." She answered with a small sigh. Was he lost this entire time? Well that was no surprise to her, even though it was a bit weird for a random male who had been bathing in freezing cold water to not know where he was. She would never want to bath or drink anything that might kill her. Then again, she probably did it by instinct. Vahva tried to push the thought away and returned her attention back to the blonde.
"You're in the nothern parts of Alacritis, the lifeless Caverns." She answered with a flick of her tail. Shaking her blue mane. She decided to flop down on her stomach and cross her front paws together. "Do you get lost often?" She asked with a bit of a chuckle.



07-06-2013, 07:29 PM
The young man shrugged, ears flicking a little nervously. Perhaps he was being a little too straightforward or even annoying. Probably the latter, it wouldn't be the first time someone thought that about him. Rolling his shoulders, he sat up with his tail curled up slightly. "Valhalla eh? I've heard of them. Kind of a close knit community. As for getting lost, I guess you can say that. I haven't been this far these lands anyway. I don't have a pack, obviously, so I've been roaming here and there." He glanced towards the caverns, the name he just learned was confusing to him...why was it called the lifeless caverns? Perhaps it was the eeriness that projected from it, like souls lost in an eternal abyss.

Glancing back at Vahva, he took on a more serious approach. "So the pack you're planning on starting, how many followers do you have so far? Are they all rogues too?"


07-06-2013, 10:35 PM

Vahva watched the man with curious eyes he wasn't all that annoying just a bit cheerful in her opinion. Valhalla was a close knit family for sure even though she figured her birth had been a mistake they had still accepted her into her birthplace. So he didn't know the place very well, that was understandable. Vahva had been here merely a month and there was still places she had yet to explore. Guess that was what made alacritis so great, not to mention Valhalla. She gave a bit of a smile and then chuckled.
"I have one follower so far, his name is killian." she answered with a flick of her tail. Killian would make a fine secondary alpha or even her beta if possible. After all his goal was to show his family he had not been wrong about his choices. Possibly showing them he could be high in rank would help that and even display his strength. The world was a weird place after all.



07-18-2013, 04:43 AM
Tidus sniffed a little, shaking off the remaining water from his thick pelt. His posture held great interest in her words, the start of a new pack, a pack that maybe...he would be a part of. But he was still unsure. He hadn't explored much of this, Alacritis yet and wanted to see more before he was tied down to a single leader, or leaders...but, perhaps this would be an opportunity to get some pack experience and then set out on his own later on if he so chose. The options were endless, and if she already had followers, then maybe he should go with her and join. It's not like he had anything to lose...not yet anyway.

The young man half stood and decided, nodding in his own agreement. "Well, Vahva...if you don't mind, I would like to join you in your quest. At least until I find purpose in my life, it gets quite lonesome traveling around on my own with nowhere to go." He told her in a matter of fact tone. He would do this, it was the only thing he could do anyway. Where else would he go? He knew no one, no home, no place to go. He was a vagabond in the snowy slopes of...wherever she said this place was. A shiver went down his spine, but not enough for her to notice...this place kind of gave him the creeps, and his paws itched to walk away from here. So the sooner they left, the better. He wondered what his future held in store for him...