
Wicker Man



4 Years
06-24-2019, 11:02 PM

He had seen the column of smoke even from the pines where he and his family lived and had set out early that morning to investigate. Even beyond the border he could smell the acrid smell of smoke and ash and could still see thin tendrils of smoke drifting from the thicket. He called to be met by Shaye, knowing her to be the more level headed of the two alphas, although he had reason to doubt that either of them were rational. Shaye had after all taken his children while he was in a weakened state and he did to some extent blame her for the loss of his son Tythe. That loss still rankled with him, although he was grateful to still have the majority of his litter.

He sat on the scorched border his flying companion circling overhead while Raanee flicked her tongue from her coil around his neck. Things had been going well for him in spite of how they had started at the beginning of that year, he had his children, his mate, his family and was swiftly making amends with his hot headed uncle, he supposed it wouldn’t be any of Shaye’s business but some part of him wanted to lord over her that her pack had burned while his own life had become so blessed.

Speech, Thought, You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



6 Years
07-10-2019, 08:05 PM (This post was last modified: 07-10-2019, 08:06 PM by Corentine.)

She had been an absolute mess since the fire. Seeing her sister caring her mother's limp body and discovering that her mother was in fact gone from this life. She had been preparing with her mother since they had been reunited, but it didn't make her death any easier. She had much to do and yet she still found herself here at the still fresh mound of dirt with the flowers carefully planted by Shaye and a few others. Thankfully she had Brandr, he was helping her hold herself together during her grieving. Lucine, she on the other hand had started to become distant and Corentine felt that the young girl was blaming herself despite Corentine telling her over and over that it hadn't been. One of the first things she needed to do was to find her other three siblings and to tell them of Storm's passing. She wouldn't say she had a very close relationship with any of them, but she needed to see them all and let them know what was going on. They all deserved to know. It was only a mere stroke of luck that one of her siblings was at the border and howling.

The howl was somewhat familiar of course it had been what felt like ages since she had actually seen Tyranis. It drew her attention away from the grave, bringing her out of her own thoughts and into reality. The howl called for Shaye, but Corentine was determined that she would be the one to deliver the news, Storm had wished it so. She didn't emotionally feel ready, but her emotions and health was not her worry right now. Filling her mother's wishes were her priority. Getting up she shook out her fur and quickly headed towards where Ty had called from. She moved quick, hoping to get there before Shaye would. She hadn't been very far and it didn't take her long before she was slowing down and approaching the spot where Ty was. His towering form came into view and though she wanted to give him a familial embrace, she stayed back her eyes looking to the cobra for a moment before her exhausted golden gaze looked to her brother's lightning yellow gaze.

They were both much older then they had been the last time they had seen each other and both had gone through changes. It was easy to see the slight drop in her own abdomen extra skin that shown she had had pups already and her scent was permanently intermingled with Brandr's since she spent majority of her time with him. Her brother had gone through so many more physical changes. He was battle worn, but still held himself with pride and grace.

"Ty," her words were soft and voice wavered slightly from exhaustion.

"Talk" "You" Think

Brandr, Lucine, & Halation is allowed in any of her threads regardless of the tag