
Trapped in a Nightmare




4 Years
Other species

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
06-21-2019, 09:40 PM


Cannival was in search of something, but whatever it was she could barely remember through her clouded mind. The healer Rain, he'd mentioned he'd lived... somewhere. The lioness shook her head groggily, willing herself to remember. He'd given her healing and medication, with promise for more if she'd needed it. A few moons after taking his offered herbs, Cannival grew ill. Unwilling to hastle Abaven and use up their much needed stores, she'd decided to go back to him to see what might be wrong. Only.. as the days passed by, she could recall less of the vague directions he'd given.

Abruptly her lazy pace came to a stop as her body collided into a wall of bamboo, and she squinted up at the strange barrier with a tilt of her head. That wasn't there a second ago. She spun- albeit less gracefully then usual -to see the same towering bamboo stalks back the way she came. There was no exit in immediate view, and for a quick moment the fear of having gotten herself trapped chased away the sickly feeling overwhelming her. "Hello?" She called out, soft voice weak with exhaustion. "Is anybody there?" Multiple paths surrounded her, but down each she saw only more and more bamboo.




8 Years
06-21-2019, 09:53 PM

Hannibal put down an old Hare skin beneath his tangle of bamboo to avoid the moist dirt. With yellow teeth and a clenched jaw he moved it in place. With all his free time the male was getting crafty but only at a low level. The male was only a skeleton of his once rather divine form. Pink sore skin clung to skinny bones and white fur was now painted red with dried blood and brown with dirt. He was a mess. For quite a vain being it was clear he was going through something rather significant.

The sound of rather hefty pad falls surrounding her. Someone was going through the maze. Hannibal had memorized the passageways and even left himself little markers that only he would pick up on to know the way but night. But, many wandering souls ended up getting swallowed by it. Hannibal had made his home within the center of the maze at a dead end and it seemed this stranger was getting closer. The male opened his maw to allow the scent of this lost creature to fall upon his pink cracked tongue. In an instant his brow raised. It was feline but no mountain cat.

Two bursts of confused words fell into his ears and the male bristled. It seemed she was closer then he thought. Due to the dead end there was no use to hiding for she had already picked up on him. Thus, the male moved to greet the new comer face to face. Hackles raised and lips wrinkled into a disapproving sneer. Mis match eyes fell upon the sight of this impressive beast. A black Lioness with beaming yellow optics. Hannibal connected his own blood shot gaze with hers. "You do not belong here." His voice was husky and crackled due to a lack of use. When alone with no companion but a Stoat you don't chat much.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



4 Years
Other species

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
06-21-2019, 10:38 PM


Cannival wasn't sure what exactly who it what it was she expected to find within the maze, she only was grateful to hear the rustle of soft paw-pads from not too far off. The stranger took only a few moments to reach her, and the lioness's train of thought cluttered with shock and concern as the ragged wolf drew nearer. Golden eyes fell upon and over his torn pelt, it's pale coloring streaked with blood, dirt and heavens knew what else. Everywhere she looked it seemed his skeleton as protruding with nearly enough force to break free from it's confines. He didn't strike Cannival as sickly nor weak, but very very broken. The last wolf she had seen in even similar condition was Motif's uncle, Epitaph. The resemblance to the Abaven wolf ended there with his shrunken appearance, as it appeared in spirit that this wolf was stronger then the ex-slave. His posturing was aggressive, and that was more liveness then the lioness had seen from Epitaph.

"You do not belong here." The cracked voice insisted. Cannival drew back a careful few steps until her heels made contact with the maze's wall. "It appears..." She began cautiously, tilting her head to regard the male. "...Neither do you." Her voice was calm and soft, doing her best to not anger the wolf. She swallowed hard as a wave of nausea and fatigue rolled over her, then shoved it back down. Cannival knew she might have gotten herself into a dangerous situation, and now was not the time to succumb to sickness. "I mean no harm, I just wish to find my way out. Are you- uhm, are you okay?" While nervous and flighty, Cannival could not help but be concerned. The lioness was a budding healer, and though she still held little knowledge of herbal remedies she could not ignore a troubled stranger.




8 Years
06-26-2019, 12:47 PM

Broken. Hannibal was undeniably broken in many ways. His rotting heart was shredded to bits as the thoughts of his offspring being alone or even dead never left his mind. The males body was in tatters. Formerly the beast was a sight to behold. Long black and white limbs packed full of strength. Alabaster fur mottled with patches of a deep inky black signifying his rare case of partial albinism. One pink and one blue eye calling for an alluring gaze. Hannibal is a horrifically vain creature but with his mind deteriorating in such a way the former pleasures he once enjoyed meant little.

That rare gaze swept across the feline's features with both annoyance and a mild sense of rage. He wished for no disturbances and felt as though the maze was the perfect place for such. Hannibal desired nothing more then to die alone. To suffer and rot in his dismal grave. Yet, he was face to face with a massive Lioness who seemed to look both worried and insolent in a way.

Four skinny legs were spread and his head was low. The top of his spine was exposed to the much larger animal. She could likely see the scabs of unhealed sun burns leaking blood. They itched like no other and were pretty inflamed. Perhaps without care they would soon fester. Yellow teeth were exposed as pink lips stretched into a threatening snarl that soon turned into a simple sneer. "Im dying." The words flew from his slippery lips with ease. "Alone." He rolled his shoulders as the need to itch his back came back, but he would wait to do so until the stranger was gone. "Follow." The tall and skinny creature sulked past the Lioness to begin in through the maze to show her the way out. The last thing he wanted was to share time with a big chatty Cat.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



4 Years
Other species

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
06-26-2019, 03:00 PM


The lioness' face contorted in a grim frown as she caught sight of his injuries. They didn't appear to be battle wounds. Perhaps a mixture of his pale condition drawing the sun, and neglect in protecting or treating it. A soft 'tsk' came from her maw. "Are you 'dying' because you choose to, or because you've got an illness that is not treatable?" She questioned, her voice flat with disbelief. The wolf began to lead the way out, and Cannival paused to consider it.

Her paws tapped against the dirt with indecision, and after a moment she started forward in the direction opposite him. Towards where he appeared in the maze rather then the exit. "You live here?" She called back to him, lifting her head to scent the air. Now that she could identify his trail, she planned to follow it to the end. It was risky, the male seemed he could be aggressive and territorial. He obviously wanted to be left alone and Cannival would have gladly obliged if she could live with herself for the decision. "My name is Cannival, by the way."
