
care to add to the experiment?

dessy plots



3 Years
06-26-2019, 08:13 PM (This post was last modified: 06-27-2019, 11:54 AM by Desdemona.)
so hi. if anyone knows me they know i'm awkward as heckity hoo. i wish to change that, at least in rp world, cause i want a smooth talking character with Desdemona.

my plans are this; she is going to Risen but is open to meeting anyone. Desdemona was raised on the principle that females were only good for breeding, being wives, and continuing a strong bloodline. that is if you were lucky to get good breeding yourself. otherwise, consider yourself drowned/killed/etc. she has no surname because of her culture, though comes from a long line of lineage carefully collected and bred. she is supposed to be lovely and desirable. but she's also quite detached from others as a result. she doesn't care who uses her and for what. she'll go along with it cause it's 'fun'.

unfortunately for her rper, I am a bit of a... prude. my hopes for Des will be to have others to flirt with, banter with, sleep with, even devote herself to. I'm down for casual threads with no plots attached if you want a quick fling. this is mainly to make me less conservative and more spontaneous. also good rp writing practice! she's an "anything goes" sorta lady. I do want her to find some buddies, maybe even be exposed to a kind stranger or two. she's sorta just floundering in the world away from what she knows.

so if anyone can help me with this lil experiment, I'd be grateful. I'm down for almost anything (aside from rape) and open to almost any sort of ideas.

run down; looking for males or females to sleep with, have affairs with, start shit on site with no fighting skill to back it up. she can't breed yet so no pups onsite yet (plus that womb is almost taken by Laz anyway). but I'm down for casual sleepings-with. she can be beaten up if you want a dummy to practice on too. she's not strong at all. lol Des will most likely try to talk her way out of any problem she runs into.

wants; casual flings, people to lie and manipulate, people to manipulate her, wolves to be loyal to outside of Risen Empire stuff, etc.