
All My Lovin'



07-19-2013, 01:06 AM

Pearly white fur covered the petite she wolf, so snuggled up was she that extremities became vague. Ivory tail placed neatly around her face with paws tucked in neatly. Her breath was even and her awareness minimal, being in her den, presumably next to her sweet love Cherokee, she had little to worry about. While asleep she was completely at peace, but getting to sleep was starting to become a problem. The babies inside her decided she was not going to have much fun during her pregnancy.
Sleep came with much struggle, it was hard to get comfortable. Song would move around frequently in the night because of her discomfort and not wanting to bother Cherokee she would lay in wakefulness next to him. She hoped he hadn't noticed that she'd been sleeping in later. Usually she was awake much earlier than he was, but she'd been sleeping later and later. He probably shrugged it off as being due to her pregnancy but she had not been alerted to anything else.
An ache was starting to form in her hips, growing more and more irritating as the morning drew on. When it grew too much for her to bare her bicolored eyes slid open, the pain in her lower half becoming awful. She grunted in displeasure as she moved to get up. It was better to wake stretch and then sleep again later on. It was easier to find a comfortable position that way. With growing need she searched the near vicinity for her mate, maybe he'd found her breakfast.



07-19-2013, 01:27 AM

Pregnancy was no walk in the park. From what he could see going on with his wife, it didn't seem like it was too much of a good time. There were times the obsidian man felt bad that he'd filled his wife with his seed. It was his fault after all that she was going through this, but yet she seemed determined to see it through; their children were well worth it. And they really were. The man just wished that he could alleviate some of the pans of pregnancy from his wife, but he knew that it was physically impossible. All he could do was try to accommodate her as best he could and try to make her as comfortable as possible during her pregnancy.

He'd noticed that since having gotten pregnant, Song was beginning to sleep in much later than usual. Usually she was the first one awake of the duo, but now he was the one beginning to wake up earlier more often. It appeared that her pregnancy was taking much more of a toll than he'd first realized. That morning Cherokee had awoken first as always, having slept fitfully beside his uncomfortable wife. He'd sensed her tossing and turning, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in and it had kept him up somewhat. But he didn't mind. It wouldn't be too long before she was able to give birth, and then she would be able to relax. If not for a little while. He'd set out with a mission that morning; breakfast. Nothing to heavy, he didn't want to upset her stomach if she wasn't feeling to well, so rabbit had been the first thing to come to mind. They were quick little buggers, but the large man was able to snag two, the lifeless carcasses now dangling from his dark jaws as he trotted back towards his den. Mismatched gaze came across his wife's swollen figure, a muffled woof of greeting reaching out across the expanse to her as he came up before her, dropping the two morsels at her paws as he reached down to tenderly lick her forehead. Goodmorning beautiful.

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07-19-2013, 01:53 AM

Her knight in shining armor, she was enamored by his wonderful face. The perfect image to wake up to. The pain she felt lessened as her focus was able to move to Cherokee. He was so much more help to her than he realized. Just his presence relieved much of her discomfort, especially when she was trying to sleep. Pain was inevitable but he helped her as much as he could. Other than seeing him, seeing the rabbits was the best surprise of her morning.
With little thought the rabbits were dropped to the floor, their eyes only for each other. She hummed happily as his kiss touched her head, "Good morning, beautiful." The bright smile that followed his words erupted suddenly. Good morning my love. She pushed her head up to nuzzle his cheek affectionately. I'm almost as happy to see the rabbits as I am to see you. It was shameful how ravenous she'd become, I would not be able to do this with out you. The frightening truth was easy to see, had circumstances been more frightening she would never have survived. She was so grateful to have her husband there to help raise their children.



07-19-2013, 01:13 PM

Good morning my love. I'm almost as happy to see the rabbits as I am to see you. I would not be able to do this with out you. An answering smile curled his dark lips, mismatched gaze looking down fondly on his wife as she nuzzle his cheek, sending butterflies fluttering inside his stomach. He was dead sure that even when they were old and gray, every touch from his little angel would always make him feel all fluttery. An amused chuckle rumbled in his chest as he pushed his nose against her cheek, pulling away to scoot the rabbits close to her with his paw. I'm always happy to see you my little angel. Here, eat u. I know you have to be hungry. Haunches folded beneath the large brute, his hind end kissing the earth, obsidian plume curling around his paws as he waited for his wife to start eating, meanwhile he remained alert to his surroundings, always wary were someone to decide to drop by.

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07-19-2013, 01:31 PM

Growing babies was no easy task, as she was quickly finding out. She was tired she was hungry and she was restless. Always. There was almost no escape, but in the end they would be worth every moment. She was so excited about them, looking forward to meeting them kept the aches at bay. She leaned into his touch, sad when he pulled away. She was easily distracted by the rabbit he pushed into his place. "I'm always happy to see you my little angel. Here, eat up. I know you have to be hungry." Delightedly she tore into its delicate flesh.
With careful neatness she chewed on its fragile bones and swallowed the tender flesh. She happily devoured the whole carcass. The calcium from the bones and the nutrients its held would make for great puppy food. What a perfect breakfast you've brought for me. She smiled at him, knowing that he'd been on edge since the revelation of her pregnancy. She felt bad, he was always on the lookout for danger. Was he really enjoying the time they had? Everything would be so much better after the pups were born. She would feel so much better. Did you see anyone while you were out?



07-19-2013, 02:32 PM

Pregnancy was no joke now, especially since it was his wife. She was a lot more vulnerable than she would usually be. Not only that, but now she was carrying pups inside of her. Tiny little replicas of them inside of her womb, that depended on her for their sustenance. It was more crucial now for him to be on the look out, to never leave her side because he couldn't risk something happening to her or their unborn children. Ludicael was a pretty safe pack, from what he'd seen so far, but that didn't mean that a rogue couldn't decide to ignore the border markers and charge in, looking to cause a panic and wreak havoc. It was those kinds of things that always kept Cherokee on edge now. His worry and love for Song was so great that he just couldn't be comfortable anymore. Sure, he could put his worry aside for a little bit, but it was always there. In the subtle way he let his eyes wander around their surroundings, the way his muscles tensed beneath his dark coat, hos close he kept himself in proximity to his wife. He'd promised her that she was going to be safe and that nothing was going to happen to her and he'd be damned if he let anything happen.

She accepted the meal easily enough, devouring the first carcass like nobody's business, chewing on the bones as she smiled up at him, complimenting him on what a perfect breakfast he'd brought her. Mismatched gems refocused on her, a gentle smile curling his ebon lips. I'm glad you liked it. He pushed the second rabbit towards her, taking another moment to survey their surroundings before her voice brought his attention back to her. No I haven't spotted anyone, but I'm still keeping an eye out.

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07-19-2013, 04:24 PM

With her belly being cramped with unborn little ones she could only eat so much before she had to stop, the rabbits portions filling her up splendidly. Cherokee nosed the other closer to her, but she would have to wait a bit before making that one disappear as well. "No I haven't spotted anyone, but I'm still keeping an eye out." Wolves didn't seem to frequent the area that they had made their den.
They were a bit out of the way, and not in an area easily found by others. A giant tree grew above them, its old trunk hollowed out at the bottom. It grew close to a bank and the inside opened up under the hillside. There was much room for them and their future pups to have all the room they wanted. You're so worried all the time my love, now it's my turn to put your fears to rest. She pushed herself onto her front legs into a sitting position. She leaned into his side, her mouth planting little kisses on his cheek and muzzle. Everything is going to be alright. No one wants to hurt our children. She smiled as she whispered this to him. She felt incredibly safe where they were, the only scents that were anywhere near them were their own. No one came out here.



07-19-2013, 05:27 PM

Much to his surprise, she denied the second rabbit. Perhaps having a few extra bodies packed into your body made it harder to retain food. Whatever the case, Cherokee was just glad that his wife had been able to get her fill for her breakfast. He didn't need her starving on his account. You're so worried all the time my love, now it's my turn to put your fears to rest. Everything is going to be alright. No one wants to hurt our children. Obviously she would pick up on his tense energy and the way he was on edge all the time now; he wasn't doing a very good job of hiding it. Not that he could anyway. She leaned into him, fawning over his muzzle and cheek with kisses. Mismatched gaze was hidden from the world behind dark lids, audits falling against his black head. I can't help it. I love you too much not to worry...and just because it doesn't seem like anyone doesn't want, to doesn't it mean it can't happen... A quiet sigh slipped past his lips as tucked her head beneath his chin. He didn't know what he would do without his wife. She was everything to him.

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07-19-2013, 07:24 PM

She loved the pleased look he displayed on his face, it reassured her that he shared the same butterflies she experienced. Every touch sent a wave of shivers down her spine. She thought maybe after a while they would start to go away, but they had only gotten worse. It was enjoyable though, and she was glad he could still give her goose bumps. "I can't help it. I love you too much not to worry...and just because it doesn't seem like anyone doesn't want, to doesn't it mean it can't happen..." She listened to his words, and of course he was right but she didn't want to linger on it.
Many things could happen to them before their offspring came into the world, but as she had been learning you couldn't worry about it. She shook her head, I'm just glad you worry enough for the both of us! She giggled at him. After her break down when she had first learned about their presence she had to keep reminding herself that worry was useless. She just had to keep herself strong and ready for when they came.
There was still plenty of time for her and Cherokee to spend along before their little brood popped up. With a content sigh she leaned into Cherokee, breathing in his sweet scent. A purr left her throat as her mind wandered back to her unborn children. You know, we never discussed their names. She excitedly looked to her abdomen. How many were in there, and were they boys or girls? There was so much uncertainty.



07-20-2013, 02:21 PM

He was being paranoid and he knew it. But he couldn't help it. He cared far too much about his wife to allow himself to be complacent at such a time in their life. She was in the most delicate state that she could ever be in her life and Cherokee couldn't stand to let anything happen to her. She and their growing children were far to precious to him. But he couldn't worry forever. It was just no way to properly live. Maybe once the children were born he would be able to relax some, but until then he would probably be wound this tight for a while. I'm just glad you worry enough for the both of us! An infectious giggle bubbled from her pearly lips and an unconscious smile curled Cherokee's own inky lips. All this worrying and fretting and being serious couldn't last long for the obsidian man. Not when he had Song as his wife. She was just always so happy that he couldn't help but be the same around her. As long as you don't stress yourself out little dove, then I will gladly worry continuously enough for you.

Mismatched gaze slowly cracked open, falling on their surroundings, simply observing as Song commented on how they hadn't picked any names yet. That is very true. Did you have any mind yet? Oh the baby names. How would they know which ones to pick? They didn't even know how many they were having or even what gender they were going to be! Ah, the wonders of pregnancies.

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07-20-2013, 11:42 PM

She was glad she was able to crack Cherokee's shell, her smile was present as a visual sign. She just couldn't help but to love to see the look of happiness on his face. It was all she wanted, well except to meet their children. That was what she wanted the most, she wanted them out of her. There was still much more time she would need to endure before they were able to touch them. What would they look like? Who would they be?
She had been thinking quite a bit about what they would name their babies. She already had one picked out. As long as she had a daughter, she would be blessed with this name. I want to name my daughter, Novel. She looked back towards his face to see his reaction. She hoped it would be a good choice, since she would never see her mother again at least she would live on in Alacritis.



07-20-2013, 11:55 PM

It wasn?t natural for him to be depressed or sad or anything that wasn?t happy and joyful around his wonderful wife. She was just so full of life and of everything good that it was hard not to let it rub off on him. She was just so beautiful and amazing and perfect and just everything he?d ever wanted in a women, though he had never given himself a specific image of what he wanted his future mate to be like. Though he was sure that if he?d ever tried to imagine her, that she would be exactly like Song . She was just absolutely and utterly perfect in his eyes and there was no one and nothing that could ever change that for him. He was beyond blessed to be able to call her his and to know that he would be spending the rest of eternity with her. Truly blessed.

He hadn?t been really thinking too much in terms of the names for their children. For one, he wasn?t very creative, so he wasn?t about to stress himself over finding the perfect name for his children. On another point, he didn?t even know the sex of his children, which it made it that much more difficult for him to find a suitable name for them. He didn?t want to think of the perfect name for a girl, and end up having a boy instead or vise verse. He would rather wait till the day of their birth, and hopefully inspiration would hit him and he would come up with a brilliant name. At least that?s what he was hoping. Song?s voice brought him back from his thoughts. She wanted to name a daughter Novel. That?s a really beautiful name my little dove. I love it. He smiled gently at her, nuzzling her neck. Perhaps he wouldn?t even have to pick names. Song seemed pretty capable of thinking of really good ones herself.

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07-22-2013, 12:24 AM

"That?s a really beautiful name my little dove. I love it." Her smile mirrored his as she leaned into his nuzzle and offered him her own in turn. His sweet scent drifted into her pearly nose as it was pushed gently into his fur. She pushed her eye lids together in blissful happiness as her head moved back and forth in a much needed snuggle. He quickly approved of her idea, and sounded like he adored it as much as she did. She would at least be able to honor her mother in this way. Do you think Novel would approve? She asked as her eyes traveled up to meet his, wondering again about her abandoned family.
It seemed to be happening more and more since she had become pregnant. The curiosity of what her mother thought was enough to drive her crazy. She tried not to think about it, and hoped that she would soon be able to find Silent and talk to her. Her "adopted" mother always brought her incredible comfort and peace of mind. She just wished fervently that she lived closer.



07-22-2013, 01:22 AM

Do you think Novel would approve? Everything about their life was pretty much perfect. Except for one thing. She didn't always talk about them, but Cherokee knew better. His wife missed her family, her mother most of all. Although he knew that she had never agreed with the plans her mother had had for her back when she lived with her family, he knew Song loved her family, especially her mother. It saddened him at times to know that she would never be able to share her new life with her mother. There were times that he wanted to go out, back to her home and bring her family here to Alacritis, to share in the joy of expanding their family, but he knew that was pretty much impossible. That was the only thing that made their life nearly perfect.

I'm sure your mother would love it Song. He fawned her muzzle with gentle kisses, wishing that he really knew the answer to that question. Alas, all he could give her were comforting words, what he thought was close enough to the truth.

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07-22-2013, 02:03 AM

She wasn't sure why she was so desperate to feel the approval of her impossibly far away mother. Deep in her heart though, she longed for the feeling. If that was all she had wanted though, she knew she would have stayed in her mother's pack. One day she would have looked upon her with pride, but now here she was. Barely wed and she was filled with the children of her new husband. Would Novel have thought they were moving too fast? She sighed, knowing that the information would not come to her.
With a smile she took in his supportive words, "I'm sure your mother would love it Song." and the wonderful kisses that followed. She couldn't help but laugh as the many pecks tickled her nose. She let the thoughts of her past gently fade away before looking at his mismatched gaze once again. She loved looking into his unique gaze. That's really the only name I'm certain of though. I will just have to wait and meet them. She shook her head slightly, I don't even know if we'll have a girl. From the look of my stomach they're all strapping young lads. She laughed, it helped to distract her from the daunting task that loomed in her future.



07-22-2013, 07:33 PM

He knew how important it was for her to have her mother here, supporting her, helping her figure out names and such things that mothers did, and it saddened him to know that he would never have that. At least, not with her real mother anyway. Silent, the darker woman who had agreed to marry them, was a wonderful adopted mother for his wife, at least from the things he'd heard about her. He could understand how now she would worry about her mother, since she didn't have much else to do, but he hoped once the children came, that she wouldn't be worried about her blood mother anymore. Silent would be much more of a mother and surely she would love to come around and help out with the babies, he was sure of it.

That's really the only name I'm certain of though. I will just have to wait and meet them. I don't even know if we'll have a girl. From the look of my stomach they're all strapping young lads. He chuckled, bumping her growing belly gently with his muzzle. Well whether they be all girls, all boys or a mixture of the two, I will love every single last one of them with all of my heart. And I'm sure they will love you, their beautiful mother, so much more. He lifted his head, smiling down lovingly at his wife, still unable to believe that he had been so lucky in finding such an amazing woman like her.

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