
Turn Back the Clock



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
07-12-2019, 04:31 PM

She was back where she belonged. Everything here was familiar to her, and she didn't realize just how much she missed it until Acere had called to claim the area. She intended on dying here no matter what, nothing could pull her away from her one true home. Some of her family was here, too. Her ever watchful Gryphon, too. Despite the distance that had formed between them, he was always there for her. Watching over her. She was grateful for him and his presence, and although she hadn't admitted it yet, she was glad for his company. She walked slowly across the ground that had begun to freeze, a little unusual for her considering it wasn't quite winter yet. But if the ache in her old bones told her anything, it was that winter would likely come early this year judging by the dropping temperatures.

Avalon hadn't really met anyone else in the pack that wasn't her family or Acere. Which for now, was okay. She took that time to wander her old home and reminisce both good and bad memories...and speaking of memories...

She had made it to Vereux's grave. The lillies that Okami had planted on it were grown, the pink and orange blossoms currently bloomed, but they would probably wilt away when autumn progressed and winter came. She gazed sadly upon the ground where he lied, the old woman slowly settling herself onto the ground until her belly touched the earth. She wished things had been different...he had been the only one who had truly loved her, and she had broken his heart. Sighing, she gently lowered her head to rest it against the dirt in silence.



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