
Call Me Catnip

Hjarrandi AW!

Valkyrie 1


5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!Trick 2019
07-06-2019, 09:48 PM

Valkyrie glanced over her shoulder and frowned into the weeds. She was taking a couple members of her band to the place where she'd been stashing captives but something wasn't right. Valkyrie didn't feel right. Something was amiss. "Eisleif..." she said cautiously. Her eyes narrowed and she turned to fully face the way she'd come. "Remember that cat we fought in Auster?"

A yowl cracked through the air causing Valkyrie's ears to slick back. She sent an annoyed 'not again' look to Eisleif and then focused on the tall grasses where she expected that cat to explode from any second. Assuming, of course, this went like their last encounter with a big cat. Honestly Valkyrie wasn't sure what to make of all of this. Perhaps if the encounter with Eisleif had been her first she wouldn't have thought much of this one, but that time hadn't been her first time squaring off with a big cat. No, she'd fought one with Eldi and another with a stranger.

Perhaps the encounters were a sign of something.

WC: 173

This character has a noticeable Icelandic accent!
Valkyrie also has a female melanistic japanese macaque named Inga. Unless she's mentioned IC it's safe to assume she's not with her master.
It can be assumed that Valkyrie has a bear skull mask hanging from a strap around her neck at all times.



8 Years

Treat 2019
07-07-2019, 10:15 AM
Eisleif followed behind her niece, feeling the tension in the air just as well as Valk. Her fur prickled, like the feeling of being watched. Charcoal paws carried her onward as her ears swiveled to catch any errant sound. Suddenly Valkyrie’s voice was there, had she missed something? She paused and looked around, following the band leader’s gaze. ”Indeed.” She answered as hackles raised as her gaze searched the tall grasses. There was something coming towards them.

So many cats recently, she didn’t think this was the same young tom they’d chased off before. However, it was very odd that the two of them were targeted in such a way. In her half a dozen years she hadn’t seen so many of them. Was it just the Hjarrandi, or was it all wolves being targeted? She let her lips pull back into a snarl as she balanced herself on her toes. ”Coincidence? Bad luck? A managed effort against us?” She gave voice to her concerns as the grass rustled more heavily. Her gaze narrowed and her stump of a tail wagged agitatedly against her striped hips.




4 Years

Critical Fail!
07-07-2019, 10:40 AM

maybe Dutch was a bit... lucky to have not been stopped by these cats. at least so far, because luck had a habit of running out pretty damn fast. she was mostly unaware of the felines trying to pick a fight with any wolf, and that'd be her downfall easily. with her short legs, she trailed after the two taller wolves. lost in thought, she didn't even realize their conversation until the brush started to shake nearby. her fur prickled uneasily, the scent of cat heavy in the air.

"shit" she swore to herself, wondering if the predator would think her an easier target and go after the dwarf. didn't predators go naturally after they assumed the weakest member of a herd? but this wasn't a herd. she wasn't prey. she'd fight back if possible. walking quickly forward, she'd put herself firmly between Eisleif and Valkyrie. Dutch didn't want to be a burden by any means but she also knew they were more experienced with fighting. "maybe they're attracted to the captives. so many easy targets." she voiced quietly.

and also dared them to call her an 'easy target'.

"speak." 188 words.
dutch speaks with a thick scandinavian accent.

Valkyrie 1


5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!Trick 2019
07-12-2019, 04:48 PM

Valkyrie's expression changed to one of immense dislike as she eyed the place she thought the cat was hiding. There did seem to be more than coincidence at work here. She wasn't sure what to make of their feline magnetism, but perhaps it was time to bring the matter to Hjarrandi's Hexe.  She told her compatriots as much. "Perhaps it is a sign or a matter of hamingja." If it was the latter she would have to see if Alfrun had any advice on the matter. "I will ask Alfrun when we reach cam-"

A yowl split the air in front of her and then a cat exploded out of the tall grasses to her left. While she'd expected an attack, she hadn't expected it to come from there. Caught off guard by the nearness of the cougar, Valkyrie had no choice but to recoil away from it. To stand still or turn to face it was take her life into her hands; it would have been on her in an instance and she would have been helpless once captured in its grasp.

No sooner had she backed out of harm's way did another cougar slipped into view and began to mill around the first. This one came from the direction she had guessed the first time. By its appearance Valkyrie was able to conclude that the newest cat was quite a bit younger than the first. A mother and son, perhaps?

The young one seemed uncertain. He acted as though he wanted to engage but didn't know where to start or which wolf to target. His mother seemed pissy, but if Valkyrie had her guess she was just tired of her son's testiness and willing to go on her way without a fight if she could.

When the young one got too close Valkyire snapped and swatted at it which immediately earned a charge from the mother, who feinted an attack in order to force Valkyrie away from her cub. Though she bared her teeth at the mother, Valkyrie did back away. Cats were tricky; frontal assaults were a terrible idea so if they wanted to win this they would have to choose their attacks with care.

"So, ladies," she said with a dark smile, her eyes never leaving the cats. "What do you think we could get for that cub at market?" Momma kitty would make someone a fine coat, an arsenal of weapons and badass jewelry, and baby? Well, who didn't want an exotic pet? Valkyrie herself had a macaque. With the proper training it would make someone a fine pet. Someone, preferably, with a den full of wares they were willing to part with.

WC: 444
TC: 995

This character has a noticeable Icelandic accent!
Valkyrie also has a female melanistic japanese macaque named Inga. Unless she's mentioned IC it's safe to assume she's not with her master.
It can be assumed that Valkyrie has a bear skull mask hanging from a strap around her neck at all times.



8 Years

Treat 2019
07-12-2019, 08:29 PM
Dutch made her way between them as Eisleif watched th egrasses, ready for the next attack. She huffed amusedly as the small wolf mentioned easy targets. She was projecting. Eis couldn’t take the time to make any comments about what she observed as Valk answered simply. The older Finnvi might have shrugged it off if the cats yowl was suddenly at her ear. Eis felt herself startle as the cat came from a direction she hadn’t expected. Her joints bent and her stump of a tail flailed wildly as she set her defenses. Hackles raised as she balanced on her toes, catching sight of a second cat. The pointed woman retreated with Valkyrie, mostly so she didn’t get in the woman’s way. She watched the second arrive and stationed herself closer to the younger cat.

Eisleif watched his uncertain movements as he tried and failed to attack her niece. The older lioness fainted an attack as well, but not as spirited as the boy. The older Finnvi offered a deep growl. They had gotten away from the last cat, but with market day coming up any supplies or wares to offer the general public would be welcomed. If it happened to come with a little work, well that was worth it wasn’t it? Valkyrie’s words resounded within her. ”Certainly enough to trade or keep for the winter.” Eisleif mused back to her band leader.

The lynx marked woman made her own move, her growl turning into a snarl as she charged at the younger cat. He hadn’t expected her advance and had barely enough time to poof his tail as he started to retreat, fangs bared as he hissed at her menacingly. Eisleif allowed him to retreat another step before returning to her own place. Wounding him seriously would do no good if they wished to sell it.




4 Years

Critical Fail!
07-13-2019, 11:50 AM
Another yowl split the air, interrupting Valkyrie’s words. It was a good thing she was firmly between the band leader and the other woman, for Dutch would have been picked off if she remained at the back of the group. A cougar… it went for Valkyrie immediately and she sprang back. The dwarf growled, the fur along her back bristling in anger and controlled phobia. She wasn’t scared of a stupid cat. Even if it was much, much bigger than her. She’d fought and sparred with large wolves. This was nothing. This was… another?! A second cougar sprang from the grass, causing Dutch to back away as the two Vikings made to battle.

Valkyrie was coy, asking what they’d get from the market from the cub. Dutch had her reservations about trying to trap a cougar cub with no supplies to do so. Eisleif was eager as well, causing the dwarf’s mind to run with potential difficulty. It’d be harder than they thought it would to get the cougar mum and cub away from each other. But before she could voice her opinion, Eisleif was charging at the cub. Valkyrie was more than a match for the cougar mother, and Eisleif was large enough to tackle the cub. That left the dwarf with nothing to do but help either woman. With a deciding snarl, she rushed to help Valkyrie with the mother.

Keep the older cougar distracted and keep the focus on them… she could do this. “go left, Valk!” she cried as she went right. Circling around the cat’s back, she chomped down on the feline’s right hind leg. Another yowl let loose as the cat turned toward Dutch, swiping. She backtracked just in time, right out of the cat’s claws.

"SPEECH" 292 words.

dutch speaks with a thick scandinavian accent.