
Untouchable. <3



07-14-2013, 11:36 PM

The brown female exhaled quietly, her soft breathe stirring the grass in front of her as she contentedly splayed her lithe body on the dusty ground. Her bright green gaze was unfocused, eyes half-lidded as she hummed softly. "Untouchable like a distant diamond sky. I'm reaching out and I just can't tell you why. I'm caught up in you, I'm caught up in you. Untouchable, burning brighter than the sun. And when you're close I feel like coming undone."

Ears perked high upon her crown, swiveling back and forth as she half-listened for any pawsteps that would signal to her that others were nearby. She lazed calmly with a small hare and a mouse she had caught. The mouse was untouched, while the hare was half-eaten, and Irish already felt happy. She was surviving in these lands, prey and stranger wolves seeming plentiful.

She was overjoyed, and it showed as she picked up her pace, her tone cheerful, even as the song was supposed to be bittersweet. "In the middle of the night, when I'm in this dream, it's like million little stars spelling out your name. You gotta, come on, come on, say that we'll be together. Come on, come on, little taste of heaven." Tail thumped in the dirt, the particles rising into the air and causing her to cough lightly. She shook her head, a goofy grin upon her maw, as she glanced around again, more alert, wondering if anywolf was nearby.

Nuka had cautioned her against the dangers of howling for visitors, as they could carry harm and wish to injure her, so she kept quiet, and hoped that some kind wolf would chance upon her. She would greet them with kindness, invite them to join her and quietly offer them a morsel of her food. She would open up a normal conversation, maybe let them do the talking, if she didn't get overwhelmed and wish to talk for hours. She could sometimes bore the ears off of new wolves with her travel stories.

Speak. Think. Dance.

Elysia I


07-15-2013, 12:05 AM
Pale tan paws were placed carefully one the ground and silence any sound they might make. Tail held parallel to the body as the earthen wolfess stalked among the tall grasses. She had never been here before but it was nothing unfamiliar to her. the grass plains was one of the first places she had learned to hunt. Sea green eyes were sharp and focused as nose took in deep breaths. There, the scent of some kind of pheasant and rabbit. Which one to go after she wasn?t sure but both came from the same direction. She supposed she could decide base on which she came upon first. She paused to lift her head and peer about. Nothing but the grass was around her. She moved with grace and skill of a excellent hunter. Though she wouldn?t have known it nor even if someone told her would she believe them. She was a small prey type of hunter. Last time she hunted large game was with her family before the snow storm.
Back on the trail Elysia heard the soft thrum of a pheasant, the flap of wings. That would be her meal. It was still a ways off, unaware of being stalked down. Mentally she planned out her method of attack. More than likely it would sense her, spook and take flight. That's where she leap to make the kill. With plan in mind she moved forwards. There was a shrill alarm, the frantic beating of wings and a plump bird was in the air. With a growl, muscles bunch under her to rock er in the air with easy and jaws closed down on the pheasant. A quick snap of teeth and the bird was dead.
Unknown to her, when she took that jump she had made herself very visible to another in the area. It was odd that a wolf could be a good hunter but not detect one of her own kind. But then again Elysia had lived a rather sheltered life. There were very few she had met since spring came. Demoino was one, Knight was another. Oh far was she from the North? She had left Demoino to explored yet again, he didn?t seem to mind her wondering, but this might take more than a days travel to get back.
Sitting on her rump she neatly plucked off the feather of the bird before digging in, throat humming with pleasure in her meal. It was indeed a rather tasty bird.



07-15-2013, 12:38 AM

Irish's head popped up as she heard pawsteps, and a strong scent of wolfess hit her nose, as she was downwind of the creature. Her bright green gaze scanned the grass in front of, and surrounding, her, and her body stiffened slightly with anticipation. She hadn't seen another wolf since Nuka, and she was eagerly awaiting her next encounter. Perking her ears and turning them towards the source of the sound, she flared her nostrils and parted her maw, attempting to get a better sense of where this wolf was.

Slowly drawing her body up into a seated position, her tail brushed across the ground quickly, her expression joyous at the idea of a new friend. She almost let out a yip as she saw another's slim form fly through the air for a brief time, probably out hunting. She let out a short chuff, as she stood and gathered up her catch in her mouth. She tightened her jaw as the animals hung limply down, the hare dragging slightly on the ground because of it's strange angle.

Heading quietly towards the spot she had seen the body disappear to, she let out a short bark to alert the stranger of her approach. She tried to say, "Hello stranger! I'm Irish!" but it came out sounding like, "Hewwo Stwanger! I'm Iwish!" Her delight at meeting new wolves made her posture better, as she had her head held high, nose tucked downwards, eyes ever so slightly looking at the ground so as to not offend any others, and tail low and out straight. She wagged it slightly, and dropped her ears, to show she was of no harm. "And yew might bwe?"

Speak. Think. Dance.


07-15-2013, 06:23 PM

Time had passed since Aeil had been in the plains. The last time her paws had graced its lands was when snow, ice, and cold breezes swept through Alacritis. Now, as she walked across the familiar, unseen trails through the grass, she didn't feel as lost as she had the first time she visited. Her body moved through the tall, swaying blades while her eyes remained open for any sudden signs of movements. After a few minutes of careful observations, it paid off.
A few yards away were voices and scents she didn't recognize. Her nose caught both and seperated them, identifying both as rogues. The tones that were evident from their voices made Aeil's raised defenses relax. She slowly walked in their direction, letting her head gently rise from the blades. When she was within a good faraway distance, she tossed back her head and howled. She wondered if they would respond by approaching her or bound in the opposite direction.


Elysia I


07-15-2013, 10:52 PM
The feathers laid scattered around the earthen female as she laid there gazing at her meal. Jaws part to take the first bite when the sounds of approaching paws and a voice halted her. Fur bristled along her spine in alarm and teeth clamped down on her catch. Quick movement and she was on her paws, facing another wolf. Ears laid back and tail tucked under her. Her sea green orbs stared bewildered at the other female wolf who carried her own meal.
Elysia could barely make out what the other wolf had said. It was then that a howl broke out close by. Panicked she whirled about confused and thinking she might be under attack. Her mad need to get out of there confused her, turning her to run right into the owner who had howled.
Body crashed to the ground, plucked bird fallen out of her grip as she laid there dazed for a moment. Body curled in on itself as a whimper slipped from her throat She had never encounter two wolves at once! And not like this either. Could this very well be an attack. What if they worked for her father? Or maybe they were mean twisted wolves. But who would do that? Appear nice but really intend to harm someone.
She stared up at the dark gray wolf before her now from the ground. If they did intend to harm her, she was in a very bad position to protect herself. But its not like she even knew how to do that. Gazed swept around her for a way out if it was needed. Tail curled up between her legs but her paws itched to get up and move. She was too afraid to do so though. Oh where was Demoino when she needed him!


07-19-2013, 10:29 PM

As Aeil's howl faded, she had watched the reactions of both wolves with a watchful eye. While one didn't so much as flinch, the other had a completely opposite one. Food flew and landed on the ground inches from the fae, who was obviously startled by Aeil's announcement of her presence. The whole thing would have been comical if Aeil hadn't been the one to scare the poor female. Aeil's dark ears immediately flattened to her skull as guilt washed over her.
Slowly, the stormy gray-furred fae walked towards Elysia. Her steps were small and docile, not rushed or pressed to run. Her form, thanks to the spring, looked more slender than when she had her winter coat. She looked less bulky and more approachable, which explained why Aeil was taking her time with reaching the stranger. Blue eyes looked from the quivering she-wolf to the food that rested nearby. With another quick glance, Aeil's mouth found its way around the fresh kill before raising her head.
Aeil's next set of actions proved that she was not a mean wolf. Instead of running off and taking the carcass with her to munch on selfishly, she carried it back to its original captor. Gentle motions were a part of Aeil's movements as she lowered it in front of the shaking female. Words that matched those motions followed soon after. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," she said, eyes betraying the honesty that rang in her words. "If you would prefer I leave after doing such a thing, I will understand. I was just excited to see other females around these parts...I've only met males since I've been here." A light smile appeared on her face. She hoped that the stranger would be encouraged to speak after Aeil apologized.
