

Medusa i


5 Years
07-20-2013, 01:32 PM

It had been a while since she?d heard from her adversary, and this concerned the serpent. No, she scared little if Newt was well and alive or not, but she wished to know. So long as the giant pulled in breath she would be a threat to Jupiter?s life, and if that was the case, the serpent needed to know. She needed to know what she needed to do to protect her sun, for surely without it she would find herself extinguished. Her love for Jupiter was strong and possessive, demanding that she protect her life and her love, demanding that she made certain her vixen was happy. For now, the biggest threat to that happiness was the former Amenti alpha, and Medusa knew better than most than knowledge was power.
Perhaps it was bold of her to let out a call for the woman, her head lifted towards the night sky and lips parted into an ?o?. She would then stand normally, muscles tense and prepared should she find herself facing an enraged woman. She didn?t know what state she would find her in, or what would occur when they met. All she could do was roll with the punches, take what she could, gather the intelligence that would be presented to her. Every motion, every word, every tick would be taken and noted, dissected as best as the cunning snake could. Nonetheless, there was part of her that was amused, prepared to tease and flirt. She was nothing if not a flirt, nothing if not a siren who enjoyed singing a song that could enrage or pull one into her grasp.


07-20-2013, 01:51 PM

Nails, they raked across her mind. She shook the sound but what came with the words was a summoning. Violet eyes flickered heavenwards. Things were In the motion and she was figuring out what to do in order to obtain her pack once more. Her mate?s death was unforgivable. Yes, his life had been one of treachery and darker more twisted issues, however, that didn?t mean that he had deserved death. Her tail slashed behind her giving away the only signs of emotion. Her face was neutral, drawn back, with no visible signs of her mood. Everything was locked away, lost inside her, she needed Zara, needed release. Yet again, Zara was nowhere to be found.

Cerberus give me strength. She thought, she wanted things to go as planned and not ruin them by giving into her rage. Her ears twitched as she found the neutral grounds that he Serpent had called her too. At least she hadn?t been arrogant enough to call her home and shove everything she worked for back in her face. Part of her could sympathize. Hadn?t Zara asked her to take down Sade and she had. Barley, but nonetheless she had killed the queen and stolen the crown. That had ended in death and this time she hadn?t stolen the snakes life, not yet, perhaps Jupters death would be enough to burn Medusa. That was, If she allowed any of her wolves the opportunity to go after the queen who killed her love. She knew the desire for revenge had deep seeded into her children?s hearts. Syn had been distant and more silent then ever before.

She stood before the whole. Her injuries healed, her body tensing and ready if anything was provoked. Her tail flicked behind her as she kept her head high. Disregarding the crown that sat on medusas head. She had never asked her wolves to bow to her and she would not bow to this wolf. No, only the worthy gained her respect. ?What by Cerberus grace do you want?? she growled, the hostility was absent in her voice. She sounded dead. No emotion, no shine, no rage, just nothing. It was as if she were speaking on auto pilot and she puppet master sat close behind her mind, waiting to take over should the emotions consume her and break her free of her neutral disposition.

Medusa i


5 Years
07-20-2013, 06:47 PM

Medusa noted Newt?s arrival, dipping her head slightly in respect. She was not the sort of woman who demanded respect, especially not where she had not earned it. She did not require that Newt prostrate herself upon arrival, for even though the serpent had beaten her in battle once that did not mean anything at all. Medusa was not a warrior, but rather an opportunist. If she had not gotten an opportunity in their battle, she likely would not have been able to defeat the giant. Therefore, respect was given to the woman, even if the burnings of a slight hatred flickered within the snake?s belly. She did not hate Newt, but she disliked the idea of her, disliked the thought of anything that posed a threat to Jupiter.
Her voice sounded dead, as if the death of her mate had rendered her unable to breath. Medusa could sympathize; she supposed she would be much the same if it had been Jupiter who found herself in the ground. ?Hello, lovely,? she purred. Perhaps she should?ve been more professional, but such a word was the opposite of the Madame. She was not professional, she was relaxed, ruling her back with gentle, subtle authority. ?To be quite frank, I wanted to see if you were still alive. It would be such a shame to see beauty such as yours wasted on a grave,? she said. She meant her flirtation, but she did not call Newt here to flirt and offer compliments.

?I have also come to see if there is anything to discuss between us,? she said, her words ambiguous. Medusa wanted to see if peace could be arranged in any way, but she doubted it. She was not na?ve enough to believe that Newt would agree, but she was always capable of being surprised.


07-21-2013, 12:47 PM
user posted image

Her body was tense. She could feel every muscle pulling and bunching along her back. Her stress was still vibrating threw her body. First, that memory, the hauntings of it, followed her like whispers on the wind, fragments of a broken death that she could not quite put back together. All she knew was her father had died by the hands of a wolf with burning orange eyes. Eyes that painted death where they gazed and called her lord and master his creator. Now, face to face, another memory rode the coattails of her father?s death. Eyes wide with longing and unfinished desires. Eyes that had stolen her heart and made her feel something more then she had ever thought herself capable of.

It was difficult to keep her mind sound. So many things were pulling and tugging her in different directions. They wanted their home. They wanted Jupiter?s head. She had so many things to figure out, and so many deaths to plan. Her tail coiled securely around her legs. The lack luster flirtation hadn?t slipped her mind. She was a woman of multi affections. However, Zara had been the first to secure her heart before Kaios had come and stolen it. Her violet eyes remained focused and dead as they watched the efforts of this woman to play nice. It made her skin crawl. Her ears twitched at the words that escaped the serpent?s mouth. Wondering if she lived. How thoughtful. ?I assure you I am very much alive.? And on fire. The thoughts burned in the depths of her mind. She could feel the rage suffocating her but she had swallowed it, built it around her like a protective blanket and would use it to her advantage in the next battle.

So, what she really wanted to know was the security of Jupiter?s fate. That all depended on what the masses wanted. She wanted her head but did they? They mattered far more then her own emotions and she would listen, even as the rage filled her body with acid. Yet she would offer nothing. Not unless asked directly. ?Unless you desire to return to your queen and relinquish your hold over the kingdom I built then I am unsure what it is you wish to discuss.? She said flatly, no humor laced in her voice, only a seriousness that was almost deadly. Her ears twitched but there was no malice in her voice just numbness. She had so many still following her. Still refusing to go home even when the opportunity was available for them.

Medusa i


5 Years
07-21-2013, 01:33 PM

Medusa was no compassion-filled creature; Jupiter was perhaps the only woman for which she was capable of feeling any great deal of empathy. She was able, however, to understand the appearance of the giant. If Jupiter had died and she had lost the throne, Medusa would have felt distraught, torn apart in many ways, for Jupiter was not just a planet in the same galaxy as her. Jupiter was the sun, the very thing she needed to warm her bones and keep her in orbit. She knew not how she had lived without her vixen before, and now she couldn?t. The spell was cast, and she never wanted to break it.
She could see the way Newt was torn, could understand the hurt, and yet she held no desire to make it feel better. Rather, the serpent felt opportunistic, keen on provoking the woman in a certain way. Newt was a beautiful woman; a warrior, whose body was a work of art, meant to disable and tear apart. The rush from convincing such a woman to give into passion, no matter how fiery that passion might be, would be incredible. ?It is very well that you are still alive,? she hummed, moving forwards slowly, closer to the giant of a woman with carefully planned steps. Medusa was quick, and if needed she would flee. She did not want a fight right now, not when she knew a challenge for Amenti was quickly coming.
She sought to push forwards once more, bold in her approach, hoping to move to the side so that her pelt would just barely brush against Newt?s. She sought to circle her, much like she had in their battle, but this time she wanted to be closer. She wanted each breath to press against Newt?s skin, each touch to make her blood boil, for the woman?s rage to come out so that Medusa might tempt her into passion. Hate made for the best passion after all. ?No, I do not wish to relinquish my title. I would only do so if you would promise to leave Jupiter and her family alone,? she said, and she knew very well that such a thing would not happen. ?I think we both know that is not an option, lovely. You are consumed by revenge, and you will let it flow through the veins of your pack, through the veins of your children, no matter what end they might find as a result,? she said. Her tone was not accusatory, for she knew that part of Jupiter?s motives had been revenge. Medusa did not judge, merely noted.
?I have built my own home there now. You are welcome to come live there in peace if you wish, but you seem like a woman consumed by war,? she said, turning her head towards the woman?s shoulder, tongue reaching out and hoping to rasp against her heated flesh. She would shiver, as if the taste were divine. ?Your hate tastes lovely,? she purred, a predator, staring down a delectable piece of prey. Could she convince her for a night of passion? The temptress hoped so.


08-23-2013, 01:20 PM
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Alive, it was a term she used loosely. She was lost but still moving. Burdened with grief but still enraged enough to keep moving forward. They counted on her and she wouldn?t lie down and let Cerberus bring her home. No, she loved her god and he would give her the strength to finish what had been started. They would put her back together not this moment. No, this was something estranged. An oddity of unwelcomed damage but how could she avoid it? How could she not taste the apple dangling before her like some blood red orb of desire? She wanted to taste it, just a small bite, just enough to remind her who she was.

She shook her head of the insanity ringing in her ears. She had over come that downfall. Adapted and become something far greater then her sickness. The words were twisting. She knew that false promise of release. Knew that even if she took that small gesture it would be false. How could she convince them all to vacate the area? ?Jupiter sealed her fate when she killed my mate. Regardless if I agreed to leave her and what is hers alone, the others, they demand retribution. They demand her head. You know as well as I do that if it is not by my jaws that her life is ended then someone else will come and take her.? She said with a hint of sadness. She wanted her home but she knew the reality of what had been done. War would come.

She could feel the woman moving around her. Feel the heat of her. She swallowed hard. She would not give in. She would not beg. Zara was her master. She could own her. Make her hungry for pain. Not this vile wolf and yet. She was so tempted. She shook the thoughts away, growled her warning. Her hairs rose on end and her body began to build for battle. She would fight it, fight her, or pray she had the strength to do so. ?I am not consumed by war but by grief. My heart is tore. I was never meant to love. Never meant to know its worth but only meant to..? serve. The words were left unsaid. She had always been someone else?s pawn. She was the giant that they used for their own gain.

Her words were caught in a gasp. She all but jumped out of her skin when the serpent spoke her words of home. She wanted to tell her to shove that offer so far up her ass it would poke out her eyes but her breathe. It felt so warm against her shoulder and she needed to feel something other then emptiness. She closed her eyes and focused on her breathing. She would not give in. oh but if she had only nipped her. One harsh quick movement and she would have been done for. She would have buckled beneath her and let her feed her need. She was panting with the thought. Her desire filling the air around her and she was angry she was allowing it to be known. She was so unfocused. She needed escape. Needed to get the fuck away from this wolf and find Zara. ?I..I?? she stammered, she attempted to move away from her. She needed to think. To let the rage consume her and put her in her place but she was too close. She let out another warning growl but it was half assed. Desire laced in that warning and her ears fell back with confusion what the fuck was wrong with her?

Medusa i


5 Years
08-26-2013, 07:43 PM

Oh, what a pitiful beast stood before her. Medusa could see the cracks, could see where she was shattering, and yet she felt no pity. She felt powerful, felt like taking advantage and using Newt for her own amusement. Damn the fact that this woman wished to challenge for her lover?s head; right now Medusa felt like being selfish. ?I will bathe in the blood of whoever steals my sun,? she cooed softly, hoping to breathe it into the flesh of this monster, before she flinched away. It was a threat, a well-known fact, for any who knew of the two lovers would know that neither would allow the other?s murder to breathe without a fight. Medusa could understand what Newt was feeling, to say the very least, but that didn?t mean she would condone it. She was a selfish creature, after all.
She moved to close the distance, hoping to bite into the woman?s shoulder with a firm nip. It was not enough to draw blood, but enough to bruise slightly and bring forth pain, as well as a spark of pleasure if this woman enjoyed that. The serpent?s head was rearing, her body soaring with a passionate heat, for she could not imagine the high if she brought this giant to her bedside. ?I will let you run, if you wish,?she whispered, for she was not a rapist and she did not desire an unwilling partner. They were more trouble than the lazy wolf felt they were worth, and she knew Jupiter did not condone of such a thing.