
DeArchon Pups!



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
07-08-2019, 07:16 PM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2019, 02:38 PM by Archon.)
Dea Andromeda Asmodeus x Archon Abraxas


Half Siblings (Archon x Deathbelle): Venom Klein Abraxas, Toxicity Klein Abraxas

Alignment: True Neutral- Neutral Evil with a preference in Lawful Evil due to the nature of their religion which they are expected (by Archon) to follow. As adults, I’m open for anything as long as its IC!
Height/Build: 50% off up to 40 inches then 25% off for 41 or 42 inches! Cheap BIG babies!

Disclaimer: These pups will be taught the Abraxas Religion through both frequent sermons as well as in day-to-day life. Archon’s views may be a little different than those from Risen, so if you have any questions, hit Iko up via PM or Discord or ask in character!

We will reclaim pups, their designs, their purchases (height, markings, etc), and any art attached to them after one ooc month of inactivity unless something has been previously arranged with Iko or Bird.

Use of these designs outside of Ardent is strictly prohibited!


Iko will be adding more designs soon!

<b>Name:</b> ____ Abraxas
<b>Sex:</b> Either
<b>Alignment:</b> True Neutral to Neutral Evil
<b>Height/Build:</b> Height on the Larger side, build any
<b>Appearance:</b> Choose two or submit your own! 100+ words.
<b>Personality:</b> 150+ words.
<b>Plot Ideas:</b> Any long term plots you’d like to explore? Nothing is required here, but we'd love to hear it!
<b>Purchases:</b> Can you afford an extra pup pass? Height? Etc!



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
07-13-2019, 11:30 AM (This post was last modified: 07-13-2019, 03:22 PM by Malleus.)

Name: Dantalion Abraxas
Sex: Female
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Skills: Hunting and Fighting
Height/Build: Light build for sure, idk about height
Personality: Seemingly in harmony with her delicate appearance, Dantalion gives off the impression that she is above dirtying her paws. She is, after all, a lady. If she were human she appears to be the kind who wouldn’t stoop so low as to do yard work, instead paying an ambitious neighborhood rugrat to take care of her leaves. You would most definitely expect her to have a cute pool boy and perhaps a Jeeves or two to bring her shrimp cocktails while she sunbathes.

Looks can be deceiving, though, and this is one book it would be a mistake to judge by its cover. Dantalion is much too ambitious to let a little dirt slow her down. Harmless and fragile though she may appear, Dantalion is not a china doll and she is not as much of a lady as she thinks she is.

Her words are often pithy and she is fond of insults, but the slights are veiled and usually come in the form of backhanded compliments that are delivered so sweetly the recipient might think the insult was accidental - if they even catch it at all.

Though she would feint offense when faced with this truth, it is true nonetheless: Dantalion is a sneaky shit disturber. Everyone has a pastime and hers just happens to be that she likes inciting riots. She doesn’t want to be the one smashing windows and setting fires, but she’ll happily encourage those that do if she can benefit in some way. Half the fun comes from bending someone’s ear - the other half is getting away with it.

With her hobby being what it is it might seem like she might thrive in a chaotic environment, but that’s not true for her. Cake is nice, but you wouldn’t want to eat it for every meal, would you? Dantalion is quite practical and levelheaded, and she prefers order to chaos most of the time - it would be awfully hard to claw her way up the ranks if there were was no structure to climb.
Plot Ideas: No plans beyond being a naughty puppy
Purchases: Extra pup slot yes. Not sure about height yet
Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
07-29-2019, 11:07 AM (This post was last modified: 08-03-2019, 03:07 AM by Acere.)
Name: Gadreel Abraxas
Sex: Male
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Skills: Fighting x Healing
Height/Build: 42"
Appearance: #4 & #6
Gadreel is an even mix of both mother and father with shades of tan inherited from his mother along with the Abraxas brindling and darker colors. Most of his head sports a dark, nearly pitch black tone but is masked with a fade to black rustic color. The dark markings that extend from his eyes serve to bring out the deep green of them, giving him a sharp and unfriendly look. He has the lightest bit of brindle on his face, practically faded and unnoticeable unless one really takes a look. The darker markings extend to his neck, his left paw, his mid-section, tail, and part of both hind legs but fades into the rest of him. His left foreleg is has his mothers shade of tan extending up towards the shoulder, while his left hind thigh bears the color up his hips and to the top of his back. Lastly, his right hind paw is also coated in a light tan. Rustic browns mingle with the other markings, mostly on his right foreleg, top of his shoulders and his underside. The striping that paints his form stands out in some parts more than others. The darker stripes on the lighter fur nearly resemble a zebra's marks while the darker on rust resembles a tiger. Of course, he also has lighter striping across his rump, though not as visible as the rest.
Personality: Brash. Rude. Tell it like it is. There isn't much that Gadreel won't say to you if you get on his bad side. If he doesn't like you, you'll know as soon as he looks at you. He tends to have a cold demeanor towards those he feels are lesser beings, and looks down upon those he feels are "tainted" or not as pure as he is. He is a descendant of the Fallen God, after all, and he aims to keep his bloodline as pure as possible. He is a possessive individual, not willing to let go of what he perceives to be his and refuses to share with anyone else. This has been a part of him since he was a pup and there's no telling if he'll ever grow out of it. He follows strongly in the footsteps of his father, swearing to always obey what the Fallen God tells him to the best of his ability. He swears he can hear the whispers of the Abraxas God and will act on what he hears or is told to do. He has no fear in him, feels no remorse for almost anything. One might even consider him heartless, and while he does put up an ice cold front, he loves his family, even if he doesn't say it. He's loyal to them, but more so to his God than anything else. If anyone were to try and step between him and God's will, he may just be inclined to strike them where they stand. On that note...don't bad mouth his religion or he will more than likely maim you for it.
Plot Ideas: Another religious zealot? maybe! I'd like for him to learn everything about the abraxas religion and definitely get into a few fights against people who have bad mouthed his beliefs/religion so he can prove he wasn't kidding around. Idk if he'll be prone to forming many relationships, but i'd like to explore this with him be it familial relationships, friendships, romance, etc. I don't have many ideas right off the bat...those usually don't happen until i've played the character/interacted with others ^^;
Purchases: yes



4 Years
Extra large
08-06-2019, 02:53 PM (This post was last modified: 08-07-2019, 10:54 AM by Dea.)
Dragon (Design #4) get your baby!
With Iko unable to take one from this litter, that leaves the free slot for Bird. Bird has an extra pup pass for Dragon to use, and can get one for anyone else interested. It was bought before Bird knew Iko wasn't taking a pup from this litter, and to keep things fair, can totally buy another (if wanted).

Welcome to the world, Gadreel Abraxas, sibling to Lilybet Abraxas!

There is still one more pup that can be claimed and I will provide the pup pass!!
Bite warning! Dea is a wolf capable of extreme violence, she only has mercy on her family. Thread cautiously!

The character you are currently reading is Dea, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Dea's profile!



3 Years

Valentines 2020
08-08-2019, 01:32 PM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2019, 02:07 PM by Theta.)
Name:Orpheus Abraxas
Sex: male
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Skills: fighting, hunting
Height/Build: 36" Heavy build
Appearance: design 7 or 5
A coat of gray and white tones Orpheus’ personality will come in stark contrast to his pleasant looking fur. It won’t be kept clean for long though, he will radiate the scent of blood and mud. Often not bothering to clean the blood off himself whether it be from his prey or…otherwise. With the darker colors lying towards his center and the lighter ones on his head and tail Orpheus could hide well in the shadows, provided he remembers to hide his face and tail. Dark colored ears and paw that look like they played in ash. The colors of his coat will certainly lend themselves to the boys devilish appearance. As he grows older and taller he will look down at others with an almost demonic presence, anyone shy or skittish would run from him in a heartbeat. Red piercing eyes the color of fresh blood, it would be hard to think of Orpheus as anything but a demon.
Personality: Orpheus is a scamp, he will take the born of gods thing way too far. He thinks himself stronger than any mortal out there and refuses to see the similarities. Seeing them only as subjects to boss around and make do his bidding. Around his family and those he knows to be Abraxas he will be a suave charismatic boy, he can do no wrong. More than willing to listen to those above him given that they are of Abraxas blood. There is no way that he could tolerate being beneath a mortal, they have no place in a position of power. The world is organized a certain way and that way ends up with him being on top, any other way and the world has gone mad! Should he end up beneath a mortal he will never look up to he will gnash, scratch and bite anyone in his way so he can show them where they belong. He will more than willingly do the Abraxas dirty work. Need him to maim that slave, bully around the mortal pups, throw poop at the pregnant lady next door? He’d jump at the chance to do any of it, this boy has respect for no one except his family. Loyal until the bitter end Orpheus will do whatever it takes to do as the Fallen god commands.
Plot Ideas:I would love it For them to get into the slavery thing in Ashen. They can look down on any of the slaves and make fun of them as well as think he's mightier than them because he's part god and they're a slave. He might even collect his own when he gets older.
Purchases: at this point i can either afford 3 inches, or 2 inches and a pup pass but just barely



4 Years
Extra large
08-08-2019, 07:57 PM
I've got ya on a pup pass! You get those 3 inches! Woooooo!!!! Welcome to the family, Orpheus!!!! I think design 7 is the one you described? If not just lemme know!
Bite warning! Dea is a wolf capable of extreme violence, she only has mercy on her family. Thread cautiously!

The character you are currently reading is Dea, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Dea's profile!