
The Search Begins



07-18-2013, 11:51 AM (This post was last modified: 07-18-2013, 11:52 AM by Song.)

Her pretty white head was resting against her delicate paws. The same pearly fur was a shield to the large bulge that was her womb. Song was very much pregnant. She had been stressing a bit about it only because she had not found an opportunity to tell the Sol that they were expecting. She was becoming increasingly excited, her little ones were growing at such a fast rate. Even with all of their swiftness in developing she knew that they would still be with her for quite some time. A long sorrowful sigh escaped her lips as her impatience was displayed. She just wanted her babies.
Maybe Jupiter would not be quite as busy as usual today, Song knew she needed to let the alpha know of her soon to arrive brood. With effort she rose to her paws, determined to see her alpha on that day. Where to start looking though was the question. This would be the first meeting she had with the Sol, maybe it would have been a good idea to bring her mate along. She was unsure of where the black brute was too, most of her days had been spent in her den and the common areas. Movement was starting to get to be a bit much.
She uttered another sigh and let herself start to trot off, nose searching for the faintest hints of a fresh trail. She really hoped she would be able to find her, calling out to the she wolf seemed so demanding. Song was supposed to serve Jupiter, not the other way around. So off she went, looking for the elusive alphess.



07-18-2013, 02:12 PM

Song had discussed with him about having to speak with the alphaess, or the Sol as she called the queen named Jupiter. Cherokee was all for it, though he seemed rather confused about the whole situation. Did the packs around here make it custom to inform their leaders if they were expecting? It didn't seem like too much to ask, more like respectful even. Figuring that his wife knew best, the obsidian man went right along with it, agreeing that that morning they would out to seek Jupiter and tell her of their good news. Since having never the queen himself, the man had decided that in order to make a good impression, or at least he hoped it would, he'd set out on a small hunting expedition, hoping to catch a hare and present to the queen once they met. His hunt had been successful, more so since he jogged with two limp bodies hanging from his jaws. One for the queen, and one for his pregnant wife. She needed to eat two. Obsidian and ivory paws carried the large brute back towards their denning area, noticing that Song's figure as gone. A frown creased his brows. He was sure he'd told her to wait for him to return. Well, she could be somewhat impatient at times. Dropping one of the hares at the back of the den, the man brought back the one, setting off to find his little dove.

Muzzle was to the wind, dark nasals flaring as he hunted for Song's scent. It wasn't too hard to find after all; her pregnancy made it hard to miss. Mismatched gaze across the figure of his lovely wife, a muffled woof reaching out across the expanse as he trotted up beside her, nuzzling her neck affectionately. Impashien mush? Came his muffled question, a teasing laugh rumbling in his chest.

Talk like this

Jupiter I


7 Years
07-20-2013, 01:10 PM

[Image: for_starsight__the_fifth_planet_lives_by...5z8esy.png]

A new scent had drifted about recently, familiar to her own but different in an odd way. Jupiter couldn't glean much information from the scent she'd only captured for a few moments several times before but she was aware that somebody in Ludicael was pregnant, and she knew nothing about it.

She was not cross or upset with whoever it was. Irked, maybe, but as long as they weren't bursting at the seams and only a couple of days from labor, it was a very forgivable offense. The lady knew that it wasn't completely possible to plan ahead of conception--one sweet nothing out of nowhere led to another, then another, and the next thing someone knew, a docile, prepared-to-wait couple was fucking like rabbits without consideration of their ruckus or location. Despite her own pack's rules, if there was one thing that her maternal experience had taught the Sol, it was that shit happened.

Movements of the fiery fae were slow and careful, each motion taking into consideration the scars upon her shoulders and neck and displaying her lingering soreness. Mercury had stayed to look after the pups while she ventured so her conscience was currently free of fret, her trust in her companion surpassing and snuffling all seeds of paranoia.

She happened upon the couple by chance, first capturing the scent of blood and a fresh kill, followed by the hormones of a woman with children in her womb. She stepped from the tangled mangroves, several yards away from them, and could not resist the smile that pulled up the corners of her inky lips. "Greetings," came her affable words, tone friendly. This seemed to be a couple she had not quite met--either that or she had simply neglected to remember. Had she chanced upon them before, it was probably during the later stages of her pregnancy, and even she didn't want to remember that.

Not wanting to impose further should they have been in conversation, she fell quiet, waiting to be addressed when they were ready should she had interrupted.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.



07-20-2013, 01:38 PM

Cherokee, of course had been right behind her. Had she listened to him she would have realized that food was in her very near future. Recently it had become quite a hot commodity in her world, because all she wanted to do was eat. The curse? There was hardly any room in her stomach any more. The rabbit he presented though, it was practically the perfect size. She giggled in delight as he attempted to talk to her, Of course I am love! I need to find Jupi... She was cut off by the sudden presence of anotrher.
Her blue and gold eyes followed her nose as the scent wafted over her. With a flick of her head she turned to see the Sol standing away from them. Her pretty pelt was marred by some scars that lingered on her back, she looked to still be effected by the injuries. Her voice carried across to them as the realization of who she was washed over the ivory dove.
Not that she had really seen her before, but her scent and image were familiar enough she could tell that the Sol had found them.
Song smiled as her ears fell back and she lowered her head, standing to properly greet her alphess. Hello, Jupiter! I'm Song Destruction, this is my husband, Cherokee, and we have an announcement to make to you. Her voice was pleasantly excited as she greeted the she wolf. She figured that she would already know the information that would be given.



07-20-2013, 02:07 PM

Of course I am love! I need to find Jupi... She was so excited to see him with food, but her excitement was short lived when a new figure approached the couple. Hackles bristled slightly, mismatched gaze turning to follow his wife's as a fiery figure came into his line of sight. Was this the alpha? Immediately the man relaxed, hackles smoothing against his nape, audits folding respectfully against his dark head as he lowered it, plume curling between his hocks. He took several steps forward, depositing one of rabbits in the space between them before retreating back to Song's side, listening as she introduced herself and him. He gave the queen a short bow of his head, hoping that the news of their growing brood would please the fiery queen.

OOC: bleh, crappy post

Talk like this

Jupiter I


7 Years
07-21-2013, 07:15 PM

[Image: for_starsight__the_fifth_planet_lives_by...5z8esy.png]

The happiness of the she-wolf as she laid eyes upon the Sol brought a light back into her darkened heart, the glee radiating from the alabaster lady making her feel a little more secure about the realm of Alacritia and the individuals it held. She nodded politely to each in turn as Song introduced herself and her mate.

"A pleasure," she replied, grinning at the both of them, their high spirits contagious and highly influencing on Jupiter's mood. "Congratulations!" she noted, voice mirroring Song's exuberance and mirth, thoughts wandering to her own children waiting for her in her den. "I appreciate you informing me. When the time comes, Marvel is our lead healer. He'll usually come when called, so if you think you need help, he's your man." Perhaps it was ironic that the healer of Ludicael had been the one to capture her lust with his dominant, brave, and leadership-heavy personality. Despite the fact that the event of her conceiving had been a complete accident borne from a one-night stand, she couldn't be any more happy that it had been he that it'd been with. The honorable lupine had pledged to be a part of the children's lives if it killed him.

She had to forbid the dark look that threatened to cross her features as she thought of the male's negative relationship with Medusa. She doubted that the harsh words exchanged between them would be so easily forgotten, and wondered if she'd have to intervene at some point. The woman she couldn't help but love and the father of the children that inhabited her heart being on a warpath was something that she couldn't have.

Flicking an ear--the physical manifestation of her thoughts being shoved aside--she continued on. "We'll have to organize some play dates in the future, no doubt," she remarked humorously. "That is, if my own don't get too rowdy within the next season."

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.



07-21-2013, 11:52 PM

It made Song quite happy to see a grin on the maw of her alpha. Everyone seemed to get excited at the thought of puppies, new life brought into the world. She was ecstatic about being the mother to Cherokee's children. It had really been destiny that they were together, she couldn't imagine spending her life with any other wolf. She glanced over at his dark form for a moment, the love she felt for him overflowed so much she could hardly stand it. "I appreciate you informing me. When the time comes, Marvel is our lead healer. He'll usually come when called, so if you think you need help, he's your man."
It was a relief to hear about Marvel, she had heard his name before it was possible Aria informed her of his position. It comforted her to know she'd be able to call upon his help with ease. She just hoped Cherokee would trust him enough to take care of her had she the need. It's good to know I have him to count on. Her husband knew absolutely nothing about healing, and other than what she could tell him to do he wouldn't be very efficient in an emergency.
"We'll have to organize some play dates in the future, no doubt," Song let a giggle escape her throat at the queen's words, the thought of her children tumbling around with the offspring of Jupiter made her happy. She just wanted her children out of her womb and in her arms. I like the way you think, Jupiter. I just need to get them out of me first. she laughed a bit as her eyes rested on her swollen abdomen. She would meet her children soon. How old are your's getting to be now? Curiosity laced her light hearted tone as her question left her maw.



07-22-2013, 01:12 AM

It seemed that the conversation was quickly turning into something that only mothers would be able to understand, since they were the ones who would carry the pups inside of them. Cherokee didn't mind that his wife was the one doing all the talking; she was talking enough for both of them. It was nice to see that she was getting along well with their alpha; perhaps having his wife be close friends with their Sol would be a good thing later on. Haunches folded beneath the obsidian man, plume curling around his hips as he reached out to his wife, gently nuzzling her neck, salmon tongue poking out to present her with a gentle kiss before he pulled away, allowing his mismatched gaze to rest on their fiery queen, completely content to let the two woman talk for as long as they wanted. Song needed time to relax and simply enjoy being pregnant. This was the perfect opportunity.

Talk like this

Jupiter I


7 Years
07-30-2013, 01:21 PM

[Image: for_starsight__the_fifth_planet_lives_by...5z8esy.png]

A smile touched her lips at the thought of Marvel. They hadn't talked an awful lot since the deathmatch, and in a way, it sort of hurt her. Her heart clung to Medusa but a piece of it was still latched onto Marvel, the father of her pups. "Yes, he delivered mine without issue," she replied, expression pleasant but otherwise unreadable as she nodded in confirmation. And fathered them, came her playful thoughts, professionalism being the only thing preventing the witty dialogue from slipping free.

She watched as Cherokee graced his lover with a kiss before withdrawing, seemingly content to watch them chatter and mingle. Audits flicked back at the slightest before pushing forwards once more. The bond between them reached her with power, the magnitude of their affections almost radiant. The situation didn't seem as petty as she thought it had been--everything seemed that way to her after the deathmatch, but this seemed a little more meaningful. This was the future of Ludicael--the pack she'd fought for... right?

"Baby steps, I guess," she chuckled, words in response to Song's comment about freeing her children from the womb first. "Mine are almost two weeks now. They're growing like weeds and soon they'll be into absolutely everything I don't want them touching." She paused, and then huffed humorously. "The only thing I have to worry about is them irritating Mercury, my grumpy tasmanian devil, and the rivers after it rains. Otherwise, Ludicael is one of the safest places for pups, no doubt."

Perhaps, she thought, this woman is someone I can grow close to. They couldn't relate to each other in all aspects of their experiences but Jupiter hadn't had a close friend that wasn't a love in a good while.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.