
lay me down on a bed of roses


07-22-2013, 11:27 AM
OOC, all seracians are expected to attend, any new wolves who want to join may come forward now.. same with any allies who wish to be present for the burial/meeting/etc. basically anyone is welcome except for enemies.

Still stained in crimson along his back, neck, throat, and muzzle, Gerhardt Mathias entered his Kingdom for the first time - a murderer. He drug the lifeless body of Adette behind him, a testament to the battle he'd been called to. Anyone there would know what transpired and would know that she told him to kill her, but there were no excuses in the King's mind. He knew he had once been obsessed with all things Seracia, to the point of making huge life decisions in order to better the Kingdom - but murder was where he drew the line. He knew that he had killed her for Seracia's sake - for his own sake - and that could not be forgiven. A light drizzle completed the morose mood of the situation as it mingled with the blood and dust that coated his frame.

He knew what he had to do. He had taken Maverick aside and warned him that he was thinking of stepping down, and now he was certain that he had to do it today. It was time Seracia had a dedicated King, but one who could make decisions for both himself and the pack - not as one. Gerhardt's time had been well spent, but his life was now in shambles and it was time he thought of himself. A sigh rang from his lips as he reached the area near where he'd buried Octavian. The earth was soft here, and it would make a fine burial ground for his slain ex-wife. Quickly he got to work, digging as hard and fast as he could. This was his cross to bear, and he didn't particularly want help from anyone else - nor did he want them to see her marred frame. It seemed like it took only minutes, but he knew it had taken quite a while to dig a deep enough grave to lay her in. He was panting as he finally placed her in the grave and began kicking dirt over her body.

Now covered in dirt and blood, the King of Seracia tilted his head back - oblivious to the presence of anyone who might have followed him straight from the battlefield - and gave a long, solemn call for his comrades. It was time Seracia got a new King and Queen. It was time for the sun to set on Gerhardt's reign. Some would say he ought to bathe before rallying Seracia, but he wanted to dissolve any rumors before they were formed. Those at the battlefield would spread the word to the rest, and soon enough all would know that the King had killed the former Queen. They needed to know the truth, they needed to know why. as his call tapered off, he stood beside her grave and waited - panting and stained with blood. The rain continued to fall as the sky darkened ever so slightly - hinting that the storm was only just beginning.

speech speech speech



07-22-2013, 11:44 AM

She had been collecting herbs when the howl ran through the lands. Ears perked up, listening to the solemn call. Gerhardt... She whispered, leaving her small pile and started to move towards where it came from. Reficul was at the den with Augustus, which was why she went out in the first place. Some herbs were running out so she needed to fetch more. It was a good thing, the two could bond, become closer as a family. The very thought of it brought a small smile to the woman's dark lips.

She moved through the lands, not paying much attention to the rain. But as she got closer to where she heard the call the shewolf began to grow sad, Octavian's grave was close... With a deep breath she pushed on, tail hanging behind her, ears up waiting for voices. Grey orbs fell upon a form, narrowing slightly to make out that it was only Gerhardt. With a gulp she approached, stopping just a few feet away.

What Loccian saw was a bit disturbing, the King was covered in blood and dirt. Slowly her gaze trailed down his body, falling upon the freshly dug up earth near Octavian's grave. Did someone pass?

Ears folded back, she took a step forward and sniff at his pelt from a respectful distance. Gerhardt, what has happened? She asked worriedly, herbs already flying through her head for his wounds, along with other things. What had happened to him? This whether did not help either, it felt like something terrible had happened.


Awesome table by Andy <3


07-22-2013, 12:19 PM

He had thought it unwise to attend his father's battle - no matter how much he had longed to be there. With Gerhardt out of the Kingdom, he was quite literally the next highest in command. Seracia wasn't safe without it's King and Prince, so the Prince remained. He paced the borders he though the most likely for Gerhardt to cross again when he returned, using up his excess nervous energy. His tail danced between his hocks for no reason than a desire for movement. His father was battling a faceless stranger while he was here fretting over Seracia and his father's safety. How ironic this was, that only days after returning from their father and son trip, the father was facing attack by an unknown assailant. Had he sensed this coming, and therefore began to prepare Maverick for the worst?

It seemed like hours before the King returned, his howl summoning all of Seracia. Maverick assumed this to be his victory announcement, though the tone of his howl seemed different - distressed. An ear tipped back in alarm as he gave a brief answering howl and moved toward where his father had called from. He'd entered not far from where Maverick had expected him to, but far enough that the boy had to travel a good distance. He was the second to arrive, after the Infanta. As much as he respected Loccian, not a word or glance was shared with her - for his father was covered in blood and dirt. He barely noticed the light shower of rain as he trotted forward and brushed his cheek against his father's, unknowingly close to where his dead mother was lain. In fact, the boy didn't even notice the grave. All he saw was his father and the blood that marred him.

"Father, who has done this?" Gerhardt had to be the innocent party, of this he was inevitably sure. Eyes swept around, finally taking in Loccian and the grave that laid beside his father. "What..?" He took a step back, uncertainty in his gaze. His father had killed whoever lay in this grave - but who was it that he would care enough about to bury in the Kingdom?




7 Years
07-22-2013, 12:32 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

The drizzle that had started up some time before had driven the russet and black she-wolf into taking shelter, sensing that it would not be a mere drizzle for long. She lay sprawled upon one side within the cozy space of her den, golden eyes half lidded and content as she stared out into the growing storm. Even overcast and gloomy as this, she thought the weather still enjoyable, encouraging rest and relaxation until things could turn around. And holding a strong preference for enjoyment when it could be had, Tahlia was happy to sit out of the rain and have a little quiet time.

A call prevented that, however. It was familiar in its authority, though the emotional drag upon it was entirely unexpected. Still, she knew the voice of the Seracian king when she heard it. The only question was why did he sound so distraught? To her knowledge, he had only been away on business, tending to a call that had taken him outside of their borders. A challenge of some sort. Whatever it had been, Tahlia had not been worried; she had never been properly introduced to Gerhardt, but what she knew of him made him sound like a capable leader and completely inclined to handle himself well in this task. But the sadness for her simply did not make sense.

Out of curiosity as much as it was duty, Tahlia clambered to her paws and slipped from her den into the rain, letting her feet carry her swiftly in answer to the King's call. Her coat was misted over and damp by the time she found him, but it was nothing in comparison to his own appearance. Battle weary, dirty, and bloody, he looked as if he had been to hell and back, and mentally scarred as he outwardly appeared. And not only that, the ground at his paws was raised, disturbed from its natural level, like... Like a grave. Sensing a seriousness here that should not be taken lightly, the she-wolf humbly lowered her head in respect to the king before stopping to stand in his midst alongside Loccian and Maverick, expecting many of the questions she was likely to share with her pack mates to be answered soon.

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-22-2013, 02:55 PM

In perfect timing, as the last bit of life slipped from Adette's body, rain began to pour down from the heavens above. Drenching the blood that now stained the earth, washing it away -- hopefully for good.

She had watched the event, but she would say naught a word, only to Maverick. With silence she pulled herself away from Syrinx's side, retreating into the depths of the Kingdom to search for her beloved. But the search was much harder then anticipated -- the Princess was beginning to show signs of pregnancy, her belly becoming rather swollen. She was exhausted, even as she padded about the Seracian territory, her head held low to the earth, nostrils flaring as she searched for her husband.

It was thoroughly unsettling to watch a wolf kill another. It made the already irritable Princess even more uncomfortable. She was grateful when her aimless journey was cut short by the King's call. Without hesitation she clambered forth, a bit more awkwardly than usual, feeling unstable on her feet. Perhaps it was watching her father-in-law murder another wolf -- or the children that were surely growing inside her belly -- but she most certainly did not feel like herself today.

Even as she approached, she noted he was still covered in blood. But the thing that caught her eye first was the vibrant red pelt of Maverick. Increasing her pace, she rushed forth, embracing him quickly, despite the fact that he had moved to greet his father. Surely he would explain the battle that had taken place -- she was certain of it.



11 Years
07-23-2013, 12:19 PM
Bane had watched his Chief bury his once-mate from where he had followed right alongside after the fight was done and Gerhardt started to bring Adette's body. The meadow was perfect, even as the rain began to fall and Gerhardt covered his once-mate, Bane still stood watching over the younger wolf as his fur grew wet and matted from the exposure under the greying sky. A howl was given by Gerhardt, and Bane answered with a low one of his own.

The grey wolf knew what he was feeling.

The old Seracian however just stood there, eyes shifting over the mound of dirt that covered Adette. A stretching of a leg that bore his freshly marked Talutah symbol eased the pain somewhat, even as Loccain, Maverick, Tahlia, and Epiphron gathered about, Bane decided it was finally time to travel the dozen or so yards he hadn't traveled in order to let his King do something he clearly wanted to do by himself. Bury his mate. Just like Bane buried his.

And as Bane lay down next to Loccain, his sapphire eyes never left Gerhardt for a moment. Whatever his King was planning to say, it was going to have consequences.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•


07-23-2013, 10:58 PM
It was a solemn day, though the mood seemed oddly fitting for the solemn sound that slid from the kings lips. He was moving as soon as the sound was made, in Sercia thankfully for the sound. He had been getting to know the other packs recently so had been in and out of packlands. But since returning from the once Glaciem he had been waiting for Gerhardt's return. He supposed he could have told Maverick but he had barely seen the man since the wedding. So at the call the golden man took off at a swift pace, a long legged lope bringing him upon the rather dark scene. Gerhardt sat beside what looked like a freshly dug grave covered in blood.

Who had died?

Head would lift slowly as he walked forward, head dipping eloquently to the side to greet the man and then a nod to Maverick and a smile flashed at Epiphron. He still had to speak to her, she was a beauty for sure but did she have a good enough of a head on her shoulders to one day lead them? Not that he doubted her, or did he question Gerhardt's choice for his son but it would be nice to meet her and see for himself. But that was thought for a later time... "Are you wounded my king?" he asked softly, concern evident on his features as he tried to give the male a quick once over. He looked at Loccien questioningly, had she already asked the same question. Little thought was given to the grave, unless Gerhardt turned around and told them that a pack member had been murdered little thought would be given to it at all. Their king was just and true, there was no way he could have done any wrong.


07-24-2013, 11:53 PM
ooc: Sorry for lack of table...on my brother's computer.

Aeil wasn't sure where she was going as her paws moved across the land. The familiar ground was underneath her, but the path itself was indeed a mystery. She looked with beckoning eyes as she walked past the familiar signs of Seracian life - the tall pines, the gentle breezes, not to mention the wildlife that appeared every now and then before popping behind the safety of those said trees. All in all, it was a serene place with a curious taste to the journey she was taking.

She didn't have to go far until she realized there was a group of wolves not too far from where she stood. Scents of different kinds and numerous scenarios to explain their combined presence danced around in Aeil's mind. The quiet wolf, with her mind and gut working together for once, carried herself to the location they were all standing. What she first saw were the different colors of her pack's pelts, shimmering in the light that was given by the sun bleakly shining through the rain. A few familiar scents reached her nose, but Gerhardt's own was the one that stood out.

Her dark pelt blended in and yet stood out from the group as she made her way through the bodies to meet the King. Rain began to soak her pelt as she stood a good distance from Gerhardt and the burial mound. After her eyes had roved over the large pile of dirt, she figured that someone had just been laid to rest. Instead of rushing up to Gerhardt with a friendly gesture and caring eyes, she kept her respected distance from the King. In times like these, it was more appropriate to approach one after the ceremony had been run through. So, she merely met Gerhardt's gaze, gave him a gentle and sweeping nod in his direction, and patiently waited to see what would unfold.

Bronze i


12 Years
07-26-2013, 07:44 PM

It was strange to hear such a mournful cry echo across the lands. It was a sorrowful sound, coming from no other but the King himself; the pain was evident in the lyrics as they fell on Bronze's ears. They pained him slightly to hear -- it could mean nothing good. Had a member of the Kingdom fallen? It seemed likely, for Gerhardt didn't strike the brute to be a man so emotional to call meetings over simple quarrels and disputes. No, something awful had happened; he could feel it in his bones, with every fiber of his being.

As quickly as he could without exerting himself too much, Bronze responded to the King's call. The rain made his joints ache ever so slightly, slowing down his already slowed speed. A few had gathered already. What a sight Gerhardt was, his fur stained crimson, the light rain making the blood that littered his coat slowly wash away, forming a startlingly red puddle on the ground. It was not his own blood, for his injured seemed minimal. Slowly he drew a bit closer to the gathering, but kept his distance, brown eyes narrowed as he examined the scene from a distance farther than any of the others.

The King stood before them, a broken man -- shattered. Bronze saw it in his stance. How startlingly Gerhardt reminded of himself once, many years ago. Silence enveloped the beast, nostalgia taking hold of him and refusing to loosen its grip. His head would fall from its position on his mighty shoulders, stance slackening as he stood, hoping his love would arrival soon. He longed to feel her warmth beside him, grounding him, reminding him that things would be okay. While fatherhood excited him, it also terrified him tremendously.

Tiresias I


07-27-2013, 01:02 PM

[Image: n6vw2v.jpg]


A call had summoned him to Seracian lands. It was sad but also inviting, in a way, and Tiresias had felt compelled to go to the source. Once he had arrived, there were plenty of other wolves present, standing before a multi-colored wolf that he assumed was the king. There was sorrow in the man's eyes and blood on his pelt. From where he stood, he could see no life-threatening injuries to the king, although the king's heart was clearly broken.

The rain felt good against his fur, running down his face in lines. He lowered his head out of respect to the alpha. Tiresias was not officially part of this pack and he felt that this pain was not something he should share in. He stood a distance away, observing the scene from further away. Those who knew the fallen and the king should gather closer, not some rogue who'd just happened to amble by.

TAG: xxx . WORDS: 156 . NOTES: none.



07-27-2013, 04:06 PM

Something had gone wrong. The man was sitting out in the pasture, watching the bulls graze, and enjoying the drizzle when Gerhardt's voice broke his peace. He sounded very distressed, and Themisto knew something had gone wrong. A call had been summoned for him from the battlefield, and the man did not attended, though now he wished he would have. He rose from where he was sitting and without hesitation took off toward his alpha's call. He could only image what had happened, but obviously the man still had his life if he was back in Seracia and calling a pack meeting. Though the man couldn't help but wonder if this had to do with something else as well...

When he came onto the scene other wolves had already gathered around Gerhardt, many of them he didn't know, but they all smelt of Seracia so he assumed they were pack members. He made his way through the crowd, dodging every potential bump he could have into someone, and finally made it to the front of the crowd. He needed to see if his king was hurt. When he came into view, he looked... different to say the least. He had wounds that would needed to be tended too, but he didn't want to interrupt the meeting. His eyes trailed to the mound of dirt next to him. It reminded him of a grave, the way the dirt looked soft and turned, and how it seemed to pile up in one area. What had happened?

Italian Accent Speech


07-27-2013, 04:11 PM
I realize I didn't give a deadline for this first round, so I won't punish any of you for arriving late/whatnot. I am leaving for a short vacation this coming Thursday, so this meeting will be moving fast to get things over and done with. You may not have to post in this second round depending on how your wolf will react to the news/etc. Basically, if your wolf is already present and doesn't feel the need to comment or anything, your pretty much good to go. However, if your wolf is not present in the meeting yet, you'll need to bring them in during this next round or they will be punished for not attending. This round will be the final round unless your wolf wishes to have further conversation with anyone present at the meeting.

He had hoped that they would come, but some demon in his mind had chided at him that they wouldn't. Why should they come to the voice of a murderer? Then again, they didn't all know he was a murderer just yet.. though they soon would. He watched, vision sweeping to spot them as they came. Loccian arrived first, as loyal as ever. The faintest of smiles twitched in the corner of his lips. She uttered his name and he offered only a dip of his head accompanied by a wince of pain in doing so. I am alright, all will be explained soon enough. He didn't feel like telling such a morose tale twice, and so he hastened to quell her nerves before watching his son arrive on the scene. Calm yourself, Maverick. It would perhaps be the last command he would give his son as King. Though he would always have a semblance of authority over the boy, there was no mistaking the power Maverick was about to be handed. It was a command given with the upmost respect and affection, but one he would insist his son listen to. The boy needed to keep his wits about him. More wolves arrived, Tahlia, then Epiphron who instantly glued herself to Maverick. The faint smile twitched on Gerhardt's lips once more at the sight of the two of them. Bane came, then Cynrik who looked positively shaken by the King's appearance. Gerhardt gave a nod of his head in answer to Cynrik's words, accompanied by a wince. I will be attended to in due time, but explanations need to come first. Aeil then came, followed by Bronze - who kept his distance. Gerhardt didn't blame him for the added space.

When the time came that the King could not wait any longer, he parted his jaws to speak. For those of you who remain unaware, a challenge rang out by our former Queen: Adette. She wished to take Seracia, but upon further deliberation, decided to challenge for possession of me. I knew she wasn't in her right mind, but I couldn't let the challenge go unanswered, and so we fought. When it became clear that I had arisen the victor, Adette goaded me - asking me to take her life. I struggled with the decision, but found myself draining the life from her. It is she that lays in this grave today, and it is she that has led me to make some major changes to this Kingdom. Eyes drifted to Maverick, who appeared to have followed his previous instructions and gathered himself. My son has been Prince of these lands since his first birthday. It is time that Seracia saw new vitality and sensibility of the mind from its King, and so I hereby relinquish my rights as King of Seracia, and hand my position to Maverick as your new King. I will be taking a leave of absence from Seracia while I gather my thoughts, but when I return I will gladly accept any position he sees fit to bestow upon me. The King rocked back onto his haunches, allowing the rain to fall over his coat and slowly wash his and Adette's blood from his coat. He would say no more unless addressed.

speech speech speech


07-27-2013, 04:12 PM

Thoughts flooded into his head, each as unlikely as the others. His father seemed to have been the culprit in this wolf?s death, but who could it have been that he would have chosen to bury them within the Kingdom? He supposed it could be someone related to them.. perhaps it was Themisto? Though it was unlikely for Gerhardt to ever harm the Seracian healer. However, he wasn?t present at the meeting thus far, so he was still a possibility. Perhaps he had gotten cocky? Tried to take Seracia from his own kin? Surely not, he had seemed so friendly and positive. No, that simply couldn?t be. Perhaps he was just on his way. But who, then? The grave seemed to be large, so it had to be a fully-grown wolf ? and one that his father was close to. Their mother, perhaps? Surely not her, though. She was being harbored in Valhalla last he?d heard. Why would she try and challenge Gerhardt? She didn?t even have her memory! He shook his head, trying to rid himself of these thoughts. All would be explained in due time.

Gerhardt implored him to be calm and patient, and the prince did just that. His jaws fell shut ? having previously been agape ? and remained so until such time came when he could interject. Wolves came in droves, though not nearly as many were present as he?d expected to be. Was Seracia dwindling right under their paws? No, the Kingdom was as strong as ever ? of this he was sure. Gerhardt began earlier than Maverick had expected. Less than half of their comrades were present, but he supposed his father had good reason. Besides, he didn?t mind an early explanation ? the uncertainty of it all was killing him. Gerhardt explained the challenge was given by Adette, and went on to tell them the tale of how they had fought, and Adette had died. She?d asked for death, and Gerhardt had granted her wish. The Prince wasn?t sure how he felt about that. Just because she?d asked for it didn?t mean it ought to be given, right? Surely some sense could have been talked into her thick skull.

Then it came, the announcement he?d known about ? but had not foreseen. A meek gasp slipped from his lips as his father handed him the crown of Seracia. For the first time he stood before his Kingdom as their monarch. He cleared his throat, muttering a quick "I accept," as a confirmation. He continued, "and name Epiphron Adravendi-Mathias as your new Queen." Eyes drifted lovingly to his wife, a flurry of emotions bubbling and frothing in his chest. There was so much to do, so much to say, and he didn?t know where to begin. "I will grant you your leave of absence, father, and when it is over you shall return as an Ambassador of the Kingdom. This new rank will be bestowed to trusted, loyal members of Seracia. Ambassadors will aide the King and Queen in decisions pertaining to the Kingdom, as well as be diplomats to the other packs in Alacritia. Alongside my father, I name Loccian an Ambassador as well." Lime eyes swept to the woman briefly, trying to gauge her reaction. "Along those same lines, I appoint my sister as the Princess of Seracia until such time as a child of mine is chosen as heir. " It would be then that he realized his own sister was not yet present for this meeting. What was keeping her?

"My wife and I will discuss other rank changes in the future, and will let those affected know about the changes as promptly as we can.? His eyes twisted to Epiphron, a smile breaking across his face. "In efforts to boost the mood of this meeting, I have news of two litters that will be born in Seracia next season. The first, I expect, will come from Bronze and Silent. The second, from myself and Epiphron. With the first royal litter on it?s way, I will bring forth a second new rank, that of Progeny ? which will be bestowed upon any of royal birth." Perhaps it was a bit haughty to give his children their own rank, but it was high time that respect be given to those born with it. He turned his gaze upon them, head and tail rising to a level that mirrored his father?s when he?d been King. The rain slowed to a gentle drizzle, but still flowed down his fur in great rivulets. "Now, are there any comments, questions, or concerns?" It was time to hear from the subjects.




07-28-2013, 12:57 AM

Loccian took a step back from the king, giving him some space. He pobably wanted it, needed it right now, and she would respect that. One by one the wolves of Seracia came together, Maverick, questioning his father, Tahlia, Epiphron, Bane who lay down beside her, Cynrik who also asked the King a question before looking to her questioningly, Aeil, Bronze... A light sigh escaped her lips when she saw him show up but take a seat some distance away. Ears folded back, grey orbs growing dull as she sat back on her haunches, tail laying over her paws.

More still came, a dark male with scars across his face. She could not put a name to that face, this being the first time seeing him so assuming he was a new member. Next came Themisto, but before anyone else came forth Gerhardt had spoken up.

He spoke to her, Maverick and Cynri briefly before finally explainingg to them what was going on. He sat up, ears swiveling forward, giving him her full attention. He began by telling them challenge was made by their former Queen, Adette. Loccian's head tilted slightly at this, brows coming together. She had heard the call but she did not investigate it, instead letting the leaders deal with it. He explained that she wanted Seracia, Loccian's jaw nearly dropped. She instead challenged for him, they ended up fighting and in the end she asked for him to take her life... and he did.

Grey orbs traveled down to the freshly made grave, a sad look forming in her dark gaze. It didn't stay there long though, for him mentioning major changes being made to the kingdom caused her too look at him with some confusion. Right away she thought he would be stepping down as their King, perhaps the emotional toll Lady Adette put at him making him thin he was unfit to continue ruling Seracia.

He indeed gave up his role as King, passing it on to Maaverick and letting them know he would be taking a leave of absence. She gave a nod of her head, he needed some time alone.

Her attention now turned to Maverick who accepted this news, a small smile forming on her lips as she listened to their new King. Right away he named Epiphron their new Queen, of course, the lovely woman would fit the role well. He continued on, granting his father a leave of absence and giving him the rank of Ambassador for when he returned. Ambassador? For a moment Loccian wondered what kind of rank this was but Maverick quickly answered her thoughts, it would be bestowed upon trusted and loyal members of Seracia. They will aide the King and Queen in decisions pertaining to the Kingdom as well as be diplomats to other packs in Alacritia. A very important rank she assumed, kind of like a beta in other packs she guessed.

"Alongside my father, I name Loccian an Ambassador as well." The shewolf froze at his words, a look of surprise clear on her face. To be appointed as an Seracian Ambassador, it seemed like a very important thing, something she would not have imagined herself become. Her gaze fell upon his green orbs, the small smile turning into a decently large and shy one, dipping her head to him. It made her feel good, happy, a feeling she has not been able to feel for some time now. She would serve her Kingdom, and wouldn't let it down.

Her tail had slipped off her paws and wagged slowly behind her, but she still listened to what was going on. Kamala was named Princess until a child of his was chosen. He explained that him and Epiphron would discuss other ranks in the future and then he moved onto something interesting. Pups. Two litters would be born within the next season. She leaned forward curiously, wondering who the wolves would be.

"The first, I expect, will come from Bronze and Silent." Her heart felt like it stopped and as if it would explode. Loccian's body went stiff, eyes slightly widening, jaws barely open. He was going to have children... She closed her eyes and lowered her head, a sigh slipping from between her lips, back curving with her hunched shoulders. The gap between them grew so much larger just now...

In that moment of fear and sadness she nearly missed who the other litter would be coming from, but she managed to keep her hearing open. It would be from him and Epiphron. With the coming royal litter a new rank would be coming into place, Progeny, for any royal birth. She was happy for the two, they were good kids and she was sure they would have beautiful children that would make their parents proud.

At last the new King was done speaking, asking if there were any comments, questions or concerns. She gave a nod of her head, clearing her throat, trying to pull herself together. She pulled herself up onto all four in one smooth motion, taking a few steps forward and dipping her head to Maverick. "I am honored to be an Ambassador of Seracia alongside our previous King. Thank you." She lifted her head, putting on a small smile for him, looking to him proudly.

Loccian then turned around to look at the small crowd of wolves, grey orbs falling upon each wolf, except for Bronze. "Congratulations, Maverick an Epiphron... Bronze and Silent for the litters. It is wonderful to see new life brought into the world, I look forward to seeing them and assisting if you need any help." With that she turned away, lightly brushing her tail against Maverick's shoulder as she walked past him so she could speak and tend to Gerhardt, if he would let her that is.

"Gerhardt... we should get something for your wounds and any pain... they could become infected with the blood and dirt." She spoke softly, topping beside him, her head low. She did not want to push him into doing something he didn't want to do but she wanted to tend to his wounds and pain before they got infected or worse. It was saddening to see him in such a state, broken, alone. She wanted to help him in any way she could. "If not then is there anything I can do for you?"


Awesome table by Andy <3

Silent I


11 Years
07-28-2013, 07:58 PM

Her late entrance was exactly like her name: silent. She hadn't meant to have a delayed step into the meeting, but when nature effects your stomach and the moving babies inside of you, there is nothing that can be done to prevent the sickness. Before she arrived to the gathering of her newfound home, Silent had cleaned her mouth out with water and eaten a few mint leaves she had seen near the den. With a fresh and minty breath that left through her mouth and nose, Silent set off to the call of the King.
She hadn't met any other members of the pack yet. Bronze was her only connection to the land, the grand lands that held the wolves of one of the famous packs of Alacritis. For that, she was grateful to have such a wonderfuld link to the kingdom. It wasn't hard to find Bronze in the crowd of unfamiliar wolves. Even with her pregnant figure, she was able to slink through the different bodies and scents of her new home to reach him. Words didn't have to be exchanged when she finally made it to Bronze's side. A loving nuzzle was given to his right cheek as she slowly reclined to her haunches beside him.
Silent's smile was soft when she heard the news of Gerhardt giving the crown to Maverick. Her ears perked to the proclamation and a silent congrats was sent to him from her mind. It wasn't until he announced the two litters that were to be born within the next season that her facial appearances changed. Her smile widened and became brighter when he spoke of her and her mate's expecting pups. She was still having quite a time believing that they were actually having more children, but the evidence of her stomach beginning to grow in front and both sides always confirmed it.
When Maverick proclaimed that he and Epiphron were getting ready for their own litter, she couldn't help but happily yip for him. Her tail began to wag as images of future pups ran across the large lands of Seracia, playing tag and searching for treasures only they believed existed. She figured that she would personally congratulate the newlyweds -- and future parents -- when the meeting dispersed. Her attention was then taken from a congratulations that came from another female. Beautiful fur and gray orbs were what caught the black female's eyes first. Unsure of what to say, Silent only dipped her maw to her and gently tapped her tail against Bronze's front right paw. She watched Loccian walk away and then turned her gaze to her mate. Warmth danced in her eyes and she softly asked, "Thank you for bringing me here, Bronze..."




3 Years
07-30-2013, 09:04 AM
How could she have been late to this meeting? She had been on the battlefield, she had watched with horror in her gaze as her father and mother had battled. They had once seemed so perfectly happy, like nothing could ever break them apart. And then everything had fallen apart. It had taken Kamala a while to gather her thoughts, to get them past the jumbled, broken mess that they had been after seeing that battle. The gray female had taken her time in getting back to Seracia, but once she arrived, it seemed that the meeting was already in full swing.

That would not reflect well upon her. But it was better that she arrived late and able to force herself into functioning as was proper for a Grand Duchess than on time and broken. By the time that she approached the meeting, her head was held high and she was confident in her abilities to hold it together. She had already lost her mother when the battle began. Kamala remembered the way that Adette had acted. That female had not been her mother. Whatever she had been, she had not been the woman who raised her.

She arrived just in time to hear Gerhardt announce that he was stepping down, and naming Maverick king. Kamala looked blankly at her father, emerald eyes focusing on him as he spoke. Her father, stepping down? She had known that it would have to happen soon enough, but it was strange. Her father had been the King of Seracia for as long as she could remember. It would take some time to adjust to her brother being the King. But she knew that her father had chosen correctly. Her brother would be an excellent King.

Gray ears twitched in Maverick's direction as her brother began to speak, and Kamala listened attentively to her new King. So, they were expecting a litter? She would have to congratulate him later. They would surely be adorable, and a worthy addition to Seracia, along with Bronze's litter. She glanced towards Bronze at the thought, and noted a pretty black female standing at his side. She appeared to be pregnant as well. Was this the Silent of which Maverick spoke? Kamala would indeed wish to talk to the female later, then.

Wait, what? Kamala stirred when Maverick spoke of her. Princess? It would only be a temporary rank, Maverick clarified, but the fact that her brother had enough faith in her to name her Princess even temporarily, did mean a lot to the female. Her tail wagged just slightly at Maverick spoke, and the female tilted her head slightly as his words spilled over her ears. It was hard to focus for too long; her thoughts kept returning to her dead mother.

Gerhardt was leaving, and Gideon was gone now, gone to Valhalla to be at the side of Chrysanthe, the female that Maverick had once been promised to. Valkis had long since vanished, and was presumably dead by now. Their family had shrunk significantly since they had arrived in these lands. But they would survive, of course. They would survive and come out all that much stronger for it. But Kamala wasn't sure what she was going to do now. After all, since she had been a pup, she had been promised to Gideon. And now he was gone and her mother was gone and what was she going to do now?



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-31-2013, 07:51 AM

Quietly the woman's eyes swept over the creatures that had begun to gather, taking in their faces eagerly. She had been rather distracted at her wedding, and hadn't caught the names of many of the Seracian members. She hoped now she could at least remember their faces a bit better, or ask Maverick who certain members were in the future. It was very different from being in Valhalla, surrounded by wolves she had known since the day of her birth, that she had grown up alongside.

As Gerhardt began to speak, she lifted her snout attentively. The news was likely to upset Maverick, even if he did not show it. As to support him, she pressed her side against his own, a silent gesture of her loyalty and devotion. The rain continued to fall, washing the filth and blood from the King's pelt and littering the dirt with an eerie shade of red. Her blue gaze strayed rather briefly before returning to her father-in-law's face. She remained composed as he explained the events that had unfolded, and it was obvious by her empty stare that she had seen the events unfold. The next bit of news was more surprising -- Gerhardt handed Maverick the throne then, perhaps a bit more soon than either of them had expected. No mention of herself was given, but she held her tongue and waited.

It was hardly a moment before Maverick began to speak, immediately naming her as Queen. She leaned to his ear ever so briefly as he paused, crooning lovingly, "Thank you." There was no hesitation as she pressed firmly into him; they were to rule as a pair, and she would accept no less -- she had been promised to rule someday, but she didn't give a damn unless Maverick was by her side. He continued on, naming his father Ambassador, a title she would've given him herself in an instant. Loccian also was given the title, and she nodded in agreement.

His next announcement elicited a wider smile from the new Queen. She was not bashful, persay, in Seracia, but her husband simply spoke everything she would've said -- and she was not at all ungrateful, for she felt vaguely muddled and unsure of herself lately, something quite uncharacteristic of the Adravendi woman. Maverick also announced that Bronze and Silent would be having a litter -- another pair of wolves she was unfamiliar with. And finally he announced that their children would receive their own rank, as deserved.

"I am more than happy to address any concerns as well, or speak to members privately if they so desire. I know I am relatively new to the Kingdom, but I can promise I will not disappoint you." She bowed her head briefly, her smile charming and natural as she gazed upon the wolves.



11 Years
08-12-2013, 10:24 AM (This post was last modified: 08-12-2013, 11:03 AM by Bane.)
Bane remained tense throughout the proceedings of Gerhardt announcing Adette's death along with his declaration that he was stepping down and telling all the assembled wolves and taking a leave of absence, which was fine, Bane took those all the time. And Maverick had taken over. The new inexperienced and young wolf spouted out several new things, Bane nodding with appeasement when Loccian was named ambassador along with Gerhardt when the former king go back. Maverick announced that him and his mate where expecting and therefore made a rank that evidently made his pups better than everybody's. Bane fought back the urge to remind the red wolf that he wasn't of noble Seracian birth. But he ignored it and spoke with a calm demeanor.

"Maverick, my king, may I remind the other wolves here that you aren't of Seracian birth, and as the only surviving member I must say that in Talutah there was a ritual for this. I am merely saying that if you would like, you meet me at a later date when you aren't busy and only if you are interested. But I know that it's what Rancor would've wanted when he sired a heir worthy of an alpha position despite it not being Talutah." Bane spoke with a gracious tone, it wasn't mocking or disrespectful. More of a quiet voice from the back of the conglomeration than anything else.?"I must get it ready should you show interest."

Bane had a ceremonial bone to carve.

-Exit Bane-
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•