
Wolf Totem

Pack Meeting



Master Fighter (240)

Advanced Hunter (70)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Fail!Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-18-2019, 12:01 AM
He had been kinda doing his own thing since coming here, much like his littermates. He had chosen to mostly keep to himself while getting to know the lands he lived in now and coming to terms that his father was no longer an alpha. Honestly though, he didn't care his dad wasn't an alpha anymore though. His great uncle was, and in a way it still meant they were important. When he heard his call, Tyto took his time getting there, and when he did he saw that his other siblings were already there. All of them. His younger siblings included. He narrowed his eyes at them for a moment, still unsure how he felt about them. He didn't hate them, but...he didn't quite like them either. At least not yet, and he wasn't sure if he would. Stalking over to his brother Tornadic, he bumped his shoulder lightly and shot him a grin before settling in to see what this meeting was about.



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
08-18-2019, 12:09 AM

He had heard Acere's call some time ago, but he had been too far from pack lands to be prompt. Together with his companions, the trio hurried to the meeting before they missed it. He had almost run into a tree or two on the way, but it didn't stop him from getting there. Already he could smell the many scents of the other pack members there and realized nearly all of them were already there. He picked out the scent of his mother and those of his kids, but his own littermate had yet to arrive. Maybe he was holed up somewhere trying to avoid the cold weather. The thought of Gryphon hiding under a bunch of furs and curled up in his den amused him, but the thought wasn't the least bit mean. He would consider maybe making his brother a cloak or something to keep him warm considering he knew he didn't like the cold. The earthen Male settled in with his kids, nudging them both with affection before turning his attention to Ace.

Walk, "Talk" Think "Kimahri" Shiva

Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



8 Years

Trick 2019
08-18-2019, 09:55 PM
Gryphon had spent solitary weeks refamiliarizing himself with the north. He had been born here, had returned here when his mother had raised her pack. He had never thought to find himself here again as an adult, in someone else's pack. Speaking of thst someone else... the alpha's call was rising over the northern lands, calling the pack together again. Gryphon paused to listen expressionlessly before leaving off his hint to lope back towards packlands. This was his mother's pack, and he needed to be here to care for her as she aged. He couldn't risk being kicked out of the pack for not attending meetings. He wasn't even breathing hard when he came to a slow stop beside Avalon and sat himself beside her to pass an inscrutable gaze over their other pack members. Dragon would have earned a nod if he had been able to see it; as it was, he sought to meet the two jaguars' gazes firmly. His niece and nephew he gave a tentative, soft glance. They were his brother's kids, but ye had never met them. He doubted they wanted anything to do with him. They shouldn't, either. Not after the things he had seen, the things he had been accomplice to. Jaw hardened, face twitched back to a scowl as he dragged his gaze away from his family to glower at the ground in front of the alphas paws.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-20-2019, 06:48 PM (This post was last modified: 08-20-2019, 06:49 PM by Acere.)

One by one they would arrive. Heloise of course, was the first to answer his call. He smiled warmly at his mate, crimson gaze remaining on her for a long while before Tyranis and two of his sons arrived. He dipped his head to him, and to everyone that came after. Nearly all of Winterfell had arrived save for a couple faces. Namely his nephew Miach and a male he vaguely recalled that went by the name of Konstantine. Many of the members present he hadn’t seen much of, but he hoped that after today they would strive to be more active and participate in the daily life of the pack. There was a lot of news to share and discuss today. Mentors and apprentices, the upcoming Winter festival, promotions, ceremonies and...the birth of his first litter. The thought of what Heloise had told him a couple of days prior still made him giddy and he couldn’t help but to try and stifle a grin, only to fail when he thought about it. He had thought about keeping it to themselves for the time being, but he simply wouldn’t be able to. He was going to be a father for the first time, and he had no shame nor did he want to hide the fact. He was excited for what was to come. To have a family with his beloved mate and share the excitement with the rest of the pack. Sure, they had puppies galore already. But his litter would be the first born within the halls of Winterfell.

After a minute or two of waiting to see if the remaining two members would arrive, Acere was eager to start. Rising to his paws and stepping forward, he looked out over the gathered wolves and cleared his throat, indicating that the meeting was about to begin. "Thank you all for coming. Today marks a very special day. Not only is it our first official meeting as a pack, but we have many things to discuss. Please bear with me, there is...a lot of information and news, though I promise it'll be easier after this. First off, I’d like to start by saying thank you to our members who have contributed significantly to our Northern family. Your deeds and hard work have not gone unnoticed, and I aim to reward you for your efforts. That being said, those who have not yet contributed due to reasons of your own, I request that you please start showing more initiative. Winterfell is a large pack now. We’ve grown quite quickly in a matter of weeks since our rise, and I wish to see you all rise in the ranks as opposed to remaining at the bottom." Gaze moved over each wolf, knowing they knew who they were that weren’t doing what they should be to further themselves. "I have given plenty of time for everyone to settle. The pack should be bustling with activity by now. If you’ve not met your pack mates, then meet them. If you require assistance, ask. We are here to help each other. To strive for higher goals and to build one another up to our full potential. If, however, you feel Winterfell is not what you want, you are welcome to leave. I am not keeping anyone here against their will," Barring the pups, of course.


Taking a deep breath, he eyed Tyranis and those he knew had been working and training hard. "Our first order of business today, is promotions. When I call your name, please step forward." Perhaps it was a bit formal. Perhaps not. Whatever the case, as the alpha, he was going to do things how he perceived to be the best way to do it. "Tyranis Praetor. Heloise Cel Mare. Dragon Ancora. Fracture Artifact. Ignis Praetor. Actaea Praetor. Drake Ancora. And Wyvern Ancora." He waited a moment for those he named to take up positions at the head of the gathering. He looked them over for a moment, a smile on his lips as he looked to each one. He had thought long and hard about who would be promoted based on how hard they had been working and their experience as well as a few other key things. He would start with Tyranis first. "Tyranis, you were previously placed in a position as a Knight. However, you have proven your abilities several times over and have proven both your trust and loyalty to the pack. With your experiences as a fighter, a tactician, and a former alpha, today, I name you... Hand of the King." While they had their differences in the past and a rocky relationship before, Acere knew that no matter what, he could count on his nephew to have his back should he need it. And Acere, of course, would do the same for him. He was putting a huge amount of trust in his Nephew with this position, but he knew he could do it given the time and opportunity. With his previous experience as an alpha and in politics, Ace felt it was the right choice. He quieted for a few moments to allow Tyranis to get words in should he choose to before continuing. "Heloise. You have dedicated yourself fully to the betterment of the pack, given your undying loyalty to your Crest, you have trained hard and you have shown yourself capable of facing and overcoming even the most dire of situations. As of today, you are a Knight of Winterfell." He smiled at her, his own heart swelling with pride for her achievements. "Dragon Ancora, you were previously a knight upon joining Winterfell. I have watched the way you and your companions work together, and I’ve seen how hard you work despite your blindness. I've even had the pleasure of fighting a tiger alongside you, and, against all odds, you show undying loyalty to those around you, and a willingness to work with others and help others without question. As of today, you are now Winterfell’s Lord Commander. With your experience as a fighter, and previous experience as an alpha, I expect you to guide those beneath you and train them well." Another moment of his own silence before continuing to the next promotion. "Fracture, I have heard of your feats of courage and bravery, and I have seen your honor and ambition. You’ve not only done well within the pack, but you’ve worked to bring members within our ranks and helped them feel welcome. Today, you have earned the position of Knight. I expect you to continue working and training hard, as well as helping your fellow packmates and protecting the honor of your pack and family." Honestly so far, he was very proud of them. Though he wasn’t done quite yet. "Ignis & Actaea, I will promote the two of you together. As brother and sister, the pair of you have worked incredibly hard in your respective interests. Since the both of you were pups, you’ve worked hard and trained hard, and took every bit of knowledge you could to further your skills. Today, Ignis, I name you a Knight of Winterfell. And Actaea, I name you an Emissary of Winterfell, or if you prefer, Archmaester." He would give the choice to her, knowing she had an interest in both healing and diplomacy. He felt giving her the freedom to choose and going from there was the fairer option. Turning his attention to the Ancora siblings, he added "Drake and Wyvern Ancora. As of today, both of you will train as Squires of Winterfell." Before long, they would be ranked further, he was sure. They seemed like hard workers and had no doubt they were as ambitious as their father. "Congratulations," Crimson gaze fell over them with pride before settling on Heloise. She had done extraordinarily well, and had done a considerable amount of thinking. Yes, he had a special role for her, but...he would keep it to himself for the time being.

***Mentors & Apprentices (mostly paired with mentors with similar skills)***

Instead, he decided to continue on and get to the rest of the matters before getting to the personal news. "Next up, I will be pairing apprentices with mentors today. I know it is a bit late, but I've seen some of you taking the initiative to train yourselves and learn from others. After today, mentors and apprentices are expected to train daily. They are the future of our pack and this world. Mentors, do your best to teach them." He looked to the pups as he thought. He hadn't yet met with each personally, but he'd seen them here and there and even from his foxes learned where their potential interests might lie. "Tornadic, you will be paired with Souzan. Tyto with Gryphon. Idalia with Cloudburst. Volcanic with Dragon," The last pairing had been an easy choice. Dragon was blind but he knew how to work around his disability and felt he could help the crimson boy the best. "Tsunami with Heloise. Incendio with Fracture. And lastly, both Altair and Theta will train with me." There would be more apprentices in the future...but they were not yet born. "Mentors, get to know your apprentices. Their strengths, their weaknesses. Build on them and help them grow. They are counting on you for support and guidance." He eyed the gathered and looked to both Ignis and Yurei for a moment. While they were not in apprentice ranks, Ace didn't want to leave out Yurei's training as a healer nor Ignis' interest in it. To Actaea he said, "Actaea, I'd like you to take both Yurei and your brother as apprentices of sorts. Yurei has an interest in healing, and, thanks to you, so does your brother. Teach them what you know please." As the packs only healer, he felt this the best course. Perhaps Yurei and Ignis could even train the next wolves who took up healing as an interest in the future. Looking to Tyranis then, he was sure his nephew expected to be paired up today, but Ace had a plan for him. "Tyranis, I want you to help with training them as well. You'll get your own apprentice in due time, however." He fought to hide the smile that threatened to overtake him. And this time he succeeded. Barely. "As for Squires, you're expected to learn and train under the pack as a whole. Mentors, please aid them and teach them as well. Training Squires is a joint effort. And as of today, all pups will be ranked as pages to begin training." There, that took care of all the ranks.

***Winter Festival***

With promotions and apprenticeships out of the way, it was time to move on to the fun stuff. "Now, I've something a bit more interesting and fun to discuss. This years Winter Festival, also our first festival, will start on the Winter solstice and will be a week long event. Expect there to be competitions of all sorts. Spars, sled races, hunting, and more. The details will be worked out as we get closer to the start of it, and any who wish to contribute ideas are more than welcome to either here or in private. Other packs will be invited, and the event will be held in one of the nearby rogue lands. I expect you all to be on your best behavior as you'll all be representing the pack, though that should go without saying." He trusted his members not to start any trouble and to present an honorable front to outsiders.


"Now, those who had been previously ranked as a Knight and those who were just placed as a Knight, a ceremony will be held for you. Same goes for those who were ranked higher as well, and we will celebrate with a feast. Your actions and commitment to the pack will be recognized through your Knighting ceremony or what have you, and it is a time for us to relax and have some fun together." He paused for a long moment as he looked at them before his gaze finally fell on Heloise where he lingered for several long heartbeats. He had thought about announcing their news today, among other things. And of course, surprising her with something else. He really didn't have to think about what he wanted to do for very long, if at all. It was a no-brainer. He loved her with all his being.

***Exciting (personal?) News!***

One last thing..."I know there has been a great amount of information shared thus far, but please bear with me. There is another piece of news I'd like to share with the pack as a whole," He stood tall and proud, his gaze finding Heloise once more. "I have decided to take Heloise as my mate. Not only that, but...we are expecting, as well." Whether or not the others thought they had jumped the gun, he didn't care. He had gotten time to get to know her, and he could not deny the love they shared. The fact that they were expecting pups not only helped him to recognize how much in love with her he was in, but it was something he had thought about before he was told. "With that said...Heloise," He stepped down from his vantage point and moved to stand in front of her. His heart pounded painfully against his chest, but in a good way. This was a huge step he was taking - that they were taking - "I have had the greatest opportunity and pleasure of getting to know you. I cannot deny that what I feel for you is true. You've been the greatest thing to come into my life, and you've changed it significantly. So I would like to ask...would you give me the honor of marrying me?" He waited with bated breath, though a huge part of him knew she would not deny his proposal.

Ooc// Next rounds due by September 3rd! posting order is not important so post away! Ace will respond accordingly to posts instead of waiting till after everyone has posted. Mainly for those promoted to get words in if they wish. Sorry for the long, long post. Winterfell's first official meeting so there was a lot to be said. Assume he also talked about the other events that the pack is gonna have (info for those can be found on the pack page and will be updated shortly). Additionally, marriage ceremonies are a thing and ceremonies will be available upon request! Knighting ceremony will be held in a separate thread. Thanks for bearing with me guys! Mentors and apprentices are encouraged to get to know each other and start training as soon as possible, and don't forget about the activity check!
speech action



2 Years
08-20-2019, 07:47 PM

there was much to discuss, not only promotions but other pack news as well. as someone who had never been in a pack before, Heloise was beginning to realize the weight of her choice back in summer. not only did she have an official title - Knight - but she was recognized as a mentor. for once, a more happy smile appeared on her face as she turned to look at Tsunami. the girl had shown initive joining her patrol weeks ago, and the woman was proud to teach her more.

she had stepped forward with the others, giving a nod to Fracture and Tyranis in particular. she had seen first hand what they could accomplish, and was content that her friend especially was gaining knighthood as well. Fracture shared the same feelings she had; uncertainty about their places in Winterfell, lacking family to really get involved. now that she had Acere she no longer felt that way, but she didn't know if he did still. her attention returned to her mate as he proclaimed a festival and other such things, her eyes never leaving his handsome face.

she did not speak, could not hope to interrupt him, but only did he announce their news did she dip her head in a bit of embarrassment. when she looked back up, he was in front of her. the warmth from his crimson eyes threatened to overwhelm her but even more was the surprise he held for her. the woman would lightly gasp as Acere declared not only he loved her, but that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. "of course I will" she uttered, voice thick with emotion as she stepped forward to rub her muzzle against his neck. he was the only one for her. she chuckled fondly against him. "did you need to even ask?"


[Image: sgvfyko2_o.gif]
heloise has a male gyrfalcon named kresnik with a fifty-inch wingspan
always assume he is in threads nearby and in battles with her
as her love acere praetor is allowed in any of her threads regardless of tag



4 Years
08-20-2019, 07:59 PM
Tyranis felt his jaw hang open as Acere announced that he would be hand of the king, stunned for a moment into utter silence. He thought he had irreparably damaged any chances of rising in the ranks the day he allowed Kai past the borders. Had the day at the market changed that? Without asking he could never know, but his throat felt dry and he knew this was no place to question the gift he had been given. “Uncle…My King...You do me a great honor.” He said, his voice cracking with emotion as he spoke. He would need a new armor made, something finer that befit his rank. His chest swelled and then in an instant he remembered Paradise, Paradise who stayed beside him, Paradise who had lifted his spirits, Paradise, the only mother to his children that hadn’t betrayed him.

His ears pricked at the announcement that Acere was having children of his own and that in an instant settled something that he hadn’t been quite sure of. “Uncle…I hope you don’t mind me stealing your spotlight, but as you choose Heloise as your mate I choose Paradise to be mine. I take her as my wife, now and always.” In an instant the words he had told Kai, as heartfelt as they had been, faded from his mind. He remembered shielding her from the storm that passed over them the day in the woods, and her soft spoken promises that held the entirety of her heart behind them. He loved her, he would do anything for her, and he wanted everyone to know it.

speaking Thinking

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  



08-20-2019, 08:25 PM

He felt fear creep into him as his father moved away and pressed close to his mother. He didn’t understand the full enormity of what was unveiled at the meeting. Who was Dragon and what did “Apprentice” mean? Was he going to hurt him? Or bully him like everyone else had? Would he be mean to him like that girl that hated him so much? His supposed sister? He curled closer to his mother and whimpered for his brother, cold and afraid of what this might mean for him and willing it all to stop so he could go home and go back to sleep. No one bothered him when he was asleep.




3 Years

Valentines 2020
08-21-2019, 01:39 PM
Of course they put her with the alpha. She hadn’t done anything to Ace yet so why did that warrant putting her on watch. Claiming her as an apprentice was basically saying she couldn’t be trusted. Which to be fair Theta wouldn’t trust herself either. She was almost out of it all, she’s so close to freedom and then this happens. It’s as if the fates want her to be unhappy. Sure her father got promoted, but he got promoted which means he’s still not in absolute control. Her father then goes and announces his love for that one woman, gross.
[Image: 5sPkXAj.png]

Theta has small Deer antlers that may or may not be depicted in her art



4 Years

Promptober 2019
08-21-2019, 06:39 PM

She sat there, keeping her mouth shut, and only watching what the other members would do. This was her first pack, a concept that she still feared, she feared the fact of being among so many wolves, with the threat of being attacked. She was used to such treatment and that was her main reason why she avoided packs at any coast. She was ignorant of how to be a pack wolf, she didn't know anything being honest. She felt like an idiot, like a wolf with no use in this place, she lacked the essential matters of being a wolf. Hunting and fighting were a big no, what would they think of her knowing that? Would they kick her? Would they kill her on the spot? Both outcomes were terrifying, they make her want to run away like the coward she was. And as she thought that she closed her eyes quickly, as at the same time she suffocated a whimper that was coming out, luckily none of it did.

Soon after, Fracture came in and as he greeted her she quickly gasped some air to respond. "Hi...Mr.Fracture..." She greeted him with her shy and low voice. And as she took note of his following actions she raised her head trying to get herself in the suggested pose from Fracture. But her ears were still a bit low. Once he walked away she looked around wanting to see who else would come.

In fact, some more wolves came one by one. All of them were out of her knowledge and such she looked away quickly, trying to don't collect their attention to her. Being looked at was something she could easily misunderstand as a danger sign. But soon, a kinda known face came in, it was the green-eyed wolf(Dragon) she crossed pats with some time ago. She didn't say anything, she wasn't known for being an ice breaker.

And finally, Acere spoke again and with such her attention was placed upon the king. Taking note of what he started to tell them.

"I have given plenty of time for everyone to settle. The pack should be bustling with activity by now. If you’ve not met your packmates, then meet them. If you require assistance, ask. We are here to help each other. To strive for higher goals and to build one another up to our full potential. If, however, you feel Winterfell is not what you want, you are welcome to leave. I am not keeping anyone here against their will," It was true, she knew that her presence here wasn't free, she knew she would have to start working for them, and so far, being a healer seemed to be the best option for someone like her. But of course, training was needed first. And meeting the rest was must even if the mere idea seemed terrifying for the snow-white wolf.

He started with the promotions, and soon Heloise and Fracture's names were mentioned. So they were knights now. She looked at them all and just stared at them but soon she looked away back to Acere. He complimented them all, and there she felt like a ghost there. Well, she was new of course, no one really knew about her so it was understandable being under those of longer allegiance here.

Then , Acere mentioned the apprentice and mentor pair. And there, she lowered her ears as the thrill of knowing who would teach her made its way down her mind. And the moment came when she heard her own name. When she felt the kings eyes upon her, she felt her body get freeze as she did her best to hold her gaze to Acere's. And upon finishing, she nodded shyly, she was going to do her best to learn all she could and use it to beat her own demons. Following that, now a festival called "winter festival" was explained but in a superficial manner. The ceremonies came next to a discussion, and she would nod, and fall in a though storm but quickly returning to the real world.

But what came next took her out of surprise, The king announced he and Heloise were mates now and expecting pups aswell. Would it mean she would sleep alone now? Would it mean she would have to seek for another den? Her ears lowered and she felt a knot forming on her throat, will she be left alone again? She felt a wave of sadness starting to drown her heart, and there she felt her legs shivering. 'Again...' She thought as she returned her gaze to Fracture.

oc: Sorry for the long post

code by Cloudy
[Image: cute.png?width=493&height=406]

[Image: Yureichibi.png]
Her threads may contain triggering topics like depression and negativeness. Be aware when threading with her.

Casso may crash in any of her threads desíte the tag!

Yurei now has a Grey female wildcat as a companion. Unless stated she is always with her.

Yurei now wears a side back up almost all the time that has four pockets one up and three down.



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Advanced Navigator (80)

12 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-23-2019, 04:18 PM

The rest of the pack had joined them, and Paradise licked the top of her kids heads to comfort them and ease any potential nervousness they might have. As the meeting started, she listened intently. It started with activity, and she made a mental note to be more active and contribute when she wasn't so busy with the children. And then he called forth members to promote, though she wasn't disappointed when her name hadn't been called. She understood why. But when Tyranis' name was called and the promotion he received was the highest he could get, her chest swelled with pride and her tail wagged. She could not be happier for him, and a proud smile showed. She would nose her children, gently wrapping Volcanic in an embrace.

When Ace paired up her children with mentors, again, she felt pride. Her gaze drifted over to the blind Male she knew by name but no more. The blind training the blind? It was a most curious choice but if he had been able to conquer his disability then perhaps he could teach her son as well as confidence. Sensing his nervousness, she gently nose his cheek. "You hear that dear? Someone just like you is going to be your teacher." She glanced back at the armored Male, hoping he'd be able to work well with her boy or she'd RIP him a new one if he hurt him.

Mention of a winter festival came to her ears, though it was brief compared to the rest of what had been said so far. Tyranis and the others who had gotten promoted would attend a ceremony for their Knighthood, and she of course would attend to support Tyranis. And then...their alpha announced he was having children, claiming the alabaster femme as his mate and going on to propose to her. She held her breath as she peered over heads to see what her answer would be, but of course she said yes. Her tail wagged with the news, and she was looking forward to the celebrations to come.

But then something happened that she had not expected. “Uncle…I hope you don’t mind me stealing your spotlight, but as you choose Heloise as your mate I choose Paradise to be mine. I take her as my wife, now and always.” She was stunned into silence, eyes wide with surprise. He..wanted to wed her? It was unexpected, but not unwelcome. She wasn't quite sure what to say. Did she love him? Yes. She couldn't imagine being with anyone else, and the fact that he wanted to marry her and make them official nearly brought tears to her eyes. "Tyranis, are..are you sure?" She wanted to make sure he was. She had been there for him everyday since their children were born, and she felt she knew him better than anyone. Though perhaps not more than his littermate, but on a more intimate level.

"Talk" "You" Think
If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!