
Been A Long Road To Follow



07-15-2013, 02:05 PM

White paws ached as a white wolf traveled close to Valhalla. Finally, the white wolf's eyes narrowed and he raised his head to the blue spring sky and howled his worry to the sky. "My name is Demaro, I am a rouge, and I want to join this pack. I hope you accept me." Demaro knew he would have to get them an offer, so he limped away. Raising his head to the air, he sniffed the air, taking in the faint scent of a doe, and blood. He could tell that the doe was nearby, and he looked down to see blood on the ground. He followed it before stopping halfway because of the pain in his paws. Finally, he raised his two front paws to see them, and the blood leaked from tiny scratches and a pierce through the pad where a rock had stabbed through her pad, and he licked his paw. Sadly, he might fall down and collapse before he got to the doe, but Demaro pushed himself forward. Then the pain in his legs and paws was too much, and he crumpled to the ground. He had been traveling for days, after all. Maybe Demaro would take a litle nap, because the doe wasn't going far, after all... A snort woke Demaro up, and his blue-green eyes opened slowly. It was the doe he was hunting, and she lowered her head to graze. "Oh, so the doe has a broken leg. I feel bad for her, but she will die anyway if this pack has a hunt. I might as well make her lower her guard by walking to her. Then I can make the kill and hopefully join this pack, the pack of my dreams." He murmured softly, and got to his paws shakily. Then the chase was on, with Demaro howling comments from his side of view. "I never thought hunting would be this fun! I hope, next time, a pack is in on the hunt!" Finally, he lunged forward and bit the doe, who kicked him in the jaw. Pain blinded him for a moment, and he felt himself tumble to the ground. He squinted in pain, and yelped as he moved his paw. The pain in his jaw and his paw was agonizing, and he thought of giving up he hunt until he saw the big clots of blood the doe was leaving. At this rate, the doe would be half dead and in no shape to fight when he got to her, and her jugular vein could be cut in ease. Demaro limped along, pain in every bone of his body. Then he finally reached the doe again. "You.....cannot......fight. Demaro managed to gasp out with difficulty. But now the doe was crumpling to the ground, so Demaro raced forwards. He bit into her jaw and cut the jugular vein. The doe stared at him before her eyes clouded and she went limp. Demaro dragged her back to the boundary. Then, with a smile, he closed his eyes and fellto the ground limply.



07-15-2013, 04:57 PM
The brute watched on ever so quietly. Masked by the trees and hidden from prying eyes. His own aqua blue gaze settled on a white brute that had wandered close to the borders. Thane then sat back and did but make a move to hobble his way to the man. Instead, he watched him. And as he did so interest piqued his mind. The brute he was watching spotted a die bit too far from here. The male sat quietly and watched the show as the stranger took down the doe. Blood was shed as the male dropped the kill by the border before he sat down. A small smile appeared on Thane's face; he wished he could hunt now. Perhaps he could hunt once his broken leg would be mended in time.

Hunting had always been a hobby to the wolf. And then it had also came to be his duty during the time he had been lead hunter. And now since his promotion to delta the man could enjoy it as a hobby once more. White lined ears perked up before he tried to stand up on three legs; carrying his broken leg in the air, keeping it from touching the ground. The man grimaced as he felt the pain shoot up his back left leg. A small grunt escaped his maw before he emerged from the foliage.

Hobble did he do to the border, yet he did not cross outside of it. Sitting back down on his haunches with a grunt if pain did he focus his aqua blue gaze on the stranger before him.

"Hello, my name is Thane Tsarev." he said in a calm tone

Eyeing the doe the male opened his maw once more to let his words spill out and drip from his tongue.

"I have seen you catch that doe there. Perhaps you take a liking to hunting? I must say, it's quite impressive....but I do also wonder why you are here on the you seek acceptance friend?" he said.

Thane wondered if the stranger before him liked hunting. He knew the only hunter in the pack was Ashtoreth. But before it had been him and her. Two hunters before and now down to one. This man would make a nice addition to the pack. He seemed skilled, reserved, thoughtful, calm, and a but of a planner. Yet those were just what Thane had seen so far. Perhaps the brute would surprise him. Yet first all he needed was a reply for now. Patiently did he wait; and wait would he do.

OOC:sorry for phone post errors X)



07-16-2013, 04:03 PM
The woman had often received calls requesting acceptance into Valhalla. What she had never heard of though, was a request so formal and to the point that she didn't even see the lupine before hearing their request. She howled back, a short response meant to tell the other wolf that she was coming. As she neared him she could smell him - an adult male, but there was blood in the area too. The blood of an animal, was this brute hunting on Valhalla's lands? Yet drawing closer she could see that he didn't cross the borders.

In fact, there was no one there when she got to the place that the call was sounded from.

At least - not at first. Not soon after an ivory male crept forward, a deer in his jaws. She eyed him curiously at first, that was quite the kill he had with him. Only for the brute to smile and faint - Chrysanthe gawked, wondering just what had happened to the male to bring him down this way. "He might have been injured in the hunt." She said quietly. Closely inspecting the male, she nosed the other's neck, and sighed when she could feel warmth emminating from him and his body rise and fall ever so slightly - he was breathing. He would be alright.

"Demaro, can you open your eyes for me?" She gently asked, sitting beside him so that he wouldn't wake up being towered over. The woman wasn't a healer, but she tried to keep other's in mind regardless. If he didn't reply or wake up within a few minutes she would have Thane help carry him further into Valhalla so that they could contact a healer.



07-17-2013, 05:18 PM

Demaro heard a voice, and stirred at the strange scent. He smelt a female coming towards him and stirred more. Then his barely awake ears heard the howl. The howl had cone too late to him. He tried to stir once more but he was too badly injured. But he could try.

Demaro had noticed the female as he crept forward but had not done much.

He fell into a fitful sleep, but he could not return to reality. Swirly lines crowded his vision. They turned different colors as the female grew closer. Then he heard a unknown voice speak, possibly the femme's. "He might have been injured in the hunt." Whoever she was, she was quiet. Then Demaro felt a nosev in his fur before more questions.

"Demaro, can you open your eyes for me?" For a moment, Demaro wondered how she knew his name, but remembered. With difficulty, Demaro managed to open his eye a little. He struggled to open it further but couldn't, and tried to get to his paws. He succeeded, but his legs were shaky. He barely managed to wag his tail in a friendly manner, let alone speak. I ca-can join? C-Can't I? It hurt to speak, so he asked questions more often. M-My jaw hurts.....I-Is something rong?




07-23-2013, 05:16 AM
The male was a fighter, even with his questionable health he managed to get to his feet. The woman moved to her own and gave him room to stand, but should he wobble she would sweep in and try and stabilize his balance and offer him her side. His tail wagged, and his words held a bit of a croak to them, he was so very tired. "Yes, you may join." He had requested such so politely before, and even gone to such lengths to bring an offering to them. "I'm not sure what happened to your jaw - but it will be looked at as soon as I find a healer." That wouldn't take long, the few they had were rather active.

"Now, would I be correct to assume you want to be a hunter here?" She asked him somewhat tentatively. It was a yes or no question, so he wouldn't have to strain his voice further, only a small nod or subtle shake of the head was necessary. She would wait for his answer before looking to Thane, "Would you help me lead him into our borders?" Perhaps he could stand on his own, but Chrysanthe had her doubts about him being able to easily walk. He had been injured greatly, and seemed to be incredibly fatigued.



08-13-2013, 05:03 PM

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Then the female asked him a question, one that would decide his rank in the pack he was in. He nodded, knowing that he would be a good hunter if his jaw would just heal up. Then the female spoke again, and asked the other male if he would help. "...." He wanted to talk, but he wouldn't risk the pain in his jaw again, so just closed his eyes and rested. "...."
