
hear me calling

torin, or anyone who wants to join

Kane I


Dire wolf
08-21-2019, 01:06 PM

While wandering through the barrenness of the desert without a sound other than his pawsteps and his panting to fill the silence, Kane would have never guessed that there was a fertile lake waiting for him just past the horizon... if he hadn't been raised there and known from experience. The dunes had been an incredible feat for the massive Adravendi wolf to accomplish, but they were finally flattening as he drew closer to the familiar shapes of the mountains that housed the caverns.

By the time the colossus reached past the mountains, he could see the willows of home. It was an interesting feeling to be once again at Lirim's door, he took a moment to rest by the lake without announcing himself for now simply to think through what it was he planned on saying now that he was home. He knew nothing about its current leadership or state, but the Valley and the Willows did not disappoint even in Autumn. He admired the beautiful land he had once called home and listened to the gentle rustle of the dry autumn leaves that felt soothing in comparison to the silence of the desert. The moon was already visible in the darkening sky, accompanied of course by a few of it's stars. All clouds were clear if the sky tonight, and it was easy for a loner like himself to get lost in the awe of things.

Singular ruby finally tore itself away from the sky and surveyed the rest of the area around him. He could not see anyone currently, but he knew that wolves were here. His massive, ghoulish head lifted back as the beast let a low-ringing howl resonate from the depths of his barrel chest. When it was over, he rested his weight on his haunches near the shore of the lake as he assumed a respectful position that would let them know he did not come to fight.

He doubted he would even be recognized now with a missing eye and quite a few scars to add to his collection, but then again he never did do good at keeping up with his family when he was in his youth now did he? He wouldn't blame them if they did not recognize him, but he was excited to see what had become of them all the same.

When you're taught to love everyone,
To love your enemies,
Then what value does that place on love?



3 Years

Valentines 2020Christmas 2019
08-22-2019, 10:23 PM (This post was last modified: 12-11-2019, 07:17 PM by Lili.)

Reclaiming my time.

Lili could escape the den quicker than her father, though she was certain the slate man would be on her heels soon enough, though he'd seemed slow to rouse when she'd looked at him last. The girl hadn't been sleeping well tonight, nightmares of beasts of all sizes plauging her, so she'd been awake when the call for her father had rung out. Somehow the girl was more confident awake than asleep so she wriggled herself free.

Lili knew she'd been told not to wander many many times but she was certain her parents couldn't be too angry if she stayed in the packlands right? Besides if her dad was teaching her how to be an alpha like him then it was her duty to answer calls at the border too right? So the girl would plod towards the border with all the grace and dominance the tiny girl could muster, which was exactly none, instead she mostly marched stiff legged. She narrowed her eyes as she squinted at a shape she could just see. A single red light high above her, it was only when she realized she'd scented another that she realized she was staring up at behemoth of a man, a wolf.

Lili puffed out her chest, lifting her chin and speaking as confidently as she could. "I'm Lili! Primimissum of Lirim," she started unaware of her stumble over her rank, "what are you doing here?" Okay so her dad hadn't actually taken her to meet any visitors yet so she wasn't sure the actual decorum, instead speaking with the bluntness of a child.

"A mile a minute" & No filter

Art by Akage-Kitsu
[Image: w96z6ZA.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3

Kane I


Dire wolf
08-24-2019, 01:23 PM

The red of his gaze seemed to be naturally attracted to the likewise red of her pelt, spotting it easily among their environment. Her stiff-legged approach weakened the stoic appearance the beast usually held, though only with a slight curve of amusement that bent his lips. He watched her follow him, though occasionally would cast a glance to the rest of the pack lands behind her. Was she alone? She seemed far too small to be answering calls from the border all on her own.

She announced herself as royalty and he was not surprised in the slightest. The red of her pelt had Adravendi blood written all over it. To honor the rank of a princess, his frame curved as his forelimbs extended to allow him to lower his chest and head to the ground in a respectful bow. No matter her age, he knew this was the future of Lirim. Eventually, she would be his leader and he hoped she knew what sort of respect was owed to her while holding such a title. He felt it was his responsibility to show her that respect in the very least.

"Returning home, Miss Lili. We haven't met before, but a long time ago I was once a part of these lands." Whether or not he would be allowed to stay was up to the pack of course, but he was interested in seeing what had become of Lirim so far regardless.

When you're taught to love everyone,
To love your enemies,
Then what value does that place on love?