
Underneath the Water


07-11-2013, 12:57 AM


Euphrosyne walked up to the river's edge, grumbling softly under her breath about rude brutes and no one having manners any more. She had stalked away from the gray, black, and tan brute back in the serpent plains and hadn't stopped walking till she reached this river. Ever so carefully, she stepped into the water, not wanting to be swept away by the current. Normally she wouldn't risk getting in such a river by herself, but she hated her fur to be dirty and it was still muddy from the romp through the stream she had done back there. She stood still facing the running water, letting it sweep around her legs and across her belly, slowly rinsing off the already dried mud. Once her fur was back to its normal shade of white she sighed with relief and climbed back onto the bank to shake off as much of the water as she could. She didn't know why the incident with the large brute and the cottonmouth had bothered her so much, but she had just gotten so frustrated with him... She wondered if she should go back and apologize, but she figured he was probably gone by now and he probably would be just as rude again.

She shrugged and flopped down beside the river's edge, letting her paws dangle over into the water, enjoying the feeling of the cool water on her worn paws. She looked down at her legs, her eyes tracing the brown bands of fur that circled the second joint in her legs, glancing back to see matching bands on her hind legs. They, along with the brown tips of her ears and the brown stripe across the bridge of her nose were the only marks disrupting her white coat. Her thoughts drifted back to her sister whose fur had matched hers almost perfectly. It was hard being alone. When her sister had passed away it had been a hard blow for Syne. She liked to think that she had moved on, but sometimes the loneliness still got her and she wished she had someone to spend her time with again. She sighed and rested her head on her forelegs, her paws still resting in the rushing river. It had been a weird day for the fea, but it was only half over. What else could be in store for her?



07-24-2013, 05:12 AM
The blonde sandy colored young man walked the edges of the river. Every so often smacking a fish out of the water just to watch it fly up onto the bank near him or in the opposite direction. He had been doing this for over an hour, the entire time he had been walking along the water, he had collected quite a catch. He carried a leaf bundle in his jaws, fish dangling half out of it as it got fuller and fuller. He put it down so that he could collect this newly swatted fish, and add it to the pile. He picked it up again, wishing he could find some sort of larger leaf to carry his load as it got bigger and bigger. He figured he should stop swatting out fish, but he found it to be really fun and amusing, plus it would save time later when he got hungry. Tail swished behind him, golden locks sprinkled with water from the mist of the falls he had previously passed. Now, at this point in the river, the water was slightly calm. Ahead he could tell it would turn into raging rapids, waiting for victims to fall and claim their lives. He shrugged at the thought. Water was his domain, he was comfortable in the cold and enjoyed it, and with his sleek body being powerful in the water he didn't mind it.

As he strolled along, something caught his attention. Beyond the overpowering smell of fish against his nose, he had caught a whiff of something else...another wolf perhaps? Stopping in his tracks, he glanced around trying to see if he could spot anyone. And sure enough, on the other side of the bank he saw a form lying at the waters base. Ears perked up, one black paw hung in the air like a tracking hound as he looked at the creature from afar. Finally, he decided he'd go over and meet the furred fellow. At this point, he could not tell if it was male or female due to the scent of fish. Black pillars led him to the water and he slid into its coolness. The bundle floated easily atop the water, his head tilted slightly up as he made his way across to the other side.


07-24-2013, 09:17 PM


Euphrosyne caught the smell of fish before she noticed the approaching wolf's scent, really not even noticing his scent thanks to the smell of his catches. She didn't think anything of the fishy scent since she was on the edge of a river and already seen a few of the scaly creatures swim by. They were plentiful in this river, that was for sure. By the time she finally noticed the wolf walking toward her with his big leaf full of fish, he was slipping into the water and crossing the stretch toward her side of the river.

She quickly sat up, shaking the water off her pale forepaws. She watched his trek with concern, knowing how much of a current this river had. He seemed to be dealing with it alright, even with his catch in tow. She still wasn't convinced of his safety, however. She stood, edging toward the water and preparing to jump into the river if need be. Two probably unneeded river rescues in one day? Sure, why not. She waited anxiously to see if the brute would indeed make it across with his leaf full of fish.


07-31-2013, 03:46 AM
The male grunted as his toes slipped off the rocks grazing over the bottom of the river. He had discovered a drop off, and so averted it by changing to a diagonal course away. He knew that in this kind of current, a drop off would create a powerful rip current or eddy, and that would not be good. Even for a powerful swimmer such as himself, especially since it was uncertain how deep this river was or how many other rip currents lied down river. Though still fairly young, he was not yet able to tell where the rip currents and such things were. So far, he had mostly trained in endurance and stamina in swimming, and being able to remain in the frigid waters for long periods of time. Something he could use to his advantage. Currently, he had been working on his fishing and breathing techniques, soon he would be able to hold his breath underwater for well over three minutes! Next, he'd train in more stamina and endurance, this time with a load on his back in case he ever had to rescue a drowning dog. He smiled slightly at the amusing thought. Blue eyes peered to the other side of the bank as he noticed movement. The ivory figure had decided to meet him at the bank, ears half perked forward at its arrival and he then figured that it was a female...what with the way she moved and all.

Paws finally touched down on the bottom of the river bed, he lurched forward every so often as a rock shifted underneath him, but he had made it safely across nonetheless. Sleek pelt slithered smoothly from the water, body dripping with crystal clear droplets as he made his way up the bank towards the Femme. His body posture posed no signs of threat, hopefully that was the case with her as well. He didn't like to fight too much, but would if he had to. Mismatched black pillars brought him a yard from her, as he then place his bundle on the ground in front of him. "Well, now that I don't have a pack of fish blocking my senses, I...uh...ahem. Name's Tidus, and who're you?" He eyed the girl, knowing full well that the way he had introduced himself was far from polite and well mannered...but he wasn't really one for manners. He didn't know how to be good mannered, as his parents never taught him. Being on his own, he was always carefree. And his tongue usually upset or pricked the wrong side of a bad tempered wolf. He waited patiently for her response, consciously thinking about how to respond or how she'd respond to his inquiry about her name. She was indeed pretty, the markings on her face and around her legs he noticed, were different then most he had seen before.


08-14-2013, 11:38 PM


The fea watched anxiously as he made his way across the river, altering and angling his path here and there to avoid the deeper currents in the river. He finally made it over to her side of the river, a sigh of relief passing her lips as his paws touched solid ground. She rocked back onto her haunches and waited for him to pad over to her, setting down his catch. He held himself in a calm, relaxed way, telling Euphrosyne that he meant no harm. She gave him a relaxed smile, chuckling at his comment about the "pack of fish". He was a bit rude, but she didn't think anything of it. After dealing with the brute with the snake, a curse would have seemed like a happy greeting. Okay, maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration, but she didn't mind the new acquaintance's behavior too much.

"I'm Euphrosyne, but feel free to call me Syne. Or even Euph if you prefer. I know Euphrosyne is a bit of a mouth full." She turned her emerald gaze toward the large pile of fish that sat between them, looking at them curiously. "That's a lot of fish," she commented idly, pulling her gaze back up to his with a flick of her ears. "How come you caught so many?"


09-02-2013, 07:22 AM
The carefree youth listened to the girl with intent curiosity. Learning her name, he wagged his tail a little at meeting someone out here. Even though he crossed a river to greet her, he figured it would be worth it. His ears perked at the mention of the fish, he guessed that she thought he was crazy for collecting so many. But in truth, he always had a reason for it...or so to him it was anyway. "Nice to meetcha Euphrosyne. I believe I will call you Syne...that is a mouthful!" He chuckled and shifted his position before continuing, "And these fish? Well, I guess you can say one never knows when prey might be scarce or if a starving stranger might need a quick meal. I also use them as bait to lure away larger predators like bears, and...I guess to attract larger fish in the ocean. Comes in handy y'know? Have you tasted Tuna? They're really really good. I suppose you can also say I love to fish, they're pretty hard to catch sometimes and it takes some skill. Even for me it's still a challenge. So, I interrupting or disturbing you? 'cause if I am, I can always pack up my fish and go."

He looked at her, aqua blue eyes calm and sincere. If he was disturbing her, they he would apologize and continue on his way. But she was the first person he had seen and talked to in a long time since coming to this land, and his heart craved someone to talk to..