
Trample upon me all you wish, I won't give up



07-24-2013, 09:18 PM

It was like nothing she has ever heard in her life. The roar, no, thunder. It was almost deafening, like a wave was sweeping over the land. All she knew was that a wave of brown was coming upon her, and her legs would not work. All she could think about... was this the end? Would she be stomped into the ground, forgotten? Augustus and Reficul would have no mother after this, they would be alone... after she had promised she would be there for them. Her poor children.

Eyelids snapped shut, shielding her grey orbs of the sight. Back arched, tail tucked between the legs, and ears back. Loccian knew what was coming, since her legs would not function she would be caught in this wave, would become mangled and crushed. But was it really that? Was she really just so scared, so schocked that she couldn't move? Or was she there for a reason, wanted the wave to come over?


Awesome table by Andy <3


07-24-2013, 10:35 PM
OOC// Not sure if Loccian was planning on moving based on what I read, so I'm just gonna put a whole life saving thing lol if you want me to change it then I will if you don't wanna be saved in one go XD

Chocolate ears rose as a strange sound came into his range of hearing. The warrior stopped atop a hill, icy gaze sweeping the landscape. Was it a quake he was hearing...? No. If it was a quake he'd feel the earth shift beneath him. He stood still, gaze sweeping steadily across the landscape as he searched for the source. Farther down the valley to his right side he could see a large cloud of dust rising into the air. Head tilted a little...was there a stampede of buffalo? Brows furrowed, the man continued to scan the sight. Some way ahead of the rushing herd he spotted something. A smaller figure, darker in comparison to the grassy landscape surrounding it. He took a step forward, looking between the figure and the herd. Why wasn't it moving? If the creature stayed there then surely the herd would run it over?! Gaze flicked again between the two, and finally the Knight took action.

Black pillars carried him downhill like a locomotive. He couldn't tell if it was a a creature he had met, as the wind carried the other way coming from behind the herd. He just hoped he could make it in time before the herd closed in and trampled it. Audits flattened to his head, he pushed his body to move faster then he had ever done in his life. Dirt and grass flew up behind him as his claws tore into the earth. Another quick glance at the herd told him that he had less then a minute, maybe even seconds. Charging straight towards what he now saw was a wolf, and into the path of the oncoming beasts, he finally was able to reach it. Without stopping, and with the herd just mere yards closing in rapidly, he crashed into the wolf, trying to push it into motion. "MOVE!!!" He yelled over the loud rumble of hooves as they descended upon them. Squall grabbed the wolf's scruff, and yanked her up and forward ahead of the herd. He half dragged her as he carried her along with him, the herd stampeding where they had been just moments before.

His heart raced and his breath came in short bursts as he gazed wildly around, the herd would be on them. They couldn't outrun them forever. Though he was quick and agile, he didn't know how long the frightened or angry bulls would run for. He looked to the side, and knew they'd have to make a diagonal run to safety. Going straight off the side would surely get them crushed. With a snarl, he angled himself so that he was running ahead of the herd and to the path of safety. He could feel the drum of their hooves pounding through out his body and his ears. Tail flagged behind him as he felt the hot breath from the closing herd, the she-wolf gripped firmly so that she wouldn't fall. Adrenaline gave him an extra burst, giving him quick recovery of speed to outrun the bulls by a short distance. Heart pounded hard and loud against his chest, and finally he reared his head to the side to give him an extra powerful swing and he threw the girl as hard as he could out of harms way. They had reached near the edge of the herd, and so he had used the opportunity to save her. The movement had caused him to slow a little, and with that he stumbled slightly. He had recovered quickly, however, the foreleg of a buffalo cow clipped his hind leg and caused him to stumble.

He gasped in surprise as he met the ground, barely rolling out of the way as the cow stumbled and fell where he had just fallen. Now, the herd was on him. Dust and bodies swirled around the male. He curled up and covered his head, receiving a kick to his body every so often from a passing buffalo. He grunted with each blow, as he moved to stay alive. He rose to his feet once there was a small gap, and looked around confused and slightly disoriented. He growled and snapped at a passing cow, thus using the chance to escape the onslaught and leaped out of the raging herd. His body pierced the dust as it flew out of the unknown, falling into safety among the long grass of the land. Landing heavily on front paws, he fell forward and rolled a few feet before finally coming to a stop. He lied there, body heaving with the effort of breathing. For now, he felt no pain as the adrenaline cloaked it. Later, he would surely feel the beating the prey animals had instilled upon him. At least she escaped unharmed... He thought. The quick event that had happened prevented him from recognizing who it was. All he knew was that she was safe.

Speech, Thought, You



07-24-2013, 11:07 PM

Closer and closer it came, and within moments the wave would wash over Loccian's body. But something suddenly shot into the air, by time her ears perked up the shewolf felt something crash into her, causing her to nearly fall to the ground but then being grabbed by the scruff and yanked back. Eyelids pulled back quickly, grey orbs large, legs finally working. At first she stumbled around but quickly gained her footing, tail still between her legs as she tried running in the direction she had been yanked.

At first it had been like slow motion, seeing the wave coming towards her, but now everything was moving quickly. She was yanked and now running for her life, the thunderous roar of hooves beating the ground making her whole body shake. The power, it was unbelievable.

She couldn't run in a different direction, no, whoever had grabbed her still had her scruff, directing her in which way to go. Then she was thrown. She clenched her jaws, eyes closing, putting her front limbs out before her so that she would not fall on her face. Paws connected with the ground, back ones trying to do the same but hit the ground awkwardly. The shewolf ending up falling forward, chest hitting the ground hard, body twisting and turning, falling to her side and rolling a few times.

Within seconds it was over, and the sound of a body falling nearby caused her to finally raise her head after a few moments of laying there with head covered. Grey orbs searched the cloud of dust and dirt, looking over the body to see if the person was alright. Ar... are you alright? She asked softly, groaning a bit as she tried to lift herself up, her whole body shaking.


Awesome table by Andy <3


07-26-2013, 04:08 AM

A low agonized groan met the warriors tongue. He had lied where he was for a few moments after escaping his near death experience with the buffalo herd. The last remaining stragglers passed him by. Moaning in alarm at the herd that had run ahead, leaving them behind. His body throbbed, heart pounding in his ears as the drumming faded away, leaving behind the silence that engulfed him. Ears twitched up as he heard a voice breaking the silence, the she wolf he had rescued he assumed. He pulled himself up with effort, the adrenaline rushing away as quickly as it had come, causing him to feel every spot where the buffaloes hooves had struck. His shoulders throbbed, his ribs, his flank, his back, and even the right side of his head where a bull had clipped him with his hoof. Simply put, the entire right side of his body hurt with the exception of hits on his left shoulder where the hoof marks showed on his white fur where he had gotten stepped on. At this point, he wondered if he had any broken bones, but wasn't sure. He had been through a lot worse after all, and though his body was slim, it was just as sturdy. He lightly shook his head, the movement causing his head to throb in the beginning of a headache. He brought his legs underneath him, and stood in one quick motion. His body swayed a little, and responded without looking at where the female was. "Y...yeah...I think I'm fine." He groaned. Just as soon as he finished speaking, he opened his eyes and his field of vision seemed to have adopted white stars as he fell over again with a grunt.

He pulled himself onto his stomach again, eyes closed to try and refocus himself. When he opened them, he waited a few seconds before looking up to see where the she-wolf was. His senses began to clear little by little, though most of them seemed to still be beaten out of him. I really need to get a hold of myself...who the hell did I just save that got me into that mess? He thought with slight annoyance. Then again, anyone would have thought the same thing when they were nearly trampled to death. He sniffed, eyes finally focusing on the grey blur near him. He took in a surprised gasp and eyes widened in shock as he realized who it was. Taken aback, he jumped slightly, falling back. "Y...You!?" He slammed his mouth shut, completely surprised and with no idea what to say, he simply couldn't help but stare in surprise. So he had run into her for the third time already...he thought back to the time they met on the battlefield sometime about a month ago...when she had told him to stay away or else she'd hurt him. And then to the time at the cave with her nephew, she hadn't shown any signs of forgiving him then either. So he had walked away without a word, half hoping to never cross paths with the angry femme. But that day...he had sensed something deeper then what she showed.

He swallowed, wondering what she would do to him. She had made it clear his presence was unwelcome around her, and he had silently promised to do just that. To stay away...just like everyone else. But once again, Fate had brought them together. Or was it just coincidence? Either way, he awaited her response. He was sure she hadn't realized who had just saved her as she was still probably recovering just as he was. He waited then, for her response.




07-26-2013, 10:23 AM

Standing there Loccian waited for the cloud of dust to settle, wanting to see if this male that saved her was alright. She felt guilty, locking up in fear and this male having to go out of his way to save her, getting hurt in the process. As she stood there though she was feeling some anger and thankfulness. She was upset that he had come, that he dragged her out of the path of the bison, preventing them from crushing her skull. But thankful that he did, she would be able to go back to Seracia in one piece to see Augustus and Pontifex. They wouldn't be alone...

Thinking about them made her cringe, eyes closing tightly, ears folding back on her head. Was she really trying to kill herself? Why was she even out here?

Y...yeah...I think I'm fine. Her ears perked up at the voice, opening her eyes and taking a shaky step forward. Grey orbs watched the dust start to settle, seeing the outline of a body standing before her, and within seconds she could see his features. That was what made her freeze in shock. That brown, black and white pelt. That scar across the muzzle. She blinked her eyes a few times, trying to think if her eyes were playing tricks on her but since the image didn't change or go away she found that it really was the wolf she had least expected, Squall.

All she could do was stand there trembling, eyes wide and staring at him, ears back, tail hanging behind her. She couldn't force herself to speak, not sure if he would grow irritated that he had saved her, not sure if he would say a smart comment about her being in such a spot. She wanted to say something though, wanted to see if he was okay, especially after seeing some hoof marks on the white part of his pelt. Surely he was feeling some pain, pain that she could treat with herbs.

His gasp made her jump slightly, blinking a few times to see his eyes widen and jumping back a bit, nearly falling over. She lowered her head and turned it to the side, taking a step back, brows together. Loccian didn't say anything, just remained silent. She remembered how she told him to stay away, but, right now she needed him to stay, even if he pissed her off that day on the battlefield.

Things were happening too quickly, she had lost another member of her family. She felt like things were slipping from her grasp... There was a pain returning to her heart, remembering it as the one that had been there before she ended up locked in fear in front of the stampeding animals. That pain, it was for Reficul. Her baby, the one she found on the borders then took in as her own, the one that got away somehow and ended up being torn to pieces.

She gritted her fangs, eyes closing tightly, trying to not think about that scene. She didn't want it to be her last memory of the cheerful child... So she tried thinking of the situation now, trying to figure out what to say to Squall or what she should even do. And after a few moments of thinking she finally came up with something, eve though it wasn't much.

I'm sorry... She said softly, her voice fragile, obviously pained, a bit shaky. Slowly she reopened her eyes, ears still back, slowly turning her head back around to look at him with dull, pained grey orbs. She took a sow step towards him, her gaze leaving his briefly to run over his body, see if he had any physically visible wounds. Is anything wrong? I can try to find herbs for any wounds or pains... She suggested, asking in a way if she could see if he had something bad beneath the surface, asking if she could treat him... in a way setting aside the ill feelings she may or may not feel for him.

Your Speech

Awesome table by Andy <3

Gravity by Yoko Kanno on Grooveshark


07-31-2013, 08:13 PM

The tri-colored warrior remained speechless and all the more bewildered as his eyes confirmed that it was the female he had met previously. Though it took him a minute to compose himself after his initial shock, he scrambled to his feet and took a few steps back, head lowered to avert his gaze from her. Ears laid back atop his brown skull, shoulders dropped and tail low as an indication that he was not hostile. Not this time. Not again...He bit his tongue, what would she think? Would she yell at him for having saved her life? What the hell was she doing in the first place? Waiting for the herd to trample her to death? He shut his eyes tightly as he thought...the last time he had seen her, was when he looked back over his shoulders at her hunched figure crying into the dust. Her nephew trying to comfort her after she had told the story of his father. That scene had pulled his heart, making him ache something terrible...a feeling he hadn't felt since he was a cub. He didn't fully understand why he felt that way, he had never felt like that before...gritting his teeth, expecting some kind of attack or sharp bite of her words, he realized, after a moment, that none came...instead, a different voice had met him. One he hadn't heard, not from her. "I'm sorry..."

Audits rotated halfway towards her, eyes opened up and stared at the ground in shock. Did...he just hear her right? He slowly glanced up at her, ice blue eyes meeting her grey ones for the first time without hostility reflected in them. His body throbbed painfully, but he pushed it to the back of his mind as best as he could as he looked at her. Something was completely different now...she didn't seem the way she was before. No, this time...
He looked at her, eyes resting on her own as she stepped towards him. He remained where he was, unmoving as she neared him. His heart pounded hard against his chest. Not sure why, though mostly due to nervousness perhaps...He wasn't exactly sure what to do. Ears moved forward, taking in her voice now as he became slightly less tensed. Sorry...? Why is she apologizing? I intruded on her life...

He took a step towards her. Slowly, little by little he carefully edged towards her until he came to stand just in front of her. He could see her emotions coming off in waves...why did she look so...pained? He took in a breath, daring to ask the question that began to rack his mind. He knew that if he didn't ask, it'd build up into him. And now, he felt was the time to say it. "You don't have to apologize for anything, Loccian. I...don't know why you are apologizing, but...whatever it is, it's my fault anyhow. His voice had come out low. He leaned down to look into her eyes, the ones he found to be quite intriguing. He replaced his usual stand offish gaze with an attempt at a softer one. He decided he would wait to ask her why she was here...instead, he glanced at his pelt. Noticing the hoof marks on his coat, and shivered. If he had gotten trampled anymore, the beasts would have crushed his rib cage. "I'm not whole body feels pained, my chest especially...I don't know if they broke a rib it possible they could have? There was a bull that slammed his weight on me hurts when I breath."

The adrenaline had finally left his body, now leaving him at the mercy of the pain that was bestowed onto his body by the bison. He figured if he did have a broken rib, he would feel it long after the rest of his soreness went away. Would she help him if he was hurt? He had never dealt with a broken bone before, and wasn't sure about what do with a broken rib...he just knew that this new injury would probably affect his breathing for a while. But who was he to say? He waited for her response, and hopefully, he'd be able to ask her why she was here...and maybe find out why she looked so hurt and defeated...That, was what he wanted to know the most. He didn't quite understand why he wanted to know so bad, or why he was so concerned...but she reminded him so much of himself...though he never admitted to anyone, he was lonely and always hiding his heart away. Never allowing anyone in for Fear....the fear of being hurt like so many years ago. He didn't want to lose himself anymore then he already had, and knew that if he came across someone who could help rebuild himself, it would devastate him if he lost such a person. But...that was something he wouldn't admit. Not to anyone. Unless of course, he found someone worth telling...but as it was, he wasn't so sure about who that might be.




07-31-2013, 09:14 PM

Loccian was not upset about the male's reaction to seeing the wolf he had saved was the woman who had threatened him on the battlefield, the woman he had seen break down in a gave upon explaining to her nephew what had happened to his father the day he died. In all honesty, the grey she-wolf thought she would never see him again, that he would continue on with his life without having to worry about some crazy woman coming after him. But here he was, standing before her, having just saved her from what would have definitely resulted in death. He went out of his way to help her, was it because she was some stranger? What if he knew it was her, would he still have risked his own life?

Grey orbs looked over to Squall as his whole body seemed to react to his emotions of seeing her. He took a few steps back, head lowered to avert her gaze, ears laid back atop his brown skull, shoulders dropped and tail low... was it an indication that he was not hostile? That he would not lash out with his smart words like on the battlefield? She really hoped so, Loccian did not want to deal with his comments at a time like this. Didn't want to deal with it as the pain still swirled around her heart...

When she apologized it seemed to get something out of him. The look he gave her... she wasn't sure what to think of it, all she did know was that there was indeed no hostility. He was different this time, just like her. In her gaze was pain, misery... loneliness even though she still had Pontifex and Augustus. Yes, she knew they were there but she just couldn't help the feelings she would get. Even if they were standing right in front of her, it felt like they were miles away. And his, confusion, probably trying to figure out if she was on something because of the way she was acting. In a way it kind of felt it was that way, perhaps she had taken something to cause her to feel such a way, that maybe something was wrong with her.

Suddenly her eyes went wide, watching Squall move... towards her. Her heart began to race, blood flowing through her body quickly, rumbling in her ears. Gulping when he stopped just in front of her, waiting for his comments, cringing slightly. What he said though was a surprise, instead of telling her off he simply told her she didn't have to apologize. Ears folded back against her head, his voice low. Brows came together, pulling herself together and taking in a shaky breath when he leaned down to look into her gaze. What she saw was a little surprising, instead of being annoyed or standoffish, it was kind of soft...

The gaze quickly went away when he glanced over at his pelt when she asked if she could treat any wounds or pain, His whole body was in pain, that wouldn't be too serious, he had been hit a few times so he would be sore. His chest hurt mostly though, he wasn't sure if he broke a rib and asked if it was. The she-wolf didn't answer him, just let her gaze run over his chest from where she stood, seeing if she could see anything poking out in a place it shouldn't be.

She motioned towards his chest, a silent way to ask permission to inspect him. With a deep breath after him nodding his head she moved forward, getting close to him which felt strange. Loccian had only been this close with her children, and one other being who she had tried to block from her mind, successful most of the time, and there was another who caused her to sigh. She didn't want to think about him... She shook her head lightly, pushing those thoughts aside, focusing on the present, on Squall who might have a broken rib. She gently placed her nose against his chest, running it across, feeling nothing. She moved a bit lower, ran it across carefully, searching or bump or breaks, nothing. Lower, repeat, lower repeat.

?I don't feel any breaks.? She said softly, finally pulling away from him, standing with her paws together, head low and kind of looking away from him. ?You may just be hurting from the blows, and I can' see any physical wounds so you should be fine...? A bit comfortable would explain how she felt right ow, being so close to the man, touching him too. It was strange, even though she was a healer. Perhaps it was because the wolf was Squall? "We should find something for the pain, I'm sure there is something growing around here that can help." She took a step to the side, grey gaze already searching for a useful herb that could treat pain.

In the distance was a rumbling, dark clouds moving quickly towards them in the opposite direction Loccian was looking. She didn't even seem to notice, her full attention going into looking for herbs, trying to ignore the feeling forming in her stomach and throat, not wanting to feel more awkward with Squall.

Your Speech

Awesome table by Andy <3

Gravity by Yoko Kanno on Grooveshark


08-03-2013, 03:04 AM

The warrior stood patiently still as the smaller she-wolf did her work. He shivered slightly at the cold touch of her nose, but didn't move. As she examined him, he looked at her from the corner of his eye, watching. She seemed much gentler now then she did before...something he was glad for. As she examined closer, going lower and lower touching his chest and sides, he felt like his body was on fire, and like his heart would break free from his rib cage. He swore that she would be able to hear it, seeing as how it roared through his he tried to ignore the feeling. He took in a deep breath, moving when she nosed him or shifting weight on his paws, trying to relieve some of the pressure from his battered and bruised body. He flinched a little when Loccian touched certain spots, an indication of where the beasts had pounded him with their hooves.

He sighed, beginning to relax a little save for the occasional wincing from a tender spot that was touched. But he remained quiet and without complaint. Ears perked up slightly, eyes opening to take in the scene of the sky. Clouds, dark ones, were seen rolling in the distance. The far off distant rumble resounding faintly. We might have rain...or a storm coming soon. Might have to find shelter... He rolled his shoulders a little, knowing at least he would have to since he didn't have a home to go to. Unlike the small figure beside him. A voice echoed into his ears, pulling him free from his thoughts. ?I don't feel any breaks.? He glanced at her, the soft whisper of her voice drawing his attention from the troubling thoughts that began to brew like the coming clouds. His brown audits slowly rotated back, noticing the way she looked away from him. Did she feel uncomfortable? Did she not want him here after all? Maybe it was too good to be true...He thought silently. His eyes sought the long stalk of budding flower, yellow and shaped like a small bell. He stared at it, feeling like he shouldn't look at her. Like he didn't belong, yet he couldn't bring himself to just thank her and walk away, never to return. No...something told him to stay, a voice deep inside the back of his mind.

Looking back to her finally, head lowered, he opened his mouth to speak. "Thank you, Loccian. I've never had a broken bone I'm not sure what it would feel like, I assume it would feel like how I feel now if not much worse. If possible, I would like to find something for the'll be hard to get around while I feel it. I feel like I've been bashed around by rocks in a strong river current." He didn't mention his thoughts about the coming clouds...he figured she would see them just as plainly as he had, and right now he did want to find something that would help with his pain. He could feel it pass through his body in waves, and was sure that with his current pain, he wouldn't be able to go far with his exhaustion as well. Taking a deep breath, he winced when a sharp pain stabbed through his chest. An after effect of the beatings. At least nothing was broken...for that he was grateful at least. Looking at her once more, he watched as she seemed to focus on looking for something. Her mind occupied on whatever was running through her head. He sighed, barely a whisper of a sound as he then began to slowly walk past her. A limp in his back right leg as a result from the cow that had clipped him earlier that had caused them to fall. Ugh...just a little swollen from that dumb beast...I feel like a total useless piece of fox dung...she must think I'm pathetic after this. He gritted his teeth in frustration. He felt pained, temporarily handicapped, and useless now that his rush was over. After he passed her by a few paces, he glanced back, tail beckoning her to follow. "We could look for herbs this way, there's a small sheltered glade I found in the area while I was hunting the other day...I smelled strong scents that I saw being used on another wolf I had met who was being treated for a broken limb. Maybe we'll herb is used for pain. HE flicked his ears in irritation at himself...could he have sounded any dumber?? He had no idea what herbs were used for pain, and was sure that Loccian must now think he was the dumbest animal on the planet. UGH! Why do I sound so stupid right now!?

Despite all that, he felt like he needed to stay close to her. The look in her eyes back at those caverns, the final resting place of her brother, haunted him. And the look in her eyes earlier...he didn't want to leave her behind. Didn't want to leave her alone...didn't want to leave her side. Why did he feel like he was being...obsessed? No, not obsessed...protective? He nodded to himself. Yes, he wanted to protect her. The thoughts of the stampede rushed back. If he hadn't been there at that moment, he would have found her body bloodied and broken...and the more he thought about it, the more he thought that he would have been terrified to find her in such a way. The thought...scared him.




08-03-2013, 10:32 PM

With her gaze out on the land searching for herbs it didn't take too long before she found something, but just as she was about to go over and dig t up Squall had spoke. Loccian stood there, ears swiveling towards him to catch what he was saying. He thanked her, she gulped. He explained to her that he never had a broken bone before so he wasn't sure what it would feel like. He wanted something for the pain, getting around being impossible if he could feel this, bashed around by rock in a strong river current. She gave a nod of her head, gaze turning back to the plant she had spotted just moments ago, but then Squall walked past her. Watching him go by she could see him limping, his back right leg. Sh was surprised he was moving, the way he was hit by those animals she would have thought he would stay here while she collected a few herbs. Seemed he would be a tough one.

The shewolf followed right behind him, stopping momentarily when he glanced back at her. He told her they could look for herbs this way, that there was a small sheltered glade he found the other day, also mentioning a herb used on anothers broken limb. That was good to know, she just hoped he would remember what it looked like. Loccian never treated a broken bone before so she wouldn't really know what the plant was, just had an idea of a few that would help with different degrees of pain.

She walking just behind him, ears back, tail hanging behind her. Within a few steps she came up along side him, clearing her throat softly. ?Um... perhaps you wait here a little so I can grab a few herbs.? She said softly, her gaze not meeting his, unable to just yet. ?It will make the walk less painful.? She added, finally turning her head, gaze meeting his. It was not completely different from just a few moments ago, it still held a deep sadness, loneliness, dark, lost... but slightly hopeful.

She didn't wait for his answer though, just gave a wave of her tail then turned and ran off. The shewolf wasn't ditching him, no way, she just had to go a few feet to a herb she had spotted. Coming to a stop she sniffed at the flower, walking in a circle around it to make sure she had identified it correctly. Then she started digging at the ground, making sure she didn't ruin too much of it. Once enough was away she pulled off a good amount of roots, reburying the spot then turned and came running back over to the man and dropped the roots at his paws. ?Eat these, they should take affect quickly. You should be able to use your back leg a bit better.? Her voice was still soft, a bit shaky but calm.

Your Speech

Awesome table by Andy <3

Gravity by Yoko Kanno on Grooveshark


08-04-2013, 03:37 AM

Squall stopped in his tracks, Loccian's voice tugging at him like a gentle wind as she came up beside him and spoke. Her eyes were still turned away from him, but they soon found his own blue orbs...but the look in them. It pained him to see here this way...This was a very different wolf...not the one he had met that first time on the battlefield. This one, her eyes, he could tell she was in a great deal of emotional and mental pain. He knew well how to read into the eyes of others, they were the windows to the soul. No matter how hard one tried, eventually the eyes would give away ones true feelings. And here, he saw so much inside her. He wanted to tear away, but couldn't. But...there was one particular thing that was different then the way she looked just moments ago. Brows furrowed slightly as he tried to figure out what it was...nothing he had felt. Not recently anyway...He racked his brain for the feeling he saw, the flash of...hope? Yeah...that was it. It was the same look he had seen Ellone with when they first met, when the two were the only cubs who felt alone, and found friends in each other. It was something that he had felt once, and again when he thought he had found Ellone after their separation, but it had only been a dream. A very vivid one...after that, he had lost all hope for anything. Nothing good ever came his way, only hurt. He gave up on hope, to him, it seemed a pointless feeling to have. To hope, only to have it stripped away. But...if hope is what he now saw in the eyes of this pained she-wolf, then he would now do what he could to keep it there. He knew not what she was hopeful of, not yet at least. But he knew that if he saw that, for as long as he could, he would try to make her feel better things then what he saw in her dull grey eyes. The ones he had found intriguing their first meeting, when she was in his face, angry and determined.

He nodded, though it went unnoticed. He watched as she turned tail and ran in the other direction, towards a flower not far off from where they stood. He glanced around, cautiously sniffing the air to make sure there would be no ambush or rogue attackers. If something decided to attack her, he would fight full force, do whatever it took to protect her, even at the cost of his own life. As battered and bruised as he was, he would not allow her to get hurt. Not anymore then she already was by his knowledge. Within minutes, she was back with him. He stared down at the plant she had given to him, the roots looked very unappealing...and very unappetizing. Grimacing slightly, he knew he would have to eat them if he wanted to feel better. That, and he didn't want to argue with her. He wasn't afraid of anything, but her when she was angry. Swallowing, he bent down and sniffed the material, ears flicking nervously at the thought of what it might taste like.'s now or never. He took a deep breath, and scooped up the roots with his teeth. Chewing as fast as he could, feeling the juices break free of their shell and seeping onto his tongue and finding its way down his throat. He coughed once, grimacing as he chewed. Finally, he swallowed the last bit and made an involuntary disgusted face. His body shuddering along with the motion, "Bleeeeccchhhh....ugh, Why do some of these have to be so foul tasting?"

After his short bout of complaining, he swiped his tongue on his teeth, trying to scrape away the trace amounts of juices that had settled there. One final small shudder, and he looked at her, the effects did in fact begin to take place. Only a few short minutes, and he could feel his body begin to get less sore. "Ah, thanks...wasn't the best tasting medicine I've had...but at least it's working. I am in your debt, Loccian. If you weren't here, I probably would be collapsed or dead somewhere among these lands. An easy target for rogues, or even a hungry mountain cat." He dipped his head in gratitude to her. His words a softer tone than what he was used to...then what he normally used. It seemed, as if sarcasm and his sharp tongue were gone today, with anyone else, he would have made room for smart comments and annoyances. But now, in these moments, he seemed to be bereft of his usual attitudes.

Now that he was free of his previously foul tasting treatment, the root now just a bitter taste on his tongue, he twitched his ears at the sound of another distant rumble. Looking at her again, he made a motion for her to follow as he then turned and continued his earlier path. The tip of his tail brushing her shoulder for a brief moment when he turned. He would lead them to the glade he had found, to the place he occasionally slept that was out of the way for patrols or other threats. He often wondered if the packs even knew about it, as the place only had scents of passing animals, but no other wolf scents. It had remained fresh with stalks of green grass, budding flowers of all colors, and even a small shallow pool the size of tide pool that never seemed to empty or dry up. And if she didn't like it there, or didn't want to go...well then, he wouldn't stop her from wanting to return to her pack den. Ears flattened slightly to his head as he thought about her deciding to leave. To abandon him. Besides, who was he anyway? He was just a loner. A rogue. An Orphan..."A nobody..." He whispered to himself.




08-07-2013, 08:33 PM

The look that came upon Loccian's face was one of slight amusement yet sternness when she had set the roots down and saw Squall's reaction. She had an idea of what was running through his head, it was something she had thought at first. The roots looked unappetizing, and they had a rather nasty taste to them which he quickly found out. Had the mood been a bit lighter the shewolf would have chuckled at his reaction, but because of what had happened she was silent and waited for him to get over the taste. She didn't answer his question, just gave a shrug of her shoulders. Maybe it had to do with life, if you wanted something good then you had to work for it. If you wanted to feel better then you would have to deal with the bitter tasting plants.

When it seemed like he was done swallowing and cleansing his mouth of the foul taste the woman cleared her throat and lowered her head, waiting for what he thought they should do now. Look for more stuff for him or look for that spot he had mentioned. Ears perked up when he thanked her, causing the shewolf to dip her head. He said how he was in her debt which made her quickly raise her head, ears folding back as he told her if she wasn't here then he would probably be collapsed or dead somewhere among these lands. She gulped, was he trying to tell he something? That his mind was unstable so he had some risky behavior? He even dipped his head to her.

Loccian didn't know how to respond to that, wasn't sure if what she would even say would make sense at all, so instead she just gave a small nod of her head. That was when she finally heard it, a rumbling in the distance. She turned her head, grey orbs scanning the sky, noticing the dark clouds quickly spreading across the sky. A storm. If Squall had not brushed his tail against her the shewolf would be standing there alone, looking around lost. She sighed though, following right behind the man, tail hanging, ears forward but head low.

?A nobody...? Ears twitched, just barely catching his voice. Raising her head slightly the shewolf raised a brow, eyes narrowing in thought. Was he talking to himself, or was he trying to tell her something? Loccian wanted to say something but she wasn't sure if she should, wasn't sure if he would even want her to as what he was talking about. So with a light sigh she lowered her head once again, grey orbs focusing on the man's tail, following him to their shelter for the coming rain.

Your Speech

Awesome table by Andy <3

Gravity by Yoko Kanno on Grooveshark


08-08-2013, 05:22 PM

The man slightly glanced back to see if Loccian was following. Turning ahead again, he felt a slightly elated feeling that she was following him. But...the way she looked. He started to hate it. Why was she like that? He began to wonder if she had been in these parts for a reason...did she want to get killed? Was she trying to run from something? Questions swirled around in his head, but he was so terribly afraid to ask...he didn't want to push her away, didn't want to make her feel worse, didn't want to make her feel anymore hurt then she already looked and felt. He quickened his pace, the rumbling of the clouds not far now. Blue eyes searched for the trail he always used, the hidden one he had made for himself to avoid the main ones. The wind began to pick up, ruffling his fur and sending a chill through his bones. The effect of the plant that she had given to him had taken effect, the soreness gone.

As he neared the trees, he walked alongside them until he came to a barely visible break in the long stalks of grass at the edge. He stopped for a moment, turning to Loccian and indicating to her that they would be going this way. He then slipped through the grass, the rustling sound of paw steps leading the dame behind him. He had made a path through the long grass, and this would lead them straight to the hidden glades where he loved to be. It was a place of secrecy, of solitude, a location of which only he knew. But now, he was about to share its location with another, hopefully, she would not betray his place in the future. This was somewhere he always wanted to come if things began to get problematic. But he began to trust her, if only a little at first...but he was trusting her now. Something he never did right off the bat for what happened in the past. But he felt that he could trust her. And if not, well...then he would just remain closed to anyone and everyone who tried to get in again. Like a stone...

His head pushed through the grasses, opening up a pathway that widened out into something that was beyond description. Stepping out, he moved a few feet from the opening of the grass, and stood among the many colored flowers that grew among the shorter grass. A crystal clear pond sat in the center. Rippling gently from the water the seeped into it from underground. On one side, there was a hollowed out tree den, where he often slept. On the other, it was sheltered by a small rock overhang that looked like it would fit a smaller creature. But not him, his body was too large to fit into there. All around them, the long grass grew, as if creating a protective barrier for them. Another thing he enjoyed about this place, where the cat tail plants that grew around the edge of the pond. Though the water source was small, it still teemed with life. Small tadpoles swam within the shallows, minnows darted here and there. Frogs, turtles, and the occasional visible shine of fish that had splotchy colors of orange and white, orange and black, or a calico mix could be seen.

After staring around at his makeshift home for a moment, he turned to Loccian with straight ears and a raised head. His demeanor completely changed from before. Here, he felt relaxed, calm, at ease..."Welcome to the Glade...this is where I reside.




08-09-2013, 01:04 PM

She could see him glance back at her, probably seeing if she was still following, she didn't mind, if she was in his place then she would have checked behind herself a few times. When he did look though her gaze would slowly drift to something else, like a plant or bird flying for the shelter of its nest from the coming storm. Her ears swiveled as far back as they could, listening to the rumbling of thunder grow closer and closer, in no time it would be upon them she was sure of. Then Squall's pace quickened, Loccian doing the same, the wind picking up, the chillness of it indicating rain would be falling in no time.

Nearing some trees Loccian watched him walk alongside them, following him, trying to step into his pawprints when he was barely visible in the long grass. They slipped through the grass, moving through the parting he was creating with his body, a big help for her small body. Once they finally broke free of the grass the shewolf was surprised, stepping out and standing there, grey orbs scanning the place. There were flowers of all kinds of colors around them in the shorter grass, a crystal clear pond sitting in the center. On one side, there was a hollowed out tree den, on the other, it was sheltered by a small rock overhang that looked like it would fit a smaller creature. All around them, the long grass grew, as if creating a protective barrier for them. Cat tail plants grew around the edge of the pond. Though the water source was small, it still teemed with life. Small tadpoles swam within the shallows, minnows darted here and there. Frogs, turtles, and the occasional visible shine of fish that had splotchy colors of orange and white, orange and black, or a calico mix could be seen.

The place was beautiful, and seemed so peaceful, a wonderful place to relax. A look of surprise yet relaxation came from the woman, peeling her gaze away from the beauty to look at Squall. I seemed like this place was his comfort zone, his body relaxing, looking calm. ?This is beautiful.?She said softly with a small smile, turning away and taking a step forward. It was then that a blanket of rain fell from the sky, the distant rumble of thunder now a roar above their heads. It made the woman jump, tail going between her legs, lowering herself close to Squall. Though she loved rain thunder was a different deal.


Awesome table by Andy <3


08-10-2013, 01:11 PM

Chocolate head turned to Loccian as she spoke. A small smile appeared on his lips, pleased that she too liked this place. Blue eyes watched her as she stepped forward to get a better look at the surrounding area. He turned his head, looking in the direction of where the wind had come from as it picked up. And as soon as he had done so, rain fell from the sky, bringing with it a loud booming sound that was no longer far away, but right on top of them. His ears flattened at the sound, Thunder and lightning didn't bother him really, but the sounds annoyed him. The smile faded away as he felt something touching him. Glancing down, he noticed Loccian against him. He looked over towards the tree hollow, then nudged her along with him. Shielding her as much as he could from the rain as he pressed his body against hers, trying to comfort her from the thunder that rumbled loudly overhead. He groaned, hoping it wouldn't last very long...but by the looks of, that hope was very far away.

He walked quickly, wanting to get into the den before they got completely soaked. As soon as they stepped inside, he turned and returned just outside to the entrance. He rose on hind paws, half his body disappearing from view as he stretched up to grasp something in his jaws. As he came back down, a curtain of vines weaved with moss and interlaced with strips of grasses came down with him. He pushed through it as he re entered the den, shaking his fur out away from the girl. "I've been here a while, so I figured I'd make something that would keep out the elements, and keep in the warmth. It's not so bad here, I made it as comfortable as I could." He turned to her, his cool blue eyes looking her over, ensuring she would be alright. He saw the fright in her eyes, the uneasiness in her stature. "Don't worry, you're safe here..." He said in a soft voice, reassuring her. I'll protect you... He promised silently. He walked to one side of the den, nudging out a pile of fresh moss he had collected that morning before leaving. "If you're tired, you're welcome to use this as bedding. It's fresh. And...if you're hungry, I can go out and find something to eat. There's usually a small herd of deer sheltering nearby, and a few rabbit holes that kinda dot the area here and there. Pretty easy finds."

He returned to the back of the den, this part slightly deeper and smelled of freshly dug dirt. He had been working on this place for sometime now, and had tried to make it like he remembered back where he came from. This was something Ellone had taught him, and it came in handy. Looking back at Loccian, he grinned a little. "Would you like to see something cool?" He asked through the darkness.




08-11-2013, 05:21 PM

She felt so foolish, cowering under the thunder against this man she barely know, against the man who she thought she hated. What else would she do though? She couldn't exactly run off, no, she needed to do something to repay this man for what he did to save her when the stampede came rushing. So Loccian just remained silent, moving when the man nudged her, leading her towards the hollow tree then inside. She lifted her head, grey orbs scanning the inside while Squall went to grab something. There wasn't much, just the tree, some mushrooms here and there, plants slipping through small open spots.

He had pulled down a wall made of plants and vines, the sight of it made a small smile come upon her lips. It was pretty, sitting back on her haunches just when the man pushed through and came inside. Ears swiveled forward, listening as he explained that he made the wall to keep out the elements, keeping the warmth inside and making it comfortable. Now that she was inside she wasn't cowering as much, her head still held low but a little more calm. She shouldn't worry, she was safe here. Loccian turned her head a bit to the side, would she really be safe?

Grey orbs watched him move from where he stood, going to the other side of the den, pulling out something that looked like moss. Her head tiled in curiosity, wondering why he had it just sitting around. He explained, bedding, ad she was welcome to use it. The moss was fresh and if she was hungry then he would go find something to eat, talking about a nearby herd and rabbit holes. She gave a small nod of her head. ?Thank you... but I'm fine.? She said softly, shyly.

But then he went to a side of the den, asking if she wanted to see something cool. A roar of thunder seemed to shake the ground, making he grey woman lower herself to the ground, ears pinning back against her head. "Su-sure..." She said softly, head head turning to look at the wall of plants he pulled down while making her way over to him.


Awesome table by Andy <3


08-11-2013, 09:23 PM

The man nodded respectfully at her decision. He would probably hunt for them in the morning, maybe bring back breakfast in bed before she woke up. He was always an early riser, even with the beating he received today he was sure he'd still wake up early. He flinched slightly when an unexpected boom erupted in the outside world, and when he saw the woman lower herself to the ground from fright, he wanted so badly to rush to her side and tell her that he'd be there to protect her. The thought was short lived, however, as she finally made her way to him. Though her eyes remained on the makeshift screen, he knew she was still unsettled by the thunder outside. He gently touched her ear with his nose, getting her attention so he could reveal what he was about to show her. Turning back, he reached into the darkness and the sound of rustling leaves could be heard in the dark. Faint grunting could be heard as he sought to pull out what he wanted to show her.

A few short minutes ticked by, and finally he fell back on his haunches with a dull thud. In his paws, he held what looked like a dome made of large leaves tied together with grasses. Inside was hollow, and when he peeked in he grinned slightly with satisfaction. Turning to look at Loccian, he smiled, a small sparkle in his eyes, one that was rarely ever seen. "Here, watch this." He said quietly, as he shook the mysterious bundle. Inside, there was a dull shaking sound, and then right before their eyes it lit up. Dozens of tiny lights flickered inside the leaf dome, creating a warm glow around them. He set it down in the middle of the den, placing it so it wouldn't fall over. "Someone taught me how to do this when I was a cub. Not sure where she learned it from, but it comes in handy when you can't see in the dark. It's made of banana leaves, tied together with grass. Twine or strips of bark and vine also work. Then you just put some fireflies inside and there you go." He told her proudly.

After staring at the warm glow, watching the fire inside fade in and out, he lowered himself onto his belly, and looked at her. The questions that burned in his mind since he had rescued her, were now ready to fall from his tongue. H wanted to know...he needed to know, why she was there. Shifting slightly to make room for her. "Loccian...I need to ask you...Why...didn't you move when the herd came towards you? You seem...different then when I first met you. Was it because of what happened at the cave? Telling Augustus the story of what happened to his Father? Or is it something else?"
Yes, he dared ask the questions. He couldn't take it anymore, and if she wanted to hate him then so be it. He just wanted to know why she was like this, and wanted to do what he could to help her. He waited for her response, wondering if she would lash out at him...or tell him why...




08-11-2013, 10:13 PM

Her gaze shifted from the curtain and onto Squall at the touch of his nose on her head, catching her attention, ears twitching at the rustling made as he reached into the darkness of the tree. When he turned back around he had something before his paws, making her head tilt in curiosity. It was strange, leaves were tied in the shape of a dome with grasses, and when she lowered her head a bit she could see that the inside was hollow, empty. Grey orbs moved from it to look at the man, the look she gave him asking what he was going to do.

Squall smiled, something in his eyes that made him appear kind of happy... It was perhaps the only time she saw him with such a look, the previous encounters having something completely different."Here, watch this." She took a small breath, watching. He shook the thing, something inside shaking around then it suddenly lit up. Loccian's eyes got big, but not out of fear, it was out of curiosity and fascination. The grey woman leaned forward, lowering herself to the ground to get a better look inside just as Squall sat back and explained what it was and how it was put together. She would store it in her memories, making a mental note to try it out sometime with one of her pack mates.

The woman just lay there watching the dome light up, a small genuine smile, she was enjoying it. Not for long though, ears swiveled to the side, listening to Squall. He asked why she didn't move when the herd was coming towards her, she seemed different from the other times they met, asking if it was because of the cave, telling Augustus about his father, her brother. Asked if it was something else...

With a heavy sigh she looked down at her paws, tail curling around her body, the smile vanishing and being replaced with the depressing look that seemed to frequently be around. Silence fell upon the hollow tree, but outside you could hear the rain beating the land, a low rumble of thunder here and there, a flash of lightning, then a ground shaking roar of thunder, this time she didn't flinch or cower. ?Something else...? Her voice was quiet, fragile... pained. ?I... wasn't there by accident, in front of that herd.? She lifted her head, looking at the dome with lights flickering. ?My pup... her life was cut short, and I...? Eyes closed tightly, lips pulling back, quivering, fur bristling. "Sh-she was so young, died scared and the worst of it!" Her voice rose, not shouting but very close. Her head had snapped towards him, her face stuck between anger and sadness, not sure which way to go, eyes wide, watering. "She died alone!" The anger left her face, fear, sadness, hopelessness spreading over. "I wasn't there, I should have been there for her!"

Loccian closed her eyes and turned her head away, lifting a paw and wiping at the tears that had streamed down her cheeks. She wasn't there for Reficul when she needed her new mother the most! The poor girl had to die all alone, terrified, probably angry. It was worse than Otavian, at least she was there for him, he got to tell her he loved her. But Reficul, she didn't get to hear her adopted mothers voice in her final moments, just lay there in pain...

Your Speech

Awesome table by Andy <3


08-13-2013, 03:29 AM

Icy blue eyes watched the grey fae, watching her fascination with the creation he had shown her. She seemed very intrigued, and then he noticed her...she smiled. He hadn't seen her smile before, and it really seemed to fit her. But, as soon as it had come, it was gone. The questions had left his mouth...if only he could've just waited. But he couldn't, he needed to know why. Needed to know whether she was about to throw her life away, and if she was, then why? Many thoughts went through his head. Wondering if she would hate him now for his asking. Wondering if she'd ever talk to him again...he hoped to all the gods that she wouldn't hate him...and if she did, then he deserved it. After all, who was he to pry into her life? They hardly knew each other.

After he had spoken, he watched as her reaction quickly faded from the happy looking one to that of what she had before. The despair, the sadness, the had all returned. His ears folded back against his head, glancing down at his paws and gritting his teeth. Silence met them, it surrounded them. Even the noise outside seemed to fade out in his head. The dull pounding of rain accompanied by thunder and lightning was heard outside, but it was unimportant now. He felt bad, seeing her like that...he stared at the ground as she then began to speak. In a quiet voice she had said it was something else...her voice was, pained. He lifted his head as she spoke again, her eyes staring at the lamp in front of them. He began to feel a little alarmed when he saw her beginning to anger. Her fur bristled, her lips pulled back. For a moment he was afraid that he had pried too much and that she would lunge at him..."Sh-she was so young, died scared and the worst of it!"

Squall's ears pressed further against his head. His heart pounded, wondering what he should say. Suddenly, he flinched when her voice rose and her head snapped in his direction. His heart pounded, his mouth slightly open as she then continued. "She died alone!" Her eyes began to water, and Squall snapped his mouth shut when, his face taking on a more serious and sad look. He stared slightly at his paws, but soon returned his attention to her, forcing himself to watch as she was tortured with her memories. His own began to blur slightly, the pain that Loccian felt was his own. She was a reflection of his inside self, what he went through before. He watched in despair as the anger disappeared, only to be replaced by fear, sadness, and...hopelessness? Yes. Everything that Squall had felt before in his past, he was seeing in front of him on the face of someone else. "I wasn't there, I should have been there for her!" Her finals words rang out.

Loccian... He hated the fact that she felt like this. Hated that she was in so much pain, in so much hurt...he wished he could do something. To help ease her pain. He too has lost someone, someone that was special to him. He was pretty sure she was dead, after what happened to his pack she had to be. He had given up all hope of ever finding her again. He took a deep steadying breath. And prayed to the gods above that this was the right thing to do...he couldn't stand to see her like this, he wanted to end her pain, to end her suffering. He didn't know why he felt the need, but he just couldn't bear it anymore. He rose swiftly to his paws, and in a second was at her side. He pressed his body into hers, half burying his head into her fur, trying to comfort her. Though it seemed as if he were trying to comfort himself as well, trying to ease the pain and sorrows of both souls. He wanted to let her know that he understood her. Wanted to let her know that....

"Loccian...I'm so sorry...I understand your pain...I understand your sorrows...I don't want you to feel this way anymore...I've only known you for a short time, but...Please...let me protect you...let me be your shield...let me heal you..." He whispered to her. He wanted to comfort her, to protect her, to heal her. He knew that he was risking his heart, knew that he was letting his own shield down. But he didn't care, not now. Nothing else mattered but her. He wanted to so badly to help her. He only hoped that she would let him...and if not, then he would still remain if she wanted him to. He vowed to himself to only leave if she wished him to. But she would have to tell him directly, that she truly didn't want him there. Then, and only then...would he walk away. Never to be seen again. His brows furrowed as he buried his head deeper into her fur. Her warm scent filling his nostrils, her heart beating within his ear fur, her small body shaking with emotion against his. He had never felt like he wanted to be this close to someone before...he only hoped that she wouldn't push him away...hoped, that she would allow him to be her shield.




08-15-2013, 03:22 PM
ooc: I was thinking maybe we end the thread once they sleep. I'm going to have half be her going to sleep (when they do) and the other half of it being in the morning.

Loccian felt so weak, so pathetic. She was four years old, and here she was bawling her eyes out in front of a male she barely even knew. He probably thought she was childish, a cry baby, getting so emotional over something that was apart of life. She knew it was, but this death could have been avoided if only she had been with the child. She felt so bad, she was only giving Reficul room to grow and to have the space needed that would leave her a happy child... and in resulted in her death.

The woman's body shook as she lay there, unable to stop, unable to look at the man. One moment she was laying there crying and shaking, alone, and the next she felt warmth against her side, something bury itself into her fur. The woman turned with those watery red eyes of hers, looking down at Squall pressing into her body, trying to soothe her? An ear twitched as he spoke, his voice causing a shiver to run down her spine when he said her name. He apologized to her, saying how he understood her pain, her sorrows, didn't want her to feel this way anymore. Her lower jaw trembled, finding herself pressing into him, hiding her face in his fur. He wanted to protect her, wanting to be her shield... wanted to heal her...

Loccian wasn't sure how to feel at the moment, so many emotions were rushing through her body. She hated herself, hated this man, was torn apart, lonely, depressed. All she could really do was lay there with Squall, absorb his warmth, take in his words and hope that they could come true. She was so tired of being alone, sad, angry all the time. The woman wanted to enjoy life like she used to, be happy for once, not have such things plague her mind.

?Please... help me...? She whispered into his fur, voice shaky, barely audible over the pounding rain, a roar of thunder rumbling just a few seconds after, lightning lighting the world outside their little den. Her voice, those three words would be enough to tell him she needed him, wanted his help... wanted to live again.


Awesome table by Andy <3

Gravity by Yoko Kanno on Grooveshark


08-26-2013, 12:04 PM

Blackened pillars wrapped around the small form, pulling her closer to him. Her whispered words reached him, and so he made a silent promise. He would not leave her side unless something took him away from her. And the only time that would happen would be if he were dead. Even so, he would ensure that she wasn't alone. He had been waiting for so long, and he wondered if he was dreaming now...but it couldn't be a dream. This was surely reality. He licked the top of her head in a comforting manner, then icy pools sought out her grey ones. He gently wiped away the tears she had, and just being as gentle as he could with her. It seemed to him that she was ready to break at a moments notice, like she could shatter in the blink of an eye and disappear forever.

"Don't worry, I'll keep you safe. I'll stay by your side Loccian. I promise." The words fell out with every bit of truth that his heart contained. He would not let her down, would not fail her. And if he did, he would brand himself a liar. "I'll never hurt you..." He whispered to her as he rested his head on her neck. He delicately traced her side with his tail in an attempt to soothe her and lull her into a much needed rest. She had looked so worn down, and he was sure the depression and pain that she tried so hard to mask was draining her. She would need a well deserved rest.

" should try to rest. You've been through a lot, you need it." He whispered to her. His eyes had already begun to drift closed, the sound of the rain and thunder pounding dully outside lulled him. And the warm herbal scents that covered Loccian's pelt soothed him as well. He kept his body pressed to hers, hoping that she could finally rest.
