
Break me off a peice of that kit kat bar

Sin-skill prompt



1 Year
Dire wolf
08-27-2019, 02:29 PM
The beaches here were Gunther's current home. The build was his base of operations for the moment. He kept his stash of valuables there. There were glass bottles and many rocks. He'd collected everything there and done so with great caution to their need to remain whole.

He traversed the central island right now, searching for more collectables. If he was anything he was a collector of strange objects. Some of this stuff would be useful for his band whenever he did that, or even for his own collection of servants and slaves he was going to acquire. He padded forth, stopping as a stick cracked and leaves crunched. The forest here was deathly silent. One could hear a pin drop. His ears pressed. Something was wrong and he knew he was being stalked.

His pumpkin eyes scanned the area as he slowly inched forward more. He'd probably have to fight to get out of this for sure. His nose caught a scent he knew from his homeland. Feline. A flash of movement brought his eyes to track it. Such a beautiful pelt and he knew he'd have to have it if it didn't kill him first. A jaguar pelt would make such a beautiful thing. His shoulders rolled forward as he eyed the cat and it eyed him. He wanted that pelt. If anything he could wear it as a symbol of his authority in his band. Or he could use it to trade for things. His muzzle wrinkled as he waited. The cat was undecided, but he wasnt. And then there was a second just barely in his periphery vision.

This was going to get ugly then. A pair of cats. He might need help he figured. Maybe when he won he could find a pack willing to heal him with very little strings attached. He spread his paws wide to balance himself as the cats stalked. One jaguar would of been much easier but now there was two. It was an odd behavior to have them be close to each other at all. He'd deal though. He was tough and he knew it. His eyes narrowed at the cats as they watched both as best he could. Then one released a scream like only a jaguar could. Its vocals were loud and likely to attract others. He snarled back. They were here for their death or his. He wasnt going to run though.


Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
08-28-2019, 11:24 AM

The roar of the jaguar alerted him that they were nearby before he saw them. He knew they were on this island, he could smell their territory markers almost everywhere around... but he was hoping he'd be able to grab a meal and get out before he made contact with him. Normally, the brute would have left those sounds immediately- taking into consideration where he had heard them so that he might avoid them, but there was another scent on this island he had come across that made him worry.

A wolf cub.

He'd stumbled across the pup's glass bottle collection some time ago and wondered what the youth was doing out here alone. He'd grown up alone, and that wasn't something he would wish on anyone- how was he surviving? Dominus had been lucky in his scavenging, but there were times that he could recall when his stomach threatened to devour him whole if he didn't feed it. It might not have been his business, but still.. he felt the need to check up on the kid regardless. The roar of the jaguar only made that need stronger.

He raced through the jungle of the island, his impish ears completely upright and hungry for another other sounds to guide him. None came, but the scent of the jaguars now lingered thick enough in the air that he didn't need sounds. He slowed down his running, trying his best to quiet his approach as he gauged what sort of damage that cats might have already done. Unfortunately, he could smell the pup... so he knew he was here somewhere, too.

The child was bigger than he had anticipated, which gave him hope.. but not in the face of two jaguars. Without thinking much about the damage that could be done to him (reckless, as always) he jumped right on to the closest jaguars back- the female. He aimed to use his weight to stun her while his head moved up past her right shoulder, teeth grasping for any sort of flesh of her neck. He used his talons to rake through her fur and force his way up as those jaws greedily snapped the air, waiting to make a hit-- finally, he was close enough that they did and the jaguar was now in the dirt underneath him, heavily bleeding from her throat. This jaguar was done for, but the other one.... was likely pissed about what had just happened to his mate.

Dominus felt the sting of claws on his hips as the other jaguar desperately tried to save its mate. Dominus knew the wound he had created in her neck was fatal, only able to accomplish something so quickly due to his ambushed approach.. but the male jaguar would be a struggle to defeat in battle. The sting of his claws made Dominus growl out, but he tolerated the pain long enough to thrash a few times on the female's throat.. hoping to break away more flesh from that artery and allow her to bleed out quickly. She was already weakening by the time he had to let go and pay attention finally to the claws assaulting his hips.

531 Words
938/1,500 total.

Dominus has a black snake that stalks him. Unless mentioned already by me, it is welcomed to powerplay this snake and allow your character to notice it somewhere in your posts.
Dominus says bad words, he can also be very unstable. All Dominus' threads are mature.



1 Year
Dire wolf
08-28-2019, 01:43 PM
As if the two Jaguars weren't enough another intruded upon his island home. Had he known the other had been in his building with his collections he might have gotten angry with him for coming in like he owned the place. But for now he watched briefly as the outsider came in and gave the smaller of the two Jaguars a good thrashing. His ears cocked in attention to the blackened male. He'd gotten the drop on the female and he was destroying the things pelt at the throat. Gods be damned. Gunther had wanted that. He had wanted it as pristine as possible. Well he'd have to settle for the bigger males pelt.

As the Male moved and lunged at the Male Gunther himself bunched his muscles. A snarl ripped from him as he narrowed his eyes at the cat. A second later and Gunther was launching at the Male cat. He couldn't be sure what was happening to the female right now but he was going to find out later.

His jaws closed on the male cat's scruff as his fore legs wrapped around its torso. He was muscling it off the black males pelt. His back legs peddled forward until he had it pinned beneath him. Even as it clawed at him he didnt let it go. He would have it one way or another. Its pelt was too pretty to give up. He was struggling to hold it down though. It was thrashing wildly and screaming its head off. This cat was getting obnoxious. Though gunther and it separated finally when it aimed to bite the side of his face and succeeded. But like hell it was going to get away.

He was quick to right himself and then he blocked its escape. A snarl ripped from both of them. He'd have to get a better hold on the cat to dispatch it. His fur stood as erect as his mohawk along his spine as he watched the cat. He wasnt sure what the other male was doing but he didnt have time to worry about that right now. He ducked under the cat as it leapt at him again. His eyes narrowed as he watched it land. Maybe if he could get it to leap at him once more he could go for the throat.

Twc: 1329/1500

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
08-28-2019, 01:59 PM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2019, 02:01 PM by Dominus I.)

The female jaguar could do nothing in this fight anymore, she desperately pressed her neck against the earth in an effort to stop the blood from pouring out, but she was on her deathbed in that dirt. Dominus knew that, but still he watched her carefully to ensure that her strength was depleted. With a careful eye on both her and the fight between the child and the other jaguar, he stood for a moment and simply did his best to catch his breath.

Blood dripped from his chin as he lifted it, witnessing that mohawk of Gunther's bristle with the rest of his hackles; it was something unlike any other wolf he had encountered, and to be honest- it looked fucking badass. A bloody grin spread across his square muzzle as he gave up on the female getting up and instead ran toward the battle now that he saw a new opportunity to aid the other fighter.

Harbringr had taught him a new point of interest on male opponents- one that he personally would not have thought of. With Gunther occupying the jaguar's front half, Dominus came up behind to carefully avoid the wildly whipping tail of the cat. Without any hesitation, the titan dipped his jaws down to bite his teeth into the jaguar's testicles. Immediately, the cat would attempt to whip around and get to the wolf, but Gunther seemed to weigh much more than Dominus' gave him credit for. Before the cat was able to slip out of Gunther's grip, Dominus was able to slip out of reach of those claws.

Dominus' could feel the blood wetting the fur of his hips around the sting of the wounds. Somehow, watching those claws barely miss him seemed to make his lacerations hurt even more. He really didn't want to get hit again, so for now, he was resetting his defenses and backing away from the cat.. who likely had enough now that it had been neutered.

329 words.
1,658/1,500 total. - DONE! But we still need 1 more round. xd

Dominus has a black snake that stalks him. Unless mentioned already by me, it is welcomed to powerplay this snake and allow your character to notice it somewhere in your posts.
Dominus says bad words, he can also be very unstable. All Dominus' threads are mature.



1 Year
Dire wolf
08-28-2019, 02:24 PM
Even as the other Male joined him Gunther did not take his eyes off the cat. He was 100% ready for whatever this cat gave him. His eyes narrowed as he waited for the cat to slip up and make a mistake. Even if it wanted to escape, and it really did, gunther blocked its exit every time it tried. He wasnt about to give up on getting that gorgeous pelt. A short passed his nostrils as the cat made an error. He ran towards it and he could feel his jaws close around its throat. He felt claws sting into his neck and shoulders but he wasnt going let go of the cat as it tried to launch backwards and away from him.

This was his prize he would fight the other boy if he thought he'd take the pelt from him. Even with blood on it's white belly and inner thighs it was still valuable to him. And he could sell the skinless body. He pushed as the cat tried to get away and launch itself out of gunther's jaws. It winded up with the cat on it's back, thrashing as Gunther stood over it choking off its air way. His ears were turned back and even though this was a sloppy takedown he was still achieving the end goal here. He'd felt his canines pierce the skin long ago. Its blood was in his mouth and he breathed out the sides of his mouth letting the blood spill out of his maw as he stayed clamped on the cat's throat. His eyes were closed as he kept them from becoming the cat's next scratching post.

He was waiting until the thrashing stopped to release the cat.

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
08-28-2019, 02:43 PM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2019, 02:43 PM by Dominus I.)

Dominus watched as Gunther tackled the cat, he often wondered if this is how it felt for others when they fought alongside him when he was younger? He didn't expect the child to show as much strength as he did, but Gunther was a bit bigger than average, wasn't he? Dominus had been like that. He smirked as he watched, but did not allow himself to get so lost in his thoughts that he couldn't help.

Talons tore through the earth as he watched the jaguar attempt to kick Gunther off of him, but Dominus knew what that bite on the jaguar's neck meant. He wanted Gunther to be able to keep it, so in an effort to protect the kid from getting caught by the talons of the cat's back paws, Dominus grabbed onto one of the jaguar's back feet and immediately started to pull like a dog with a tug rope.

The jaguar was wildly thrashing, attempting to get either wolf off.. but Dominus kept his pull strong as he prevented the cat from curling and using its claws. Once he felt the strength of the jaguar die, he let go.. satisfied now that they had been victorious.

"Damn, didn't expect that outta ya, I'll be honest. An' here I was worried." He gave him a bloody grin before he was forced to surrender the gesture by letting his blue tongue loll out in a pant. He had run fast as fuck just to get over here, all the fighting had made him tired.

"You killed that one, I killed the other. Seems fair that we keep our kills." His eyes drifted over to the female cat who was still breathing heavy in the soil. It made him feel like an asshole, to be honest. He hadn't meant for her to suffer as long as she did. Without a word, he moved over to her body and managed to get a tight enough grip on her skull with his teeth. An audible snap of her neck carried over even the sound of his pant, but finally, she was laid to rest. Dominus was certain that soon, her mate would join her. At least they died together.

Dominus has a black snake that stalks him. Unless mentioned already by me, it is welcomed to powerplay this snake and allow your character to notice it somewhere in your posts.
Dominus says bad words, he can also be very unstable. All Dominus' threads are mature.



1 Year
Dire wolf
09-09-2019, 02:04 PM
Once the male jaguar had been dispatched Gunther was quick to release it. He shook his body before sitting unceremoniously on his rump and turning his pumpkin eyes to the darker male. Sure they had just fought together but he was wary of the Male stealing from him. He was breathing heavily as he came down from his adrenaline high. The other male seemed just as winded. If he wanted to fight they'd both be on an even playing field.

The male smiled at gunther and Gunther offered him just as bloody and exhausted a grin. They'd made a gell of a team without even trying or knowing one another. The other boy if he'd known him better would of made one hell of a secondary leader. Of course offering such a thing was beyond stupid right now. Maybe one day though. His words made Gunther huff out a short laugh. "No one ever does expect more of me. But that's the beauty of being young, I get to surprise the hell out of people." he had humor in his voice as he said it. He didn't care if the other was taken aback by his language either.

Gunther nodded as the other stated that he wanted the female's body, it was of no use to him. The pelt had been destroyed by the Male before Gunther had a chance to dispatch it. The male was in tact much better. "I agree." his eyes followed the other Male as he finished off the female. "they were super aggressive, for cats anyway. They had to be protecting cubs or something.... wanna see if we can find the thing? I cant see leaving them parentless and starving." he eyed the cats before grabbing the Male jaguar by his scruff and starting to drag it towards his stash. He would deposit it before he went to find those cubs. Maybe he could find that viking lady and sell her one for a captive.

He was perfectly fine with the other boy following him and stashing the female's body with his own cache for now.