
it holds me till i break

birth, acere, invite only



2 Years
09-13-2019, 08:37 AM

her time had come.

she had kept herself as busy as possible to avoid the impending event, she knew she would have gone crazy thinking about it constantly. it was around midday when the contractions started and twisting in the confines in one of the ship's rooms, she would find Acere absent. Heloise had been sleeping until the pains caused her to jerk awake, and now she let out a soft call that hopefully, her mate could hear. his scent was close, so he must be in the ship somewhere. it told him that she was ready to bring their children into the world.

Heloise didn't want to start until she had both Acere at her side and a healer, but it seems nature had other plans. the first child to leave her body left her exhausted. she had tried to suppress the whines and groans, the panting and the heaving so the others did not come to find her like this. she wanted the birth to be as private as possible, so only her little family could enjoy it. she didn't want a huge crowd. she did not want to be fussed over. she just wanted some quiet. a sharp gasp had escaped her as the first child slid from her body.

she tried to resist the others but could feel them coming even if she didn't want them. this time, her call to Acere was more of a panic. she didn't want him to miss the birth of their children. Heloise lay in the den on her side, panting heavily as she felt another contraction and another pup trying to leave her.

please do not post unless you are invited to the birth
heloise wishes to keep this as simple as possible

[Image: sgvfyko2_o.gif]
heloise has a male gyrfalcon named kresnik with a fifty-inch wingspan
always assume he is in threads nearby and in battles with her
as her love acere praetor is allowed in any of her threads regardless of tag


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
09-13-2019, 04:21 PM

He had been speaking with Ignis about what to do for the winter herb stocks. And he was pleased to find that his nephews flying companion had begun travels to the warmer zones and bringing back whatever herbs he could find. A weight was lifted off the northern kings shoulders, grateful that his nephew and his companions were doing what they could to restock what had been lost. Which meant they'd be fine. He was sure of it. At least he was sure of it. His pups would be born soon, likely any day now and so he was relieved when Ignis gave him good news regarding the situation. As the conversation went on, Heloise's voice caught his attention, causing him to flick an ear towards her hushed call. At first, it didn't seem hurrying. And after a few more words, he heard a second call. But more urgent this time. He looked at Ignis, and Ignis looked back as confusion settled over him. And then that brief confusion turned into realization and he immediately turned on the spot and raced off towards her.

He was hardly aware of his nephew following behind him, and as he reached the doorway to where Heloise waited, his fox companions were peering around the corner at her. He didn't bother to greet them and instead, hurried inside to find Heloise in labor and..."Th-they're coming?" He half asked, approaching her to find a tiny, squirming bundle by her side. Crimson gaze widened as he looked at it, then to her, then back to the pup. The situation was so surreal to him, he almost couldn't believe that it was happening. But it was. They were coming, and he started to feel worry and panic. What if something went wrong? They needed a healer to be here and make sure everything went smoothly. He knew Ignis was waiting outside and on standby, but his nephew was giving them their privacy. Ace would call for him as soon as Heloise felt ready to. For now, he moved over to her and pressed his head against hers and gently kissed the top of her head before lying down against her back to offer comfort and support for her laboring body. "Ignis is waiting outside and ready to help if you need anything..." Of course, he thought it a good idea for him to be in here and help despite his limited knowledge. But he wanted to leave that decision up to her.




2 Years
09-13-2019, 05:17 PM

"Acere..." he came. of course, she knew he would. the fear of this all going so wrong, losing even one child the two of them made together, was causing her to think darkly. she tried to push it away as he came to her, smothering her with affections as another contraction and another child pushed its way into the world. she would gasp softly, pressing the top of her head against his hold for comfort as the third came soon after.

Heloise expected at least three children. from what she could see, they were all quite large and it was a wonder they had even come from her smaller body. but when another sharp pain forced her body to push again, the fourth slid on the floor of the den. then one more. by this time, she was heavily panting and drenched in sweat. her thick fur was matted from the exhaustion, but she managed to pull five beautiful children to her chest to instinctively suckle.

"Whittaker" she breathed, touching the head of their first child - a healthy son. "for my father" she knew Acere would not deny her the pleasure of naming one or two of them. she had thought on names already - they both did. "Lumi" Heloise gasped, touching now the head of the smallest little girl. for luminescent like the northern lights. and for Acere's fox companion. her clear eyes looked to her mate, willing him to name the other children.

giving them names made them individuals, and validated their existence. she wanted all that and more for their children.

please do not post unless you are invited to the birth
heloise wishes to keep this as simple as possible

[Image: sgvfyko2_o.gif]
heloise has a male gyrfalcon named kresnik with a fifty-inch wingspan
always assume he is in threads nearby and in battles with her
as her love acere praetor is allowed in any of her threads regardless of tag


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
09-15-2019, 11:08 PM

It all seemed to happen so fast, but also without incident which was good in his book. The pups seemed to slide ride out, making it perhaps one of the easiest births he knew about. As each child came, he helped clean them up so they could breath, the man acutely aware that Ignis was peeking in just to make sure nothing was going wrong while still giving them their privacy. His heart raced as one after the other, each pup came out until he was sure the last one had come. He pressed himself into her back, heart racing and swelling with pride as she brought them closer and began to name two of them. Whittaker and Lumi. He couldn't contain the smile she had given them, especially for the smallest girl. As crimson gaze looked to the other three, eyes widened when he saw the bright red on one of the boys, a slight panic moment when he thought it was bleeding. But a quick check showed him it was the boys fur...good.

"This one will be Ice," He murmured. He would be as strong as the Northern home they lived in. Ice could be both strong and beautiful. And this boy would be both. Turning to the black and white pup, he was reminded of the black and white creatures he often saw off their coast. Creatures he learned were called Orca's, but also bore another name he'd heard. Sea wolves. He leaned in and gently touched the top of his daughters head. "Orca," It was fitting. She would be a wolf of the Northern Sea, just as beautiful and powerful as the creatures that roamed it. Finally, when he laid eyes on the last pup, he nearly froze. Although white wolves weren't unusual, this one he couldn't help but feel like she was different. She had an uncanny resemblance to someone he once knew, and as he carefully looked her over, he couldn't help but feel like it was fate. She...she had been brought back to him...he felt choked up, wondering if she'd have the same eyes that his beloved once had. There was no doubt in his mind what her name would be. "Winter..." He swallowed past the lump in his throat. Would Heloise be upset he named their daughter that? She didn't know the story yet behind that part of his past...

He'd tell her someday. He knew that.

"They're beautiful," He murmured as he sought out her gaze before fiercely nuzzling and pressing his head into her neck. They were beautiful. She was beautiful. He had gotten lucky with her. With them. He felt like his heart would explode with both love and pride. He had a family. And although he knew he already had one, this was a different sort of feeling. He had a true family born from his own blood. And together with the others he had taken as his own, he knew he had one big family that he loved and trusted.




2 Years
09-17-2019, 09:53 AM

she had no experience with birthing, and was quite glad for the easy one. Heloise already felt exhausted from the event, and she allowed herself to lay back and relax for once. she focused on the sounds of suckling, lulling herself to eventual sleep. but before that happened, she listened. Acere's names for the remaining three were acceptable to her, and she gave a soft nod. he came to her, pressing his muzzle into her neck and she breathed in his scent gratefully.

she knew that some women did this alone. they had no partner, no father for their children... she could not imagine doing this without his help. Acere would be an excellent father to their children, and she knew he could provide for them and keep them safe. if it was about rational means, he had them all. but it also was about love and passion. he never wanted her to just have the litter. he wanted her long before that. it showed in every action he made toward her. "I love them" she uttered a weary, tired soft chuckle as she began to close her eyes to sleep. "I love you" she added in with a smile.

curling herself more around the children, she made room for Acere to slip in beside her. his strong, large frame would keep them safe until she woke up and was able to clean them properly. she wanted to fall asleep with him beside her, resting in the crook of his body. if he came close, she'd reach out to softly lick his muzzle before lowering her head to the ground once more. her eyes began to close, and Heloise drifted off to sleep.


please do not post unless you are invited to the birth
heloise wishes to keep this as simple as possible

[Image: sgvfyko2_o.gif]
heloise has a male gyrfalcon named kresnik with a fifty-inch wingspan
always assume he is in threads nearby and in battles with her
as her love acere praetor is allowed in any of her threads regardless of tag


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
09-23-2019, 09:49 PM
He lay there with her, cuddled up with his beautiful mate and five beautiful children. The birthing process went smoothly and without incident, so he uttered a soft bark to dismiss his nephew since his services wouldn't be needed. He was glad though, that Ignis had been around just in case something did go wrong, but luckily nothing hadn't. He was blessed. He could feel Winter's presence around them and strange as it might sound he had the feeling she helped protect the pups and Heloise from any dangers during this process. It seemed no matter what she was always looking out for him. He sighed contentedly as Heloise spoke, the alabaster king laying his head gently upon her shoulders as he kept a watchful eye on her and the pups as she rested and they suckled. The sound of near silence was comforting, the smell of new pups and the warm scent of milk filling the male with a sense of love and pride at his new family. He loved her. He loved them. He would protect and guide them the best he could, guiding them to the path that would lead them to greatness and steer them away from the demons that seemed to plague his line. Though he hoped the demons had died with was just that. Hope. Even so, he'd do his best to ensure his children had the best lives possible.