
for our safety

skill prompt



3 Years

Trick 2019
09-18-2019, 10:03 AM
After only a day the duo came to realize that after the bear, they were the largest predators on the island. He’d smelled evidence of a fox and a couple of lynx, but their territories didn’t even intersect. There wasn’t a whole lot of prey here, but they’d been forced to explore other options with the eruption. This place seemed mostly safe, and if he had the option of waiting out the volcano here he might have. However, Zola was as headstrong as they came and despite her injuries she was chomping at the bit to leave their safe haven.

He wasn’t sure he was so eager for her loyalty with how devoted she became the task she’d taken up for him. If she didn’t help him find his family no one could. The Klein boy wasn’t sure where she was at the moment, he was thankful she had enough faith in him to stay alive that she didn’t babysit him. His lips pulled back in amusement as he thought of her, while his ivory over pink pads carried him up the slope of the mountain. It was late dusk by the time he saw the sun again. By now he could shield himself from its rays and protect his sensitive skin.

Dual toned eyes looked out over the horizon, the thick clouds of smoke and ask still easily visible especially from his vantage on the dormant volcano. Somehow he’d washed up on one of the safer places to be in Boreas. As long as current trajectory held. The royal druid sat back on his haunches as he watched the devastation, Merlin was just beginning to become active and his graceful form reflected the tones of the setting sun.

Eliphas sighed softly to himself as he pulled his icy white tail to his paws. ”What a disaster.” Eventually he’d want to collect some of the volcanos ash for his magics. A couple of phials would certainly be enough. A sprinkle of vulcan ash into his potions? Surely such an act might enhance his work.

wc: 346



1 Year
09-21-2019, 12:20 PM

She had been forced to move from the swamplands and it irritated her. Traveling for days now, she decided to head north. It seemed the least affected direction from what she could tell, and perhaps she could find a suitable community to rely on for a bit. Her ‘guard’ was nowhere to be found. The boy indebted to her had been missing for some time, and she would rely on him no longer. He was a waste of space – even within her mind. Huntington stepped carefully around the island, having swum here the previous day. All things new took time to get used to, after all, and she had not been on an island in some time. Her coat had long since dried, the thin ash-coat not suitable to the winter climate.

She should have headed west, toward the desert, though when she did ever make things easier on herself? For now, her focus was to survive. She had to. It would be another waste if she fell. Having spotted large groups of wolves fleeing the immediate eruption area, the girl did not follow them. She had no formal contribution to a pack – as a loner, she could choose where she wanted to go. And so, she had headed north. That was her only goal; to get away from the eruption. She traveled alone but did not mind. it allowed her to be alone with her thoughts. Ahead, she spotted movement and boldly approached. The frame of a boy appeared, pale in comparison to her dark with the only thing in common was the white of their faces.

Though he had white everywhere, and she assumed he was an albino. Huntington did not know if he had been here long or not – though if she had to guess, he had been. The scent of the island clung to his coat easily. “Greetings,” she said idly, looking down her snout at him. not out of any misplaced pride; she had to, for he was smaller than her.




3 Years

Trick 2019
09-27-2019, 03:39 PM
His perch towered high enough that the Klein boy could easily see her gradiating form with ease. Long before she was close enough to greet him Eliphas watched her. She didn’t seem a threat so the druid did not seek out his companion’s presence. He watched, patiently, with a kind smile lingering on his lips and his dual toned gaze on her form. Eventually her large frame came to stand above his, not a surprise really. Eliphas was short even by most she wolf’s status.

”And Salutations.” He said softly, though he was troubled by the volcano’s eruption the boy was not without his manners or emotion. Eliphas offered her a polite grin after his gentle tones. The mystic tilted his head slightly as he gazed upon her with a subtle curiosity, dual toned eyes taking in her larger form. She had a familiar air about her, but Eli was sure that he hadn’t seen her before in his life.

”Have you been on the island for long?” He was also sure that he and Zola were the only ones here. Now that he’d met this girl he wasn’t so sure of himself. ”Eliphas Klein.” The boy wouldn’t forget to introduce himself. His companion and himself would be leaving this island soon, deciding on where they would end up was the real question. He wondered if she knew anything about the mainland.

WC: 238



1 Year
09-27-2019, 04:09 PM

Huntington never gave anything away that would eventually lead to incrimination. Even her own name was rarely given, and she went by others even if she settled on one for now. Rose. A simple enough name to recall – for others to recall that is. She had no qualms about making up more. The point was, she was naturally cautious and suspicious of others. The boy’s polite demeanor did nothing to shake her stone wall. Though she supposed she could pluck information out of him if she gave him a bit herself. “No; I have just arrived” the fellow yearling stated. With her coat free and dry of water, she also supposed it was not very apparent. “Rose” she gave him, finding no merit in gifting him her true name.

Her yellow gaze tore from the boy to the surrounding area. “I was forced to flee when the eruption happened” her precious swamp, the ‘home’ she had attempted to make for herself… lost. She closed her eyes briefly as if mourning it, though it was more like she was furious in her own way. “is the north safe?” Huntington knew she would have to seek shelter. Be it alone or within a community in the area. Abaven was a possibility, for she had already heard and met with them. Though whether she would be not known; they had been close to the mountain as well. Perhaps they fled. Perhaps they perished. The boy, Eliphas, seemed to have found a little spot far from the trouble. If she was a brute and violent, she would take it away from him by force.

Though without her guard, she was woefully weakened.




3 Years

Trick 2019
10-02-2019, 11:16 AM
Eliphas had no shame in giving his name, how else would his fame spread? If he was going to start building wealth by trading his potions the public needed to know his name. He also needed the Volcano to cease its raining fire and death. The thoughts were long gone as the woman spoke, now to be known as Rose. She was a newcomer to these lands as well, she wouldn’t know much more than he did.

”I’ve only just arrived on this island. It seemed safer to stay after the volcano.” He hadn’t stepped foot on the mainland, he was debating about it when the volcano erupted. Then he’d been attacked by the bear… The she wolf opposite him likely couldn’t smell Zola on him. The scent of ash was everywhere, even here so far away from ground zero. ”Judging from the ash and smoke clouds above us,” Eliphas couldn’t really see much of the lands past the coastal mountains. ”Some of the area would probably be about as safe as we are here.”

Not that they could call the ‘dormant’ volcano they scaled very safe. The activity of the other volcano could disturb this one’s slumber if they were unlucky enough. ”Or maybe even safer.” Eliphas added as his dual toned gaze was shifted to the peak of the mountain. There hadn’t seemed to be any quakes starting beneath his paws. Most of it had been aftershocks from the problem child. ”I won’t be lingering for much longer.” Eliphas didn’t go into specifics here, no need to reveal more of his hand.

The Klein descendent remained polite and kind in his words and motions as they spoke, ”Did you come this way from the east?” He asked curiously back, she said that she’d been disrupted by the eruption, had she fled an easterly land?




1 Year
10-02-2019, 11:33 AM

"the east, yes" "Rose" replied to the young man. she had listened to him speak of the situation, adding nothing outwardly. the north seemed relatively untouched, so she would remain here for the time being. though she had been south, not east and the ash hid the smell of the swampland. t'was near the east though, so she had no quarrels about giving that out. "it is not safe there any longer. I would advise you to avoid such areas." she added in, though whether he took her advice was not her concern.

"most is too thickly covered in ash, soot and even lava flow" not to mention the falling rocks from the eruption, the wildfires from the lava and constant earthquakes. she felt no tremors here though. though Eliphas could potentially see that from the north, the wildfires and lava. it still burned brightly. Huntington had to move on though. she had to find a place of refuge. the thought of going to a pack was irritating enough without being forced. but she knew only one pack by name thus far. Abaven. "I should keep moving, however." the girl told him.

perhaps she would start at Abaven after all. because he had been decent so far, she let him know she was leaving instead of just walking away from him. perhaps they would meet again one day. shifting her body away from the other wolf, she began to walk off. "keep safe, Eliphas." but she really did not care if he did or not. soon, her body was swallowed by the treeline as she made her way toward the mainland.

