
Feel the Thunder [Urgent meeting]



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
09-30-2019, 09:23 AM

A few more wolves trickled in, and his lazy gaze followed them. One in particular caught his attention - a rather pretty female who moved to sit beside Ty, and rest her head against his shoulder. Almost immediately he felt a prickle of discomfort wash over him. Was it jealousy? No, not quite, but it was an emotion he was struggling to place. This female didn't know about him, surely - Acere had made that much clear when Tyranis had called him that one night - and that thought alone made that familiar sense of indignation creep back over him, casting a shadow as dark as any rain cloud over his spirit. Or volcanic ash cloud, if they were going off what was happening currently...

It was suddenly more difficult to focus on what Acere was saying, not that he'd been terribly motivated to listen anyway. Missing wolves, the need to talk about raiding. Some bullshit about them being a family. Kai huffed softly, casting his gaze to the horizon. What to do, what to do... The answer wouldn't come to him immediately, he knew that; he needed time to figure out what the right move was. He had no intention to repay his debt, but causing Tyranis any trouble hadn't been in his plan. He shifted his attention back to him, and then to Acere again, his gaze largely emotionless and his jaw clenched tightly. He had nothing to say, though was curious as to what the other members of Winterfell had to bring up.