
Jarvela "Clan" Adopts



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ContributorPride - PansexualEaster 2022Rapid Poster - SilverToys for Tots
10-01-2019, 12:39 PM (This post was last modified: 10-01-2019, 12:52 PM by Nyx.)
10/1/19 - Re-posting this ad, still open!

The Jarvela clan is a nomadic arctic tribe, originating in lands far away from Ardent. Truthfully, calling them the “Jarvela clan” is a bit of a misnomer, as they don't have any official name for their group -- and though many of the wolves in the tribe are related by blood to the Jarvela family, many are not. Without any sort of formal organization, they have no leaders and no official name. They simply exist, following similar travel routes as one another and maintaining a loose group based on shared interests, culture, and loyalty. Based on the Sami religion of northern Scandanavia, many of these wolves are intensely spiritual and finely in tune with nature. They worship reindeer as sacred, historically surviving mainly off following their migration each year. Rather than being strict in their faith, they tend toward the more spiritual and metaphysical side of religion, allowing for loose interpretation of their beliefs.


This group are, first and foremost, nomads. They are taught from birth a love for life and adventure, to revere nature and all things in it - but also to love themselves and family above all else, and to reject any notion of anyone having authority over them. They can be all sorts of alignments, though lawful ones are rare - they tend to be more chaotic, adhering to either their own standards or even none at all. Taught to have a deep love for nature, they vary wildly in interests - some are devout healers, others driven by the thrill of the hunt, while others might simply having a love for exploring the world or even be drawn to show off their physical prowess in battle.

They are receptive to others joining their group and forming bonds with them, so long as they respect their way of life, and all who join are considered as good as family. Group bonds can be as tight as family bonds in many circumstances, and sharing blood means less than camaraderie.

As far as language, all should be fluent in Finnish, their mother tongue, and most know some English (though not all have to know it perfectly; disjointed English is pretty common for those that grew up in the tribe), and some might know bits other Northern languages as well, depending on their travels.

Note: these wolves have all left the main tribe to come to Boreas/Auster! The tribe exists in some far-away northern land that doesn't exist on site, so all wolves here are presumed to have left the main tribe at some point in their lives.


This link gives a good overview of Sami shamanism, on which this group’s religion is based. The most basic aspect of their faith is that it is extremely focused on nature - they have a strong love for nature and all things in it. Many tend to be adventurers, and to long for the company of the trees and of rivers as strongly as that of other wolves.

Animism, the belief that all things have souls (including things like trees and rocks), is a major aspect of their faith too; they also believe that a shaman known as a noaidi, as an intermediary between the spiritual and physical world, is able to enter into a trance and consult with the dead. These noaidis had general interactions with the spirits too, often able to help predict the weather to help follow the reindeer herd, among other things.

Another thing they strongly worship is reindeer - in the far north the group thrived exclusively off following their herd and hunting them, worshiping their sacrifice and never feeding needlessly, and always working to help their herd thrive and protect it from other predators.

Click here for a good list of some of their deities.


They tend to view sexuality as an extremely fluid thing; their teachings emphasize free love, and no real importance is placed on monogamy for either gender. In fact, monogamy is seen as a bit unnatural by most, and this is something most of the group would pass on to their children. Of course, wolves that chose to mate for children would often be especially close to the parent of their child and consider them a closer relationship than others, though this isn't definite.


They would follow the reindeer migration each year - they would travel long distances in the spring, when the reindeer would gather to breed, and again in the fall when the herds would break apart and move to more heavily forested areas before winter set in. They lived in the north, often in mountainous tundras, and are used to a hard and brutal existence. Fighting and rowdy behavior is not uncommon among these wolves, and they often had friendly brawls among one another.

They are taught about and generally drawn to strange land formations of all sorts, called sieidis, and often would offer sacrifices to them - including animals, prey, and things obtained from prey (horns, hooves, etc.)


They place high importance on values such as independence and self-preservation. The weak were not coddled; if someone could not keep up, they were left behind. They tend to be a bit selfish in this regard, though they were raised to be both fierce and fearless.

Most are also pretty anti-authoritarian and detest the ideas of packs or any kind of ranking structure in a group.

Alignments can vary wildly, though most stray away from both extreme ends of the spectrum, and chaotic alignments are common.


Áki Jarvela {inactive}  - Left the group  in the Winter of his 3rd year, whereabouts unknown. Though any wolves now would be too young to have met him, most would've known his father, who also had tusks.
Sabine Jarvela {inactive} (sister to Aki and Sunniva)
Sunniva {deleted} (sister to Aki and Sabine)
Kai Jarvela (Aki's son) - Born on Ardent in the Fall of Year 8. Wouldn't know members of the group, but would probably recognize them as family pretty quickly!
Mikkal Jarvela (Aki's paternal cousin)- 6 Years old
Kanja Jarvela {inactive} (Sabine's daughter) - Born in the tribe and lived there briefly, but has since come to Ardent, 2 Years old
Asgeira Aldfinnr {inactive} (unrelated) {inactive} - Joined the tribe with her brother Jouko when their parents were killed, 2 Year old
Jouko Aldfinnr {inactive} (unrelated) - Joined the tribe with his sister Asgeira when their parents were killed, 2 Years old


Wolves born within the family generally have similar coat patterns, but they can vary quite a bit! These colors include whites, greys (from light to dark), and dark to bright red patterns.

Wolves born outside of the family can have any appearance. However, because these wolves generally come from the extreme north, they tend to be bulkier and have thicker fur. Tribal markings aren't uncommon.

These adopts have no activity requirements and will not be taken back for any reason whatsoever. Please consult with the players of characters before making wolves that are directly related to someone else's (i.e. parents, siblings, children). Wolves who are cousins/other distant family of the Jarvelas are fair game, though!

Please, no wolves that go against everything their family believes in (i.e. hates religion, wants to be a slave for a pack, or anything equally as absurd), because that's just no fun. They don't have to be best buds with everyone, or embody every single idea of the group, but please... nothing too outrageous!

Here are some designs you're welcome to claim and apply with: one, two, three

[b]Season of Birth[/b]:
[b]Appearance:[/b] Please include a description as well as a reference, if you have one.
[b]Personality[/b]: At least 150 words.
[b]RP Sample:[/b] Only needed if you're new to Ardent.



4 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
10-01-2019, 02:56 PM (This post was last modified: 10-03-2019, 09:43 PM by Seadragoness.)
Name: Kallik Jarvela (brother to Arinvi)
Gender: Male
Age: 2
Season of Birth: Summer

Sturdy, thick coated and long-legged, this wolf exudes hard work from his very pores. With the majority of his pale coat tones of white and silver, he blends in well to winter climates. With the tell-tale marks of red across his body, it's easy to see that this man has Jarvela in his blood.

His pale ears are tipped with rusty red, and the markings from his eyes curve to his lips. His back has gentle streaks of tribal markings at the edges of his fluff, and his legs display thick lines on the darker tones of soot. His eyes are the deep blue of the sky at night.

Personality: Kallik is a sturdy, reliable figure, quick to lend a hand and give critical feedback, in as few words as possible. He can come out a big gruff, nudging others to think for themselves, or find a solution before he steps in, he strongly believes in independence. He can be a bit sweet on Akna (kat) and often will help her more easily then he would others. He is a strong believer in the souls of nature, and spends time in quiet reflection which balances the anger that can sometimes be quick to burn inside of him.

His short temper has gotten him into trouble on more than one occasion, which was how he and Akna had first become friends. But despite this part of him, he is often seen as a pillar of support, in a quiet, gruff sort of way. He is accustomed to long times of solitude, which perhaps accounts for his quiet nature.

RP Sample:
Plans: Wing it
[Image: IdzUBSO.png]



4 Years

Promptober 2019
10-01-2019, 03:49 PM (This post was last modified: 10-01-2019, 04:56 PM by Yurei.)
Name: Arinvi Jarvela DONE
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years
Season of Birth: Summer

[Image: arinvi.png]

Arinvi's body is bathed in grey, grey that comes in two shades and together forms a mixture of great beauty. These grays lay to the light hues, giving her a regal air. But there are some regions that are painted in a rusty red, being a signal from where her blood ties come from. These markings can be seen under her eyes, embracing her nose, ears, and in small portions on her forehead and in some other parts of her figure. Her fur is thick and dense, perfect to endure the coldest of climates you could think of, along with this great adaptation, her paws are wide for making it much easier to walk upon thick snow without sinking on it much. Her tail is thick and with lots of fluff, her cheeks and scruff are also fluffier. Her eyes are of a deep blue, with an intense expression.


Arinvi is a woman of secrets, of mysteries that would never leave her lips, she isn't one who would openly share her personal stuff. No one is worth of her trust, no one deserves to know what she hasnt tell , no one is worth of that. The reasons are because she is aware of what others could do with what they could know. She knows that all she could say could be used against her, as a weapon to harm her later. It's better to prevent rather than lament later.

She is a female who doesn't really need other's help, she is and always will be fine by carrying her own weight, to do things on her own. She fights, hunts and cares for herself, and asking others for help isnt really something she would do, there is no place for the weak here. As she is like this, she is on the expectation of those who coexist with her should be doing the same, she won't be with those who can't pull their weight. She is selfish in a way, she doesn't share with others that much. This includes sources, space, food, water or information. She sees the hsaring a waste of time as in many cases there could be one or another who could take advantage of this, and Arinvi isn't going to have that risk.

As any of the Jarvela, she has a strong love for nature, she feels way more lenient with nature than with others of her kind. She would rather be with a tree than with another wolf. And bringing harm to a tree or other things from nature would be an unforgivable crime, and she condemns whoever does so. For her each being has a soul, trees, rivers, and rocks have them on her belief.

She has a special dislike toward cowards and those who can't stand for themselves.

RP Sample: Only needed if you're new to Ardent.
Plans:At first, she would like to explore Ardent, she would want to have a good gasp of where she will call home. She will try to stick with her brother Kallik as much as she can.
[Image: cute.png?width=493&height=406]

[Image: Yureichibi.png]
Her threads may contain triggering topics like depression and negativeness. Be aware when threading with her.

Casso may crash in any of her threads desíte the tag!

Yurei now has a Grey female wildcat as a companion. Unless stated she is always with her.

Yurei now wears a side back up almost all the time that has four pockets one up and three down.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
10-01-2019, 07:44 PM (This post was last modified: 10-03-2019, 06:11 AM by Rhyme I.)

Name: Akna Tanaraq
Gender: Female
Age: 2
Season of Birth: Autumn

Short and Thick - Caribou Coat - Brown and Gold Eyes
Akna is covered first in a base coat of soft creme, her underbelly, neck, rear paws, and tail show this color unmarred. Upon her face, the back of her neck and down her spine are all a bit darker. Her forelegs and a strip up her belly are also stained darker. Her mask holds a dark rust marking, from her cheeks to her lips. On her nose and a spot on her forehead are also rust colored. She has three stripes on each foreleg and a trail of white spots going down her back.

The Jarvela woman is far from tall, standing at 29” her stature is far from impressive. She’s not a dainty woman, but would never be mistaken for a man.

Her eyes are a soft chocolate brown, with bright golden flecks

Personality: Rugged ~ Independant ~ Flirtatious ~ Confident
Akna is a minimalist, she doesn't form attachments to items or materials. With her nomadic ways she has little use carrying unnecessary baggage along. She feels the same way about her relationships, if they are not productive she will not hesitate to let them fall to the wayside. She isn't secretive with her intentions and subtlety isn't her specialty either. Akna values her freedom and independence is not to be threatened.

The Tanaraq descendant isn't shy with her affections when she holds you in esteem and trust. As many of the Jarvela do she believes in free love and detests the idea of settling down. She's a confident she wolf and fears little especially the unknown. Akna has a large personality and can often be called boisterous. She knows when to keep her silence though, and despite wearing her emotions on her sleeve, she's good at keeping secrets.

RP Sample: Only needed if you're new to Ardent.
Plans: Follow her bff Kallik



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)


ContributorPride - PansexualEaster 2022Rapid Poster - SilverToys for Tots
10-03-2019, 11:36 AM
Cloudy and Kat, Arinvi and Akna are very much accepted! <3 Can't wait to see them in play!!



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)


ContributorPride - PansexualEaster 2022Rapid Poster - SilverToys for Tots
10-17-2019, 08:34 AM
Sea's all set too! <3