
Advancing Ambitions [Ezekiel]


06-05-2013, 08:43 PM
Everything was turning. Changing like the breezes in the seasons. One moment she was on fire and the next ice ate at her soul. Something was uneasy, stirring in her soul, conquering the need for neutral displays and allowing vengeance to sink its claws into her mind. Oh the wickedness that could come should she allow those emotions to flourish. So many pawns to collect and put into place and the world would fall around her. She would own it all.

Dripping was her ambition as her paws swept the frozen earth. The north was her world and her kingdom built by the blood of a fallen queen. She was the queen slayer, a killer of royalty, perhaps she would pull her sword once more and slay down a king. The thought did dance around her mind. Perhaps it would out Cerberus demons at by. Keep them from robbing her of what she desired and what was best. Yet what she wanted and what was best did not hold hand in hand. Yet did they ever?

Soft snow seemed to hiss as her giant paws pushed deep into the world. Crushing everything around her as her sentries stood watch around her. Their frozen leaves of blood red death did crumble as the heavy snow put them into slumber. Yet even as the sleep of ages crept around the corner, they stood by, ever vigilant and kept their mother of darkness hidden from all but a bird?s eye.

The world had stopped for one fleeting moment. As the sound of heavy beating wings caught the monsters attention. One solitary violet jewel glanced towards the breaking heavens. Who was this monster of the sky coming towards the monster of the earth? Was it fate that they should meet and perhaps have something in common? Only Cerberus knew the truth but she knew nothing of this vulture. A carnivore and a scavenger but perhaps that was just the thing she needed in her collection of oddities.

?Wandering the land of blood and shadows are we dear fowl?? she called to him eagerly. Trespassing was a punishable offense and yet she held no prison to the sky. No, her chains would never reach him and why steal his freedom when the sky was its own domain? ?Were you one of my own I would have caught you and brought you home for slaughter.? She mused, yet he was no wolf and she was curious why he was visiting her kingdom. What did he want exactly?

Ezekiel I


06-13-2013, 11:28 AM
[Image: ezekiel_by_wolftaske-d60lag9.png]


The Red Forest was an interesting place for Ezekiel, but the lass that called for him as he passed piqued his curiosity greatly. Beating his wings once or twice, he banked, eyes seeking out the wolf on the ground with determined effort. After another comment he located her and landed roughly on a branch above, staring down at the behemoth, clacking his beak as he cackled with both interest and mock.

"I'm no lamb,

you silly little girl,

so even the suggestion of my slaughter

is worthy of a hurl!

"I wander where I please,

picking up what you all waste!

what weak stomachs you all have

to only digest the paste!"

ooc ; bad post, sorry. :c


06-29-2013, 03:31 AM

It was amusing really, he was indeed so sure of what he was or was it who he was? Confidence was a thing to be admired at times but at others it could be the meaning of death. She shook her fur to release some tension that always seemed to be riding her. If violence wasn?t surrounding her in some manner she felt as if she were withdrawing from an addiction. It was her motivation and her desire for pain to make her feel complete but since the crown had kissed her head she had rarely any time to indulge. Such was responsibility. Putting others before herself and denying her own desires to be met. She was always ever so busy.

Her ears twitched to his words. She couldn?t help the grin that slipped across her muzzle. In truth he was carrion to some but a prize best picked when the worms poked out his eyes. So long as he had talons to claw and a beak to bite he was not worth the effort in hunting to most, but perhaps to come, well challenges were indeed some creature?s ambitions. Her tail flicked as she drew in the aroma that surrounded the fowl. She tasted the air, carefully, calculating, and something caught her attention. So. He wandered the area of Tortuga did he? Interesting indeed.

?Being mindful of what is eaten and what is wasted isn?t the concern of our kind. Filling our belly?s for another day is. We cannot stomach the bones as you can. You?re built for such things and yet what we lack you gain in meals. So perhaps it isn?t so bad?? she said simply, no emotion caught in her voice as she thought of the waste of Sade. She had consumed as much of the queen as she could and stolen prizes that many scavengers would have died to enjoy. She brought it only to let it rot. Such was life. ?You smell of Tortuga. Do you visit them often? It is quite dire times I believe, when kinds are dethroned and queens stand with death in their jaws. Though, who am I to judge when I myself stole the life of the previous queen.? She said with a shrug. Queen slayer, the title would stand by her, haunt her, and she would embrace it. how ironic it was that the pawn should hold and crown when the truth had sat beneath her, staring her in the face with wide eyed resignation. Time would heal, or destruction would follow suit, which ever was fine by her.

Ezekiel I


07-26-2013, 05:41 PM

He peered down upon her as she spoke, examining her with crimson eyes spiked with yellow. He found similarities between them despite their difference in species; both were behemoths for their type and witty, as it seemed. Perhaps Ezekiel held no crown over a variety of others (in fact, he was nearly certain that he was the only one of his species present in the lands), but instead, he crowned the food chain in his own way. A wary creature, the brute hardly ever wandered within snapping range of a potential enemy, which removed wolves from above him in the food chain. Besides, a creature that wished feathers over fat was a fool in the first place and would undoubtedly be eliminated from the ranks of the living within no time. With next to no natural predators and no competition for his main food source, Ezekiel crowned the skies in his ways.

"Ah, but the bones!

but the ever-juicy marrow!

I'm sure with some work

wolf teeth it will not harrow!

Oh, and healthy, so healthy!

Look at my sheen!

Jam-packed with everything--

off it pups you could wean!

He flaunted a wing for observation, displaying the crimson of the inside of his wings and the slight shine of the obsidian on its outward side. Speech of Tortuga met his ears and he laughed, harsh and dry, beak clacking with mischief and glee. He shifted upon the thick limb he was resting upon, vigorously shaking his head to ruffle his feathers and crest.

"Mm, yess, yes,

that idiot group!

So low does their intelligence

evermore begin to stoop!

Mutiny in their ranks

I tried to instill

with perfect evidence--

oh, what a thrill!

But they are mindless, brainwashed--

ridiculous dolts!

Logic wouldn't find them

if it was the goal of their cult!

His irritation was show through increasingly bitter words and through the speedy tempo that coursed through his lyrics. The pack had been a ridiculous, idiot bunch that didn't even stop to question what could have, for all they knew, been true! Only a couple had even begun to look confused and betrayed but the rest had been blind with what Ezekiel thought was stupidly-placed trust.
