
A Chill Within My Bones




4 Years
10-07-2019, 08:59 PM
Some time had expired between the time Mount Volkan spewed it's hellfire upon the world, making the skies bleak and many in pure shock and bewilderment. Seker was among those few. Upon his travels he hadn't really come across many familiar faces; especially since his beloved sister had left without a single trace. During that time, the connection with his family had dissipated. He hoped that his sister's children were doing well and out of harms way, as well as his step-siblings. Despite everything that had transpired with Ra, they were all used in some way for his schemes; and that was enough to bring them closer together in his eyes; even though he was sure he hadn't met many of them.

His yellow orbs watched the sky as ash surrounded it, the temperatures were downright distasteful to the male, favoring warmer weather more than the chill of winter and the north. However, he was on a mission to try and find Thys, for it had been a long time since he had seen her; a part of him knew she was still out there and doing well. She was always strong and determined to get what she wanted in life, and he found that rather admirable.

He gave a small huff, vapor showing itself to him from his exhale as he walked on, his body shaking a little, hoping to find some place warm to get away from the frigid winter for a while. Though he had seen a possible tree den a bit ago, it was occupied already due to the scents lingering upon it, and Seker didn't wish to take anymore chances; not after what happened the last time he did wish his throat being slashed. So, the male continued onward in hopes of finding something that was useful to him.



7 Years
10-08-2019, 12:42 AM
in the night, come to me

you know i want your touch of evil

in the night, please set me free

i can't resist a touch of evil

Hell hath no fury like a woman' disdain. Anger, raging supreme, boiling within her serpent veins and setting her aflame. She erupted the same as the mountain, lava-like eyes permitted a glimpse of the chaos inside. A beast roaring, clawing at her inside took possession of her unsettled mind and her teacup pads left deeper marks within the ground she walked upon. The beast was her own anxiety, her own turmoil of what was left behind and what awaited for her upon her return to the promised land. She arrived only to see fire. Hell fire. Turmoil, shock waves that shook the ground and then silence -- unsettling, overpowering, and she feared for the worst.

The bitch had left the promised land of abundance that was Boreas and took her only son with her -- in the spur of the moment from her freedom challenge she had lost sight of the other heathens she had breath life into and only managed to reclaim Mordecai in the confusion. But even him did not last for long. She could not say if he was dead or alive, she could not fathom where her son had lingered to but what she knew was that they were separated moons after they left and now he was no where to be seen. Memories were the soul torturer of the draconian woman. She couldn't escape them, or hide from them; they were the worst kind of monster. She was scared of what her past and future held, all the memories that seemed to never escape her. They were pin point needles, piercing her skin, clawing at her mind. She couldn't scream or fight back, she had to just endure the pain  and suffering as the picture of their face flashed through her mind.

The coldness surrounded her, biting at her hide and ceasing any pleasantries. It was the kind of freezing air that made one buckle, that made one tense its muscles and brace their heads against the wind and so she did. No matter how warm the blood in her veins boiled with the anger of one thousand devils, her porcelain chiseled face got frozen just the same.

But there was still hope. Her nostrils flared as she encountered an ever so familiar scent, a trail -- mild but enough to set her course astray, heavy paws drifted towards it. The closer she got the stronger it was. The closer she got the louder her barks for attention and with them came the roars of her beating heart against her own chest. Realgar eyes widened to scoop the area as she moved, losing the scent every now and then with each powerful blast of wind but she could not be far.  

html by castlegraphics; artwork by light-askha
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



4 Years
10-08-2019, 04:57 AM
The roaring wind reverberated in the male's lobes. Everything about this was hard for him, and shelter seemed less and less noticeable throughout the wind. It was slowly starting to become a storm, but there was still a sign of wildlife and the other animal's distant calls. There were a couple of times he had to stop and let the powerful gust of air subside before continuing onward. However...there was something within the back of his mind telling him to stay close to the area. As to why, he hadn't a single clue, but at least it would bide him a little bit of time to rest and try to warm himself despite the temperatures. His coat was certainly not the best in these conditions, but at least he hadn't frozen to death just yet.

But, before he could, the wind happened to bring a scent close to him as his nostrils took in the rich aroma. The scent was almost non-existent from the wind and snow, but it was a scent that Seker had remembered all too well. His eyes widened slightly, resisting his body's urge to plop down where he was and let the snow cover him as he, slowly, made his way forwards. He tried his best to locate the scent despite his frustrations whenever the wind said otherwise when it came to reaching his goal.

He could hear distant barks, hope starting to radiate within his chest as he pushed, giving the best howl he could muster despite his vocal cords objecting against the idea due to his old wound. Seker's howl was rather guttural, but at least it was something. He prayed to the gods that she noticed the howl and could hear him; could smell his scent. But, he knew for sure that it was his sister, there was no denying it as he moved a bit faster in hopes of seeing her sooner and that she hadn't gotten herself lost trying to find him.



7 Years
10-08-2019, 05:21 AM
in the night, come to me

you know i want your touch of evil

in the night, please set me free

i can't resist a touch of evil

She was a creature crawling from the depth of hell, singing her songs of flames and anger within her growls -- responses back to the one that she heard, to the one that made her ears remain proud and erect for a mere moment on top of her regalia before they crumbled in front of the wind rage. In that wasteland of white there was no shelter, no comfort. There was no familiar sight that greeted her, no sound after the howling that pierced her heart, even the light the animals needed to warm them was instead blinding and no match for the wind that soon gave in to the storm. Only the heart beating in her chests stopped them from becoming as frozen as the landscape. It was beating a tattoo against her ribcage, louder and louder which each step the draconian woman took towards what she believed was the direction of the howl.

When she whirled around to at least see the tracks she made, there were none. Her orange-kissed eyes were greeted by a blanket pf pure ivory. The only way to navigate was focus on the direction of the howl and keep barking towards it in hopes that her flaming song will be heard against the arctic orchestra. She knew that upon this frozen lake there were blindfolds around her hearts and her thoughts were caged by fear of being reunited so suddenly with one of her own. But she needed it. Maybe she didn't. But she wanted it. She wanted to crawl over this ice and snow, over the spent shells of her sudden disappearance and reunite with her blood. Brother? she called him, Brother? she called again, and again, within her howling song until her realgar optics fell upon a shadowy figure in the distance.   

html by castlegraphics; artwork by light-askha
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



4 Years
10-08-2019, 05:33 AM
A couple of barks happened to pierce the brute's ears as they stood upright. It almost seemed like he had been trudging through the snow for almost a millennia. At least he had something to help guide him towards the one he had been searching for; at least, he prayed that it was her. His heartbeat raged with each passing second, afraid that it was immediately going to jump out of his chest from the exhilaration of it. The dark sheet of snow and ash made everything about this rather unique to him, but he couldn't really think about it for long as he had found his objective and was sticking to it; even if it killed him.

A shadow happened to bring itself to him after a bit of walking, his tail slowly starting to wag as the scent became more potent. He was never really emotional, sticking to himself and being quiet was one of the ways to describe the male. But, when he saw family he had thought he lost...that was what could make him turn out-of-character even for a little bit. Her dark-coloration and serpentine form graced him with her presence as he trotted forward as their eyes met. Though he tried his best to stay formal, he couldn't help but lean in and nuzzle her and offer her some form of warmth.

"It's been so long, thys..." He spoke, voice a little choked up and wobbly from the tears and the cold. He had missed her, for she was his desert rose, even if she didn't think of him as anything or even a lover, for she was still his sister and family meant everything to him. But, he hoped that he wasn't being too pushy, but his happiness to see her had gotten the better of him. Least they weren't alone anymore in this frozen landscape.



7 Years
10-08-2019, 05:49 AM
in the night, come to me

you know i want your touch of evil

in the night, please set me free

i can't resist a touch of evil

Emerging from the blinding white snow storm came the silhouette of the draconian woman, apparently immune to the bitter wind that cut into the skin fore her heart cried for the scent that was too familiar to miss. The storm was blanching her skin and bluing her chattering lips. At first the two of them were little more than dark silhouettes against a sea of ivory and their barking was almost carried away in the howling wind. But as he neared his fur became discernible, thick and wintry in various shades of brown. She should be cold in this heaven sent snow but her serpentine body was on fire. It was in their natures to know when their blood was near, and once again fate managed to bring the two of them together.

Her pace slowed to a elegant trot against the strenght of the arctic before she came to a full half, one paw in front of the other. Warmth -- it spread through her being and light her like the night sky, spreading his scent , his aroma along her wet, frozen fur. Too long, blood. her voice was calm, assertive, as her lips chattered. I thought I would never see you again. she continued, a small piece of vulnerability, of familiarity slipping through her sonnates. The heathen returned her syounger kin formal approach, grazing her snout along his right shoulder, leaving bits of her natural perfume upon his thick winter fur.

html by castlegraphics; artwork by light-askha
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



4 Years
10-08-2019, 08:41 PM
"I thought the exact same, Thys," the oak-colored brute replied. It had almost seemed like forever since they had last spoke to one another. His heart raced and his blood began to boil from the heat she radiated off her form despite the winter cold. Their blood was always known to be like fire whenever they knew family was near, and he was happy to see the woman whom he'd been searching so long for...even believing her to be dead to some extent. He should have known better than to doubt the pharoah that took Ra's leadership away. Seker hated even the thought of his father being around the land, and though they hadn't crossed paths; he was just happy his sister managed to grab the upper hand in battle some time ago.

His ember eyes shone brightly despite the snow that blew past them as well as the ashen color of the sky above. Seker showed her some respect and dipped his head to her, forgetting the formality due to not seeing her for so long in his excitement. "If I may be so bold to ask...why have you left? To my knowledge, I thought that you had ended up being killed. But, thank the gods you're not," he rasped, though he was starting to speak a little better, the tone of his voice would never be the same again. "Before you ask, I had not run into anymore of our blood. I have no knowledge about what has become of your other children either. If there is anything you need from me...just say so and I'll help you any way I can, Nephthys," the male spoke with warmth within his tone. But his eyes shifted to the area they resided within, "But, perhaps it might be our best interest to go and find shelter before we continue with any conversation."