
Curiosity Killed the Wolf

ft Deathbelle?



4 Years

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
09-19-2019, 08:36 PM

Siobhan was worried about the other members of Lirim, he could understand being worried for them, but he also knew she had other responsibilities…responsibilities that would have been his if he had stayed with his birth pack…sort of.. the former prince knew she didn’t have the time to search for all the stragglers of the pack she had to care for the ones that had made it to the island. Thus, Sandor had slipped away in the early morning to look for them himself…even if he didn’t know them by name he could at least try to find them by scent..right?

He’d started at the former pack lands but hadn’t found anyone and now he ventured a bit more south, the land had drastically changed. A chill like none he had felt before had settled over the land with sleet and hail storms tormenting the lands. He knew Siobhan missed home, but he definitely didn’t want her to see it like it was. Even the rock formation of the Redwater rocks was different. Although still rolling and smooth for the most part, the colored rocks were covered in ash and ice making walking treacherous on a good day and today…well it was downright dangerous if one was not careful. His claws flexed, digging into the terrain to help stabilize himself so he didn’t fall but even that was subpar at best. He still found himself slipping...just not completely falling.




Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
09-25-2019, 02:51 PM
She still had to patrol, she still had to go about her business. Life went on and there was no slowing down. Their claimed lands were too dangerous for the pups to inhabit, and much of Ashen had relocated to the rocks. Belle knew she would need to call everyone together, to come up with a tally of who was with them.. and who was missing. She had a dark pit in her stomach, there were a few faces she hadn’t seen. She hoped that they were only out paving the way for Ashen’s second pillar pack. Hannibal hadn’t planned an extended absence with her, and a worry had come to settle in her gut. What would she do if Hannibal was lost to them as well?

She banished the thought as delicate paws carried her further, her lilac gaze fell on the very young wolf. Her hackles raised but she could see he was slipping. She aimed to grab him by the scruff and right him before he slipped into a cavern. ”You shouldn’t be here, boy.” She told him sternly as she watched him with a critical eye. He had the scents of ash and fire on him, but also that of a pack. Not one she was familiar with, not that many had come to her. ”Why aren’t you with your family?” He might have been close to being a yearling, but he was still young, and in this disaster the Empress felt over protective. Would she offend the pack he belonged to much if she kept him?

She banished the thought and looked to him sternly. ”This is where Ashen is residing during the disaster, you’re trespassing.” She warned him with a brow raised as she looked to him expectantly, waiting the excuse. It was a good thing it wasn’t Sirius to find him. Deathbelle might have chuckled at the thought, but at least she was distracted from her heavy emotions.


Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



4 Years

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
10-01-2019, 08:55 PM

The footing was much more treacherous than he anticipated. He tried to be careful, but even so his footing still managed to slip. He was so focused on not falling into a cavern or crevice that he didn’t hear the footsteps of another wolf approaching from up above. In fact, he didn’t even notice their presence until he took another slip and felt teeth on the nape of his neck, stretching his scruff as the wolf helped right him. Despite the helpful grab, Sandor would snarl jaws parting as head turned to offer a snap in the direction of his rescuer and assailant. Ears folded back as his scruff was released and he was safe from the cavern. A low warning rumble vibrated in his chest as he took a tentative step back with head lowered defensively.

Lilac gaze focused on the boy and his amber red focused on her, her hackles were raised…but given the situation he could hardly blame her. Ears twitched at her words, registering that he had heard her, but he didn’t immediately respond. Last he’d heard and smelled, this was a free territory…he hadn’t trespassed…had he? Her next question had his brow lifting slightly curiously. Which family did she mean? His birth family or his pack….for many they were one and the same so he could understand why she would think they were but for him, they were far from it. Sandor did not immediately answer her, for this reason, he pondered the consequences of either answer before he finally chose to keep his past to himself. He would straighten a bit, his body no longer hunched ready to flee, but his head still remained at shoulder height. “I’m searching for lost members of Lirim.” He answered smoothly and confidently.

Her stern look was not missed, it was a look his father had given him many times over, and he regarded it in the same way, allowing it to roll off of his shoulders- stern looks no longer fazed him from those that didn’t matter to him. Pinned ears came forward as she spoke again, this time stating that Ashen was taking up the territory during the disaster. Her quirked brow and silence made him wonder what she expected from him, an apology? An excuse? Defiance? Submission? The former prince took a steadying breath, the silence between them settling. “My apologies.” He would reply, offering a dip of his head in respect to the she-wolf. After all, he hadn’t meant to trespass and as far as he had been aware, they hadn’t yet marked the territory…or if they have they hadn’t done so very well. Much like Lirim, he imagined they were in a state of disarray as they searched for missing members of the pack and settled into a new- albeit temporary- home. “I mean no offense. I should have been more careful.” He replied. He offered no excuse, only an apology. Going on the knowledge he had learned from his father the hard way. There was no excuse that he could think of that was more of an explanation rather than just a way out of trouble.




Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
10-03-2019, 04:40 PM (This post was last modified: 10-08-2019, 02:41 PM by Deathbelle.)
Deathbelle could forgive the pup his mistake, his senses were not yet fully developed and he didn’t quite have a full grasp on his surroundings. Ashen had been in the rocks for more than a moon now and all the boundaries were more than well marked. Their presence was also heavy at the oasis beyond, it being one of the few sources of water close by. The only one he had to blame was himself, and he was fortunate that she was not Sirius. One who Belle had little doubt would attempt to leave a mark that the boy remembered for the rest of his life.

He was quiet for a long time, and Deathbelle felt herself inflate slowly as he contemplated his answer. She held herself like the Empress she was, her gaze sliding down her nose at his young form. He was defiant for a long time, and for a moment she didn’t think he would answer. She prepared herself to just chase him off but after a subtle bit of tension leaving him the words rolled from his lips. She tried not to show any reaction to his swords, filing away the information for later. Lirim had yet to come to their door, and she wondered if they were so desperate to send a pup in a wolf’s place…

The Volcano might not erupt forever, but Belle had to be ready for anything. To fight and then to heal. The boy eventually continued, making Belle wonder if he was always so long to speak or if it was a show. His senses did seem to find him as he apologized and offered a quick boy of respect she deserved. Deathbelle wasn’t about to relax yet. ”Indeed.” She agreed, he should have been more careful. Hopefully he wouldn’t make her wish she’d pushed him instead of pulled him back from the edge.

”What’s Lirim doing, to survive this disaster? Stockpiling herbs? Training their fighters harder? Sending their young on reconnaissance missions?” She asked curiously, wondering if he might tell her. Already she debated her own reply when the question was undoubtably returned to her.


total after post below: 1725

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



4 Years

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
10-08-2019, 02:22 PM
His methodical way of speaking did something to the she wolf, her form inflated a bit as she looked down at him. Sandor resisted the urge to straighten further, to stare boldly back to her. He was tresspassing, for now he would remain at the ready and more submissive. He wasn't here to cause harm, he was only searching for other members of his pack. Her rumble of agreement was a relief to the boy, but whatever relief he felt was short lived as she continued speaking a moment later.

She wanted to know about Lirim. The boys mouth tightened into a firm line as she spoke, brows furrowing slightly. The boy was silent, wheels churning behind his bright eyes as he carefully thought of a response to her questions. He was crafty, he could dance through this...right? " We survive by moving temporarily to a new location. Our healer was able to gather most of their herbs, but we have been gathering what we can to help those within the pack and those seeking aide outside of it. We train only for defense, but our main goal at the moment is to find lost packmates...which is what I am doing." He answered smoothly, without faltering. He wasn't lying, but he also wasn't giving specifics. He was versed in this game enough to know how to answer without giving too much...or so he hoped. "Our leader wouldn't send the young on such a dangerous mission. I'm not the enemy you seek." He answered firmly.

"If it's not too much trouble, I'll be on my way." Sandor didn't move, however, he would wait for her permission first.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
10-08-2019, 08:04 PM
Deathbelle watched the pup curiously as he took in the Empress and her words. He knew that he needed to be submissive, though he didn’t hide the fire in his eye very well. Deathbelle had no fear of the boy, but was interested in trying to figure out his emotions. He debated about her question for a long time, the thin line that was his lips a sign to his thought process. He didn’t want to reveal anything he shouldn’t she was sure.

He did begin to speak eventually, telling a similar tale to Ashen, they moved to keep from the heaviest disaster, she didn’t miss that he said ‘healer’ instead of ‘healers’ and she wondered if that was one position Lirim was short on. The Empress wouldn’t forget it as she filed the fact away for later. They trained or defense which meant Lirim would likely not be any kind of physical threat. She perked her brows as he continued, the young wouldn’t be sent out yet here he was barely a yearling looking for packmates.

There was no return question, though his voice was firm he seemed eager to be off. He was smart to ask her permission, but that didn’t mean she was going to allow him to leave so quickly. ”Oh, but I have just a few more questions. young one. She offered with a step closer, mismatched ears perked towards him. He had gained Deathbelle’s full attention. ”What is your leader’s name?” She asked, innocently enough a start. ”What is your name?” Belle continued as she paused her advance.

total wc: 1991

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



4 Years

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
10-08-2019, 08:22 PM

He was young, his emotions still slipping through quite easily. Yet, he was not the only one. Her perked brow told him he had said something of interest and his mouth tightened even more. Sandor didn’t bother mentioning he was training to be a healer and a fighter; if she were astute she would find the barely healed scars atop his skull and on his shoulders and flank (where the fur hadn’t grown back). Whether she guessed he was a fighter or just accident prone- that was up to her. Unfortunately for him, she was not eager to let him leave.

The boy didn’t say a word, but a backward slant of his ears would tell her he was not at all happy that she was keeping him there. Her step closer was matched with a step to the side, putting his back away from the cavern but also giving her more of a profile view rather than the narrower view of just his head and chest. Tongue rolled across his lips, nervous but that fire flickered in his eyes even more than before. A confusion of emotion as he did not want to back away but it was the wisest choice here. His ears came forward as she innocently asked for his leaders name as well as his. Sandor was silent for a long moment thinking. “Sandor.” He answered, giving his own name but not Torin’s. “It’s not my place to give their name.” He responded once more, careful. “If you meant no harm, you would let me leave your territory.” He pointed out, “or am I to assume Ashen is an enemy?” His words were bold, hinting at the defiance he felt. Perhaps the wrong choice to make given the situation but it spilled forth as his head lowered protectively, now hanging just below shoulder height.

The she-wolf did not give him a friendly vibe any more, it was better to be safe than sorry.




Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
10-09-2019, 08:24 AM
She didn’t restrain him nor did she even dare to dictate the young man. All she wanted were the answers to a few questions. However, he failed to even give her those two innocent ones. He looked like he’d just got caught with his paw in the cookie jar. He was visibly uncomfortable as she put pressure on him in her advance. Of course, the Empress hadn’t explicitly told him that he couldn’t leave either. He remained of his own free will, however much he felt like he had been trapped.

Sandor she was given, but denied the name of the leader of Lirim. She perked her mismatched ears in confusion but allowed it to pass. She could send a wolf out right now and have them meet with Lirim’s leader and be granted the information she sought. Deathbelle couldn't help but wonder why this was the information he chose to keep to himself. He assumed that she was keeping him, and threatened to assume her as the enemy.

”That would certainly be fun, wouldn’t it?” She asked in her sickly sweet imitation of innocence. However much amusement she might gain, Ashen wasn’t in a good position to be enemies with any of the packs. Even one that only practiced defense. ”I do not confine you, Sandor.” She uttered with a bit of disappointment. ”Be on your way, and don’t let me catch you on Ashen’s territory without permission again. She was surprised he hadn’t asked about the members of Lirim he’d spoken about, but even if they were harboring his quarry, at this point she wouldn’t have alerted him anyway.

wc:281 (I think we’re close to the 2,500 goal)

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



4 Years

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
10-09-2019, 08:47 AM
His choices confused her, noted by the quirk of her mismatched ears as he offered one name but not another. The boys lips twitched in a hint of smile, a glimmer of pride flickering in his eyes. As if it had been his goal to confuse her, even if it wasn't. The emotion merely gave him a semblance of control of the situation and he grasped at it firmly, wanting to keep some control.

Her response to his assumption of enemies with a sickly sweet innocence. Now the boy frowned, a show of true pain dancing through his countenance before disappearance. "in my experience, no. War is never fun...the innocent are usually the ones to suffer the most" A moment of honesty with the she wolf. His situation was because of an overtaking, the former prince knew only a taste of what war could be and it was not a taste he ever wanted again.

When she spoke again after a sigh of disappointment he was relieved. She wouldn't bar him from leaving. He would Bob his head. "Thank you." His voice was tight, controlled at first, but his expression would soften slightly as he moved to go past her, the quickest way out of the territory but away from where Lirim sheltered. He would pause, "Torin will know of your letting me go." An odd choice to now give her his name, but she had allowed him to leave and thus he would give her something she wanted. Sandor would continue on his way, ready to be out of the territory and on his way to search for other members of Lirim.

--attempted exit--