
when can i see you again




Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
11-11-2019, 05:34 PM
Deathbelle’s mind certainly hadn’t been cleared with her night with Io, but at least her thoughts were better organized. She could breathe again, she had found hope again, and the Empress was eager to get herself back on track. She still wished for Sirius, she still relived the death of her husband in her dreams at night, but a weight seemed to have been lifted from her. Strength was returning to her.

The days were becoming a little easier, the sun was returning and the cold promised to be forced out. Delicate paws carried the Empress over the border of Ashen’s temporary home. The promise of a brighter future was right on the horizon, and she couldn’t wait to reach out and grasp it. She breathed in the fresh spring breeze, it was still cold but it was eager to push away the ash and smoke.

Her favorite bongo pelt, finally restored and returned after Sirius carried her laboring self back to the den on it, was draped loosely over her shoulders. She paced over the well worn path, her thoughts on the future. Especially the surprise that the dainty Io had promised her.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-11-2019, 06:14 PM
"We've got to stop meeting like this." A voice would call out from atop one red rock. The small woman had taken to resting up here a little bit each day that she was able. She was always hopeful that Deathbelle would come and today luck was on her side. Fitting too, seeing as how she had the woman's surprise with her. With a stretch, Iolaire rolled off of the rock, landing squarely upon small paws. "Are you ready for your surprise then?"

With a beckoning pull of her shoulder, Iolaire motioned for Belle to follow. She immediately made her way towards the cave system where they'd spent their steamy night. Knowing that the other female would follow, Iolaire ducked inside and padded towards their cavern. Once there, she stepped aside and would allow Deathbelle to enter.

Io had brought a plethora of furs to place in the center of the room. That way they wouldn't have to rest on the hard stone floor. They would have a plush surface to sleep upon. Plus Io knew that her companion ran cold and the furs would keep her nice and warm. Along with Io herself, that was. Aside from the furs, Iolaire had stuck bits of fragrant herbs here and there to lend the cavern a pleasant smell. "The rest of your surprise has to be set up. Make yourself comfortable."
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
11-11-2019, 06:37 PM
The familiar voice brought the Empress’s features up to seek out Iolaire’s face. Brightening considerably as she caught a glimpse of her brilliant eyes. She watched with more than a little concern as the small she wolf rolled off of her rock, but she seemed no worse for wear as she offered the long awaited surprise. ”Hello to you, too.” Deathbelle replied fondly as she was ushered forward.

They only made it a few paces before Deathbelle realized where she was being led. She felt her insides warm as her mind strayed to the memories they shared within the cavern’s confines. The pair quickly arrived, and as Io stepped out of the way Belle was pleased to see the transformation the space had undergone. Furs lined the natural bed at the center of the room, and the pleasant scent of herbs hung in the air. Soon the lavender would be blooming, and she would be able to leave little bits of her own favorite scent. Lavender had a calming effect as well, maybe it would be enough to help her companion find sleep.

Deathbelle smiled warmly, aiming to offer Io a quick nuzzle at her cheek before relaxing into the plush furs. The bongo pelt remained around her shoulders as her slender frame relined back to see if Ilaire would allow her to observe the set up. ”You’ve been so busy.” She certainly hadn’t expected all of this when Io mentioned her surprise. She felt ashamed she didn’t have anything to offer in return.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-11-2019, 07:01 PM
Multi-hued eyes watched Deathbelle's face, hoping that the woman liked her surprise. Or at least part of her surprise. A nuzzle was given and Io accepted it happily, giving one quickly in return as Belle moved to the center of the room. She was proclaimed to have been busy and the small fae chuckled. "I've had a lot of spare time." Indeed... she'd barely been sleeping. Exhaustion had begun to dull her coat and a glaze had formed over her usually vibrant eyes. Her temper had been a bit short as well, but Sirius had been the only one to see that.

Stepping softly forward, Iolaire approached another mall divot in the rock situated just outside the line of furs. Taking a flint from her pack, the fae struck it against a strange piece of rock that she'd found long ago. Sparks flew, catching the dried tinder. Soon a small, comfortable fire was popping and crackling happily. She didn't want Belle to be cold. Plus her nap between Sirius and Bast had proven that she was able to sleep when she was warm.

Settling down upon the furs beside Deathbelle, there was one last surprise. Neck outstretched, the little wolf delicately grabbed a thin, flat slab of stone between her teeth and pulled it close to the furs. Both ladies would be able to reach it from where they lay. Io motioned to the stone. Chunks of meat lay upon it in a line. "I flavored these myself. Hopefully they don't taste too terrible." The meat was venison and had been flavored with wild onion, thyme and other savory herbs. "We can cook them over the flame or we can eat them as they are. Your choice." Though Iolaire was glad to be spending time with Deathbelle, it was obvious that she lacked some of her usual fire. She seemed tired, which she was. Even her voice was tired. Taking a stick between her jaws, she looked to the woman beside her. Would she like it cooked or raw?
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
11-11-2019, 07:44 PM
Deatbelle was more than pleased with her surprise, and she was most certainly surprised. The furs were lovely, and the gesture well appreciated. Io was making sure Deathbelle didn't experience another moment cold with her again. The Empress didn't miss the slowness of Io's movements, and as she had pressed her nose against the woman the deterioration of her coat was more obvious. She didn't mention her observations yet as she watched the woman create fire.

Her eyes widened in surprise but her expression shifted to a pleasant contentment as the fire gave off a pleasant warmth and light. "Oh, Io." She couldn't help the smile that was placed on her lips by the thoughtful gestures. The little healer was quick to take her place beside her, and the last bit was presented. Seasoned meats, but Iolaire's enthusiasm was marred by her tired form. "I'm sure they're delicious, I'd like them as they are." Maybe she would try cooked food when Io had enjoyed more sleep. "Sit back and relax," Deathbelle insisted as she aimed to nuzzle concernedly against Io's dark cheek. "Everything is lovely." Belle offered in hushed tones as the fire crackled and the brook babbled. Delicately she grasped a piece of the flavored meat, the flavor of the herbs marinated the flesh. Even during her time as a princess in her father's empire she hadn't enjoyed something like this. "You sell yourself short, this meal is divine." a soft smile lingered on her dark lips as her concern returned to Io.

"You have been seeing to Sirius, but who has been seeing to you?" She asked quietly enough Io would not be forced to answer.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-11-2019, 09:04 PM
The mixture of flickering firelight, babbling water and the warmth of the woman beside her lulled Iolaire into a very contented state. She was pleased that Deathbelle was pleased. As the woman ate her feast, the small wolf lowered her head to her paws and simply watched. She wasn't hungry in the slightest. She didn't eat much when in the middle of one of her insomnia spells. They lasted for a while, she'd snap, sleep for a few days straight, then she'd go back to normal. Her short nap beside Sirius had been the most sleep she'd gotten in a while. She felt the snap on its way. Knowing that she'd be back to normal after made her yearn for it.

Belle praised the meal and Iolaire grinned. "I'm glad you liked it. I hoped you would." She had worked hard on the meal, finding the correct balance of herbs to soak the meat in. It was something that she would have made for herself if she had a permanent home. And now she did. Since her companion liked the meat so much, she would have to make it more often.

Soft words met her ears and Io sighed, head still on her paws. The woman was thoroughly exhausted. "I take care of myself. This is something that I've dealt with my whole life. I'll be back to normal before you know it." She offered up a soft smile of reassurance, her tail thumping once in accompaniment.

Legs slid outward, depositing Io on her side. She leaned her back against Deathbelle, eyes closing. "Tell me a story. Anything." The woman's voice was soothing. Perhaps she could lull her to sleep. It was a slim chance, but there was still a chance.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
11-11-2019, 10:02 PM
”You wont eat?” She asked softly as Iolaire watched her enjoy the offered portions. The smaller she wolf was thin, and obviously tired. The fire didn’t quite have the correct glint off her fur or her eyes. The poor thing was run near ragged. ”I do, thank you for making it for me.” One quick way to Deathbelle’s heart was through gifts.

Iolaire chose to answer her question, offering a simple reassurance that she would be returned to normal soon. Belle didn’t hide her concern and even with the offered smile she didn’t lose any worry. Io shifted herself slightly, leaning back against the Empress as her exhaustion showed through. Deathbelle’s lips pulled back softly as she moved to wrap her slim arms around Iolaire’s light frame and pull her to her chest.

She nestled her muzzle at Io’s cheek so her voice wouldn’t need to be more than a soft whisper. ”A story?” There wasn’t much she could offer the healer that she didn’t already know to try herself. However, a story was little in payment for what the woman did for her. ”I’m not very good at stories, but I will try.” She’d told Zee a little tale, and that one had put her friend to sleep. ”Maybe I’ll tell you my story.” She didn’t know how much of the history of the Klein empire she’d been given from Sirius, but she had to know the basics of her and the massive guardian.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-11-2019, 11:28 PM
Belle asked if she would eat and Io shook her head. "I'm not hungry. I don't eat much when I don't sleep. It feels like the food just rots in my stomach." She got a little thin during her sleepless times because of it. She'd given both of her rabbits to Sirius the day before. They had been there, so she'd killed them, but even the blood in her mouth had made her want to vomit. No, eating was out of the question. She stayed hydrated though and had no fears about her well being. As she'd stated previously, she was used to this.

As Io leaned against her, Deathbelle wrapped her forelegs around her, pulling her close. The small fae grinned, eyes closing. It was nice to be this close. Nice to trust that she needn't worry about anything. Belle's voice was a whisper in her ear. She chuckled softly at the apprehension. "If you tell me your story, perhaps I'll tell you mine." That was fair deal, right? Io nestled back against the woman and waited for her story to begin.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
11-12-2019, 07:52 AM
”Oh, my dear.” Deathbelle offered softly with a comforting nuzzle added to Io’s cheek as she admitted her refusal to eat dinner. ”I look forward to enjoying the next meal with you.” Sharing a meal was a social activity, and Belle had already enjoyed plenty of the offered fare. She lost her focus on the delectable meats and returned her attentions to the woman in her arms. Iolaire didn’t resist her touch and the two of them were soon wrapped together in the pile of furs. Io didn’t hesitate in making herself comfortable and even offered her own story in return for Deathbelle’s.

”First we’ll go back almost five years ago. The Klein Empire was ruled by Hamiclar, my father. He held many packs beneath him and grew the empire with an iron fist and silver tongue. His mate Iber would soon give birth to his first litter, and his firstborn son Hannibal was named his heir.” She began laying the groundwork for the origin on the Ashen Empire. Her voice remained a whisper as she held tightly to Iolaire. ”A few months later the Emperor returned home from diplomatic meetings with a pregnant concubine in tow. My mother, Yvonne.” To the Klein Empire Deathbelle was little more than an illegitimate child, she shouldn’t have ever been the one to rebuild what was left to Hannibal. He’d left a void, and the Empress had been in the perfect position to take it.

”During my first year of life my father taught me just the same as my legitimate siblings. I learned much from him, and before I was a year old he gifted me my first slave, Sirius.” The two of them had been near inseparable ever since. ”He turned into my best friend, and though he became fully devoted to me it never really felt like we were slave and master.” She admitted softly, finding herself drawing comfort from the soft nuzzles she offered the comfortable woman. She aimed to steal a kiss before continuing through the next part of the story, the difficult part.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-12-2019, 01:31 PM
Iolaire accepted every touch. Every nuzzle, every caress, every kiss. Eyes closed from pure content and she gave herself completely to Deathbelle. She was insanely comfortable, and yet she knew sleep would not come. One black ear flicked at the woman's words and the corner of Io's maw twitched upwards in a grin. "Of course. We'll have the next meal together." She wanted to eat with Belle, today it just wasn't in the cards.

The woman launched into her tale, giving some backstory first. Iolaire simply listened with rapt attention though her eyes were still shut. Periodically she would release a rumble in her chest, letting the woman know that she was listening. It was a little surprising that Deathbelle's mother had been a concubine. Normally children that weren't 'pureblood' were thought of as lesser beings. She was glad that the woman had been raised as a true child of her father. If Iolaire had been treated with the same respect, she most likely would have turned into an entirely different creature.

Belle began talking of her master/slave relationship with Sirius and Iolaire's brows drew together momentarily. She was glad that Belle had been good to him, the subject of slavery was just a tender topic for the small woman. She understood that it was their way, but she didn't have to like it. Now Sirius and Zee were free and they would never have to worry about such things. There was word that Sirius continued the practice, but she had yet to see it. Iolaire didn't know how she'd react to the situation when and if it arose.

Iolaire released a rumbling sound of pleasure when Belle leaned in for a kiss. She returned it gladly and rolled to lay flat upon her back, forelegs drawn up to her chest. This way she could see Deathbelle as she told her story. Tired eyes opened again and she prompted the woman to continue.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
11-12-2019, 02:32 PM
Iolaire was the most relaxed Deathbelle had seen her yet, and she accepted all of the Empress’s affections. They basked in the warmth together as soft whispers were shared between the two. Belle was heartened to know her sweet Io would make sure to enjoy the meal with her lover next time. Though she was assured Iolaire’s condition was normal she couldn’t help but worry for the exhausted healer.

Though her father had treated her no different from her siblings there were many in her family and the court that looked down with obvious disdain at Yvonne’s children. Their older brother Jekyll for instance was assured that Belle was inferior and he didn’t let her forget it. Now though, Deathbelle had proven them wrong many times over. Hamiclar’s Empire did not live on through his heir Hannibal, but his illegitimate daughter Deathbelle.

Her story paused as she was allowed to steal a kiss, Io felt the shift in the mood and rearranged herself quietly. Deathbelle felt comfort in her golden gaze and leaned forward to nuzzle her cheek before beginning anew. Her top paw was used to gently caress Iolaire’s chest between her own tea cupped paws. The steady rhythm calmed Deathbelle’s thoughts as she continued into her tragic tale.

”All good things must come to an end. The famine struck. Many of my kin perished, and it was during this time Sirius and I were separated, I was forced to leave him on the battlefield. I had to assume him dead. This was another time of much struggle and loss,but eventually my brother led the charge to leave. Not before our parents were all dead. The Klein Empire was ended.” Her voice hadn’t changed from its whisper, but her sorrow was obvious. Her mother’s face, her sister’s features, they still haunted her even now. ”Hannibal made a few attempts to rebuild, but in the end he was unable.” She admitted, having been one of the wolves who had wished to follow under his guidance. He had been the true heir. ”After he disappeared the first time I took up his mantle and raised a pack on my own. I met my husband, Archon in this time. Our relationship was started in contract, I’d only wished him to be sire to my heirs.” Sirius had her heart, even when she thought him dead. Archon was the substitute for the one her heart really wanted.

”After I became pregnant though it seemed like the whole world aligned just for use and I fell in love with him. We became a family.” It had been nothing she expected. ”My brother Hannibal returned and he brought the family still loyal to him into the fold. He took up his place beside me as ruler. It felt like everything was perfect.” Everything had been perfect. She married Archon, Sirius had found his love in Zee, her children were blessed. ”Then the eruption happened.” Her voice was dark again and she felt her heart ache at Archon’s loss. ”It felt like the famine all over again.”

She pressed herself against Iolaire renewed, reliving the devastation once more. It was easier with the beautiful woman in her arms.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-12-2019, 02:50 PM
Io listened intently. The pair shared touches and caresses as the woman above her spoke. As she knew it would, the tale turned dark. The small woman could see the pain in those lavender eyes and almost regretted asking for her tale. As she spoke of losing her family and then Sirius, Iolaire adjusted her position again, slipping one arm beneath Belle's body. She pulled her close, offering what comfort she could.

Belle spoke of Archon and Iolaire finally had a name to put with a place. Deathbelle had spoken of not desecrating the area where she had taken her vows previously and Io imagined that she meant her vows with her husband, Archon. She continued, speaking of famine and then the volcanic eruption. Iolaire gave her lover a squeeze, sliding her head beneath the woman's chin. Her voice was a soft whisper as they were so close. "The bad times in our lives make the good times all the better." It was something that she'd had to cling to during her life. If you got past the bad times, the good times would rise and you'd appreciate everything that you had even more than before.

Pulling back, she flicked her tongue over Belle's lower lip. "And this silly volcano won't beat us. Everything will be okay." She was working towards making that happen. No one would starve at least. Between her skills and the skills of Deathbelle's healer, no one would be ill or injured for long. Iolaire was surprisingly optimistic. She even surprised herself with it. The diminutive dame was a strong believer in fate. What would happen would happen. If something was meant to be, then it would be.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
11-12-2019, 05:01 PM
Iolaire offered what comfort she could to the Empress and the loss she suffered so long ago. Belle accepted the affection and buried her features into Io’s silver neck as she spoke. Being this close to her and allowing herself to be so vulnerable had its benefits. Only in being broken could she be rebuilt. Belle wrapped her head over Io’s as she pressed up against her chin. She held her eyes shut tightly as Io made the attempt to help build her back up. If there was no sorrow she would not know joy.

She sighed at Io’s kiss and settled back into the furs, one unsheathed claw dragged dangerously close to the skin of her paramour. ”You sound so sure. Lilac gaze searched Iolaire’s for any sign that she didn’t believe what she just said. ”Maybe you’re right. I need a little certainty in my life.” Maybe after all of their loss they might finally gain. She nuzzled deeper into Io’s thick fur, breathing in the smaller she wolf.

Deathbelle had sinned, bringing her grief here to their sacred cavern, but Iolaire was optimistic and sweet. A sigh left her as she pulled back and sought to press her pink tongue affectionately against the she wolf’s silver lips. ”Will you share your past with me, Io?” She asked hesitantly. There was no promise of a return story, and if she wished not to sully these halls with her woes Belle wouldn’t hold it against her.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-13-2019, 12:46 PM (This post was last modified: 11-13-2019, 12:47 PM by Iolaire.)
A slight shudder ran through Io's body as the woman beside her touched and teased. She quite liked attention when she was feeling under the weather. The embrace was more than welcome and Iolaire basked in their shared warmth. Sometimes when she couldn't sleep, even she felt cold. The combination of the fire, the furs and her lovers warm body was lulling Iolaire into a very docile state.

Belle seemed a little reluctant to accept her assurance that everything would be alright and Io grinned a bit. "I am sure. Watch and see." She wasn't sure exactly why she was sure, but dammit, she was very sure. Things would be okay for all of them. Steps needed to be taken to secure their future, but the small steps leading up to the large steps were already in motion. Io was confident in her assessment that everything would be okay. The larger fae confessed that she needed certainty and the minuscule wolf chuckled. "Let me be your certainty."

As Belle kissed her, Iolaire returned the favor, her embrace tightening around the woman for just a squeeze. When the kiss ended, her own tale was asked after. Iolaire wrinkled her nose in mock distaste. Or was it? "You really want to hear all of that?" She knew Belle did or she wouldn't have asked. And so, Iolaire settled in for her tale. Not even Sirius had heard all of the sordid details.

"My mother was a traveling warrior. A giant. Strong. Unmatched in battle. My father was a king." A slightly wistful tone entered the woman's voice. Her eyes glazed over as she lost herself in memory. "There was something wrong with my father. He claimed to have a demon living inside him that could take control when he became too weak. During one of these... lapses in self..." She fought for a good way to describe her father's insanity, "He attacked my mother. In his bloodlust, he somehow managed to beat her. As she lay bloody and dying, he raped her." The woman gave a sardonic smile. "The beginning of my siblings and myself. Three hulking brothers and one fluke of a little sister."

Iolaire gently extracted herself from Belle's embrace and moved to a seated position beside her. Their bodies still touched, she simply didn't want comfort during the next part. "My mother lived, obviously, but she was never the same. He'd injured her vocal chords. She told me that she used to have a lovely singing voice." Io was never sure if that part was true or a joke. Resin didn't seem the type to sing. "She tried to raise us the best that she could. Children had never been a desire of hers. At six months old, she disappeared and my three brothers and I dispersed. I don't know why we didn't stay together, but it was for the best."

Rising from her place, Iolaire padded over to the little stream and took a drink, wetting her tongue. She would continue with her tale, she just needed a little break. This part may have seemed unnecessary, but it was a crucial part in understanding why Iolaire was the way that she was.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
11-13-2019, 01:14 PM
A flare of excitement raced through her as Io showed subtle signs of pleasure with her gentle touch. The motions proved good distraction from lingering thoughts of loss and and unstable future. Iolaire was sure that they were headed to brighter times, and Deathbelle couldn’t help but begin to believe her. She claimed the right to be the Empress’s certainty and while her words warmed her they were even better for her broken heart. She could begin to hope for bounties to come.

”I do.” She assured her softly after they shared a sweet kiss. Deathbelle was free in her affections for the dainty she wolf. Belle couldn’t help but compare the affections between her delicate lover and titan husband. Iolaire was made to be loved and she soaked up Deathbelle’s affections eagerly. Archon’s love and affections seemed so much more private and raw. Iolaire was refined. The Empress tried to banish thoughts of her late husband, Iolaire was the one here and in her arms.

She held onto her tiny companion as long as she was allowed, and didn’t try to restrain her as she pulled away. They had somewhat similar backgrounds, enough to pull out parallels in their sorrows. Deathbelle listened quietly before Io paused to sip the stream that lined their haven. The Empress lay sphynx like, her soft lavender gaze lingering on Io’s silver touched form. Her fur still draped over her back as she suddenly felt keenly the distance between their bodies. Belle didn’t press her companion, and waited quietly for her to continue.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-13-2019, 01:33 PM
Standing tall once more, a blue tinged tongue flicked outward, brushing the clinging droplets of water from blackened lips. "I thought my mother had abandoned us and I hated her for it. I hated her for shutting down my dreams of being a princess." Iolaire scoffed lightly and cast Deathbelle a glace over her shoulder. "I was so naive. I was convinced that I was royalty. That some day my father would come looking for me and I'd get to live in the big castle with the rest of the family." The woman rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Pathetic."

Turning, she made her way back towards the woman resting in the center of the furs. "My father did eventually come looking for me. He came looking for all of us." Iolaire seated herself before Deathbelle, curling her tail tightly against one slender hip. "He murdered my brothers. He would have murdered me if he'd found me. I only found out later in life that my mother had left us to try and draw him away. It hadn't been her intent to abandon us. In her attempt to save us, she suffered another grievous injury. Lost an eye."

One foreleg raised and Iolaire rubbed gently at her face. Her exhaustion was apparent, but she needed to finish her tale. "A wandering pup, I happened upon an old crone. She taught me the art of healing and poisons in return for caring for her. She wasn't always nice, but our agreement was mutually beneficial. When she died, I was a free agent. I moved from place to place, trading my skills or other things for food and protection." 'other things.' Vague. "I honed my skills in diplomacy. Became the charming creature that I am now." Io shot Deathbelle a winning smile, lips pulling back from pristine white teeth.

"What else..." Iolaire tilted her delicate skull from side to side, thinking of what else to share. "There was a man. I loved him. When he found out that I was incapable of having children, he abandoned me. Gave me to his men to be raped and abused. That bit was fun." The woman wrinkled her nose. It was clear that she'd come to terms with that part of her life. It was over and done with. No use in thinking on it. "I've served alphas. Kings. Czars. Nowhere ever felt like it was worth staying in. I took what I needed from them and moved on to the next place. Nowhere ever felt like home until I came here and met Sirius." A light shrug was given. Her gaze then moved to settle upon the pretty face of her lovely, resting companion. "And you."
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
11-13-2019, 02:09 PM
Iolaire had her own regrets about her past, that much was obvious in the way she spoke about the child she was. Belle didn’t think it appropriate to point out that she was little more than a pup, and had every right to believe those things. No matter how untrue Deathbelle would learn they were. She whined softly in sympathy as she told her about the murder of her brothers. The details were glossed over, but she couldn’t imagine what kind of demented soul he had to be to kill his own offspring. ”Io,” Belle breathed her name, only just stopping herself from touching the woman in front of her.

With all of the horrors Iolaire spoke about Deathbelle wondered if the good times near made up for the atrocities she suffered. ”Charming creature, indeed.” She agreed, an excited shiver racing over her skin at Io’s bright grin. Io admitted her once love, and inability to conceive. She felt a bit of Sirius well up in her chest, the Empress pulled back her teeth an growled protectively as she described his treatment of her afterwards. The thought made her sick, the sweet little healer literally thrown to ravenous wolves.. The sudden strong emotion startled her as well, did she already feel so strongly for the Armada she wolf?

She smoothed her fur, Io did not dwell on that bit of her past and Deathbelle would not either, though she did wanted to wrap the delicate woman up in her arms and promise she wouldn’t allow anything so terrible to happen to her again. She was caught up again at how strong her response was. Io made sure that she knew that she finally found a place she could call her home, with Seer and with her. Belle felt her heart thud heavily against her chest.

Silently she invited the exhausted she wolf back to her side, her heart beat nervously as she explored the emotions that Iolaire caused. Was she falling for the small woman? The thought was both frightening and exciting but would also continue to complicate her mess of a life. However much she adored said complication. ”I..” Io made her stutter like no other, it was quite the talent. ”I’m glad I... could make you feel at home.” She finished quietly, her heart near beating out of her chest now.

The dark woman’s ability to make her feel nervous was uncanny, it was a good nervous though. Her breath caught and her stomach was filled with busy butterflies. She felt light despite the heavy topics discussed. Iolaire did something to her that was hard to replicate, and Deathbelle found it hard to deny the craving.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-15-2019, 04:13 PM
As she told her story, she could see the range of emotion playing across Deathbelle's face. It bothered Io a bit. She didn't want anyone to feel sorry for her. She lived through it all. She was stronger for it. Cynical and vastly uncaring most of the time, but stronger. She could fake pleasantness like no other. A pretty little mask for all to see and believe. If she didn't want you to see her emotions, you wouldn't. It was different with Belle though. The woman had shown her true emotion and so she had shown emotion in return. Maybe she was just being moody from exhaustion. Hmm.

When Belle stammered Iolaire grinned. She liked throwing the woman off of her game. Deathbelle was well put together. In control of herself. To see her so flustered was very cute. With another grin, Io moved back onto the pile of furs. She lay down beside the woman, forelegs curled beneath her chest like a cat. "I'm glad as well." Reaching out, Io stole a quick kiss. The drink had given her a bit of energy. And now that she had closed the memory vault, her expression changed from one of hardened sadness back to her normal, confident grin.

"What on earth will we do with one another, eh?" It was a soft question. Iolaire cast Belle a side eye, looking at the dame's sweet face. A real relationship may not be in the cards, she thought. But, while they could, they could enjoy each others company. She would always have a soft spot for the woman. No doubt though, Deathbelle would have to find a consort. Make some more puppies to rule her lands. Iolaire was many things, but she wasn't a third wheel. When that happened, she would go her own way. For now though, she was content to spend her time with the woman. As much time as they both needed.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
11-15-2019, 05:36 PM
Deathbelle felt like she had been given a precious gift, Io told her about the difficult past she endured, but also offered up real emotion. The Empress felt vulnerable with her, but also that she could trust her and be unguarded. Having someone to show her weaknesses to and not worry about judgement or being hurt. She didn’t have to be an Empress in front of Iolaire. That didn’t help her nerves any, or her ability to speak fluidly.

She didn’t miss the grin that overcame her as she caused Deathbelle’s words to skip. The Klein goddess felt her face grow flush, but Io was quickly beside her and she was distracted by the stolen kiss. Belle grinned back and felt herself relax back into the furs. She was again taken off guard with the question, if she was honest with herself she hadn’t wanted to think of the future. Iolaire was spontaneous, their relationship unpredictable, but her presence divine.

”I don’t know. I’m not very good at relationships.” She and Sirius were a mess, her husband was killed, Hannibal was gone. She couldn’t keep hold of anyone she held dear. ”I’m afraid.” She admitted, laying her head at Io’s chest. ”I’m afraid if we quantify it I will just lose you like all of the others.” Her skin prickled uncomfortably at the thought and she felt tears threaten to spill out. She leander her features into Iolaire’s soft fur, trying to breathe her in and instill the moment forever.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-15-2019, 06:40 PM
Belle answered honestly and Iolaire nodded in acceptance. "I don't exactly have the best track record myself." The past proved that. The only time she'd truly allowed herself to love, it had bitten her in the ass and she had ended up battered and raped. That had been the last time she'd allowed herself to consider a relationship. Everything else was just a fling. She was the queen of one night stands. 'It's not you, it's me' types of things. It was surprising how many males felt so dejected afterwards. As if they were seriously considering settling down with her. Pfft.

"We don't have to call ourselves anything. We can simply enjoy each others company. Be free to do as we wish." No strings attached sort of thing, she imagined. "Eventually you'll have to make more heirs, I'm sure." She threw that out there, letting the woman know that this was something that she anticipated. It didn't bother her. All kingdoms needed heirs. She had her current brood, but perhaps they weren't suitable? Either way, she knew that eventually Deathbelle would end up needing to choose a man whether it was for appearances or not.

"We can just live in the moment." That was how she lived her life now. No big plans for the future. You never knew what it was going to bring anyway. Might as well make the best of each second that you had. It wasn't that she was afraid of being in a relationship with Deathbelle, it was that she was being realistic. Long term wouldn't work between them. Her loyalties lay with Sirius. She would never leave him to go live at Belle's court. Just like Belle would never give up her alpha-hood to come be with her. And Iolaire would never expect her to.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.