
death before dishonor




8 Years
11-15-2019, 08:32 PM

Before the eruption Hannibal had ventured far up north in search for the mother of his offspring. The male had been led on a wild goose chase but never desired to give up. He did not want to give up on his children nor abandon them. After his terrible experience in boreas and his lack of ability to grasp a crown he was trying to prove himself to his spawn. The only opinions that truly matter were those of his children. But, when he marched north the eruption took place. As an earthquake moved through the land he was wandering through a mountain pass and loose rocks fell. One larger rock fell from a lower cliff but was heavy enough to break the male's leg. It hurt so horribly that he laid pinned by the large rock in the pass for some time. His calls for help muffled by the large walls that towered over him. But, after some time a wanderer seemed to hear his cries and came to assist him. The female was a nomadic northern healer that nearly dragged him to a cave where they resided for some time. Hiding from both the horrible winter and the aftermath of the eruption. Though, as things died down it was a mere waiting game due to the state of his leg. In no way was the injured beast going to limp all the way down to Ashen without getting picked off by a larger predator or end up getting shaken by another quake and have a repeat. Thus, Hannibal was nursed back to health by the nomadic woman and eventually felt capable enough to make the journey home.

Hannibal walked with a noticeable limp but his leg was seemingly in tact. Within the next month the brute should be at full health and able to resume day to day functions. What one could not see was the pain he felt inwardly. He knew his children would deem his absence as another chance to despise him. Banshee had already wanted nothing to do with him and Recluse was often no where to be found. And what of his newer spawn with Dutch? Had the viking taken them away.. Where they in the confinements of his home? So many questions to go around they made his head spin. Despite his anxiety and worry Hannibal was just glad to be back and would hope he would be welcomed back to recover fully. A dull ache filled both his chest and his leg as he swallowed down the guilt. Hannibal moved uneasily towards the new territory. He assumed due the pack had moved due to the eruption, which was smart. It made him feel a bit better that they were not caught off guard like he was. Upon reaching the borders Hannibal tilted his head up and allowed a howl to release from his core. He summoned his immediate family as well as high ranking Wolves.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



6 Years
11-15-2019, 08:44 PM

The call range through her ears and seared through her heart. A sound of her thrumming heart bounced within her skull and her eyes immediately shut. Heat met her paws and tears met her eyes beneath auburn lids. The babe had been resting within her new den. Reorganizing her herb stores, weapons, and maybe even practicing he whiddling. All was well. But, as that howl filled the air she felt a rush of anxiety and terror come back to her. Something she hadn't felt since the day she was captured and relived with Iroh. Sirius had said her father was gone but no one had ever spoken the word dead. Banshee figured he was or he wouldn't come back. 'How dumb am I?' Part of her wished to just hide in her den and never come back. Or maybe even run away and just go spend time with Iroh. 'I am allowed to disappear too..'

After long moments of anxiety riddled hesitation Banshee stood. The yearling slipped from her den and shook off the emotion. The fur beneath her eyes was damp but no longer did tears fall. Banshee decided it was time to show the world that she could overcome the short comings of her parents. Of course the loss of her mother and father pained her deeply but she was ready to rise up and become her own Wolf. The shadow of Hannibal would no long reach her.

Banshee was the first to arrive. An emptiness surrounded her as she connected eyes with her dear pa. The babe's eyes stung as salty tears threatened to fall but she swallowed back the pain. Her chest hurt and her breathing became uneasy but never did she expose such. Obviously the male would be able to see her pain but Banshee would push it away so no one else would. "Hannibal." Her beaming baby blues scanned his form and seemed to linger upon his slightly elevated and scarred up front right limb. "Where were you?" There was no time to waste, she wanted to hear his newest explanation.




6 Years

Samhain 2022Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Haunted HouseValentines 2020Trick 2019
11-15-2019, 08:49 PM

But the devil always won...

Dusk was falling swiftly as Harbringr slipped back into the territory of the Redwater Rocks. He'd done a bit of scouting out toward volcano but he wasn't able to get too far. It would probably be a few more seasons before travel to the heart of Boreas would be possible. "Are you tired, my love?" Hari glanced up at Costanza and smiled sweetly. "Yes, I'm afraid so. Perhaps we can go for a moonlit walk some other time?" He'd been plagued by nightmares since the volcano erupted and it ate away at both his sleep and his ease of mind. Anxiety had gripped him and he could feel it boiling underneath the surface even now.

Harbringr headed toward his den, pausing when a familiar howl caught his attention. It couldn't be… Hannibal? He pivoted sharply and bounded toward the source of the call, rapidly coming upon the form of his eldest brother. "Hannibal, it's really you!" Overcome with joy he dove toward his older brother, playfully seeking to tackle the other in order to plant a wet kiss on one of Hanni's cheeks.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
11-15-2019, 08:52 PM
Deathbelle first felt relief as she heard the call and didn’t hesitate to make her way to him. Hurriedly the Empress made her way to where he was, hardly believing she had heard correctly. Sirius had recently taken Iolaire on a hunting retreat so her favorite distraction was unavailable. She’d been spending a lot of time with the pups and Zee as well. She hadn’t known it but she had been mourning Hannibal since his disappearance. She knew that Sirius had given up hope for him, and her own had been waning.

Her second thought, after relief at knowing he was alive, was fury. Why hadn’t he returned to her, why hadn’t he sent word? Had he forgotten about them here? Delicate paws carried her quickly until her lilac gaze finally fell on his svelte form. She didn’t miss the way he held his leg, or the massive scars upon it. Still, her relief won out over her anger and she approached hesitantly. Were it not for Banshee and Harbringr both there as well she might not have believed her eyes. She waited for Hannibal to come to her, but she yearned once more for his embrace.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! UnderachieverSnake EyesVengeance
Pride - Bisexual
11-15-2019, 09:39 PM (This post was last modified: 11-15-2019, 09:40 PM by Recluse.)

Recluse has known hate, she had hated the lightning king for taking her family from her, for kidnapping her. She had hated her mother for leaving them, for taking Monty with her.

She had believed she hated her father, but as his voice called for them she suddenly wasn't certain. Where her sister wept Recluse hardened. The babe marched towards the sound of her father's call. She drew up beside he aunt, tossing her head and standing as tall as she could. She didn't dare close the gap any further.

Recluse said nothing, felt nothing. Though her face was rigid, eyes full of all the malice she could summon she was numb under it all. Her mind was working too fast to process, more than anything she suddenly felt scared for her position here, if she'd returned to take on the role he'd left behind than did Hannibal returning mean she'd lose her position?

More than anything in that moment Recluse knew she'd fight to protect what little she'd built for herself so far. She'd kill even her own father if she had to... he'd been dead to her for a while now anyways.


Art by MrRendy
[Image: lQPmFy0.png]
 Recluse is an M rated character, thread at own risk.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (175)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

7 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1KIce Bridge ExplorerChristmas 2019Treat 2019
11-15-2019, 10:11 PM
He'd been fixing up his den, rebuilding what his older supposed sibling had tried to destroy. He wouldn't let anyone push him around, not for his size or because they thought they were better. He didn't understand why she had come to destroy the only thing that he could call his. Not only was it his safe space, but it was the den he had carved out and made his own. It was his home, and nobody was going to take it from him. He fought his hardest against her and he hoped she got the message. The dwarf boy could not be threatened or destroyed.

When he heard that howl though, he stopped in the middle of his digging and stared out at the mouth of the den. He listened for a moment until the howl died away, eyes narrowing as he debated going or ignoring it completely. Why should he be the one to seek out those who didn't care about him? He hated his parents for leaving and the rest for not caring. With much debate, he finally decided to go. If only for Hannibal to see the resentment he held in his blazing yellow gaze.

The small boy took his time, but when he spotted his sire he would stop behind everyone else. He stared daggers at the albino girl, eyes narrowing to dangerous slits before his gaze shifted to Hannibal. He wasn't sure how he was supposed to feel...while most welcomed him back, he wouldn't. He remained where he was, standing as tall as he could and not breaking his gaze away. He wore a stone cold look of fury, disgust, anger, hatred, resentment...all hiding the real pain he felt inside at feeling so abandoned.



8 Years
11-27-2019, 04:30 PM

The first to arrive was Hannibal's eldest daughter. The earthy toned yearling entered the clearing with stern blue eyes and two icy fangs coming from her upper jaw. The male raised a brow in shock for he had never seen the fangs at full length. The last time he saw the girl she had been complaining about tooth pain but never did he suspect this. But, his thoughts of her mutation vanished as he blunt question came forth. By the looks of it she was not pleased with his absence. "Banshee." Mimicking his daughters sass. He felt dreadful for his mishaps but never would he take such venom from his spawn. "Injured." Hannibal flicked his nose downward towards his front right leg where some fur was still missing from the injury.

The next to arrive was someone with much more acceptance. The monochromatic beast of a male, Harbringr, came bounding forward like a bull. Hannibal's brother closed the distance between them and peppered the albino with licks and kissed. A chuckle came forth as he pressed into the embrace and stuck his muzzle into the male's scruff. "You are a sight for sore eyes, truly." The male moved his head back after aiming a last lick to Har's cheek.. Their moment faded as the presence made Hannibal's fur stand on end. Off to the side and behind Har was the Matriarch of their bloodline. Empress Deathbelle Klein stood tall with a look of disbelief plastered upon her beautiful face. Hannibal's eyes connected with her beaming violet gaze as he separated from Harbringr to walk towards the woman. The albino beast moved to close the distance between himself and the Queen. If she allowed the male would aim to press his chest against her own and moved his muzzle again her neck up to her ear. He spoke softly to where only she could hear, "Do not look so sad my flower." Hannibal pressed against her, "I am here." He would not apologize for his absence but that had all been done before. The male was back with his family and did not seek their sympathy nor acceptance. At this point he merely lived to allow his bloodline to flourish and to lift his half-sister upward to greatness.

Parting from his leader the male watched his two offspring enter the clearing. Recluse wad fully grown at a tall height and slim build. Mimicking her mother's stature with her father's pelt. Next was Gimli who was an earth toned pup he had brought into the world with a gal named Dutch. He was a small pup but looked healthy. All three of his spawn had a look of hatred plastered upon their face and the male felt a pang of guilt fill his chest. What could he say to them? Hannibal moved to his original spot to look at his family further. An explanation was needed but he would make it short with a stern and baritone voice, "When the volcano erupted I was north looking for Circe Abraxas. I was traveling through mountains when a boulder and a few rocks came loose from a cliff and landed on my leg. A native to that region aided me in getting out from under the rocks and helped me recover. Thankfully, the bone was not shattered but I could not walk for a long while." His eyes flicked to each of his kin, "I came as soon as I could make the journey without furthering my injury."


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



6 Years

Samhain 2022Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Haunted HouseValentines 2020Trick 2019
11-30-2019, 10:36 AM

Tail still wagging violently, Harbringr pulled back from Hannibal so that he'd have some room to breathe and address their sister. He chuckled as Hannibal got the last lick in, painting his cheek as he moved to give the other space. He was anxious to hear of his older brother's exploits and what had happened. That blasted volcano had really made a mess of things. Hanni and Deathbelle greeted each other, speaking in whispers before Hannibal moved back to explain what had happened. Harbringr listened with interest. He didn't remember much about this Circe Abraxas. He guessed she was probably a concubine of his brother's and left it at that.

"Well, I'm glad you're here now. If you need any exercise feel free to ask. You know I'm always ready to spar or do a little exploring."