
From the Northern Reaches

Torin - Intellect prompt



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-02-2019, 01:05 AM

It had been quite a long while since she'd been down this way, and even longer since she had visited any of the packs around here. The elder Ancora had kept to her own simple life in the North for some time, but part of her missed going out into the world to see how other packs were faring. While she wasn't in charge of diplomatic affairs, the elder felt that perhaps Acere wouldn't mind if she paid a visit to the western pack, Lirim. He had, after all, been busy with his children ever since his mate disappeared. And while it was unfortunate, there were some things that had been slipping past him and he was likely too preoccupied to notice or care right now. So she would do what she could for him, and at this moment she stepped in to fill the role of diplomat, trader, informant...whatever was needed of her. Many in the lands knew of her already, though she couldn't recall if she had ever visited Lirim itself when she was the alpha or if Dragon had ever visited. So many things had happened over the years, she had lost track of which packs came and went, who had been standing for how long, and so on. Lirim was one such pack that seemed to escape her memory and thoughts, but not today. With Tanaraq soaring quietly overhead, the pair made their way slowly to Lirim's borders with a few things on hand for potential trade. To her knowledge, Acere wanted Winterfell to be known for their crafting and what he liked to call "Northern Steel", so she had a few pieces he had crafted himself to see what others thought. While Avalon carried a few heavier pieces, her flying companion carried an assortment of fur samples from animals that resided in the North. Though it was Spring, there likely wouldn't be a demand for furs to keep things warm, but she did have ideas and plans regardless. Perhaps one would be interested in waterproof skins...or thicker furs not for warmth, but for protection or crafting. Whatever the case, she'd feel things out and see what others might be interested in and what they were looking for.

Word count: 372



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7 Years
Extra large
12-02-2019, 10:14 AM (This post was last modified: 12-03-2019, 12:10 AM by Torin.)

I've learned to slam on the break before I even turn the key,
before I make the mistake,
before I lead with the worst of me.

Torin had been returning more and more to the packlands, his children were getting antsy. They all wanted to return very badly and he couldn't blame them. He was tempted to start bringing the pack back themselves but he knew if he did so they'd need to be better prepared, better stocked.

Lirim had never been a particularly rich pack. They lived on land that easily provided them with all they needed but they hardly ever hoarded their resources. That had something to do with simply being smaller, it was easier to keep your stores up but not overflowing when there was only ever a few wolves who used them. At the very least with the weather still deathly cold they'd need something to line their dens with if they were to return... and while Torin was certain Derecho would do all she could to provide those much needed furs she was the only fully trained hunter in the pack now that her uncle... Torin didn't want to think on Frostbite. The man's passing had struck him hard but he'd had no time to mourn. Frostbite had been there in so many ways no one else had for the young alpha. He'd relied on him and even when the man had retired Torin had hoped to be able to turn to him for advice for years to come, but now. Well now Torin was truly alone with his burden. He knew his father would offer to help when he could but with Zell also getting on in years and the toll the eruption had taken on the man Torin was hesitant to put too much on his father.

These thoughts mired his mind when he caught wind of a visitor. The borders had only been maintained infrequently since they'd gone to the island and he felt his skin prickle with anxiety. But as he approached those fears calmed. The woman that stood at his borders was both respecting the boundary but also considerably older. He noted she was clearly laden with items however and movement in the sky told him she wasn't wholly alone.

Torin approached with all the dignity and authority he could muster, his tail and head high and he stopped a respectful distance from the woman. "Greetings, I am Torin. Dux of Lirim, what brings here?" He noted her scent was that of another pack, it tickled his memory but Torin was certain he hadn't actually stopped there before... His curiosity was piqued, what could this visitor want?

WC: 421

"Silent treatment" & Deep thoughts

Image by Lynx!
Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-05-2019, 10:06 PM (This post was last modified: 12-05-2019, 10:07 PM by Avalon.)
The breeze brushed through her fur and the thermals sent Tan rising steadily higher as she maintained her position over the old she-wolf. They both investigated the borders in their own way with Avalon noting the lack of upkeep and pack scent and Tan noticing the lack of bodies. Of course, it was still somewhat clear a pack lived here...or used to. Perhaps it was one of many taking refuge elsewhere during the volcanic activity. She only hoped her journey hadn't been for nothing, otherwise she'd have to return home empty handed with all this gear and she wasn't sure she wanted to return so soon and feeling disappointed. But a soft call from above alerted her to an approach and when she lifted her head she spotted the gray tones of a younger male approaching over the horizon.

She stood as tall as her old body would allow and nodded her head in greeting and respect to the alpha that arrived. "Hello Torin, it's a pleasure to meet you. I am Avalon, an Elder from the northern pack, Winterfell. I've come by to see how your pack was faring and perhaps discuss a bit of trade if you have some time to spare?" She didn't really want to dawdle and draw things out unnecessarily. He smelled of young pups and she didn't want to keep him for long and she wanted to try and get back home before dark fell over the lands.

It was then that her companion flew down and landed on the ground beside her and released the clutch of fur samples carefully on the ground. Likewise, Avalon lowered her body and let the pack she borrowed slide to the ground as well before rolling her shoulders and neck. She winced slightly when she felt a pop in her shoulder, but she simply chalked that up to her carrying a pack full of things around. "Excuse me, I just need to set this down for a minute or two." Her tone was apologetic as she sighed and offered a soft smile.

WC: 345


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7 Years
Extra large
12-09-2019, 04:57 PM

I've learned to slam on the break before I even turn the key,
before I make the mistake,
before I lead with the worst of me.

Torin waited patiently as the older woman spoke, though he wasn't about to underestimate her Torin certainly didn't feel particularly threatened by the elder at his border so he wasn't in a particular rush. "Greetings Avalon, I'm glad to see others are faring well considering the circumstances. I would be open to discussing trading." He said, though he couldn't keep some of the uncertainty from his voice.

"No, take however much time you need." He said as she appologized for needing to drop the items she was carrying. "My only concern is that Lirim has never been a particularly resource rich pack and with our packlands not even yet starting to recover we have so much less to offer." And they didn't exactly have any senior members they could afford to loan away either... He wanted to trade, practically needed to but he wasn't certain he could.

WC:146 (1284/1500)

"Silent treatment" & Deep thoughts

Image by Lynx!
Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-09-2019, 08:33 PM

She smiled and dipped her head to him when he said he was open to trade discussions. "That is good to hear," She studied him for a moment, her tail curling around her paws as she sat down after he allowed it. Granted, she didn't exactly have to wait to sit down and rest considering she was outside the borders, but she was always respectful. That was how she lived and that is how she'd die. "My only concern is that Lirim has never been a particularly resource rich pack and with our packlands not even yet starting to recover we have so much less to offer." She nodded in understanding, amber gaze briefly moving past him and to the lands beyond. She wondered what little they had, if anything, but she didn't particularly want to ask and make him feel pressed on the matter. "I see, I am sorry to hear that but I understand. The circumstances surrounding these past events have not been kind to many, and some are luckier than others." Like Winterfell... Despite the great amount of items they gave to Hjarrandi, they were still thriving better than she thought.

She wasn't quite sure what Acere would think of the situation. Would he make a fuss about wasted time, get up and walk away? No. He was not that kind of man. He was a fair one, and she had no doubt that he would offer what she was about to. "Perhaps I can be of assistance. What does your pack need?" Were they low on material items? Skills training? Mentors? She was curious, but didn't expect him to tell her right off the bat. They were still strangers to one another after all, and she would understand if he didn't want to make the pack appear weak. For all he knew, she could be a spy assessing the packs health and numbers...but she had no such reasons nor intentions of doing so. She'd wait for him to speak before she proposed anything further.

Word count: 338
Total: 1,622/1500

"Talk" "You" Think


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7 Years
Extra large
12-09-2019, 09:01 PM

Avalon graciously waited before she sat and while Torin certainly didn't feel as if she needed to he couldn't help but feel it was a sign of respect and he appreciated it, unneccissary as it was. He listened carefully as she spoke, tilting his head to one side as he considered her words. Particularly in regards to what information he's already allowed to slide. It wasn't a total truth, they were a normally veredant packlands, they'd never lacked for common herbs but now well, now they had little to speak for. But it also didn't escape him that she could be scouting the pack and the less she thought they had the safer they'd likely be, though he'd be careful not to appear too weak. If she assumed they got by comfortably enough but without excess that would be what he could hope for.

She asked what they could use and Torin had to bite back the laugh he could feel bubbling in his throat. What don't we need? He asked himself. Torin considered for a moment, carefully sorting his words so as not to give away too much. "Supplies to help with the cold would be useful." That was a whole truth, the dens they usually lived in were usually sparse unless the owner themselves had gotten into the habit of dressing it up but usually they could be assured of heat so close to the desert. "And we have some young wolves, soon to be yearlings who could always do with help with training. My senior members are busy with their tasks dealing with the fallout and I'd hate to see these young wolves fall through the cracks." A half-truth, he couldn't say aloud that they currently had no healers in the pack, or that he only had one senior warrior to try and train Eir and whichever of his children would choose that path soon enough. Perhaps she'd suggest they send their young ones off to Winterfell... but he was uneasy with the idea of sending his own children so far off, especially without knowing exactly what kind of pack Winterfell was.

WC: 355

"Silent Treatment" & Deep thoughts

Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-20-2019, 09:38 PM
His answers seemed to come easy enough, but she briefly wondered if there was more than he was letting on. She understood that though. She had been an alpha before, but at the time she felt she had other alpha friends or former alpha friends she could confide in about her troubles. At the time, too, she had been a more trusting creature. She still was to an extent, though not as much as she had been before. She still had a kind and giving heart, and would still help those that needed it. "I think I can help with that," She offered a kind smile to hopefully, ease any worries he might have. While she wasn't the alpha, she would do what she could now and inform Acere later. She doubted that he would get mad about it. After all, she was certain he would've done the same. "Lucky for you I have a few pelts with me now, and my companion here has some samples of other furs that we can bring as well,"

She motioned to Tan who moved forward and spread out a few scraps of furs she had been holding. Arctic fox, caribou, deer, seal skin...that was all she could carry, but Avalon dug into the pack she had and procured some more rolled up hides. "I have here a couple of fox skins, seal skins, and deer hides that might work in the meantime. The samples that Tan has there are some others we have back home, but if you are interested than we can fetch them and return within a few days." She was sure there were bigger, better pelts from predators and bigger game that the pack had brought down, but she wasn't strong enough to bring those along.

"I understand your worries about the training. We too, have quite the number of young wolves who might benefit from training among others their age. If you'd like, perhaps I can speak to Acere about joint training? I'm sure he would be delighted with the idea, as would the younger ones." Acere would likely jump at the chance, or at least consider it for the sake of his children and the other young souls that weren't getting the training they so desperately needed.


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