
New Glaciem Meeting!



07-28-2013, 06:36 PM

The howl would be a bawl of forged conquest, a drawling and melodious chime that would shatter the spines of the wary and dilate the pores of the elated. Colossal paws would weight-shift as pride fluctuated through vigorous veins, sinew swaying atop his burden as the imaginary wings of the magnificent angel would begin to unfold around his rosy form. The fallen pine of which he stood would rise above the sallow world around him, an illusion of gold beginning to coil twisting grain of deceased wood, the same brilliant vibrancy of the golden bangles that curved pallid elbows. He was a King, the centre of a growing empire, and it were not simply his title and crown that would confirm such a claim; oh no, the creature was a burning ember of regality, the prime image of physical wealth as he towered above the monuments of his future, gazing the province he would guard with his very life.

Bring them to him, bring all his people and any else who wish to imprudently offer their services; let them fall into the jaws of his snare, a snare that would grant them eternal safety in the greatest kingdom Alacritis would ever see. Bring women and men alike, males to be the servants of his children, to feed the whelping and cure the ill. And women to build his prophecy, to satisfy him with young and swell their beings with purpose. He would stand upon his illusive tower with intention, impatience. The aura of his splendor stretching for the heavens that enveloped him, cherry nostrils quivering with eager intention as the first inclination of company would trigger forth the wry smirk of his parody character.

ooc; only reply if you wish to join, Isardis WILL force claim. <3


07-28-2013, 06:51 PM

Five years, it was a long time for the dwarfed dame. So much had happened in her life-span, so many things had shaped her into the creature that she was today. When the howl rang across the forest, her lithe head raised, ears pricking towards the sound, a new voice that called, demanding presence. Fluidly she would rise, her muscles contracting and releasing seamlessly as her mind wandered. The train of her muddled thoughts would flow as smoothly as her steps as she paced leisurely towards the sound. The feel of fur, though a memory was so vivid as she remembered her first love, and her first mate. Her heart ached again for the loss that she had suffered, as she laid to rest each of their still-born pups. Her desire to live had been shattered, and she was then a creature even she could not recognize.

Somehow she had found meaning in life, and upon washing into the borders of Alacritis she again realized that she had been given a second chance, a chance to do good. Shaking her small head, she would move across the land with purpose as she followed the sound, and the sight that greeted her was interesting at best. Proudly she would move towards his massive figure, her wisdom and kind heart showing in her gold eyes. Nearing the apparent king, she lowered her head slightly, offering some fashion of respect though something near a challenge glittered in her eyes as she looked at him. Tawny jaws would part, words flowing from them in lyrical tones.

?Eris, at your service.?

The introduction would be soft spoken, but the words proud as she looked up at him. Sink back on her haunches, she watched him, her eyes never leaving his handsome features. She wondered what things he brought, what he offered. A rumble left her chest, as she looked away from him and off into the forest, wondering who else would show at the kings call.



07-28-2013, 08:03 PM


Russet tipped ears flicked at the howl, the familiar voice calling her forward. She turned her head in its direction, her emerald eyes searching out the brute that had claimed her as his own. The brute of all white with the pale ruby eyes. She sighed, rising to her paws. So it was finally time for him to form this kingdom of his, hmm? She turned and trotted off to find him and to see who else would answer his call, wondering who else she would live with from now on.

It was a short trek before she finally laid eyes on him. He was as handsome as ever, his eerie beauty making her skin crawl yet again. She knew that one day soon she would have to feel his touch once again and this time it would be to fulfill the promise of pups he had given her on alias island. She wasn't sure if she was looking forward to that or dreading it. She took her place before him, sitting back on her haunches. She gave him a nod, saying, "Hello again, Isardis." She glanced to the one other that had arrived, green gaze meeting gold, and a soft smile touched her muzzle. She gave the other fea a nod as well before turning her gaze back to the albino. Syne had to wonder if the other fea knew what she was getting herself into. She wanted to warn her, but she held her tongue. The brown-marked fea didn't want to upset their alpha so she waited patiently to see what this meeting would hold.



07-29-2013, 12:25 PM

too much lay undisclosed for the ever so mystical siren, too many questions postponed if only for the emptiness of the confinement these new bones of hers had come to give her as a gift: these newfound rules that alacritis brings written in her own blood, this new necessity for silence to overcome her when indomitable fury would have always taken away all pain. the memory of many mysteries still screeched within the innards of her brain, all questions once written in solitude now hushed away if only to maintain this tranquillity that had, at last, come to her arms. Oh how the poison dripped from the pink lips of the man, she loved it all to well. This was the first time the masked woman has considered joining a pack, to be claimed over by the higher ranks. Simply because something different lingered into the bitter air, something marvellous reborn.

For now the ex princess had no desire to cause an eruption, nor be bound down to a long life of misery and no drama to satisfy the undying thirst that would remain. The lips where warm; sweet and filled with desire, parting to announce her interest to this meeting. " Renesme Capriana at your service." With a feral his the woman would bow down, the upper half of the slender bodice dipping with the front piston curving into the breasts. It wasn't only to the mascaline beauty but to the others who appear present.

i know you will, i know you will, i know you will !



07-29-2013, 03:56 PM
Hey I just met you

And This Is Crazy, But

She had finally decided that it was time to join a pack. Some purpose in her life was exactly what she needed. Lucky for her, there was a place simply perfect for her to appear. The call was impossible to resist. She could feel the pull of her body to his alluring beckoning. A voice so pure she knew she must have it. With not a single drop of resistance her petite paws carried her away to her new master.
He stood before her, proud and beautiful. His eyes all but begging her to his side. She took the invitation and presented herself to him, her head held at a respectable height. Her new king?
With a deep bow she let her figure sink down and unspoken allegiance offered to him. She took little notice of the other wolves that found their way into her company only offering the master her words, May I offer you the services of, Levada Lillith Lovelle.

here's my number, so call me maybe[Levada]


07-29-2013, 07:51 PM

Once again, Irin found herself in the north. It was not much different in the spring as it had been in the winter. There was still ice and snow covering the ground, though possibly there was a little less snow and ice than there had been before. Still, it wasn't enough that it made a large difference. And yet, Irin found herself thinking that maybe she could be happy here. Maybe she could find a home in these frozen lands. Amenti would have been an option, the pack from which her friend Domovei hailed, but it had been recently taken over by another wolf. And there was another pack in the North, wasn't there?

That was what had drawn her towards these lands. That was why she had been haunting these borders, like the ghosts that was she was occasionally scared of, when the howl rang out. It was a summoning call, and she had just been thinking about a home. Was that fate or was that fate? Maybe Irin was reading too much into things, but the howl was enough to get Irin to lift her paws and carry her across the borders, moving smoothly across the snow covered ground.

She could get used to living in a place like this, right? The thought was comforting to Irin as she approached the gathering of wolves. A white wolf, colored even more lightly than herself, and then several other wolves had gathered around him. She made her approach gingerly, sidling up to the group with wide blue eyes. This would surely be a wondrous place, right? A place where she would belong. "My name is Irin," The female spoke quietly as she examined the other wolves, ears swivelling wildly as she tried to pick up on everything that was going on.


07-29-2013, 09:54 PM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2013, 08:43 PM by Pepper.)

The woman had no mate and no one she claimed as family. She hadn't for almost a year now. She only had two friends one whose voice was deformed and the other was merely a pup who she wasn't sure if they were actually friends or not. Oddities interested her rather than frightened her and she wanted to be an alpha with a family of her own more than anything in the world. The alpha bit had been torn from her once, but she would not give up so easily, and she hadn't yet found a male worthy enough to be the father of her children.

Upon that thought came the call of a male. Not only did he sound proud and powerful, he was also an alpha. She moved quickly and silently to the icy lands of glaciem at first hiding to the best of her abilities so that she could get a good look at him before making her final decision. He was odd as he was an albino, but that just drew her in all the more. She scoped out the others who had answered his call. Five females and no males as of yet, she was after alpha female and by the looks of the women already here that might not be the easiest of tasks.

The peppered woman finally made her decision and showed herself. Head held high with a confident stride. As usual she was gorgeous and every movement she made amplified both the grace and power that she held. She was muscular and it showed but femininely so. Her voice rang out soft, seductive and with a small hint of something else that mad most men drool over her "I am Pepper, my King. If I may, what name does my lord hold?" red and blue eyes took in every detail of the alpha as she waited to his answer.




4 Years
07-29-2013, 11:16 PM

Word of mouth traveled fast here is seemed, news that the leader of Glaciem had? left was swiftly followed by the news of who the new alpha was. Narsha had been heading that direction when the howl went out and she smiled. Kicking herself into a run the gorgeous female approached the group. Many it seemed, had already answered the males call. Her eyes fell upon the male, Narsha had often thought herself beautiful but suddenly she felt she paled in comparison. Silver fur and pale red eyes all caught her attention at once.

Narsha moved in to join the grouping of females, finding herself standing next to a russet colored female. Names were thrown out all asking to join and offering their services to the king in silver. A soft laugh escaped her and she added her voice to the mass. "My name is Narsha Ga-in Beg and I will live to serve you, however you see fit." She lowered her head as she spoke, a bow for her new king. She raised an eyebrow, hinting with the last bit of her speech.

Speech, Thought, You,



07-30-2013, 08:11 AM (This post was last modified: 07-30-2013, 08:13 AM by Isardis.)

ErisAnd one by one his luminous future would begin to file from the surrounding landscapes, delicate fragments of his being and all he had to respire for. The pulsing of regal blood would thrum within his ears, drown the padding of dainty paws as a petite creature would saunter frontwards, natures feeble reminder of the internal substances he so longed to share. She was stained an irregular russet and coal, mottled pelt similar to that of a radiant rabbit, bands of appeal stroking each hair with tender affection. The emotional depth that radiated her pores would fall upon blind eyes, ruby gaze exploring hungrily the fluctuations of her curves. Had her curiosity led her to him, only to be dazed by the ensnare of which she had entered, or would she happily offer body and mind?

Eris, EuphA mere four words would be all the angel would require, a simmer of pride and an overpowering wave of possession torrenting slithered veins. His mind would instantaneously begin to roll over her potential, and although she didn?t appeal as a woman who could give him large children or battle particularly well, the albino fiend would regardless place value within the arrival of his new pack member, his new doll. Smirk would twitch with rising pleasure, tongue curling behind satisfied jaws. Though the pallid angel would fall short of a greeting, the familiar cadaver of Euphrosyne further feeding the comfort of power that had begun to dwell within him, his initial beauty, original plaything, greeting her king with reticent language.

?Ah, my two beauties; what better a way to announce the coming of a kingdom, eh?? leer would continue to roll cherry lips, addressing both women with equality, though particular interest were designed for the unfamiliar, the perfect stranger that had only recently arrived. ?I do not doubt your services, m?belle, such purpose lay in store for you,? ruby gaze would roam free of her fa?ade, falling upon her hips as if a feeble attempt to see the clockwork within. Renesme Though still they would come, the illusive figure of a pallid queen suspending her surroundings with inadvertent camouflage; a perfect mirror of sophistication against the snow of which encased her. She would present with a theatrical bow, her chest pressing against the elongated bones of a forelimb, vulnerable and taunting beneath his ruby gaze as he would devour her with notable famish.

A forepaw would guide the angel from his tower, stepping from his wooden throne as weight would again come to burden the snow beneath. Though no inelegance nor poor stature would present, four limbs roaming beneath large casing as he would sway towards the alluring framework of the recent arrival, the illusion of floating no less than an indication of arrogant refinement. He would guide his body around tapered quarters, extended tail sweeping the earth in his wake, performing for his audience as he would draw by the lustrous woman?s side; hovering barely centimetres from her pallid flesh. ?Such conduct, my darling; what a pleasure you are to the eyes, I do so hope you plan on staying?? seamless lyrics would glide from rosy lips, salmon tongue crawling between jaws in a brief display of approved taste. The question were not one of option, there would be no allowing a seraph of such eminence to pass through his grasp, though regardless he would offer her the bittersweet illusion.

LevadaRusset would stain the monochrome features of the plain, ruby gaze drawing from the snowed fae to rest upon the crawling figure of yet another youthful splendor. Auburn would glow like brilliant embers, as if to melt the ice that bound her paws, and she would address the sallow king with haste; bowing before satisfying words of initiation would stroke fondly at his drums. ?Services of which I will be sure to put to ample use, my ember,? elegant tongue would coil syllables with adept ease, ruby gaze roaming the fluctuations of her feminine physique, wry simper still taut against cherry lips. IrinThough the appealing lady would be far from his last addition, yet another woman of ample impression rolling from the abyss with evident purpose; again, as sallow and pigment free as the frigid landscape of which she sauntered.

She too were small, a minute fragment of delicate silver, fleece as untainted as the face of a blank page; and yet she were far from boring, her striking simplicity enough to inject the albino fiend with particular interest. He would weave from the side of the first pallid lady, leaving her only with the brief spark of hair-on-hair, spine contorting to swivel around the luxurious frame of the auburn lady, Levada, allowing her a moments of unwavering visual contact before drawing to the side of the newcomer. Irin? How sweet. Lungs would expand to draw her scent through quivering nostrils, hovering barely a rulers length from the ladies jaws, mass beginning to sway with angelic pleasure as he devoured the feminine perfume excreted unknowingly from her pores. ?A pretty to savour,? he would coo through loose hinges, admiring the ladies undeniable delectability as he began to brew the elegance of children she may produce.

PepperAs if five were not plentiful, yet another femora would waltz from the confines of nearby vegetation, moving with an aura of self worth and confidence. He would grow mildly wary of her approach, her confidence contrasting with the mannerisms of the vixen?s that had already shown. Though she would still present with meek placidity, silver tresses that of comparable disparity as she would saunter with adequate elegance; the sallow ghoul sparing a moment to observe her, admiring the suggestion of strength that brewed beneath hoary leather. ?Pepper, undeniably suiting,? a weak chuckle would effervesce from rosy lips, feeling no direct need to immediately respond to her enquiry. Names were of little importance, and Isardis were as aloof with gaining them as he were offering. ?Well, aren?t you a lady, hm?? he would weave his body a minute distance closer to the striking fae, ?As pretty with her tongue as she is her body, yes?? conclusive lyrics would bubble free of eager jaws, ruby gaze tickling the contours of her fa?ade as pride continued to squirm his chest.

NarshaThough the angel would be wrong to ease, prayer for numbers seemingly going heard by the heavens as yet another creature would meander into view; a sketching of desaturated auburn and washed ashen against the blank canvas that would surround her. She were a pretty little thing, russet littered by ebony barring and frosted by powders of near-pallid. Though the King were one for regularity, faultlessness, untarnish, there were something particularly appealing about the glorious hues that had stained her extended jacket. ?The heavens have been kind today,? he would sound upon her approach, regarding her with ardent taste as eager gaze would then skip between the several other women that had sought his presence, his leadership. It were foolish to suggest they had come by any supernatural power, though the numbers and quality of such delectable women had surprised even the angel himself. ?So willing, and so equally striking,? paws would begin to waltz towards the delicate lady, gape thirstily absorbing her dainty form, tongue again lashing with taste at cherry lips.

AllHe would cease just short of contact, allowing his body heat to prick at her pores, to be absorbed by his closeness; a deep exhalation would flurry towards her, a somewhat uncouth suggestion of proximity. Smirk would taint his maw, extended tail twisting about pallid form as he would then turn to face the others, dwindling upon each fa?ade with seam-bursting self pride. ?As you seem so eager to share, my lovelies; I am Isardis, King of Glaciem. I can guarantee you now, your decisions to stay have been favourable, wise. Such magnitude, such possibilities will come to you; you are the initiation of an empire,? amusement tugged at his lips, leering with pleasure as his colossal frame would sway, a false aura circulating his spine with supernatural essence. They were his now, and it would remain that way for as long as he were King.

ooc/ HELLO LONG REPLY /death. There are little sub headings so you can try find your characters. <3 Hope it makes sense, its very late for me.


07-30-2013, 09:30 AM

Her self-destruction mirrored in the lust, the primal voracity that smoldered malignantly within her cruel, and seductive gaze towards the angel with such a graceful approach. She accepts her suffering, basking in the torment, the inexplicable, rancid pain, she would start a new here, swiping the past behind, her genes would carry on the many years of success. Feeling her heart lose its fragile mortality; shedding its sweet, humane bereavement in lieu of the bloodthirsty and the divine. Apathetic and merciless, she were disassociated with her surroundings to only pin point onto one thing. her eyes swallowing miles of unrelenting blackness of the shadows before cascading the gaze back over to the seductive brute. its shadowed vestige, tangling as fists woven into the wet tendrils of her soft, silken hair. The smoothness of her figure, lush and glossing, hugged by suffocating walls of thick darkness. before finally she draws forward, seethes in a bewitching and elegant gesture; leaving her Position, with a feral hiss.

His question lingered, lingered to the very mind. Teasing it so easily with the gruff tones, it wasn't a question at all, just a charm to add onto his illusive effect, Renesme was his and his alone. Inches from the soothing flesh, cool to touch yet a killer to detach from, he would remain as if it where the end of a performance. With a flutter to the thick lashes the gaze would frolic over to the other women, such personality's already growing from there soul, how 'pleasant' to watch. It would be a lie to say she got on well with women, because well.. she didn't. But a change would be good for not only Renesme, but for us all. Like a veil the single brute would sweep from woman to woman, enjoying the attention all to well. All of thm think they have a chance to claim the poisoned heart, Even the masked woman. but in all reality, who would? Who was that lucky female that wouldn't be used as a toy of many more.

"Isardis..." the word would escape the blood kissed lips with a passion, the whisper such a tease to the ears. Trapped inside of a cage would Renesme work around it, to persuade and seduce, we where his and that's how it would remain. Such lust overpowers such a feminine build, she wanted to engulf him whole right then and there, but who didn't?

Pepper, Irin, Narsha, Levada, Euphrosyne, Eris. All worthy of a claim, yet one wanted to so hungrily rule it even remained stored into her orbs. With a sweep to the ivory tail the light weight would press against the haunches, turning her delicate crown to the side listening to the responses with a curiosity spiralling over the slender build.

OOC: Sorry for mistakes or confusions, im tired and ive got to go<3

i know you will, i know you will, i know you will !



4 Years
07-30-2013, 12:15 PM (This post was last modified: 07-30-2013, 10:22 PM by Narsha.)

A smile once again curved across her muzzle as he turned towards her. His words pleased Narsha to no end, his voice stimulating something deep within her. He was tantalizingly close now, his scent and body heat washed over her, filling her with feelings of exhilaration and need. It was only through sheer willpower that she stayed where she was resisting the urge to close the gap.
As the white male turned away from her a shiver wracked through her body, as though the loss of proximity lessened the intensity of the feelings, leaving a deeper sense of loss. Her gaze followed his, falling in turn upon each of the others. She was sizing them up, comparing them to herself. In her own mind none of them measured up, in her own mind if anyone of them deserved to stand beside him it was Narsha.
His voice once again reached her, his name announced to them all. Isardis, she mused. Oddly fitting she felt. You are the initiation of an empire.? ? For the first time she felt a twinge of doubt, but his smile seemed to put her at ease. Yes, Narsha decided internally, I will live to serve my new king.

Speech, Thought, You,



07-30-2013, 07:37 PM

A r t h f a e l

She had been on a bit of an adventure. She roamed the lands in search for a bit of excitement. She trotted in the snow quickly. Her paws left a bit of a trail behind them with each step. A pink tongue flicked in her mouth idly, clicking noises were heard. Her nose twitched as she scented the area, there was nothing really. Pink orbs flicked about in search for beings. She saw nothing but the white blanket that spread across the land. She heard his call, it was music to her cream ears. The little nymph grinned in delight and manoeuvred her body to the direction. She quickly paced towards the source with a thick smirk upon her ebony lips.

Her fur blended in with the snowy atmosphere. Though, it was more cream then anything. Her back and forehead were littered with various specks of grey and black. She was a beauty nontheless. The scents of many Wolves filled her frozen nose. It seemed she was the last one to arrive. It did not matter to the temptress. She slithered into the clearing with her head high and her tail higher. Her trade mark smirk was plastered across her lips. She heard words, they were his, the King. All of his new subjects were females. Was this a harem? She assumed so, but it did not bother her. She loved men, and she loved the looks of this one. Though, she also had the eyes for females too. She heard his last bit of the speech, his name included. She managed to find a bit near the front of the clearing. She sat herself and spoke. Her voice was soft, that of a song. "The name is Arthfael." She bowed her head to her new King and let forth what sounded to be a purr. "My King." She turned to examine her new sisters and nodded her head to the group. She admired them all before her pink orbs flicked back to the man in charge.



07-30-2013, 10:08 PM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2013, 08:49 PM by Pepper.)

The woman had already seen how the male greeted the other women and how they all but drooled over him, though they all looked like they wanted to. To each he would come just close enough for them to feel his body heat but never would he touch them aside from fur just barely coming in contact with fur. The lass could see the effect he had on each of them clearly and couldn't help but assume each that they all thought they were better than the other. She found it all rather amusing.

A smile graced her features as the male, if only for a moment, looked wary of her. After she spoke he almost made her smile wider as he took a small amount of time to look her over and...was that admiration that crossed his handsome face? For the time being he appeared to be putty beneath her paws but she guessed he had wanted them all to think he was putty beneath their paws.

The mans first words were nothing more than stating the odvious...but she kept silent as he let out a small chuckle and continued. Again it was an odvious statement that the man turned into a question and again the lass staid silent only this time he moved closer to her. His scent filled her nose even more so than before. She hated to admit it but he smelled good. When he finished talking once more she answered at last "Only to those deserving, my lord" her voice the same as it had been before.

He hadn't yet given her his name...then again he had another wench to speak to and he hadn't given his name to any of the others either. She watched as the man tormented the next woman just as he had the others before her and then finally he spoke to all of them giving his name. A smile spread across her maw once more as she finally knew the name of the man who was to hopefully make her an alpha.




07-31-2013, 12:38 AM

Gentle sapphire eyes followed the alluring form as he stopped to each of his new she wolves in turn. She found it slightly odd that not a single male could be seen in gathering, save the captivating monarch. Ruby stare found her graceful form sending trembles down her fiery pelt. She could feel his gaze accompanied by the harem of she wolves surrounding them. ?Services of which I will be sure to put to ample use, my ember,? The shadow of a smile crept to her lips at his words, her crown tipping slightly in acknowledgement. She would serve her king, and she would do so with humble grace.
Her gaze was taken away with his to the newcomers, she turning out to be much less than the last arrival. Eloquent dialogue danced away from his porcelain lips, their meanings for those who would follow her. Elegant bodies would intertwine she could feel him ever so close to her figure. Tantalizingly slippery his form moved out of her grasp and forward to greet the myriad of dames.
?As you seem so eager to share, my lovelies; I am Isardis, King of Glaciem. I can guarantee you now, your decisions to stay have been favourable, wise. Such magnitude, such possibilities will come to you; you are the initiation of an empire,? Her tiara would ascend in pride for his words, a purpose she would be given.


08-02-2013, 07:42 PM

The small framed fea stood, watching each wolf who answered this stangers call. Golden oculars would survey each wolf, the look slightly warm- though mostly impassive. As each creature introduced themselves, she would listen, though she most likely would not remember their names. When the king spoke, her ears would prick forward, taking in each of his words, and mulling them over as he finished speaking, and as others agreed to his service. Looking at the king, she would give the king a nod, accepting his words. A soft cough would escape her jaws, hoping to draw the attention of the king.

?I will serve your empire.?

That would be it, all the verbose that the quiet but confident fea would offer. She would hope for some one on one time with the king, at a later date.



08-03-2013, 03:51 PM

A call had not gone unnoticed by the ghost. It demanded her presence, to lure in others, placing them under a spell. Pride, strength, all the key pointers of a King rang out. It simply was not a call to state who he was, but what he could offer. It would be no surprise others would answer to that call, drawn in by his very spell he placed on them. Like crows at a kill, they quickly flocked to him, all begging and seeking his attention. This one was not unlike the others, but it simply did not rush forward. No, it would silently glide along the snowy ground, a mist. One could not hurry an apparition, a being that seemed to be made of the fog. No it would take it's time to get where it was heading.

One would assume it was arrived late, but such a thing did not have any meaning to it. Like the wind she drifted into view much farther behind the others. It seemed she was unbothered by being last. She simply did not care for such things as that. Deep forest green eye watched the fallen angel lure in the females with his voice and very presence. She was not so easily blinded by such things, oh no. It would cost him much more for him to have her wrapped around his paw. After all she was already blind, she saw things these others did not. If was odd how life did things. Those with full vision where easily blinded by such foolish things where as those with limited sight truely did see all. She listened as each female laid down their lives to this angel willingly. How could one just do that without any questions? What did this star want from all these females? How would he alone protect them? What could an immortal being offer to those who bleed and died?

The light wind tugged at her light frame, each curve more pronouced with winter fading away. Her scent, soft and carssesing drifted to those gathered. She made no attempt to hide. Instead she stood there proudly, on eye fixed right on Isardis. She did not need to profess her service to him. After all had he not force claimed her already? She had no choice in the matter. She would stand there silently, body seeming to waver in the breeze till his light cherry orbs met her emerald. With a simple nod she would greet him. she would not move unless he demanded it, even so, one could not command something as such a being as her. She was free, untangled and not held down by things others were. She would roam these lands he had claimed like a ghost. Was it not after all her nickname? She was the epiphany of fog, of mist and ghosts. No one could hold that forever.
