
Klein Adoptables v2

revamped adoption page



8 Years
12-09-2019, 11:31 PM (This post was last modified: 01-04-2020, 11:40 PM by Hannibal.)

The Klein family comes from a land formed of numerous packs all climbing to be at the top of the totem pole. The Klein Empire was led by Hamiclar and Iber Klein with their son Hannibal Klein as the heir. Hamiclar was a strong and powerful leader who led with an iron paw. Iber was an extremely talented battle strategist and crafter. Together they were a force to be reckoned with and laid claim to the largest pack in the region. The Kleins believe strength and proving your worth are of the utmost importance. You do not get a rank based on your blood or popularity. One must prove themselves to be worthy enough for prestigious ranks of authority or power. Trials of combat and intelligence are favored. The Empire was a harsh place for the weak but comprised of order and a sense of stability like no other.

Hamiclar Klein was a harsh male consumed by his duties. He chose Iber as his mate due to her intelligence and produced two litters within two years with her. His first and second litters would have known him to be a stern yet caring Father but also a very determined leader which would come before anything. His third litter would have not had a chance to bond with their parents too much. Iber was much closer to her spawn and had much more of a relationship with each of the pups. She had a much more gentle touch and taught them most of their life lessons. Hamiclar chose Hannibal to be his successor when the partially albino boy came of age. The rest of the pups either showed their strength to hold significant ranks or went off their own ways. Their parents never forced the offspring into a certain direction but remained proud of their pups who chose to climb the ranks of the Empire. The Klein children would mostly be rather tight knit with a rare rebel.

Yvonne was a female Hamiclar met on a trip to an allied pack and had a one night stand with. He used his nobility to bring the babe back to the Empire with him and she was to be kept as his mistress. Yvonne helped raise their pups but they were not seen in as high of a regard as Iber's offspring. Hamiclar saw them all the same but the some of other high ranking Wolves did not. This means if Yvonne's litter had to prove themselves to the masses much more then Iber's litters.

The famine came in the summer as Hamiclar and Iber's first litter turned 3 years of age. A severe drought hit the lands and even the mighty Klein Empire was crumbled at its foundation by mother nature. Hamiclar, Iber, Yvonne, and a few of their offspring became ill due to malnutrition and spoiled food. They eventually died as the rest of the Empire scatted or came to their own demise. Hannibal fled to find suitable land and eventually found Boreas within a few months. He left with some information of where he was headed with hopes his family would follow if they did not find their own way to survive.


  • Albnism and Melanism traits run in the family but the Albino trait is much more common.
  • Baby blue eyes are most common.
  • Kleins are fiercely loyal to their blood. Rebellion plots and ideals are only to be done through in character development or ran by me first.
  • Hamiclar was 41", Iber was 35", and Yvonne was 31".
  • Feel free to apply for extended family members and/or characters from their homeland.
  • Find me on discord or dm me here to chat about plots or ask questions!


Hamiclar Klein x Iber Klein
birth season: summer - 5 years old
Hannibal Iber Klein, Cordelia Klein, Pandora Klein, Vexation Klein, Harbringr Klein

Hamiclar Klein x Yvonne
birth season winter - 4 years old
Deathbelle Klein, Asphyxiation Klein, Tiamat Klein, Rosmary Klein, Ana Klein

Hamiclar Klein x Iber Klein
birth season summer - 4 years old
Lucerita Klein, Hela Klein, Samara Klein, Shiba Klein, Rapture Klein, Jax Klein

Nessarion Klein (Sister to Hamiclar) x Unknown
birth season winter - 4 years old - cousins to any Hamiclar litters

deceased . available


[Image: klein_adopt_1.png]
[Image: klein_adopt_3.png][Image: klein_adopt_5.png][Image: klein_adopt_4.png][Image: Klein_adopt_7_small.png]


Obsidian, Heathen, Yvera, Vex, Hex, Syrax, Fathom, Ghoul, Ghost, Asphyxiation, Dread, Onyx.

Feel free to come up with your own.


If you happen to fall inactive with the characters for longer then 1 ooc month I hold the right to reclaim these adoptables. I will be fairly lenient especially with unique characters that are not Kleins. Just let me know and we can work things out if you happen to fall inactive due to irl/ooc reason! Also, any designs provided by me may only be used on Ardent for the adopted character. If the character is taken back I will take back the design unless stated otherwise.


[b]OOC Name:[/b]
[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Design:[/b] You may make your own! Stick to the color schemes seen above if they are a Klein.
[b]Appearance:[/b] 100+ words please!
[b]Personality:[/b] 200+ words please!
[b]RP Sample:[/b] 150+ words please!
[b]Plots/Ideas:[/b] What will the do upon arrival?
This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



4 Years
Dire wolf

Trick 2019Christmas 2019
12-10-2019, 11:21 AM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2019, 04:55 AM by Philomena.)
OOC Name: Belle

Character Name: Asphyxiation “Asphyxia” Klein

Gender: Male



Asphyxiation is a remarkable creature when it comes to the base of his form. He is a tall creature who stood just shy of his father's own height; even still forty inches is still a rather impressive height. But it is not his height that Asphyxia boasts on but rather the lithe frame he has. He is, in his eyes, the picture of perfection and elegance with his form. He seems to glide over the land when he runs due to his smoother gait. If he smiled more often, especially around others, he could easily seem approachable. Asphyxia prefers other keep a respectable distance however and feels his resting bitch face suits him fine. On another note he may lack excess muscle, holding a lighter build, but there is a tone of masculinity noted by his broad chest and toned legs. One studying his features will take note of a chiseled face as well. A passing glance may require a double take if you notice the silky, excessively groomed fur he bears. His fur is slightly longer on his cheeks, a short feathering extension at his paws, and upon what is left of his small nubbin tail. Asphyxia, from birth, had been missing most of his tail and was left instead with a short yet fluffy appendage seeming more rabbit-like than something that would belong to a wolf. Don't try and tell him that; he just has to sport another side of perfection is all.

While Asphyxia boasts of his perfections his coat coloration is not in reality all that spectacular or unique. The monochrome colors do cross along his body in a neat display, however, with the darkest color, a soft ebony, touching his muzzle and throat before running up the bridge of his nose spanning across his forehead and right ear before sliding down the nape of his neck. The color outlines the fronts and backs of his forelegs, stretching up towards his shoulder though it never meets there. The front portion does connect with the back of the portion that reaches the end of his neck though! From hs rump, about his bunny-tail of distance from the base of his tail the same soft ebony draws back towards his nape, disrupted by ivory, where it runs alongside the other marking in a sweeping motion down his sides and across belly. The marking extends upwards towards his back end, reaching higher onto his sides and the front portion of his thighs. Not quite touching that same ebony the color runs up from his back legs, breaking off by toe lengths before it meets the other ebony on the front part of his thighs to reach up through the center and out towards his spine. His bunny-like tail is pure black.

Asphyxiation’s true base color is the rich silver he has in the middle of his form among the reaching ebony markings. It reaches and dips among this and ivory on his back legs while coming up from his front paws between the ebony trails before it is disrupted by the ivory “jaw-esc” marking that dips from his shoulders past the nape of his neck. The backs of his thighs have a quick splash of the ivory for an additional bit of color on his rear to help compliment the higher amount of ebony on that part of his body. The majority of his neck is ivory as well and a deeper silver, perhaps more of a gray, is worn as a hood under the ebony on his face. Ivory is seen crossing under his eyes in a delicate brush color as well as above his eyes in a more defined, harder edge mark. His left ear is ivory, a contrast to the right, and below either is a small brushing of gray that reaches down towards his cheeks. The flesh of his nose and pads are a darker shade of ebony than can be found on his coat and his claws are darker still. Were it not for the turquoise eyes he has the man could be lost in a snow storm in the dead of night.


Asphyxiation, or Asphyxia as he prefers to be called, holds himself in high regard. Despite being born as a “lesser” litter to his father’s mistress he had never seen himself as anything less than perfect and a piece of masterful art crafted by the courtship of his parents; now he needed to prove that worth to the rest of those around him. He would never settle for life low on the ladder, though going as far as leading a full pack has never exactly appealed to him. He wants to support his family, and be at the topmost ranks, but not lording above the others. He is above those not of his kin, however, in the regard that he will earn the place he is put. He has a bit of a competitive side too and, should someone seek what Asphyxia believes is his own, he will fight tooth and nail, body and mind, to move heaven and Earth to claim what he deems his.

Taking a closer look at the man you can see he takes careful pride in his appearance, even excessively ensuring he is groomed. They noticed how you look first and foremost, do they not? Nevermind his vanity, and goodness forbid you dare mention his fluffy rabbit-like tail! It’s not a flaw, it is elegantly styled to be short and adorable! He tends to have a resting bitch face, with a more “unapproachable” demeanor than other wolves. Whether it’s his ramblings, pacing, or just scrunching his face up in various levels of frustration and musings as he wrestles with his thoughts he doesn’t exactly look like the sort of guy you want to just head over to and hug like you’re an old friend.

Secondly he took care in his studies, learning anything and everything he could. He took to knowledge like a sponge, eagerly taking in things that he may never even need. No one had to prompt Asphyxia to do this, as the man is extremely self motivated and disciplined. No one hold his hand to ensure he got on the path desired to be worthy of the Klein name. He had to make that happen all on his own less he become a disappointment to the family. His mind is his sharpest tool, far sharper than his body, and seems to be in constant use. Complex calculations and thoughts of scenarios as he analyzes different possible options are common and the man, more often than not, will ramble to himself as he works through his ideas and counters whatever plans he makes until he finds the most workable and logical solution.

Asphyxia can seem rather cold, a hardened individual because he puts the survival of himself, his kin, and those loyal to them above others. He is not above helping organize attacks or raids for supplies from others, even if it may mean they go without. In the world they live in you have the strength, intelligence, and unity to survive or you don’t. If you die it is because you, or your pack or allies didn’t have the means to survive. It sucks, but death is a part of life and it is nothing personal; it is survival. That said he is extremely loyal to his kin and pretty much needs a pack with a strong sense of order otherwise it will fray his nerves. He tends to be emotionally guarded though, and few know this man beyond his tactical prowess. It takes a lot of trust for him to show you his tears, or confess his fears or doubts. You must be pretty special to earn a smile from him as well… those are rare from a man like Asphyxia, though no unheard of. It is far more common to see this man huffing or exasperated with those who lack intelligence or maturity.

If you can get past the barriers and guards that Asphyxia has set up, as well as his vanity and view of himself as a flawless image of beauty, then you may find that deep down he is capable of more compassion and love than one would ever expect. For his kin he will do his damnedest to move mountains and fell armies… for the one who captures his heart he will seek to move heaven, earth, and even the stars themselves. He will be protective, perhaps a bit jealous but not the sort that will smother you over it. He may seek reassurance that you are his, and his alone, as he showers you in affections and gifts in private. In gatherings he is the sort of man to have you proudly at his side, defend you and your honor… if you reach his heart Asphyxia will seek you give you the world even at the cost of his very last breath.

RP Sample:

A furrowed brow accompanied his usual frown that cloudy morn. The yearling was pacing, mind working overtime as he played with various concepts and battle strategies in his head. When it came to the art of battle, whether a raid was intended for supplies or hell, even conquest there were a great many things one needed to consider. You could not just willy nilly send your entire force marching to the location of your enemy. No no it was not at all that simple. He was churning now just how complex it could be. But rather than leave the young man daunted by all the extra variables and things to consider… he found himself growing more interested. A challenge that he would apply himself to, study all the more, and one day he would be an extraordinary strategist for his family’s goals. Surely that was a fine initial goal for the young man? One could not aim low, no, not when he had his place among his kin to prove.

“Now… in the event of a raid, far more common that warmongering… we would still need to consider our numbers and the potential numbers of our enemy at the time. The conditions of the fighters, as well as having a mix of speed and brawn, would be far more ideal. Perhaps send the fleet footed in as a diversion, lure our foe to where an ambush of the stronger forces await. Ahh yes and therein comes the opportunity to use the terrain to our advantage!” His eyes shone as he worked through a possible, yet ultimately fake, scenario.

“Trees, foliage… or even a mountainous terrain. Gain the high ground if we can. It is easier to swipe at an opponent from above than it would be for them to reach us. Hm… would it even be reasonable to use the terrain itself to battle? A pulled back branch hitting the face of another, a stone rolled in the path of some unfortunate soul… although all of that really depends on where the fight even takes place, now doesn’t it?” The man sighed and shook his head as he turned to pace back the other way. While he moved his rabbit tail quivered, a nervously excited habit he had.

“Bottom line is soldiers chosen for the occasion. Making sure those picked are suitable for the task at hand. Different situations will call for different styles of fighting… and what may be best for one attack may not be suitable for another. Overall, dividing and fanning out our forces could be the most effective method. They won’t know exactly how many of us there or, nor see us all at once, so thus we’d still have some element of surprise. Pincer movements would fall here too… the division would just need to be variable depending on how many stand with us at the time.” He took a small breath, feeling a bit more satisfied.

“Seek opportune times to strike… study enemy habits if we can. Seek a time where their guards seem lowered… avoid unnecessary risk to those loyal to us… stand together, work hard, strike fast, and survive.” It all seemed perfectly logical to him. “It will be far better when I can I actually test these theories, rather than just battle it out within my brain…” He mused to himself. Theory was one thing, the actual battles would be another. He would have to see firsthand what worked and what didn’t… and he’d need to be careful because if he guided them wrong lives were essentially in his paws. If this was his path he would need to accept that if he didn’t plan accordingly someone could get hurt… or worse. Hell, even if he thought out the best possible strategy there was still a risk of such things.

But Asphyxia would not waver in his decision. This was where he’d find purpose as a Klein…

...and it was in the art of battle strategy he would excel and make a name for himself among his family.


-Hamiclar Klein x Yvonne Litter
-Lawful Neutral
-Tactician / Battle Strategist Mindset
-Intellect and Fighting Skills [Would rather plan battles rather than participate. Will get on the line if need be though! He is not afraid to get dirty; he just prefers not to.]
-Reunion with Deathbelle / other family. For sure joining Ashen or the Ashen Armada depending on IC content. He is family oriented though so his loyalties will forever remain to his kin regardless of pack and whatnot.
  • Philomena's current avatar is by Risketch on DeviantArt.

  • Philomena has a bat hawk companion named No Face who is generally somewhere nearby if he is mentioned at all in a thread. If not mentioned, assume he is not there!



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! UnderachieverSnake EyesVengeance
Pride - Bisexual
12-10-2019, 08:34 PM (This post was last modified: 12-10-2019, 08:50 PM by Recluse.)
WIP While I piece this together but wanted to get what I had out there.

OOC Name: Lolaf
Character Name: Heathen Kubrick Klein
Gender: Male
[Image: Klein_adopt_7_LARGE.png]
Litter:Hamiclar Klein x Yvonne

Appearance: Heathen despite getting all the good looks in the litter, as far as he's concerned, isn't actually all that pleasant to look upon most of the time. In terms of his build he's not particularly impressive, while he stands a basic 31 inches tall he's lanky and gangly and always looks a little bit underfed. While not emaciated he looks like he's one bad day away from it. All of Heathen's angles are sharp and protruding, easily visible under his coat.

Speaking of his coat. Heathen would normally be considered simple but stunning in that regard. He is mostly covered in an ash grey but his coloration is broken in a few places. On His face running from the crown of his head and around his eyes in a mask is a slightly darker grey coloration while his muzzle is a black tone that's broken by a splash of white that colors the majority of his muzzle on the left side and runs down under his nose on the right. His left ear is half dipped in this color, while the base of his right is white as well, though tipped in the same black as his muzzle. His leftmost toes on his left forepaw are also white and it runs up his leg to just above his ankles. His left hindleg is also snow in coloration and it runs up his hindleg to just above the knee. His pelt, however, is often covered in grime and dirt, it sticks up at weird angles where mud has dried and generally looks uncared for, because it is, Heathen's pelt is also visibly thinning in some areas, although from what is still unknown.

A pair of deep-set bright blue eyes shine out onto the world, a look of perpetual sadness to them.

Personality: Heathen was once a good little Klein boy, eager to learn and to obey, he fawned over his father and older brothers and believed himself to be of superior stock. That changed one day when the child saw something he was never meant to, totally by accident and something in him broke in an odd way. He became quite, cutoff, and paradoxically rebellious.

Now as an adult he's become a shadow of what his parents had dreamed he'd be, the disappointment of the family. Heathen can hardly ever be found in any state of sobriety, he travels with drink or with drugs on him at all times. This has made him a bit of a clutz and more socially awkward than he'd once been as he has little filter and even little care for where he's going or what he's doing. It also does mean he can tend to be overly friendly, despite his altered state of mind Heathen has always been and continues to be quite witty. He's always ready with a quick retort or a joke, usually self-deprecating but not always.  

Heathen's main concerns are usually when or where his next drink will be, who he's taking to bed that night, and if he's breathing. In that order. He is at his heart a self-serving wolf it's just that his goals are pretty small and short term by comparison to most of his family. More than that he does deeply care for his family, especially his siblings and wants to do right by them, he wants to be better than the disappointment but his dependency on substances makes it hard to break his old habits. Still, he'll never deny his soft spot for his bloodline.  

If you're lucky enough to meet him when he's drunk Heathen is a quiet man, clearly still haunted by whatever it was he witnessed as a child. He's more likely to lash out while sober and is openly resistant to anyone trying to help during these times.

RP Sample: 150+ words please!

Plots/Ideas: Stumble around for a bit, run into one of his siblings and come to Ashen/Ashen Armada. (I could see him being put in the Armada to try and whip him into shape) Probably have some one-night-stands, possibility for some litters from that. He'll go make chaos wherever he's sent. I'd love for him to eventually be forced to face his trauma and grow from it, become less dependant on substances etc.

For sure Intellect/Healing.
[Image: lQPmFy0.png]
 Recluse is an M rated character, thread at own risk.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.


12-29-2019, 11:19 AM

OOC Name: irish
Character Name: Vexation "Vex" Klein
Gender: Female
Design: Design 2
Litter: Hamiclar x Iber
Appearance: Out of everything that Vexation could have inherited the only thing she truly gained from her father was his looming height. This girl is tall and leggy standing at 40 inches. However unlike the majority of her family that have stunning markings and mostly albinism Vexation is a deep ashen gray with a dark ebony muzzle. Her eyes are a striking amber, windows to her soul that almost indefinitely show her true emotions. Despite being rather tall she is by no means a large or bulky girl. She is very thin and petite, her fur wispy and feather like. She is borderline emaciated simply by her looks but once one would investigate further they would see that she does happen to have some muscle mass, be it little but it is still there. Vex is quick and agile, almost resembling a deer in her movements because she is so nimble. 
Personality: Sun. This simple would could be used to describe this beauty - bright and warm with a fiercely burning love of life deep inside that hidden heart of hers. Although to the outward appearances she has a naive outlook on life, often rebellious, she could very well become a handful if rubbed the wrong way. Outspoken and defiant against the injustices of the world Vex's loyalty remains unwavering. Commitment and determination follow her every step once she's decided on a path to walk. One would be hard pressed to divert her from her chosen course once the decision has been made and woe to any who would attempt to suppress her spirit. With a sarcastic wit that shields her unfathomable kindness she treads life with regret. But even in the brightest of suns there lays a bit of darkness and hers lies in the form of jealousy. Though this trait rarely rears it's ugly head it does pop up at the most inopportune of moments. Terrified of losing her siblings she secretly loathes anyone that gets particularly close to them (especially to her brothers). It is a side of herself that she despises with every fiber of her being for it brings her nothing but shame.  This is also hardly something that can necessarily be controlled, it is a form of her obsessive compulsive disorder that she tries very hard to keep under wraps. She is caring, almost suffocating the ones she loves unbeknownst to her. 
RP Sample: 
Words had always been so useless to Vex. Even as a child she had always had a tendency to be a bit more obsessive in nature then any other pups her age. She fawned over her siblings and smothered them with her love and often times when she was told "no" she simply turned the other cheek. Words would always be meaningless to Vexation especially if they were something that she didn't want to hear. Vexation was a sweet girl, all she did was care. And most of the time others didn't appreciate the fact that she was so caring. Relationships had been hard for the female. No one understood just how important her family was to her, specifically her siblings. No one understood that her loyalty to them was everything and that they needed her love and protection in order to stay safe. No one could tell Vexation that her way of thinking wasn't necessarily normal - because once she set her mind to something there was no changing it. Vexation could not be swayed, once her mind was set it was set in stone. 

The sun was shining and Vex felt truly alive. She hadn't felt this happy in a long time and maybe it was because she had finally been reunited with her siblings again. She couldn't really say what had caused their disconnect, perhaps they just wanted some time away from her? Though she couldn't imagine them needing time away when all she wanted to do was care for them and help them. She tried to keep her jealousy from rearing it's ugly head but when they didn't want to spend time with her she couldn't help but wonder what they were doing or better yet who they were spending their time with. Maybe if she had a friend, or two, it would make the time apart from them easier. But Vex was particularly picky and no one ever seemed to understand her. If only they could get a glimpse into her head, maybe then they would see how she ticked and truly understand where she was coming from.

Plots/Ideas: Vexation will most likely locate her siblings, her obsessive compulsive disorder wouldn't allow her to really be all that far from her family. She will also be focused on healing and most likely intellect as her skill sets. 

Sylvia 1


3 Years
12-29-2019, 07:09 PM
WIP. Taking a small break before I finish~

OOC Name: Te Fiti -waves-

Character Name: Hex Klein

Gender: Female

Design: [Image: klein_adopt_1.png]

Litter: Hamiclar Klein x Yvonne (birth season, winter. 4 Years old)

Appearance: Hex will stand 32 inches tall. Draped in the traditional colors of her family heritage, Hex displays a range from the darkest blacks to the crispest silver, all the way to the purest white. Though her relatives may have spread out near and far, many of which she had never laid eyes on, nor them her, no one would argue her lineage. Her muzzle is dipped in the blackest of inks, the color rolling up between her eyes and causing a black stripe to form down her forehead. The darkness extends out from the bridge of her muzzle across to the corners of her eye sockets, masking them like a smokey eye shadow. A white line highlights the bottom of her eyes, which are both a striking lilac and orchid mixture. From there a silver color will make up the base of the rest of her frame, curling around her shoulders and fanning out across the unmarked portions of her face. A deep grey will stain the front of her neck, almost as if a permanent shadow cascades over the area. a large curve in her color turns across her shoulders and dips just behind her front legs, the coloring changing from a deep grey, to silver, and then a lighter grey closer to head. The tips of her toes on her front legs are a snowy white, but the farther from the claws and closer to the barrel to the body they get the darker they get, ending in a strong silver. Her underbelly is a near black, curving up to the head of her hips before disappearing. Her hind legs carry the base grey color, but along the biceps femoris line a sharp black hue strikes up residence, curving down along her muscle before completely covering her feet. Only the tips of her hocks seem to be left unscathed, a light silver or near white left in their place. Her tail is covered mostly in her basic grey color, though the underside of her fluffy end seems to have a darker shade, much like a shadow. 

Personality: 200+ words please!

RP Sample: 150+ words please!

Plots/Ideas: What will the do upon arrival?



5 Years
12-29-2019, 09:35 PM
Asphyxia and Vex are accepted. I am so happy to see more interest in my babies. Feel free to pop them into maintenance and once they are all set id love a thread with them for Hannibal. <3

Yong Cheng


1 Year
12-30-2019, 01:00 AM (This post was last modified: 12-31-2019, 07:52 PM by Yong Cheng.)
OOC Name: Lee

Character Name: Tiamat Klein

Gender: F

Design: "Seal-point cats usually have white- to fawn-colored bodies with darker points on their furthest extremities. This interesting coat pattern is tied to genes that both the male and female must possess for the kittens to have points. The alleles (variant forms of a single gene) are actually a form of temperature-sensitive genes associated with albinism..."
- Spring to Autumn
- Winter

Litter: Hamiclar x Yvonne

Appearance: She is small for her family, 29 inches at the shoulder, and the runt of the litter. Tiamat is shrouded in fur softer than clouds and finer than spiderwebs. It is thick, but lies upon her body as though a finely-fitted glove. She is a decidedly plain, delicate-looking thing, a vision of deep browns and creams, taking after her mother's colouration more than her father. She bears seal-point markings, dark chocolate brown on her face, ears, legs and tail, and cream everywhere else. Wintertime is where her father's colours show through, as Tiamat sheds her mother's for Hamiclar's. Her brown becomes black, as though she were dipped into the volcano and pulled out alive; her creams, bleached whites and greys. Her eyes are an alluring, Klein baby blue.

Tiamat cuts a slender figure. She looks as if she was drawn from cloth in one sitting; there is no visible imperfection on her body. She is all angles and sharp edges; her chest tapers to a fine point, while her limbs are long and lean. Strangely bewitching, unnaturally beautiful, Tiamat knows she was bequeathed good looks. She walks lightly, as though floating on air. Each step looks deliberate; every movement she makes appears calculated and precise. She is a waifish thing, a woman who is no longer a child, who yet somehow retains a seemingly childlike innocence in her every gesture.

Her eyes are typically half-lidded; she peers out at the word with azure irises and impossibly deep pupils. But look into them, and you will forget all that she seems to be -- for inside her eyes, is a harsh, hidden fierceness unlike any other. Here belies the truth that Tiamat is truly a wolf who takes.

tl;dr: she's rly pretty lmao but also small.

cunning | manipulative | ambitious | loyal | determined | possessive | scrupulous morals
Tiamat is a woman who knows what she wants, when she wants it, and how she wants it -- and she's not afraid to do whatever it takes to get it. She marches to the beat of her own drum; born to an "inferior" mother, yet viewed as equal to her half-siblings by her father, Tiamat has grown to be a wolf who cares not about others' opinions of her. She does what she wants within reason, and she'll find the reasons to justify her actions -- or not at all. Why does she need to justify herself? A lifetime of proving herself despite "dishonourable" blood has left her immune to others' thoughts.

She appears to the eye as wholly innocent, even though wild (somehow tempered) fire lurks in the depths of her gaze. She is cunning down to the bone; she's not afraid to risk herself if she thinks it'll pay off. Hardened from the trials she went through to elevate her standing in the pack, Tiamat has turned from a girl who wanted nothing more than to please her parents, to a woman who grasps power with everything she has, and does not let go.

She's fiercely loyal to what she considers to be her blood, and even more fiercely protective of them. Things that she has deemed to be hers, are hers; she does not give them up until she's died, and even then, you'd have to pry them from her cold, dead claws.

One would expect Tiamat to be a woman without ethics, but strangely, she is a wolf of great morals -- just that her definition of 'right', might not match the norm's.

RP Sample: “Hey, ‘ma.” Tiamat said quietly, when the day ceased and only the night creatures blinked in the dark. She was alone, sitting by an unmarked tomb. She didn't even know who it belonged to, but there the symbolism was. “‘Member when I was this small, just knee high?” A soft, forlorn smile crossed her face and faded as fast as it had come. “‘Member you used to tell us to keep our heads up and keep walking? ”

The upturned grass didn’t respond.

“Yeah, well… I figured it’s gonna be pretty hard from here on out. You know? Keepin’ our heads up and all.” Tiamat felt a stirring in her breast, but she had not the tears to cry. It was as if something within her had built a dam and forbidden the tears to flow. The urge to sob ebbed away, waves on the seashore. “I guess I’m not really feeling it now. Doesn’t feel real yet. Still feels like you’ll wake up any moment and crawl out of the pit we dug for you.”

She paused, as if that might be the case. Tiamat watched the patch of sod intently, looking for any signs of movement. Whoever was in there, she hoped, knew that she wasn't addressing them. Not really.

When it didn’t, she sighed. “Got a secret for you, ‘ma, if you can keep it.” She leaned towards the grass and lowered her voice conspiratorially. “I’ve no water to shed. I’ll mourn you later, when we’re done sorting out what mess we’ve gotten ourselves into now.”

Still the grave said nothing, so Tiamat shrugged. She stood, and patted the earth a final time, where there was a small hump disturbing the levelness of the grass. Then, she left.

Plots/Ideas: I'd like to start a pack with her in the distant future. But for now, she'll either join Ashen or its Armada, though I wouldn't be opposed to her acting as a sort of spy in other packs. Intelligence/Fighting or Intelligence/Navigation.



8 Years
01-04-2020, 11:07 PM (This post was last modified: 01-04-2020, 11:42 PM by Hannibal.)
Tiamat is for sure accepted. I am dying to rp with her. Feel free to toss her into acceptance then make a thread for any of my Kleins!

Updated Adoptable Page with additional characters, cousins to any of the Hamiclar litters.
This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



6 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Treat 2019
01-05-2020, 02:07 AM (This post was last modified: 03-10-2020, 05:30 PM by Gadreel.)

OOC Name: Dragon
Character Name: Onyx Blitzkrieg Klein
Gender: Male
Design: My own
Litter: cousin
Appearance: Blitzkrieg dons similar coloring to the rest of his relatives. He has a smoky gray base coat with white and black flecks (almost mottling) sprinkled all across his coat from head to tail. Hind legs are painted black while his forelegs are partially white with black patches. The fur on the edge of his paws is fringed white and heavily furred, of course, giving him better insulation against colder environments. Blitz also has black streaks that run beneath his eyes to the corners of his lips. He's got a white blaze on the bridge of his nose, lighter gray on his underside from chest to abdomen, and he has a thick silver fringed mohawk. Icy blue eyes always appear sharp, mean-looking even, but don't worry. He's not that mean. He's big, he's burly, he's thick furred, he's muscular. Think generic muscular Russian henchman looking guy and that's him. Blitz is accustomed to colder climates but has no problem adapting to warmer or tropical climates despite his thick fur. His facial features are chiseled and sharp, eyes seemingly hawkish which stand out more with that icy blue color. Being a cousin of the main family branch but raised in a different world after the tragedy that struck the kingdom, Onyx developed a thick Russian accent from a very young age.

Personality: Onyx is a man that shouldn't be trifled with. On the outside, he may appear aloof and lazy, but in reality, he can be pretty damn ruthless. He's a true warrior through and through. He may mock his opponents, act like he doesn't know what he's doing if only to throw them off their game. He takes family and tradition seriously and dislikes when outsiders mock or threaten his own. Sometimes he may laugh about it, act like he isn't bothered by it, but as he plays along with the "jokes" and the "teases", he's actually using that to plot how he's about to rip out your tongue. Or, at the very least, really, really hurt you. He isn't above fighting dirty, though being as big and burly as he is, he hardly has to do it. With strangers, he's less amicable. He can put on a show and this and that, act like everything's all well and good, but he prefers to keep the company of his own relatives. This is likely due to his upbringing. Raised in a solitary world after his mother died, he grew up with his father who lived with a pack of wolves whose entire life revolved around fighting, raiding, and sieging. Blitz learned how to survive since the moment he could walk, and it's the only life he knows. To cope with a lot of the harsh parts of his life, Blitz took to focusing on becoming a master crafter of arms. He takes pride in his work and shows off his crafts whenever the opportunity presents itself in battle.

Unsurprisingly, Blitz is capable of managing an extremely calm facade even in the face of disaster or times of war. After dealing with and seeing all the extreme aggression between his former pack and rival packs which almost always led to ill-made decisions and full-blown wars, (and the last time resulted in him in being caught and imprisoned for a time), he taught himself how to remain calm even during the worst of circumstances. Furthermore, he can be a passionate man. He takes actions based on whatever catches his interest, such as escaping from his imprisonment when he caught word that the Kleins were rising back from the ashes. He does show some aspects of greed as well as selfish desire; however, he will stay his hand if he is given a good reason to stop. Greed and selfishness, however, is something he does struggle with. Especially since he had been denied so much during his PoW days. Sometimes he has a childlike outlook on things, especially when he's seeing them for the first time. He can become easily excited and surprised when he discovers new things, but don't let his sometimes childlike personality fool you. While he may fall into that rare part of him, he's more dangerous than he lets on. As mentioned before, Onyx has learned to become pretty ruthless. Slaves, enemies, someone he just doesn't like for no to say they best not catch him on a bad day.

RP Sample: 150+ words please!
Plots/Ideas: Seek out the empire and try to make a name for himself among them. I don't have any solid plots to start out with as i prefer to let things go naturally but i'm also up for any and all ideas ;D