
Dancing in the Dark




13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-29-2019, 09:29 PM (This post was last modified: 10-29-2019, 09:32 PM by Avalon.)

She walked alongside the old man, gently guiding him as she led the way to one of her favorite old haunts. Despite the hurt she felt when she was a child, staying in this place was also one of the few places that held the few memories she had of her family before they vanished into the world. She wanted to share it with him, even if he couldn't see it. She glanced at her elder friend, a small smile lifting the corner of her lips as they continued on. Tan flew overhead, keeping an eye on their surroundings despite not being a night flyer. She had grown accustomed to flying at night, preferring to stick close to her elder companion so that she was never without help. Avalon had never mentioned the cove to Feli, but tonight...they would sit under the stars and she would entrust him with her past. Or perhaps not. Perhaps she just wanted to sit with him and enjoy the sounds of the water and feel the cool northern breeze in her fur. It was also one of the few places where there was less ash, and they didn't have to worry about anything other than staying warm.

Before too long, she could hear the sound of the water lapping at the shore and the cold sand under her feet as it shifted with each step. "Careful, Feli." She murmured, more for herself than for him. She had grown to care about him, and didn't want to see him get hurt. Her own legs didn't work so well anymore, but she was much too stubborn to simply sit around and wait for age to force her to stay in one spot. If she kept moving, no matter how much it hurt sometimes, she'd always be free.

Leading them towards a spot with soft sand and shelter under a rocky outcrop, she stood there for a moment to breathe in. "This is one of my favorite places in the world. For me, it's where everything began and everything ended..." It was the last place where her family had been whole, and a bittersweet smile took over. She hoped, however, that tonight...the pair of them would have a deeper connection. Perhaps understand each other more than they already did. She was here, sharing a piece of her she rarely shared with anyone, if at all. And the knowledge of that turned her bittersweet smile into something more genuine. She was older now, wiser even. She felt that Feli had been honestly good for her, and that he was perhaps the piece she had been missing all along.
"Talk" "You" Think


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11-04-2019, 12:05 AM

Days had a tendency to come and go… far faster than he remembered. He had been without sight for some time now and he never considered just how much he’d miss being able to look upon the world. For all the things he’d seen, things he’d done as a mercenary in his youth, he took for granted the good things too. The beauty life had to offer. Hell, he was probably just getting sentimental… he heard that happened when you got old.

Maybe Félicien wouldn’t have felt as bad if he could have seen his companion at least once… to truly know her face as well as her voice. The feel of her fur lightly brushing against his own. Yet, though he did not know Avalon’s face, he knew she had a beautiful heart and spirit that none could take from her. It was thanks to her that he was finding peace in whatever days he had left to walk this Earth. He couldn’t help but wonder if it was silly, feeling the way he did about her at such an age, yet, he didn’t deny those feelings… and he was glad that they were.

It took becoming blind, old age, and the erupting volcano to agree to seek refuge within a pack. The idea when he was a younger man had been something unfathomable… but not dying alone sounded like a good idea. He was not afraid of death, nor had he ever been, but now, with his dearest and only remaining friend, he had a reason to want to wake up every day.

The trip had taken a while… with his blindness and Avalon’s hip trouble rest stops had definitely been needed. He did not doubt that they would get there, however. The man took a small breath in as the sounds of waves against the shoreline met his ears. The air was cool, colder now that they were near the water, but he did not mind. Félicien shifted just a little closer to Avalon, stumbling slightly as the first bit of sand shifted underpaw. He did his best to watch his steps though, not wanting to worry her by tumbling in the sand. He had yet to admit it aloud but… it was because of Avalon he was even still part of the world. He valued her more than himself, his own values… and thus it had seen him live to be a blind old man.

A small smile touched his lips.

Funny how life didn’t work the way you expected it to… wouldn’t give you what you wanted all the time… but a tendency to give you what was needed…

“Fret not, mon aime… I do not plan to go rolling on the ground anytime soon.” His words were spoken calmly, with a hint of softness he had taken to using around the woman.

They soon settled in a spot. There was a lack of wind, thankfully, so it allowed the man to focus more easily on Avalon’s words. He listened, a frown at first, but then he gave a sad smile, shaking his head as he replied to her.

“Non, Avalon. It’s not over. Not yet. Several chapters may have come and gone… but our stories are not finished until our last breath.” He took a breath of the salty air. “...but this is the location of one of those chapters, non?” When he spoke again his voice was softer. “...will you share it with me?” They knew little of each other’s past and yet, in some regard, it hadn’t mattered. They focused on the present… which was not necessarily the worst thing to do.

But Avalon had wanted to bring him here. This place meant something to her… and that piqued his interest.

What memories lay here… and what memories would be made that night?




13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
11-06-2019, 07:11 PM

She chuckled softly at his comment. Good. She didn't want him to fall and not be able to get back up. And if he did, there was a chance she wouldn't be able to really help him and then she'd be forced to send her companion back to Winterfell to get help. But they made it without incident, and when he shifted closer to her, she did the same until their fur touched. The night was still and quiet for the most part and only the sounds of the ocean washed over them. She turned to the old man at her side, a warm smile on her face and warmth in her old, tired eyes. "You are right, Feli. Our stories are not over just yet...but I feel we are nearing the end of our chapter."

It didn't feel strange when she put a bit more emphasis on the word our. Time had been somewhat kind to her, and fate had made sure to give her ups and downs. And when he asked if this was the place for one of her chapters and if she'd share with him, she slowly nodded before turning to look out at the water again. "Yes..." She said softly. Very few knew of her story here. Those that had been there during it were dead. And those she told were scattered around the lands.

She took in a deep breathe before quietly exhaling. She trusted him for this. They had been spending the remainder of their time together and she considered him someone important in her life now. "This...this is the place where I last saw my family. I was a yearling at the time. Standing here on the beach, playing with my siblings and my parents...and then one parents just...vanished." She shrugged a little. It seemed to be a common thing. For parents to just vanish and leave their children behind without a word. "I was left to care for my younger siblings, and a couple others born in the same pack, while my littermates went to who knows where. But little by little, they too, disappeared. I stayed here for some time even after, and the day I decided to leave was the day that even now, I don't know that I regret it or not."

The memory of the vile woman who had kidnapped her and enslaved her all those years ago rose up, but she didn't shudder at the thought of her anymore. "When I left this place, I was tricked by a mad woman. She got my guard down and attacked me. That same day...I became a slave. She took me captive and I sat in a dark room with another slave for a while. We were forced to fight in their war against a pack my father used to be allied with, but a pack that also had borne members that betrayed us when they challenged for our home." She knew at the time the old Valhalla were friends, but she didn't know the circumstances or motives behind the ones who stole her home away. All she knew was that the pair Eos and Syrinx Adravendi had started all of the chaos and the downfall of her family. Of that, she was sure.

"I and another slave, Gretel, were forced to fight in a war, only...the wolves we were fighting against recognized us as captives and we were freed. After that, I had been traveling alone after I recuperated, and for a long, long time I wanted nothing to do with anyone. I searched everywhere for my family but I could not find a trace of them. When I eventually returned, I found friends...enemies...someone I thought loved me. Or at least enough to stay after having my first litter. But...he left. Just like everyone else. And then my second mate passed away from sickness...also leaving me behind...but it wasn't all bad I suppose. I had a pack. My children. A few I consider trustworthy..." She shook her head and shot an apologetic look at him. "I'm sorry, that doesn't matter. I've tried so hard and so long to forget about some of these memories but...I can't. I feel perhaps they've made me who I am today but...I just wish it hadn't been so hard sometimes."

She leaned into him for warmth, and for comfort. So much had happened in her life. She had over a decade of history she could talk about, but the most important ones that she felt had shaped her were the ones that started here. How would things have turned out if her family had still been here? If they had never left? If she had never left? She had grown to accept the life that she got. But she did often wonder how different things could have been if she had chosen different paths. "But...I think one of the better things that could have happened to me, meeting you." She gently moved to press her muzzle into his neck, feeling his warmth and breathing in his scent. They weren't long for this world, but at least they could spend their last moments together.


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11-17-2019, 12:53 AM

Felicien felt her draw closer and, instinctively, once their fur had brushed together, he leaned into her just a little more. He was so thankful for her companionship more with each day that passed. At her comment that they were nearing the end of their chapter the man chuckled softly. “Perhaps… but I don’t plan on letting this one end just yet.” It was, in a way, an indirect promise that he wasn’t going to give up and just die. Death may be inevitable for all things but he had always been a fighter… he’d fight the grim reaper off for as long as he could… for both of them.

For a time Felicien fell silent and listened, with both his ears and his heart, as Avalon began to unfold her tale. She had been born in Boreas, he knew so little of her family and past prior to this. She may have been happy here… but time changed all things. One by one, with her parents at the start of it all, Avalon lost her family. So much had changed for her… losing and gaining things over time. She had even rose to power, an alphess, having a family… and yet he was aware, perhaps painfully now, that she had lost so much of what she gained. The woman still had her freedom, however, breath in her lungs, and although time was more limited now they still had some of that too.

“What are you apologizing for?” Felicien’s voice was softer now than it had been prior. “Memories do make us who we are. Every experience, positive or negative, every wolf we meet, good or bad, make up what we are and what we’ll become. Life may not be easy but that's what makes it life." He felt her lean into him more and welcomed the touch.

Feli took a breath as he closed unseeing eyes with a small smile. "Meeting you was the best thing that happened to me, Avalon." The old man told her. He shifted and returned her touch, his muzzle meeting fur between her shoulder and neck.

"So many of my younger years were spent as a mercenary… avoiding the life larger groups presented. I had some good friends, two of the best pupils I could have asked for… but in the end everything does come to an end. I had hoped to find them, one of their family members, but it was not meant to be. We lose those who mean the most to us at different points in our life so we may meet others.” He let out a breath.

“Ironically… it is a blessing my sight was taken. It has allowed me to begin to truly see… had it not I do not know if I ever could have truly brought myself to join Winterfell… and then I would not have been able to grow so close to you…” He opened his eyes and gently nosed her again as he breathed in her scent.

“Avalon…” He took a breath.

“Maybe it seems silly… but... I’ve grown so very fond of you as a friend… and more.” The man paused for just a moment.

“We are old, it is no secret to anyone, but we are still here tonight, together, under this sky, at the place where things began to change for you…” Felicien’s expression became a bit more seriousness.

“...and I want this place, under this rock, by the water, to be a place of change for me, too. For us.” He drew back slightly, longing to see her face, but he would not stop. He had come so far… it was all or nothing.

“I can not give you the world, Avalon, but I can give you my heart for all the time we have left. I would like to ask you to be my mate, so that we can truly spend the last of our days together.” His lips lifted in a gentle smile, hoping, praying, that after all both had been through, they could both have a happy ending.

“With all that I am, and all I will be, I love you. Will you be mine?”




13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
11-23-2019, 05:14 PM
She remained silent for a long while, breathing in his scent and just enjoying his presence and the comfort he brought her. While they hadn't shared many details of their past until today, they'd been spending an ample amount of time together for which she was grateful. Especially in her old age. She reminisced about her memories, the things that both hurt and brought her happiness. If she could go back and change some of those things, she probably would. But then again, everything that happened made her into who she was today. Did she regret a lot of things? Yes. But who didn't? She didn't live full of regrets, however. And when her companion spoke, she couldn't help but smile when he said he didn't plan on their story ending just yet. And when he asked what she was apologizing for, she just shook her head and smiled, but stayed quiet. She didn't really have anything to apologize for. Not to him, anyway. Perhaps to others, was likely too late for those.

He went on to say memories made them who they were. And over time, she had started to realize that. And when he said that she was the best thing to happen to him, she pulled back a little to look at his old, graying face. He decided to share part of his past, looking for others who be considered family and in a way she felt they had more than she thought in common. What she didn't expect, however, were the things he said next. She stayed quiet, letting him speak and her heart pounded against her chest when she realized what was coming and what he was going to say. She couldn't help the smile that started to spread across her face, her eyes growing a bit watery even.

He admitted that he loved her. That he wanted to spend the last of their days together. Even in their old age she knew there wouldn't be much time left, but how could she say no? She knew even at this moment that it wasn't just a spur of the moment decision or thought. She had actually grown to care about this man. Someone she had actually gotten the chance to know and spend time with instead of rushing and feeling obligated. No, she could say with certainty that she really and truly loved the blind old man she was sitting with. "Felicien...yes." There was warmth in her voice and in her gaze, and she pressed her head into his neck again and gently kissed his muzzle. "I love you too, Felicien. And I would be honored to be able to spend what little time we have left. Together. You and I under these stars." She could feel like her heart was fit to burst, and she knew now she could die happy - whenever that day was - with her love by her side.


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11-25-2019, 02:00 AM
Her words reached him and Feli expelled his breath in relief. He had never expressed his feelings like this to another. He may have shared more than a couple dens in his travels… but Avalon deserved more than that. She deserved everything he had and was; her companionship and warmth, even when he kept leaving and coming back to find her again proved to him she was worth any effort he could muster. He had no intentions of dying soon now… he had all the more reason to wake up each day and rise to his paws.

He may not have been able to see her but Feli could feel her as he gently pressed into Avalon's body and, after using his muzzle to help find her cheek, gave it a kiss.

"There is nothing else but that tonight, Avalon. Us, the stars, this beach…” He said softly. “And if we see another couple of years after tonight… then I certainly won’t complain when you’re at my side.” His heart was pounding in his chest.

This moment… Every day he spent wandering… how could he had known it would lead to this? He was happy, happier than he had ever been, and he did not want these feelings to fade. If only this night could last forever, with he and Avalon side by side, sharing each other’s warmth… that would be asking too much, though. He had tonight though, and even if it came to an end and morning came…

The older wolf didn’t speak as he let his muzzle guide him. He nuzzled Avalon’s cheek and slowly moved down to her neck. He didn’t know what came over him but he let his feelings guide him; only if Avalon asked him to would he stop. Even without his sight he knew the body of a woman and careful, light, teasing nips were placed on her neck as his breathing became more rapid.

If he only had tonight… he was going to make every minute count.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
11-25-2019, 08:56 PM
He spoke, and her heart fluttered with every breath. Every word. She had grown so fond of him over the course of the time she had gotten to know him. She wanted him. And he wanted her. She loved him, and she could honestly say that for once she knew what she was doing and what she truly wanted. As Felicien moved closer and trailed down her fur, she shivered slightly at his touch but did not move away. It felt right being with him. His presence, the sacrifices they both made throughout their lives...while she didn't know how much time they'd have left, they could both at least share this night together. She pressed closer to him, heart pounding against her chest as the night wore on.


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11-25-2019, 10:54 PM
Avalon gave no protest to his touch and instead shivered in response. He could feel his heartbeat pounding in his ears as he kept going. This felt… right. Nothing else mattered at all… and he didn’t need to think anymore… he just needed to let instinct guide him now.


The deed done Felicien currently lay curled around Avalon some time after the fact. His racing heart had slowed but emotions still flooded him. His head rested over her form, protective, even if it was questionable if he’d actually be able to defend her at all. Didn’t mean he wouldn’t try if it came down to it. He licked Avalon’s neck and gave a content sigh.

“I love you, Avalon…” He whispered. He was more weary after the act than he expected to be… he was giving himself too much credit. It had been worth it though, feeling them become one, laying with her like this… this was all he needed in life now.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-21-2019, 12:12 AM
Never did she really expect to have had the chance to be with someone she loved under the stars again. She kept asking herself if she did love him...but she didn't have to think long on it. Because for a while now, she knew she did. She knew what love was now after so long of figuring it out. Knew what it was before, but this time...she really knew it. She wasn't just some youngster wearing her heart on her sleeve anymore. She had carefully guarded her heart and waited until someone worthy enough had come along. Someone who had earned it. And Felicien had done just that.

"I love you, Avalon..."

She pressed closer to him as she heard his words. Her old heart fluttering as if she were young again. "I love you too, Felicien. Truly." She could say with certainty that she did. She sighed with contentment as she lay her head against his chest, feeling his warmth against her body. It was a cool, quiet night. And there was no doubt they would be spending this sort of time together more often. Part of her, however, feared the day that he would have to leave her...why did they have to meet so late in life? She knew all good things eventually came to an end, and sometimes she felt like it was some cruel twist of fate that her happy ending would have a catch. She didn't want to think about that, though. She just wanted to spend everyday with him, to make the most of it before their time came.


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