
Step Right Up!



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
11-23-2019, 09:19 PM

Brandr carefully laid out his most recent pelts. The vast majority were rabbits and smaller critters as he hadn't had much access to larger prey during the winter. He did have a few nice mountain goat pelts though. They'd cured nicely. He looked them over for flaws and imperfections as he debated what to sell at the next festival and what to keep for himself. The spring was cooler than usual and it was still early in the season. He'd need to do some spring cleaning now that they were setting up a new den. Brandr needed to speak with Corentine as to where she'd like to make their home now. He'd been moving between temporary dens for now.

Satisfied with his examinations, Brandr moved to stack the hides into various categories. As he worked Ambi, a black eagle, descended from the sky to join him. "Working on your wares, Brandr?" The wolf nodded. "Yes, trying to take stock of what I have. I have a few other odds and ends as well." He dipped his head to pick up a coyote pelt that he then set aside.

"Talk" "You" Think



12 Years

The Ooze ParticipantChristmas 2019
12-13-2019, 08:17 PM

Hymn had gotten it into his head he needed something to offer to Eis if he was going to ask her to marry him. The elderly Destruction already had his doubts, he was old, chasing the twilight of his life, he wasn't much of a warrior. He also wasn't much of a crafter. Which was why he'd gone out seeking a pack. He'd considered picking the pack that the band had settled next too but they were too close, there would be no doubt that she'd catch wind of his machination.

He had taken to short forays outside of the basin in preparation for his longer trip. He'd scouted nearby lands and told Eis of the things he'd found there, so she'd come to expect he'd occasionally be gone. Now he walked with a small bundle in his mouth. A few smaller pelts wrapped around bits of bone and rock he'd found that could likely be used to build something wicked, and a bigger elk pelt that hadn't quite worked for the den he'd built was draped across his back. Even traveling relatively light the going was slow, his old limbs aching with the trek. Finally he arrived at the pack he'd scoped out, they were a safe enough distance away that he'd likely not be found out until he returned. Hymn slowly allowed the pelt to slide from his back and gingerly placed his bundle on the ground, he settled on his haunches, a respectful distance from the border, before tipping his head back to call for anyone who might be seeking trade.

WC: 264 (452/1500)


I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
12-17-2019, 08:10 PM

Brandr examined the coyote pelt. It was still in good condition though Brandr could still catch the faintest whiff of ash and smoke on the pelt. He was anxious for the volcano to finally settle down completely but even now he could see the cloud of smoke and ash that lingered in the distance above its surface. Carefully folding the pelt he added it to a secondary pile before rooting around for treated leather. He knew he'd made some pieces awhile back but had they held up in storage? Hopefully, the winter hadn't damaged them to badly. He did have one deer hide to repurpose. Mice or some other little creature had eaten holes into the doe skin. It was frustrating but he was glad to see that most of his wares were in good shape.

Ambi took to the air again before perching on a lower branch in a nearby tree. Shortly after a call rang out from someone at the border. It was a polite inquiry and if Brandr wasn't mistaken it sounded like a request for trade. He locked eyes with the eagle who shrugged. The bird was not used to the custom of wolves and so the call meant little to him. Brandr carefully slid his various bundles onto his back, at least the ones he thought might be worthwhile to bring. The other items he'd leave for Ambi to watch over. Should the stranger be looking for something more specific then he could always call out to his companion or run back himself to get it.

Brandr traveled a short distance to where a dark-pelted stranger was waiting with his own bundle of items. Brandr dipped his head in greeting. "Hello, there. I'm Brandr Scylding, a hunter of Abaven. Can I help you with something?"

"Talk" "You" Think



12 Years

The Ooze ParticipantChristmas 2019
12-25-2019, 06:29 PM

Hymn would not be left waiting too long. A younger male approaching with his own bundle of furs and Hymn gave him a friendly smile. "Hello Brandr, I am Hymn Destruction." He dipped his head in a friendly greeting. "I am here as I hoping we might be able to initiate some sort of trade. I have a few items that might be of use to your pack, especially with the volcano and I am hoping to find a few trinkets for my own projects."

Hymn gently undid his bundle, allowing the small items he'd grabbed to spill out a bit. A few rough but pointed stones and an assortment of broken bones, the smallest about the size of a canine tooth while the biggest was about as big as one of his forepaws. "I have some items that might be useful for accessories or potentially weapons for fighting or hunting. I also have a few extra furs for lining dens or making other items though it would appear you're already rather well-stocked in on those." He said gesturing to the elk pelt at his side.

He looked up at the man, seeing no real reason to beat around the bush. "I for my part am looking for anything you might have that could be used to build a nice trinket."

WC: 221 (973/1500)


I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
12-25-2019, 10:13 PM

The stranger introduced himself as Hymn Destruction. Brandr's ears perked up at the name of Destruction. His nostrils flared as he sought to catch the others scent. Destruction was a surname he most often associated with Abaven but it wasn't out of the question for members of the family to marry outside the pack. However, this male didn't have any pack scent at all, in fact he seemed to be a loner. There was a chance that there was another family who bore the surname Destruction but it seemed like the odds were rather slim in such a small area.

Brandr listened intently at the mention of trade. He was always interested in training. Even if Hymn didn't have something the pack desperately needed a trade could still be fruitful. Loners and other pack wolves often had access to a different variety of herbs, stones and prey and he was more than happy to do some trading to try something knew, particularly when it came to prey animals. He knew how to identify a number of healing herbs thanks to his wife but he wasn't sure he was confident enough to identify them for a trade. Not that he thought Hymn would double cross him. The other man seemed a trustworthy sort but he knew that Theory would expect better of him.

Hymn undid his bundle and poured out a number of small stones and bones. Brandr examined them, a few in particular catching his eye. "Oh, I don't mind seeing what kinds of furs you have, especially if you have anything found outside this region." He also didn't have any predator pelts of any sizes or furs from large game, at least yet. With things finally stabilizing in Abaven he planned to set his mind to doing a lot of hunting, especially now that he had Ambi to help.

Brandr cocked his head to the side at the mention of trinket. "I suppose it depends on the nature of the trinket but I have a few raw materials for creating various things like jewelry and ornaments. One moment." Brandr reached down and grabbed a grey jack rabbit skin. He carefully unrolled it to reveal a number of items. "I have thin strips of deer leather and some deer sinew as well. I also have some cowrie shells and a few other sea shells." He'd gathered a number of items from their new territory in the Fontamo Bay. "Would any of these strike your fancy in trade for a few of the largest bone pieces and maybe a half dozen of those stones, the more triangular ones?"

WC: 437
Total: 1410

"Talk" "You" Think