
i know you like i know my reflection




Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
12-11-2019, 07:37 PM (This post was last modified: 02-07-2020, 07:26 PM by Deathbelle.)
Preparations were easy to make, especially with a trip that wouldn’t last very long to begin with. There were too many responsibilities to linger out on their own for very long. They would hopefully make headway in the plan to relocate from the redwater rocks. She’d grown very fond of the territory and she had made many memories within the boundaries. This was no longer term home however, they needed to find somewhere to better support Ashen.

The day was coming to a close when Deathbelle sought after Hannibal. She had a crude bag to carry some rations and little supplies. Thistle was coming with her, but Snowberry would stay behind with her children. Excitement raced through her and she had been counting down the hours until this moment since she suggested it. Her heart was a flurry but she kept her calm demeanor.

The Klein goddess paced gracefully down the darkening corridor. They would start their journey at the beginning of the night and the sun’s setting began to paint the sky vibrant colors. Dainty paws brought her to a halt near her brother’s den and her soft voice called out. ”Hannibal?” She peered around with curious lilac eyes.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



8 Years
12-17-2019, 03:18 PM

Hannibal had been tidying up his den as the call filled his perked ears. A whirl of anticipation and excitement seeped into his veins. Vocals of a true Goddess who doubled as his mighty Empress brought a smile to his usually devious pink lips. At a moments notice the phantom slipped from the mouth of his den and allowed his gluttonous gaze ravage the sight of his love. Deathbelle stood adorned by multiple flowers and a bag full of what he could imagine were rations. His smile never wavered as his own baritone words came forth, "My flower." Hannibal slithered forward to close the distance between them. A gentle yet mischevious nuzzle to her neck with perhaps a few playful nips added in.

As the ghoul moved back a step his eyes moved to glance towards her bag, "You look like a proper explorer." Hannibal chuckle slightly as he flicked his tail darlingly. A smirk replaced that gracious smile as his head raised in an amused fashion, "Are you ready to go?" He assumed so but could not be so sure.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
12-17-2019, 06:30 PM
Her baue was quick to appear before her eagerly awaiting form, and she didn’t hide the smile that played on her features as his adoration became more visible with his gaze. Hannibal’s decided nickname for the Empress fell from his lips and she offered a mischievous smirk as she finally decided on her own name for him. ”My sunshine.” Deathbelle returned with amusement in her voice, if she was a flower she needed the sun.

Hannibal was quick to close the distance and she leaned against him as he put his nose to her neck and teased her lightly with the grazing of his teeth over flesh. Her teeth flashed as the butterflies in her stomach erupted into flight. Daringly she returned his affection before he pulled back to observe her once more. She giggled softly at his observation, she’d almost rolled up a fur to attach to make sure she wasn’t cold during the night. However, leaving it behind gave her another excuse to be closer to her half sibling.

”Of course!” She answer teasingly, repositioning herself in the intended direction of their scouting. ”The better question is, are you ready?” She pranced lightly, suggesting that if he wasn’t prepared she was going to leave without him. That was nonsense of course, she was eager to spend time beside him without the regular duties of the pack and her children weighing on her. This would be a taste of freedom she wasn’t often awarded to herself. Deathbelle was eager to spend it with Hannibal.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



8 Years
12-23-2019, 03:10 PM

Deathbelle's eager behavior called for a rumble of a chuckle to erupt from the depths of Hannibal's throat. Lips curled into a nearly permanent smirk expose how much the babe lifted his spirits. His normal sly and rather abrasive demeanors were broken down when his flower was around, The flutter of her onyx lashes and the sound of her illustrious vocals made his heart flutter. Belle made the beast question if he had been leading himself in the wrong direction with a head muddled with lust and empty desires. Is this where I belong? Hannibal silently hoped so and that she would feel the same.

The vixen moved to step in the direction of their venture. Phantom eyes were locked onto the Empress as she seemed ready to march onward. With a swift flick of his tail Hannibal moved forward to stand shoulder to shoulder with her. That familiar smirk returned as his nose flicked towards their path, "Lets start our explorative vacation." The beast chuckled once more before stepping forward and walking down the path. Assuming his liege would follow suit. "If your pack ever gets heavy do not be afraid to toss it over my shoulder, love." Hannibal sent his half-sibling a wink before looking forward.

After a few moments of natural silence the ghoul raised a brow, "Shall we lay out the agenda of our mission? Goals and ambitions?"


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
12-23-2019, 04:28 PM
They were like two spring calves, eager yet hesitant as they tested the boundaries of this new world. Neither wolf were strangers to the pleasures of body and heart, but it seemed like this experience was so much different. Deathbelle was still very raw, and Hannibal had no desire to push her too hard. The Empress was enjoying the teasing hesitation and uncertainty. His presence was a comfort and a distraction but also good for her heart. Belle already knew how much he cared about her and how far he was willing to go for her. The path towards what they wanted would be an enjoyable one to follow.

His attention was fully upon her and she basked in his company. She didn’t feel the loneliness that crept over her after giving up Iolaire. There was a warmth for Hannibal in her core that she wished to tend and grow. She smiled shyly as they begin their journey and he offered to take her pack, while she was bumping his shoulder affectionately. As they went a comfortable silence settled over them for a long moment. Deathbelle just liked walking beside the albino ghoul.

”Scout the lands, I know Sirius has been keeping a close eye on our intended permanent home.” She wanted to honor Archon by taking the shrine he could not gain control of in life. ”My main goal might have been just to get you alone.” She offered him teasingly, trying to allow herself to let go. She didn’t want to worry about the future, only enjoy the moment she had Hannibal to herself. To get lost in the moment and live in the present.

Deathbelle nipped at his cheek playfully and raced ahead, her ivory tail flagging at her shapely hips. Delicate paws carried her forward as she laughed, a carefree song that hadn’t graced her lips in a long time. Her thin frame danced over the bank of a slow moving river when her right front paw sunk into an unexpected hole. Her wrist was twisted and as she cried out in pain, her body was sent tumbling into the water after losing her balance.

It was shallow at least and there was no danger of her being swept away, but she was quickly soaked to the bone along with her pack. Sputtering, wet, and now nearly freezing cold she struggled to her remaining three legs.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



8 Years
12-24-2019, 04:02 PM

Joy radiated from the pair as they frolicked and teased. The devious glare that so frequently stained the beast's pale lips was firmly replaced with that of a grin. Normally cold and venomous features of the slim albino were taken over by a Wolf experiencing happiness. While alone with the babe he loved the male felt like he had never before. No longer was he being spoiled with temptresses and harlots. Deathbelle was a true Goddess and she was all his for the next few days. A prospect that made his heart swell and heat to soar through his bones.

Belle laid out a pretty open agenda which called for a firm nod from the beast. Pink and blue eyes seemed to ravage her form but he took note of ever curve and dapple on her delightful body. Lastly his gaze connected with her own as she quickly nipped at his cheek. Electricity ignited in an instant but before the dazed ghoul could respond she was off. Lips curled into a thick smirk as his eyes narrowed slightly. Hannibal bounded after his dear Aphrodite like predator chasing down its prey. "My flower is a little trickster it seems." Rumbling laughter followed his smooth vocals but the mood shifted as he witnessed the Empress stumble.

Hannibal's heart lurched and his breathing got heavy as Belle fell and toppled into the shallow water. In a flash the demon was by her side, "Be still." He remained cool and calm despite the loud thrumming of his heart. The sounds surrounding him were muffled by the rush of adrenaline consuming him. Hannibal quickly moved to gently remove the pack from her back and sling it across his own. He then leaned down offering the injured babe a shoulder to lean on. "We must get to shelter." Hannibal would only begin to move when she gave the go ahead, walking at a slow pace to ensure the least amount of discomfort for Belle. "Put your wait on me, Empress."


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
12-25-2019, 08:27 AM
Being beside him eased her aching heart, his presence warmed her and Deathbelle released the guilt of being happy. She was hesitant, but only because she didn’t feel she deserved the feelings welling up within her. Iolaire was alone, Archon was dead, her pups were depending on her. Did she really deserve this getaway? Could she accept the joy that was working so hard to find her again?

He didn’t respond to her comment about getting him alone, but she knew he felt similarly. For so long they skirted the possibilities laid before them. Now they were able to indulge and the both of them were hesitant. There was a lot to lose and many wounds were still healing. Still the pair were eager to let loose and as she ran the laughter of Hannibal spurred her onward. Deathbelle didn’t hesitate to make him chase her in more ways than one. She didn’t know if it was her own clumsiness or the distraction from her beau but the Klein Goddess was dumped unceremoniously into the water.

Deathbelle knew instantly that at the very least her wrist was sprained and the pain shot up her leg as Hannibal was suddenly there beside her. This wasn’t how she planned to let him catch her, but the comfort of him and his quickness to subject himself to the chill of the water helped to warm her. She inhaled sharply at the pain as Hannibal soothed her calmly and removed her pack from her form.

The pair were far enough from Ashen’s home that the return wouldn’t be feasible. They would need to shelter themselves while she healed enough to return. She whined softly, not because of the pain this time but because she ruined their outing. Belle did as she was told and leaned heavily against his larger frame. ”I’m sorry,” she mumbled as her lilac eyes stung with frustrated tears. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go.

Thankfully they wouldn’t be forced to go a far way, with only a bit of backtracking the pair would find an abandoned bear’s den. It was big enough for the both of them but cozy and intimate as well. Deathbelle would struggle to get comfortable, but she didn’t hesitate to use Hannibal’s offered assistance. ”This wasn’t the getaway I planned.” She offered a sheepish apology again as she extended her wounded limb. The swelling wasn’t as bad as she expected, but the pain surely was.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



8 Years
01-05-2020, 12:18 AM

Worry soared through pale eyes as the male carefully offered his shoulder to the fae. Never did he imagine their excursion coming to a halt so soon. Perhaps the idea of a predator or something back home prolonging their journey. But, a sprained ankle? Hannibal did not think much on the misfortune as his mind was consumed by the desire to comfort his Empress. The beast's heart thrummed with pain as he witnessed her limping and wincing. Never did the beautiful flower deserve such horrific discomfort. Even if it were only a twisted ankle.

Hannibal took on her weight as needed while walking at a slow pace. Both of his ears were perked and the fur on his spine bristled slightly. Belle was rather vunerable and he was aware that any true predator could take advantage of their state. The phantom was on full alert to protect his flower at a moments notice. But, he was taken off guard by her soft apology. Sharp eyes flicked towards her glistening purple gaze and he quickly allowed a selfless smirk to slip across his lips. "Don't you dare apologize." Hannibal's black and white tail flicked at her rump in attempt to lighten the mood.

As they reached the makeshift den Hannibal took in the scent. With an open mouth he allowed the air to rest upon his tongue, tasting the staleness of the Bear. He offered a little nod before guiding Belle into the small cavern. As her uneasy words came forth the beast slung the pack to the ground before helping her get as comfortable as possible. Nudging open the pack the male found some furs. "I am beginning to think this is the grand plan." That familiar mischievous smirk never left his lips as he took a smaller fur and bunched it together between his jaws. Lightly Hannibal would aim to slide it beneath her damaged limb in order to elevate it. "You sneaky minx." The ghoul then gripped a larger fur and walked behind the femme to drape it over her back lightly. The water would leave her rather damp and cold. - As Hannibal was behind her, he leaned down to run his nose along her hackles then to an ear, "If you wanted to be pampered all you need to do is ask, love." Carefully, he moved to rummage further into the pack for herbs. "I can play nurse all day but I haven't a clue of what any of these herbs do. Care to point me in the direction of swelling or pain relief?" Lush white lashes fluttered as he flicked his gaze upward to her own.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
01-05-2020, 09:02 PM
While Belle’s focused remained solely on getting off her feet she was blessed with the presence of Hannibal at her side. He supported her and looked out for her as they walked slowly. They were vulnerable and she tried not to think about it. He might not have been surprised by anything but her apology. He wouldn’t accept it though, and his smile and wag of his tail did indeed work to lift her spirits. She reached over to nudge at his jaw playfully, however much she needed to lean into him further.

She stood on her own as he checked out their chosen place to rest. When he was sure he led her forward and carefully helped her into a comfortable position. Deathbelle sighed heavily as she tried to relax. Bright lavender eyes lingered on Hannibal’s well toned form as he spoke mischievously. He thought she twisted her ankle on purpose? She feigned looking hurt as he continued to tease her, if he was trying to make her feel better it was working.

”I would never!” She grinned, eyes upon him as he took the larger fur and draped it up her back. She’d hid how cold she was so far, but being damp was catching up to her. However, as his nose trailed up her neck lightly she shivered for very different reasons. Deathbelle couldn’t help but lean into his touch and regretted when he shifted to go through the supply pack. ”Compression will help me most right now. Take another leather and help me to wrap it. Snugly, not tightly.” She cautioned softly, quickly getting caught up in his vibrant dual toned eyes.

He was so worried about her, even if he hid it with his gentle teasing. Other than the painful walk she was unharmed, but being doted on so carefully by the ghoulish Klein. Deathbelle felt her heart flutter as he looked back up to her. ”I brought a bit of tincture for pain relief. I’m debating if I should save it for trying to get home.” She offered her thoughts, unsure how long it would take for her to be ready to walk back. ”Not.. that I’m in a hurry.” She added, her voice taking a more sultry tone as she looked to Hannibal shyly.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



8 Years
01-08-2020, 04:03 PM

Their dance of gentle teasings and the fluttering of their luxurious lashes. Both of the Kleins were woven with seduction and elegance. Forged with pristine silver tongues and the art of body langue. Deathbelle and Hannibal were cut from the same cloth and it showed. But, such a tango was muffled by a thick blanket of nervousness. Hannibal did not want to push the babe into hurried or forced romance. Belle needed time to heal, that much was clear. As much as the albino wished to sweep her off her paws and delved into whatever they desired he would need to wait and take it slow for her sake. Which he did not mind in the least. The phantom was merely pleased to have her attention.

He could feel the heat of her gaze on him as a few steps were taken. Their gaze met as Hannibal hovered over the vials and wrappings. A slightly pathetic yet goofy grin was slung across pink lips. It was evident he was clueless when it came to healing. Some things were obvious but he didn't know much about herbs. Iber had taught him the basics but such lessons felt like they happened in a whole different lifetime. But, the Empress finally informed him of what he needed to do. The male nodded and followed her demands by taking a strip of cured leather to her. Hannibal would cautiously attempt to wrap her injured leg, with her help, "Tell me when it is tight enough." With her say he'd secure it in place and let forth a tiny sigh. That cold heart was beating rapidly which was a feeling he had felt when she initially fell. The very thought of harm coming Belle's way made him flush was emotion and his pressure to rise.

After a moment his usual sly smirk slipped across his lips. Hannibal moved the bag to the side before moving to lay behind the Empress. The beast aimed to company her in some snuggles as 'the big spoon.' He was hyper aware of her injured limb as his own front leg aimed to drape over her slightly. Albino white fur mixed with her own deep mottled pelt. He'd try to get close but not overly so. His intention was not to cross any boundaries but to respectfully offer his warmth and love. A slender muzzle moved to nuzzle into her scruff, "I.. can give you space if you wish, Empress." Lashes fluttered to shut his pale eyes as he inhaled her floral scent. She could likely feel the heat of his skin and how rapidly his heart was beating. A mix of desire and sheer anxiety radiated from the usually confident Klein.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
01-10-2020, 08:46 AM
She loved that he didn’t hide any of his emotion, she could see them clearly on his handsome features. Infinite love, complete adoration, and his nerves showed through as he worked to relieve any pain that she retained from her ankle. What she was most appreciative for was his closeness, she was still damp from taking her tumble into the water. She knew getting a chill would be too easy in her current state.

Hannibal didn’t complain as she explained what to do, she knew that she would be able to make it through without pain relief. With the pair of them being so vulnerable she wanted to be at pristine mental capacity. He was new to healing, but he had a gentle touch and he was sweet in asking for her direction. She couldn’t help her shy grin as she looked up from her paw to his features through her lashed gaze. ”Perfect.” She guided him as he finished wrapping the offending limb. ”The cold water will help too, but compression and elevation are key in a sprain.” She explained almost without thinking as Hannibal shifted again and settled more closely at her side.

Deathbelle felt herself relax into the Daimyo’s warm form, it was odd but as he placed his arm around her she suddenly felt safe and secure. Like he would ward away all of the troubles the world would dare to throw at her. All she felt was his unending love, there was no pressure just an easy affection between them. However much Belle’s heart thrummed in her breast. She hummed contentedly as he pushed his nose into her scruff, but he second guessed himself after. He worried he was too close, but Deathbelle wanted him closer. His nerves were obvious and overly endearing. He was a confident brute, knowing that she was causing him nerves made her stomach flutter.

”No, I..” Her own anxieties became more apparent as she spoke softly to him. ”I want you closer.” She offered quietly as she timidly reached up to kiss the bottom of his jaw. Their scouting mission was ruined, but now there was no excuse not to enjoy each other’s company. And Belle very much desired to enjoy his company.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



8 Years
01-12-2020, 10:57 PM

Doubts seemed to constantly tickle at the feign. But, despite his obvious nerves the male did not seem to show the depth his self consciousness. Other then his failures and stumbles the male felt as though the beautiful babe before him wouldn't ever feel the same about him as she did others. Could Hannibal live up to the relationships prior to himself? The small fae that healed her heart or the father of her first litter... Would the Empress of Ashen love her flawed Daimyo as much as he loved her? The agonizing thoughts would probably never go away but perhaps thats what would keep the albino ghoul on his toes.

Hannibal's gentle nuzzles were met with a heated lick of his chin. Warmth flowed from that spot and into his veins in an instant. Electricity formed within his core and radiated outward. His breathing would grow slightly heavier which would be easy for Belle to pick up on. Just as he seemed to reel in his thoughts she spoke. Desire woven tones filled his tattered ears and he could feel his eyes grow heavy as they rolled shut. The center of each of his four paws ached as he pressed against her. That eager muzzle would dive into her scruff once again. He'd nip at her skin lightly as a possessive growl formed in the depths of his throat. "Belle..."

With eyes closed and muzzle busy the male used the leg that was placed on her abdomen to pull her closer. It was impossible for the cuddling couple to get much closer then they were but he was eager to try. Though, Hannibal would not progress any further as to respect his Empress. "It is... difficult..." His voice was deep and husky with tones of an aching pain. "Temptress."


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
01-15-2020, 06:45 PM
Hannibal was nervous, but Deathbelle found it endearing. She didn’t have a clue how strong his insecurities were, but knowing how far she could throw him off his game made her grin. Despite her wet fur and sore ankle the Empress felt warm beside him. She leaned against him and wasn’t slow to pick up on the change of his breathing and her effect on him was more apparent. She flipped a switch and the Daimyo plunged into her thick scuff and teased at her skin before her name was growled selfishly. ”Hannibal,” She returned almost teasingly as he snaked his arm around her thin frame and pulled her closer.

He was careful of her injured limb, but she rolled back towards him easily. She exposed her neck to him as he offered his difficulties in keeping himself restrained. Belle leaned up to nuzzle at the soft fur of his dark ear. His resolve was much stronger than her own. Her heart beat heavily in her chest and her skin was tingling and lit ablaze where his teeth grazed her flesh. Stifled gasps fluttered from her dark lips and she gazed up at him with a lidded gaze. ”Then, don’t.” She argued, lifting her shapely arms to wrap around his neck. However careful she needed to be with her sprained wrist. ”Give in.” She teased and nipped eagerly at his dark ear.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



8 Years
02-07-2020, 12:31 AM

The enticing entanglement of limbs and rich fur caused Hannibal to hum with pure anticipation. Lust had covered his gaze as the temptress in question revealed her lean neck for him. Nips and nibbles were peppered along the tender skin as he inhaled he fragment of fur his nose passed. Hannibal's breathing was heavy and heated as his eyes shut to truly relish within each feeling that graced him in those precious moments. But, what truly set the male ablaze were the sultry tones that filled his eager ears.

'Give in.'

Pale eyes ignited with passion as they flashed open as the shapely gal moved to wrap her arms around his neck. Blue and pink eyes stared into her own beautiful pools for a brief moment. After only a second a devious smirk slipped across his pale lips as she nipped daringly at his black ear. "As you wish, Empress."

-big fade to black here-


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
02-07-2020, 07:36 PM
The pair of them played off each other, and all too soon they were too close. Hannibal showed her what restraint he could have, but in the end Deathbelle was the one to tug at his ears and push his buttons. She held him close to her as he did to her. The Empress relaxed against the ground as the waves of anticipation washed over her prone form. Their eyes met and for a long moment they were the only two wolves in the whole world.

Lilac gaze held his ruby and sapphire gaze lovingly. Her heart raced within her chest but as their lips met the stars aligned. Hannibal wouldn’t deny a request from his Empress and the two of them would learn each other more intimately throughout the night. Deathbelle wasn’t sure if the decision was wise, but all she wanted was him.


She wasn’t sure when she had fallen asleep, but sunlight poured into the impromptu den. She blinked open her eyes, realizing quickly she was wrapped up in her Daimyo’s arms. She felt warmth seep through her bones as a soft content sigh felt her lips and she buried her features into his thick fur. Belle felt safe and she felt loved, two emotions sorely missing from her life.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



8 Years
02-11-2020, 03:00 PM (This post was last modified: 02-11-2020, 03:00 PM by Hannibal.)

Pale eyes fluttered open beneath luxurious black and white lashes. Instantly the albino felt the warmth of his partner nestled within his arms. A gentle sigh would escape pink lips as he moved to gently nuzzle the back of Deathbelle's neck. He inhaled the scent of his Empress, a scent that was now mingled with his own. He couldn't help but to smile against her ebony fur in those moments. The previous night had been something he anticipated for a long while, an occurrence he never thought he'd have the pleasure of experiencing. Now that his dream had ben fufilled he did not feel that usual emptiness. Hannibal felt eager to please his lover infinitely and remain by her side for as long as possible.

After a few moments of enjoying the easy silence between their sleepiness Hannibal nudged Belle ever so slightly. "Good morning." He aimed to pepper her ear and brow with gentle kissed before allowing that oh so familiar smirk to appear on his pink lips. "How did you sleep?" A curious yet very mischievous brow raised as he aimed to pointedly peer into her beautiful eyes.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
02-12-2020, 07:12 AM
Where My Demons Hide
Deathbelle didn’t realize he was everything she wanted for a long time, but their night together seemed to open up the floodgates of emotion. She knew that she adored Hannibal and could similarly feel the devotion he had for her as he held her and they slept. She didn’t think about Iolaire, but she knew that the woman was right now, she only had to give him the chance. They’d found perfection together. She still had to heal from her injury, but Deathbelle knew she didn’t want this moment to end. Now that she’d had him she wouldn’t let him go.

She woke up slowly, and for a long few minutes enjoyed the ease between them. She breathed easily, but felt his stir and hold her more tightly to his chest. The way his muzzle buried into her fur caused her heart to flutter, and a shy smile played on her features. He wished her good morning and graced her with sweet kisses as he brought her to full wakefulness. She sighed contentedly into him again, her smile growing on her dark lips.

She blinked open her lilac gaze as he found them with his ruby and sapphire eye. Her smile couldn’t be removed from her dainty features. ”Good morning,” she returned affectionately as she reached up to offer a kiss in return. ”Better than I have in a long time.” She answered sweetly and honestly. Having his arms around her had soothed any night terrors that threatened her. He’d kept her warm and soothed her soul. ”Hannibal,” she started softly, her gaze looking deeply into his. ”I love you.”

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



8 Years
02-18-2020, 08:58 PM

It was easy to say that the two belonged together but what made that evident was the journey that led their paths together. Hannibal had been battered and broken. A Wolf of many titles and riddled with horrific mistakes that would never be undone. Deathbelle was a younger generation of their family and a Wolfess no one had expected to take the Empire's reins. She had proven to be a prismatic leader with a strength built so deep within her that no tragedy nor heart ache could reach. Somehow along the way the two had found one another. A push from Io and the aligning of stars had blossomed what could be a new forever for the two.

Watching Belle wake caused a smile to slip across Hannibal's lips. Beaming purple eyes poured into his own pale optics causing his heart to flutter like no other. Heat welled within his chest as he took in her scent that was now mixed with his own. Her sweet greeting and a burning kiss caused him to lean into her slightly. An eager tongue ran across his own fangs as if a predator ready to catch his prey. Hannibal allowed his thoughts to be carried along by her next vocals which seemed to calm his lust and reel him back into a more level state of mind.

As he parted his lips to speak Deathbelle took Hannibal by complete surprise. First came his name and then the following three words that made his body swirl with electricity. Immediatly the beast spoke with husky tones, "I love you too Deathbelle." That haunting gaze never left her eyes as he spoke. But, after a moment Hannibal leaned in to kiss her cheek again. His breathing was heavy as he shut his eyes. Hannibal took in those moments and felt the best he had felt in a long while. "I never want this moment to end."


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
02-19-2020, 01:56 PM
Bliss. That was what she found in Hannibal. As he grinned down at her and held her close she finally felt like she belonged. Like the path was clear and there was no question what she should do or how she should feel. Like he really was the other half of her. Deathbelle seemed to tame him, but he was stronger for it. Hannibal was the most stable in the last few seasons than he had been for most of his life. Deathbelle had much less worry in her heart with him beside her. There to help protect and build the Empire.

Her heart beat eagerly against her breast, the corners of her lips pulled back to reveal a bright grin as Hannibal returned her confession of emotion. Belle lost herself in his dual toned gaze but leaned into the sweet kiss he offered to her cheek. Excitement welled up in her belly and her sprain was forgotten. ”I don’t either.” She returned, adding this to her display of unforgettable memories. Moments in time that she re-lived when her life started to look bleak or she wanted to succumb to weakness.

By now she knew to savor every beautiful second while she could. Life was ever throwing her curve balls and getting comfortable wasn’t an option. But here and now those thoughts were pushed aside and she allowed herself to be immersed in just this moment. The more the moment was willed to live on the quicker its life would come to an end. There was an Empire to be run and it would not wait long for them.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.