


08-18-2013, 06:04 PM

ooc;; recycled post ftw <3

The red woman lay herself easily beside the hot springs, head tipped down and eyes closed as she breathed in the sweet sulfuric scent. So much like home, such a reminder of her childhood it was almost painful. But that pain was what constantly kept bringing her back here, what kept her coming to these hard shores and laying at their banks. A few times she had slipped into the hot waters and let their heat ease away any aches and pains her body had collected. But her time in there had been short. Today she had slid away from her pack once more, the drama with her brother growing too much for her to bare. Such a bleeding heart and so useless now a days. Why couldn't he just man up, hunt down this male that had killed Secret and end it. Or stop his bitching and let it go? Everything was so cut and dry in the red woman's mind, so simple and easy. Why couldn't life be like that? She needed work, she needed to spar, she felt dormant, useless and almost worthless lately. She groaned, flopping dramatically to her side, rolling her shoulders as she pointed her toes and stretched her lengthy legs. It was rare that the woman encountered anyone here unless she called them to join her so she didn't worry too much about being in a less then defensive position.


08-19-2013, 03:08 AM

white figure paced relentless through the lands, the demon seeking another soul to claim. alabaster figure contrasted the world around him, the ivory tones of his glorious coat broken only by the markings adoring his fact and the grey tipped tail he so desperately cleansed. black marking would wrap around his left cerulean blue ocular, a trait for his bitch of a mother no doubt, whiles the gold on his right a trait from his bastard father. seemingly he'd take them with him where-ever he went. 35 inches from the ground, he stood, his size something he had come to nearly bow down to in adoration, to say he loved himself would nearly be an understatement.

sulfuric smell wafted through his nostrils, as well as the scent of something sweet, a fea, it called to him, sang to his blood. it pulled him forward drawing him towards her. when his oculars laid on her, he wasn't dissapointed. red pelt, so different from his own, so astounding, so gorgeous. french tones would exit his jaws has he addressed her, "bonjour il cherie"


08-21-2013, 03:43 PM

Company was uncommon here as most didn't bother with the sulphuric area, finding the scent too hard on their lung. But today the sound of nails click clacking on the stone was audible. Ears flitted at the sound, arousing the woman from her dormant state though she would not raise her head. At least not until a sultry voice slithered towards her, coaxing her up. Slowly she would roll up, pools of liquid gold taking in the demon placed before her. Having always had a thing for solid white or black wolves the facial markings were a bit of a let down but build wise he was nothing to scoff at. For a moment the woman would lay on her belly, eyes drinking in his image before her finally pushed herself up. "Oh baby, you don't need words, your body does enough of the talking," she purred, white dipped tail flicking at her heels as she faced him. This was how girls wound up dead...

She slid towards him, dainty paws pressed delicately against the slick stone as she caught his gaze and held it. "Precious, why are you alone?" Once again her words were a purr, an invitation almost as she swept around him, allowing her red pelt to mingle with his. There was electricity there... But then again, she had always had a thing for bad boys.



09-01-2013, 06:32 PM

More often than one would care to know, he had tasted blood in the death of others rather than any form of ecstasy that one could feel. The russet goddess stood, his own oculars seeking hers, admiring the golden color, and lo how it contrasted against her bodice. She came close to him, bold, he liked that, her words bring a rumble of laughter to his chest, as he stood, muscles relaxed, feeling her russet fur brushing against his ivory fur, and admiring how easily the colors mixed. He took a deep breath, taking in her scent as he contemplated her questions, the murmurings reaching his audits, dragging the curiosity from the depths of him.

?I have been called many things, my beauty, ?precious? isn?t a name often associated with a killer.? Her would turn his head, extending his neck, in an attempt to block her movements, and bringing his form in an attempt to still her, his jaws opening slightly, as he would lean towards her, attempting to nip at her neck, extenuating each word that would exit him with a nip, as he would try to pull at the skin and fur on her neck, not to directly harm, but in his kinky erotic fashion.

?The more prudent question, my love, is why are you alone in such a dangerous world??


09-18-2013, 09:21 PM

She had his attention, her form drawing in his eyes and she revelled in it. It had been some time since she had played the age old game of seduction and she had to admit, she missed it. She missed having men worship at her alter, missed eyes following her every movement. She threw a bit of an extra sway into her hips, white dipped tail licking easily at her ankles as ice coloured paws pulled her closer to him. Danger and blood tainted his aura but the demoness wasn't phased, drinking it all in. A sultry chuckle would roll up her throat, head tipping back so she tossed a gaze his way while her smile spelt out sin. "What do you not like? Sweetheart you don't look like you could hurt a fly..." She was taunting him, treading on thin ice she knew. If it came to a fight she could honestly say that at this point she could care less. If needed she could simply offer her body up to him as payment, another option she didn't care about. She loved the game of seduction but the actual sin of the act had never been something she cared for.

His movements halted her, long legs stilling beneath her slender form as he spoke once more, this time nibbling at the thick fur that surrounded her neck. She had to admit, it was kind of a turn on and she shivered at the feeling. "Dangerous? What can I say, maybe I'm just a bit of a thrill seeker..." Her words were a purr, tail flicking out to run along his forelegs and she turned her head further to study him. Her smile never left her lips.



09-28-2013, 06:09 AM
A chuckle drew on his jaws, at her words though he was growing impatient. Lashing his tail, he would nibble on her neck, with more insistent nips and bites, clearly hinting at his sexual desires. "Thrill seeker? I can satisfy that urge..." He murmured against the softness of her red coat. The dame was lovely, enticing, and her scent oh, it sang to him. Winding his alabaster coat around her, his hips would bump over, into hers, roughly, nearly hoping to knock her to the ground. He was getting impatient and needy.

[ooc; short crappy post. sorry ;_; I'm low on muse atm]


10-02-2013, 05:45 PM

ooc// you can fade to black in the next one and then we can pick up on this in the next thread ;D

The nips continued and she groaned, head tipping back and eyes closing in lust. It had been a long time since she had been with a man. "Oh darlin, please do.." Her words were a lustful purr now even as his hips knocked into her and she was forced to shuffle over to keep her balance. But all she did was chuckle, smile growing ever so slightly. She had always had a thing for bad boys... Forepaws would lower to the ground, dropping into what might be mistaken as a play bow if not for her hips turned towards him and tail lifted high to tickle at his nose. Gaze was lust filled as she cast it over her shoulder at him, smile inviting him to do whatever it was he might desire.


10-04-2013, 02:45 PM

Just like that she'd give herself to him, and his eye-brows raised in near disbelief. A chuckle escaped him at her words and he progressed on her, taking time to induldge in the sweet smell of her, nipping at her hips, inisistently before glancing up at the red furred being. With a growl of pleasure, he lunged forward suddenly, thrusting himself into her, as he snapped at her scruff. Growls escaped him, as his fore-paws raked through her fur, giving no pretense to the words gentle.

-gonna fade to black before i write wolf porn yo-