
Wolf Heart



11-19-2019, 02:37 AM
She had been here for a while now, the wild babe still seething with rage at being forced to settle here. She wasn't sure what the hell was going on anymore, if she was free or still a captive in a way. The eruption had caused a great deal of panic and confusion and what with sharing lands while everyone waited for it to subside helped a bit. She lied on the edge of the basin, always keeping to herself whenever she could and tonight was no different. Her wild mane fell over her face and shoulders as she glared at the world beyond, wondering what she should have done instead of come here. The winged boy and the red giant that had "bought" her had yet to show their faces, and felt perhaps they were just toying with her. Changed their minds. Decided she wasn't worth the price. Whatever the case, it didn't matter to her. She would be a captive either way she went, but she wouldn't make it easy for them. Neither the band nor those that sought to purchase her. She'd made that quite clear so far to any and all who dared approach her.

The womans unkempt fur and longer hair made her look wild, and in a way she was. She would act wild and be wild for as long as she needed to, because it was all she knew. And maybe, just maybe...if she kept it up, they'd all leave her alone.



7 Years
Toy size

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipChristmas 2019Treat 2019
11-21-2019, 01:05 AM (This post was last modified: 11-22-2019, 03:10 AM by Gavroche.)
The pale light of the moon illuminated the darkness as the young male trudged on. He had left Abaven behind, though not without a heavy heart, guilt eating at him that he hadn’t shown more gratitude to the pack. He was, in the end, truly grateful. Had Corvus and Theory not found him on the beach then finding any medical attention at all would not have been likely. He had lost his cousin, his mouthy, yet beloved rat, and was now alone… but he had one last thing he could do. A duty to the one he wanted so desperately to free… even if he lost himself… it wasn’t as though he had much else to lose, right? He’d lost the only ones he had since coming to Boreas. He was alone… the least he could do was try and help someone else… right?

Naive as his intentions were Gavroche’s heart was in the right place.

He was growing pretty tired by the time he made it this far. Mela’s collar made him feel sore and more often than not the poor thing was tripping on it. He was thinking about settling down somewhere when he picked up the scent of a stranger. But… it wasn’t completely foreign. He recognized the scent even if there wasn’t a name to it yet. His green eyes scanned the area and he saw her -- the slave that he and Mela had made a deal for. His heart fluttered -- she was safe! Well, relatively speaking. At the very least she didn’t look as if they had injured her and he assumed they hadn’t resold her since he didn’t see a master about. She may have even been bound to something for all her knew… he just glad to see her still alive and in one piece. It meant his efforts weren’t for nothing.

Gavroche slipped Melanthios’ collar off his smaller form and broke into a trot towards the female and slowed only once he was close enough to give a soft, short bark to get her attention. “You’re okay!” His words, though a touch raspy, were filled with the same gentle relief one might use when reuniting with a good friend or family member. It was certainly not the sort of behavior any master would have over a slave.

The boy came to a stop and looked at her. He probably looked a bit odd, patched fur from the burns regrowing at different lengths on the front part of his body. The winged youth smiled at her and dipped his head -- one of the least threatening sights one could come across. Not that he had any height to make him appear intimidating in the slightest.

“It… It’s going to be alright. I’m still going to get you your freedom, okay?” His spoke in low tones -- he hardly wanted to be overheard and his plan wasted. It was going to be alright… the young male felt that everything he endured was going to be made worth the struggle when this woman had her freedom. He could be good for something… if only one thing… and for Gav that was enough.


12-02-2019, 12:14 AM
A sound drew her attention, the wildling lifting her lip in a silent snarl as her teeth bared and glinted in the moonlight. Her fur bristled, expecting one of the Viking wolves to appear from the darkness but to her surprise, it was the tiny winged beast that, from her understanding, had won her. Her ears plastered to her head as he got closer, and her hostility didn't wane even when she detected the tones of relief in his voice. Her eyes narrowed on the little beast, her forepaws drawing close to her chest as if she was preparing to bolt like a feral cat unsure of the stranger's intentions. Only there was nowhere for her to go. Not when she was tied down like a common dog.

He looked...strange. Had she not been in such a pissed off and foul mood, she might have been awestruck by his wings. But all she saw was a patchy furred, pitiful looking little pup. A stranger. An enemy. Someone she didn't trust. “It… It’s going to be alright. I’m still going to get you your freedom, okay?” She snarled, audibly this time as her eyes narrowed at him. How was he going to free her? Did he plan on fighting off the band? Making another trade? She thought that's what had happened the first time, and yet here she remained. She noted the collar, wondering if that was meant for her to wear to mark her as his slave or even a pet. Maybe he was just telling her things about freedom to trick her...whatever the case, she remained on guard and didn't say a word.



7 Years
Toy size

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipChristmas 2019Treat 2019
12-02-2019, 05:38 AM
Gavroche did not flinch away as he probably should have. His gaze remained gentle, sympathetic even at her hostile gaze and posture. Her snarl caused him to wince though and he lowered his gaze submissively, his smile sad. “I know… you don’t trust me. What reason do you have to trust a stranger?” That smile faded as he lifted his eyes to look at her again, attempting to meet her gaze. “My cousin and I went in to try and earn you your freedom but… The eruption… took their life. I couldn’t save them… but… I made a promise...” His ears lowered some as some voice, sounding just like his grandmother, hissed in the corner of his mind. Why do you care to save her? Why should you?

“I can’t complete the trade without Mela… but… I can offer them myself instead. My wings are… pretty odd… maybe she’ll find that more valuable… and maybe other wolves who would seek a slave will think they’re neat… I’ll take your place… so you can be free… as everyone should be.” Gavroche took a step back, taking a breath before throwing back his head and letting out a howl for the viking woman. Even with the damage from the smoke his throat had suffered, for such a tiny creature he had a strong voice and the sound carried over basin. Hopefully she would not be long in coming… he did not want time to have doubts or second thoughts.

No, he thought. He wouldn’t.

This was what he wanted, and needed, to do.

Valkyrie 1


5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!Trick 2019
12-09-2019, 09:16 PM
What was this? The jolly red giant and his winged sidekick had finally decided to show their faces. How brave of them. Amused by this, Valkyrie immediately swept off to answer the call. The skull mask looped over her neck banged against her chest as she trotted around the basin but she paid it no mind.

When at last the duo came into view Valkyrie was surprised to see that the red one was nowhere in sight. Immediately her suspicions were roused. What was this, some sort of ambush? Did they think the the red giant could leap from the bushes and surprise her? If that was the case they were mistaken. She was ready for anything.

Valkyrie approached the feral woman and the winged boy with a cool look about her. She quirked an eyebrow at the little calico, taking in his ragged state and amending her preconceptions a smidgen, and said dryly, ”And here I was ready to write you off as a lost cause.”

This character has a noticeable Icelandic accent!
Valkyrie also has a female melanistic japanese macaque named Inga. Unless she's mentioned IC it's safe to assume she's not with her master.
It can be assumed that Valkyrie has a bear skull mask hanging from a strap around her neck at all times.



7 Years
Toy size

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipChristmas 2019Treat 2019
12-13-2019, 01:54 PM
When she came Gavroche held his ground. He could feel his heart pounding in his check, nausea threatening to overtake him, but by the will of the Divinities and his Gods he stood as firm as a seventeen inch fun-sized wolf could. Her dry words were expected -- she was a slaver and her thoughts were on business. He had to be brave, had to do what his cousin and Houdini had often told him he’d be able to do.

“The eruption was hardly expected by any of us. It was not intended to have you wait so long.” Gavroche did his best to meet her gaze and keep his voice level. “Unfortunately things played out how they did. I am here now, however, on the matter of business left unfinished.” Gods how his heart pounded! Could she hear it? Hear his anxiety as he pushed to stand up before her?

“I bring you a counter offer. Myself, and my cousin’s collar, in place of the slave you hold now. I told you before I know of herbs, healing… I can still make that part of the deal happen as a slave to your band.” He took a small breath. “However my cousin perished as a result of the eruption. A flaming branch fell and trapped them. My companion and I were unable to remove it. As their last act they gave their collar to me and said it would be best to find you. My companion passed as a result of smoke inhalation as a result as well.” His throat was hurting from talking so much but Gavroche didn’t stop just yet.

“So there’s the counter offer. You can take me and the collar, to use and then sell off as you wish, in exchange for her freedom…” Or keep her… though he didn’t say that. He didn’t even want to present that option.


12-21-2019, 03:17 AM
The small creature spoke, but her demeanor didn't lessen any until...until he spoke. Her eyes narrowed with suspicion. Why did he care so much about her freedom? About trying to help her? Everyone was so much bigger than him, and yet here he was, possibly the smallest wolf in the world trying to make a difference. Trying to make things...better. For her. And she didn't understand why. His cousin had perished even. She had been waiting for everyone around her to determine her fate while she stayed tied up like a common dog. Granted she was part dog, but that didn't help ease her mind on the situation. She said nothing as he finished speaking but by the end of it, she had stopped growling and watched him like a cat would from her spot.

And when he called for her captor and explained to her a new deal, her ears shot up and her brows furrowed. What...? He was willing to offer himself for her freedom? He lost everything already...and yet here he was, willing to lose more for someone he didn't know. Part of her wanted to just accept that so she could finally get away from this god awful place. But another part of her...perhaps a part of her that had been pushed so far down, tried to rise up.

And before Valkyrie could speak, Runa did.

"No..." She said simply. Her tone harsher than it should've been. She stood, eyeing the strange little creature and the viking woman with intensity. "No. I...I help." Her voice was broken from not being used. But she hardly ever spoke unless she felt the need to. She was a feral and wild creature, but she wouldn't stand by and let the boy give himself for her. "I help. Let me fight. For band. Whatever need is. Let me in place of red giant." She would fight for them. Raid for them. Take whatever place the red giant did to uphold the bargain they made.

Valkyrie 1


5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!Trick 2019
12-21-2019, 10:48 AM
Though she was quite surprised by the winged youth's story Valkyrie's face remained a carefully cultivated neutral expression. She was impressed with his commitment. Though he was small and strange he had the honor and resolve of a viking giant. Valkyrie could respect that - she did respect that - and her opinion of the boy was rised considerably by this experience. None of this, of course, she would voice aloud. Though she could respect his integrity that didn't mean she trusted him or liked him well enough yet to praise him openly. That would have to be earned.

It seemed she was in for more than one surprise, because before she could respond to Gavroche the wild woman - who hadn't said so much as a word in seasons - spoke up. Valkyrie's browspots shot up and she made a show of looking between the two parties who were both volunteering to stay with the band. How sweet. With no small amount of amusement, she said to them, "It seems you two are not on the same page. Would you like a moment to get your offers straight or should I just take you both and call it a day?"

This character has a noticeable Icelandic accent!
Valkyrie also has a female melanistic japanese macaque named Inga. Unless she's mentioned IC it's safe to assume she's not with her master.
It can be assumed that Valkyrie has a bear skull mask hanging from a strap around her neck at all times.



7 Years
Toy size

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipChristmas 2019Treat 2019
12-21-2019, 12:13 PM (This post was last modified: 12-21-2019, 12:14 PM by Gavroche.)
Gavroche jumped a bit, the harsher tone of the woman surprised him. He’d never heard her speak and, judging by how she spoke it seemed she hadn’t done so in a while. His green eyes fixed on her, worried at first, as she put in her piece. His jaw parted, surprise fading to shock. She… was willing to help. “You don’t…” He trailed off. She may not know him, have no reason to want to help, but in that same regard he didn’t know her either. It wasn’t about knowing each other though, was it? Gratitude flashed in Gav’s eyes, a look of understanding. It seemed neither wanted the other to have to be a slave. He respected her for that. She could have easily let him take her place, not speak up at all and go her own way… but she didn’t.

Then the band leader spoke. Gavroche closed his eyes, taking a breath as he made the decision. When he looked back to her there was more resolve in his expression than before. At the end of this they could both walk away free; as equals.

“I don’t believe that will be necessary. Sorry for the confusion.” He glanced at the wild woman once more, giving a small nod. “It was rude of me to make the decision prior… I didn’t think she may want to help… but I will not throw that generous offer back in her face.” He took another breath and looked at Valk.

“So this will be our final offer, should you agree to it.” His ears perked and the winged male straightened a little. They could do this, together.

“Previously my cousin and I offered you our services for a season and a half. However, due to the eruption we are rather late in meeting and that was one of your first terms. To compensate for this we will stay until the start of winter. About two seasons with your band.” Hopefully that would suffice for the gap and help ease the other woman into feeling the newest offer was worth taking.

“During this time I will provide healing, including lessons, for your band members and prepare two stores of herbs for use by then. Given that we’ll be serving during the warmer seasons it will be the best time to gather them. I still offer twenty of my feathers as well, should they be desired, and my cousin’s collar.” He shifted his attention back to the wild woman.

“Melanthios offered their services as a fighter and hunter for your band. This would be the part of the bargain that she would fulfill.” He spoke in a softer tone. The woman had already said she would fight and do what Mela had offered. He just wanted to make sure she knew the extent of it.

He shifted his gaze back to the viking.

“If I may request some additional details to be considered as well… I by no means wish to hold it over her head that she must do this. It by her own free will she chooses to do so. If she decides she wants to leave at any time and cancel the deal… should she do it the right way and alert you she be free to go. As forfeit for the deal falling through I take her place as a slave instead, no questions asked.” Gavroche took another breath, his throat hurting more and more, but he was determined to finish.

“You do not have a reason to trust me yet. You do not know who I am, the walk of life I have come from, or anything like that. I can only present to you my word and the promise to stand by it. At my size I have nothing stronger than that.” He shifted a little.

“I know I bear wings but I can not fly. Not that I would attempt an escape but the point is if I was foolish enough to try I wouldn’t get far. I believe that they were damaged in an attempted maim when I was young. They have little use than a supply of feathers and for show.” He trailed off and dipped his head slightly in respect to the band leader.

“That’s our offer and the terms I requested along with it, should you choose to accept. If you do we’ll start fulfilling our end immediately. Any further conditions at your discretion.”


12-21-2019, 02:33 PM
Vivid green gaze darted between the band leader and the winged boy. While she wasn't entirely fond of sticking around here, she would do it if it meant keeping him free and gaining her own freedom. She didn't want to be in debt to anyone, so she wanted to help him until the bargain was repaid. After that? She would leave and go her own way. She wouldn't be a captive or a slave nor would she be so careless next time to let this happen again. She carefully listened to Gav's words and the terms he was seeking to set in place. She still didn't understand why he cared so much about her freedom in the first place considering they didn't know each other at all, but she could admire his efforts. 

Maybe not everyone in these strange lands were as bad as she thought.

She considered his words and the offers that had been set before the red giants death, but when he offered the collar to the band leader she uttered a gruff "No." Maybe she wasn't making things any easier, but she felt like that collar meant a great deal to him. To part with a precious item that belonged to the red giant - someone she felt was significant in his life - would be wrong. "Keep." She told him before fixing her gaze on the band leader. "I make." She could make a replica. She knew she could. Hell, she was pretty damn sure she could make something better if she wanted to. " like...that...I make another. Better. I make things. Weapon. Shield..." Or rather, armor. But she couldn't recall the exact word for that at the moment.

She glanced at the winged boy again for a brief moment before continuing. "I fight. I hunt. I make. For freedom I do this. For me. For him. we are done. You want raid? I help. He heals. When Winter comes, we go." Of course, she wasn't going to place all the burden on him. She wanted to offer something in return, however much she disliked the idea, so he didn't have to give everything up. 

"jeg gir deg mitt ord." (I give you my word.)

Even if it meant waiting longer to become a free woman again.

Valkyrie 1


5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!Trick 2019
01-01-2020, 07:15 PM
Interesting, interesting, interesting. If Valkyrie could have steepled her toes she would have because this just kept getting better and better. It seemed no matter how this went down she would be making bank. She couldn't really complain here, could she? Valkyrie glanced between the two speculatively. "You two make an odd couple," she said dryly. "But together you make a deal I would be a fool to refuse." Here was yet another moment that would have been perfect for toe steepling, but alas it wasn't meant to be. "I accept your deal. You will do as you say until the end of winter and not a day less." An unspoken "or else" hung in the air, but in all honesty Valkyrie didn't think it necessary. She would be surprised if they didn't do what they said they would.

This character has a noticeable Icelandic accent!
Valkyrie also has a female melanistic japanese macaque named Inga. Unless she's mentioned IC it's safe to assume she's not with her master.
It can be assumed that Valkyrie has a bear skull mask hanging from a strap around her neck at all times.