
Avalon x Felicien pup

Avalon's LAST litter



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-19-2019, 10:57 PM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2019, 04:26 PM by Acere.)

So Avalon and Felicien are finally having their very last litter ever since Feli is kicking the bucket next season and Avalon will hopefully last one more year to raise her babies so we're opening up a slot for a 3rd potential pup (possibly 2 slots if we really like the apps).

This adoption will be short and simple and like most adoptions there will be some rules.

1. If the pup is inactive for a month we reserve the right to reclaim unless of course, you let us know you'll be absent. If the absence extends two months or longer we will reclaim regardless. If you claim absence but are posting other characters and not this pup for a month we will not count it as an absence and will reclaim. (Sounds harsh, sorry but this is avalons last litter, I've had her since she was a puppy and I want these kids as active as possible.)

2. Any designs provided by us remain on Ardent ONLY and any ties to this character remain on this character. You're welcome to provide your own design, however. Designs are restricted to natural colors as there were no unnatural stuff going on in the Ancora line (and possibly Feli's too), older players who are familiar with Avalon's family line are also welcome to design their own thing based off old family traits! Eye colors may vary and can be changed on a design if you don't like the current eye colors, too.

3. Name theme is french in honor of Felicien. My pups name is Claire & Belle's is Amée (boy).

4. Alignments not to go below true neutral. Meaning no evil chars or little assholes cuz Avalon will legit devote all her time to them, teach them values, etc until she dies. Development can of course, happen ICly. But anyone who chooses to mess with these kids will have Winterfell knocking on their door just an fyi.

5. Kids will be born and raised in Winterfell.

6. A player or players will be chosen a week before the playable date (and they're born on Christmas!)

Available designs
Design 1
Design 2
Design 3
Design 4
Design 5
Design 6
Design 7
Design 8
Design 9
Design 10
Design 11
Design 12
Design 13
Design 14
Design 15
Design 16

More designs! These ones take more after the Ancora line~
Ancora 1
Ancora 2
Ancora 3
Ancora 4
Ancora 5
Ancora 6
Pup name: -- Ancora-Desrosiers
Appearance: (site minimim)
Personality: (site minimum)
Potential plans/goals:
Rp sample:  200 word minumum(required for new players only)


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



7 Years
Extra large
12-19-2019, 11:58 PM (This post was last modified: 12-19-2019, 11:58 PM by Torin.)
WIP But I got excited

Pup name: Arsène Ancora-Desrosiers
[Image: WJBF9yp.png]
Appearance: (site minimim)
Personality: (site minimum)
Potential plans/goals:
Rp sample:  200 word minumum(required for new players only)
Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3

Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

12-21-2019, 06:35 PM (This post was last modified: 12-29-2019, 08:15 PM by Odette I.)
Pup name: Julien Ancora-Desrosiers

Design: [Image: sIHi5zA.jpg]

Appearance: A stunning mixture of both his sire and his dam, Julien appears mostly with his raven black base. This base will be the only color he bares as a newborn, and gradually over the course of his first year, he will grow into his body and into his full design. The next colors to appear will be his strikes of gold and grey that cross around his neck, shoulders, sides, hips, and tail, but most importantly across his face. Handsome as his father with the elegance of his mother, his facial features are as striking as any; blue and gold eyes are rimmed with a creamy white, and then feathers of grey and gold fan out downward across his cheeks. A snip of white stands strong against his black base at the top of his nose, stretching a fair amount up his muzzle. His ears will have a creamy white on the inside rim, but have a truly black center. His tail will have those fading strikes across the length, but the hairs closest to his form shall be fawn, and the tip will be dipped in white. (I haven't decided how tall he will be but I imagine somewhere between 39-42 inches tall)  

Personality: As a puppy: adventurous like all young are, but while others might have a sense of danger and caution, this boy seemed to have missed that gene! Charging head first into the unknown, this pup his either extremely brave or naive, or potentially both. His love of family would appear as an inherited gene, as he will show a deep love for his parents and siblings at even the earliest stages of life. 
As an Adult: Where his adventurous desires use to take hold in his youth, a more responsible, noble Julien will rise up. Cautious from the dangers experienced as a pup, he will look both ways before crossing the street. He will collect all aspects of a situation before making an informed decision, and he will be pleased to follow the rules and traditions of his family and pack. Honest, kind, honorable, and quiet. Julien will grow to be a silent observer, creating a role of judge, jury, and executioner for himself. (This is all basic hopes, as IC complications will always effect the young minds)

Alignment: Neutral Good

Potential plans/goals: Stay with his family, grow in both fight and intellect, and see what the world has planned for him. Ideally I would like him to be very bonded with his siblings, even through good times and bad, and even potentially be a glue to hold them together. 

Rp sample:  The male sprawled out against the steel boulder he had found and claimed, his back caressed by the roots of an old oak attempting to consume the very rock he laid on. Heat from the mid-summer day collided against the earth with such a fierceness, he feared the very grass wound erupt in flame and engulf him. Thankfully in the shade and against the stone, he could remain cool despite his darker hairs. Suddenly there was a howl in the distance, a sharp and painful cry for help that pierced the sky and shook Julien to the core. He shot up from his perch, ears perked and in tune to the direction of the call. It was someone he knew, someone he cared deeply for.. and he could almost feel his heart break at the sound. In an instant he was taking off, charging through the territory, tearing through the underbrush with a fierceness that caused the other creatures in the area to scurry out of his way. Nothing would stop him from achieving his goal, and right now, that was getting to his loved one as quickly as possible. Finally Julien leaped over a fallen birch tree and found himself face to face with his worst nightmare, a giant, snarling, drooling, red eyed hare. Standing at least fifteen feet tall, with blood dripping from his most recent kill. The body of his loved one, laid mauled beneath the talons of the beast, and Julien let out a heart breaking cry. Suddenly the pup was jolted awake by a sleepy kick from his sibling while another rolled lazily across his rump belly. Julien panted heavily, wide dual colored orbs scanning the den for each body account for. Mother, father, and each of his siblings laid peacefully beside him. Once he watched each of them breathing softly, the young boy slid back into the pup-pile, trying to calm his racing heart and settle back into a -hopefully- peaceful slumber. 
Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her. 


12-26-2019, 08:45 AM

Pup Name: Astor
Design: Design #6
Appearance: Astor's fur is a combination of hues, starting with a deep reddish brown across his face, chest, and undersides. He then has a deep dark brown saddle across his back and a darker mask on his face (along with some cream tones across his muzzle). He carries cream accent tones beneath his eyes and the saddle upon his back is also broken up with larger patches of this cream coloring followed by a cream tip on his tail. His eyes shine a brilliant orange gold, always holding the faintest hint of mischievousness. He will grow to stand at 39 inches at the shoulder with a medium build, being a bit leggy versus stocky. This will provide the brute with plenty of agility and movement making him quicker on his feet.
Personality: Growing up Astor will be a very clumsy guy, never quite growing into his body until well into his adolescent years. He will have a pure heart and seek the best in almost anyone he comes across. He will love to joke around with his siblings and strive to keep them smiling as frequently as he can. Nothing can ever really dampen his mood so to speak. As he gets older he will feel a natural urge to protect the ones he loves and will take on the form of a knight in shining armor. Atlas will do anything to help others in need. He will want to be the best he can be physically and defensively and of course his main goal will be to make his parents proud. Pride is a huge thing to Astor and one will definitely be able to tell if and when his ego gets bruised (despite how hard he tries to hide it). However like droplets of water rolling from his fur he will shake these small trials off of his shoulders and quickly learn from them. And he is a quick learner. Astor will enjoy being taught new things and will even go as far as he can to help his siblings excel also. He will never view himself as perfect but he will try his best to get as close to perfect as possible. Because of this Astor will always be a great deal harsher on himself then he is on others, though this will never be revealed to anyone as he would rather keep his own self doubt to himself then shed it on others.

To strangers, Astor is imposing and stoic, his facade revealing little about his thoughts or feelings. He is fair in his dealing with others, though he may appear distant to those who do not know him. In spite of his appearance, he is an individual known for his deep sense of loyalty and honor. He is thoughtful and considerate, the type who will help a starving stranger just because it is the right thing to do. Deeply empathetic, Astor feels deeply for those who are suffering. He is especially moved by the plight of those who are disempowered and struggling, with no place in the world to feel safe. Resilience is a hallmark of Astor’s character. He will become a highly adaptive, experienced individual who is nimble-minded. He will make some mistakes along the way but when all is said and done, the errors of his youth will have etched out a strong personality: bold but compassionate, practical, and intelligent. He is a man of action. If Astor says that he will do something, he will stop at nothing to accomplish this task, determined not only to assist another, but to uphold his own sense of worth.

Alignment: Lawful good
Potential plans/goals: Astor’s skill set will be focused mainly on fighting and navigation. I don't plan to limit this guy at all, I'm eager to take on any future plans or plots with him.
RP Sample:
Finally today was the day! The day that they would be allowed to investigate outside of the den. Astor didn't think he had ever felt so much excitement before in his young life, I mean what else could be more exciting then this? He was up at the crack of dawn, his sunset orbs glimmering with the anticipation of the events to come. He couldn't help but nudge his brother and sister quite a few times. His eagerness bubbling over and patience running very thin as they both seemed to want to sleep in rather then be up and awake with him! "Come on you two today is the day! Momma said!" He grumbled before nudging them again, this time a bit more urgently than the prior four times. His tail was wagging furiously behind him as he loped over to the entrance of the den, briefly poking just his head out of the opening so he could glance around. And then he heard it, a sound he had never heard before. It was an incessant chirping noise that instantly drew his attention. Glancing around he finally spotted the little creature sitting up high in a nearby tree. It was a cardinal that was happily singing it's morning song and Astor was immediately intrigued. He had never seen one of those before and his young mind still hadn't learned about birds just yet. How the heck did it get up there anyways?

He glanced over his shoulder, everyone was still sleeping and he decided for himself that he would just have to go investigate without them. He knew his mother might be upset with him but this was the perfect opportunity for him to show her what a big brave boy he was! Hesitantly the pup scooted himself forward and out of the den entrance. He promptly landed in a pile of snow much to his disgust. This stuff was cold! Shaking his fur out he managed to stumble forwards out of the pile he had landed in only to trip over his own front paws in his eagerness to escape the den. He rolled forwards with an oomph before finally landing in a lopsided sit. Shaking his head again he finally was able to glance upward into the tree that the cardinal sat in. "Hey thingy! How'd you get up there?" He barked, his tail wagging and sending snow flying around him as he continued to watch the little bird. It was a very calm moment for the pup and he was content to sit there all day watching it, or at least until his momma and siblings finally joined him.


12-26-2019, 12:50 PM

First to note::

Pups get 50% discount for height up to 39" [Avalon's height]
And 25% discount on height for any inch after that up to 42" [Felicien's height]

I need to double check with Dragon to confirm but I'd like apps to be finished around Jan 1st, please! The absolute last date pups can be submitted is the 8th so I want to make sure folks have a little wiggle room to get their pup if they get chosen. <3

I do really like what I've seen for personalities so far, both the fleshed out one and the one that is just a gist. Don't be afraid to break the mold either! Belle is all for unique babies so long as the alignment makes sense. I wanna see this kiddos grow~~ {and yes, 100% expect Somnium threads with Felicien because I can't let him go.}

Plus more designs! The second to last is one I'm a biiiit growly over sharing... >> << But the right app may sway me! Last one is the design for Amee, my boyo in the litter, should anyone want to try for a twin!

NOTE:: Choosing this design means you are playing a TWIN. Please be mindful of this! This is the design I chose for Amee~



3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Beevent1K
12-26-2019, 07:07 PM (This post was last modified: 01-02-2020, 10:10 PM by Sunder.)
Pup name: Nadine Ancora-Desrosiers
Design: 1st choice (I'd be happy to take this in slate or red if that would fix a possible conflict) and 2nd choice

Appearance: Nadine sports a base coat of rich brown that deepens to dark chocolate along her spine and down her forehead. Instead of being flat and one tone, the rich brown on her sides is swirled with a darker, duller milk chocolate color. Providing contrast to to an otherwise dark coat are nougat highlights. Nadine has four nougat stripes down her back, a strip down her chest, at the tip of her tail, the backs of her thighs and a dot and ash around each eye. Her eyes are predominantly citrine with dark orange lowlights.

Personality: From the first of her days to the last Nadine will be at war with two very strong desires. Her love of family will know few bounds and she will stand with them with cool, quiet ferocity in most situations. This steadfast, loyal nature is forever at odds with her keen desire to roam. Nadine has an insatiable curiosity and she wishes to wring as much experience out of life as possible. Though rooted firmly in logic and loathing deliberate cruelty, Nadine has an accepting, open mind. She embodies the 'live and let live' motto and happily accepts differences in others. Differences, like adventures, are the spices of life. Without them life would be dull and she shudders at the thought.

As an adult it's likely Nadine will boomerang between wherever the bulk of her family calls home and the wilds outside it. She will be drawn to them strongly and stay as long as she is at peace, but sooner or later her restless heart will demand she take flight for mountains not yet climbed. No matter where she is, though, Nadine will do what she can for those around her. Though not the sort to dote on others by any stretch of the imagination, BLANK gives her shoulder freely be it a place to lean or to cry. She may not have the best bedside manner, but what she lacks in gentleness Nadine makes up for in generosity.
Alignment: Neutral good
Potential plans/goals: to go on adventures! Eventually I'd like to get her mastery in intellect (bard) or navigation (fleet-footed).



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
12-27-2019, 11:24 AM (This post was last modified: 12-31-2019, 01:21 PM by Deathbelle.)
Pup name: Océan Ancora-Desrosiers
Gener: Male
(this design needs a little cleaning up. Best viewed on a low light screen)
Appearance: 42” Heavy Build
With a base coat of dark and light ash Océan will be the spitting image of his father. He has dark points on his face, ears, back, and legs that gradiate gently into the lighter areas of his coat. Underneath his eyes are delicate markings that decorate his eyes. His mother’s heritage shines through in the dark Ancora markings on his front and rear limbs. His belly, shoulder, belly, and hips show easy gray markings that highlight Océan’s dark fur.

The boy will always be on the heavier side, he’ll have huge paws and a stocky build. Eventually he’ll grow into a well proportioned handsome wolf but as a pup he’ll be husky. His thick fur won't help his appearance either, until he’s a yearling he will vaguely resemble a burnt marshmallow.

His eyes are a beautiful reflection of his sire’s, soft ashy silver rings.

Personality: honorable - quiet - protective - mature / possessive - private - rage mode
The boy respects the rule of law and from a young age is an obedient child. He will be bright and curious but not one to often push boundaries. Océan will hold tightly to the lessons his mother instills in him and do his utmost to uphold them throughout life. Though he won't be a vocally opinionated pup he will hold strong convictions. He’s not overly talkative but will ask questions without hesitation.

Océan will have a strong moral code that he follow strictly. He is incredibly loyal to his family and siblings, the boy will do anything in his power to protect them and keep them safe. The pup will be mature for his age from the moment he opens his eyes. He won't be a cryer and will be easy to please as long as he’s got some snuggles and his family close by.

Despite these positive qualities Océan will be far from flawless. When it comes to his family if they are put into danger or insulted the boy loses his calm. He is part of his family as much as they are a part of him and he can’t stand to see them distressed or in danger. Once he’s become angered or experienced too passionate of an emotion he can lose full control of his actions. When he reaches this point his senses are jumbled and the only wolves safe are the ones he calls family.

Océan will be a private wolf, gaining his trust will be a difficult task and he won't be one to open up to others. This will compound his troubles with his emotions, he’ll bottle the difficult ones up inside until he can’t handle them any longer and explode at the faintest transgression. After these outbursts the boy often feels remorseful, and instead of speaking about it or asking forgiveness the boy contains it inside himself and the cycle continues.

Alignment: neutral / lawful neutral
Potential plans/goals: I want Océan to struggle with his temper, he wants to be a good boy but can’t quite get a hold on his anger. I’d like if he struggled with not having his dad, and his existence in his dreams(somnium). I’m thinking fighting for one, probably intellect for the second skill for an eventual dreamwalker trait.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.

Memento Mori


Expert Intellectual (215)

Advanced Fighter (70)

6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipTreat 2019
01-01-2020, 02:15 PM
Make sure to get these apps done really soon guys!! Drag and I will be looking over and choosing soon~



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
01-03-2020, 05:30 PM
The time to pick players has arrived! I love everyones apps but unfortunately, we can't give a pup to everyone (we would if we could D;)

We have also decided to give out the remaining 3 slots as well, so without further ado...

Congratulations to Te Fiti, Irish, & KatG6!! (Sorey Laz! Next time tho <3)

Your apps have been accepted! Please get the pups up in acceptance by January 8th! that is the last day that they need to be in acceptance or they will not be playable!

Don't forget, there are discounts for height and I will purchase extra pup slots as well <3

If help is needed for other purchases please let me or belle know <3


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!