
We'll Bring the Shade to Us.

Bonus Seasonal Prompt



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-06-2020, 02:21 PM
Now that the pack had moved to their permanent home, there were many things that needed fine tuning. A pond needed to be dug and lined with sand and rock. Rain would do its job to fill the artificial orifice.  Aside from water to use on her extensive garden, Iolaire was in mighty need of some shade trees. There were plants in the garden that required full or partial shade rather than being melted to death by the sun. So, she was going to get some.

Iolaire called upon her Aunt Meadow the day before. Despite being only a year older than herself, Io looked up to her Aunt and remembered the happy times from when she was a pup. Some of the only happy times, actually. Her childhood had been full of strife, but Meadow had always been a silver lining. She had enjoyed the woman's stories. Her brothers had as well. Meadow had brought happiness to the boys in their short lives and for that, she would always be thankful.

Because of the high esteem that she held Meadow in, Iolaire had asked her if she would mind helping to take care of the garden. The stretch of curling, tapered land was extensive, its edges surrounded by transplanted briars and thorns. A natural fence. The area was quite large and, because of this, it was a lot for one wolf to care for. Iolaire was a friendly woman for the most part, but trust came hard. She didn't trust the newcomers to properly care for her garden, but she did trust Meadow. And so, she invited the woman to help her with its upkeep.

Today, caring for the garden would include procuring shade trees. She had instructed Meadow to meet her at the edge of the Weeping Wood.  A few young willow trees would do them well. Who knew what else they would find in there? Iolaire sat beside Ila, the dwarf caribou harnessed to the small cart that Io had crafted. Ila grazed and Iolaire waited. Hopefully Meadow would arrive soon. They had a lot of work to do and transplanting flora was a tricky process.

This post- 359 Words
Total Count- 359/2500 Words
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
01-06-2020, 04:03 PM
She is late. Meadow is always running behind. Today she is going to help transplant some trees and, while it was not a long way for her travel, the woman finds that she has somehow let the time get away from her. Again. As her legs carry her toward the appointed meeting spot, the green-eyed wolf finds herself thinking of how happy she is. Her niece has asked her to help with a garden. Her! The silly aunt that likes to tell stories. Oh how truly happy Iolaire has made her.

The memories of Io and her brothers sitting around a fire, eyes filled with wonder as she gestured and changed her voice to match the tempo of the story fills her mind. She misses the boys, so young, so full of potential and guilt fills her for a moment for having failed them and Resin and Iolaire. Maybe if she had been stronger she could have saved them. A sigh passes her lips and the almost always present smile slips a little.

It does not last long, the sadness passing as the clearing where Io said they would meet comes into a view. The smile once more firmly in place, Meadow trots toward the figure of Iolaire and says, “I am here! Sorry I am late, I do not have good excuse.” A laugh erupts from the woman and she comes to a stop near Io. The woman finally notices the cart and the small reindeer that is attached to it.

It. Is. Adorable! Looking at the cute companion, Meadow exclaims, “Oh my goodness! Who is your friend Iolaire?” She knows that she should focus, that they have an important task before them but Meadow is excited and it can be hard for her to focus when she is excited. Calming herself, tail wagging slightly, focus returned, she says, “I am ready to help. Just tell me what to do.”

With a wide smile, Meadow is ready to begin.

This post - 330 Words
Total Count - 689/2500 Words

Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-07-2020, 01:58 PM
Meadow eventually showed up. They'd lost a big of valuable time, but it wasn't a big deal. If anything, they could stay overnight in the woods and finish up tomorrow. Although... Roan would have to care for himself. Iolaire didn't know if he was capable yet. All he needed was one bad fall and all of her hard work would be undone. Yes... they should hurry.

As her aunt apologized, Iolaire shook her head. "It's okay. Let's get started though so we can get back home." As she began walking into the woods, Meadow asked after Ila. The woman laughed softly. "Ila. She followed me out of the north and never went back." Upon hearing her name, the caribou lowed gently, looking back to the two canines. "She's a sweet thing. Very helpful. Loyal." Iolaire loved having Ila around. They could get so much more accomplished with the caribou pulling the cart. Plus she was nice, quiet company.

"We need to find small saplings. Trees that will be easy to uproot and transport. They'll eventually grow tall and provide natural shade for the garden and for the pack as well." She had the plan to take at least two young willows. She'd already transplanted several pines along the edge of the garden bordering Sea's Plains. Perhaps a birch or two, simply because she liked the way that they looked. An Oak if they could find a sapling.

Into the woods they went. It didn't take long to find a young willow tree just ready for the taking. "Okay, Meadow. We dig gently around the roots and take as many with us as possible. Some may need to be cut, but we need to cause as little trauma as we can." Gently the small wolf began digging into the earth, pulling the dirt away from the small tree. This would be easy.

This post - 311 Words
Total Count - 1000/2500 Words
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
01-08-2020, 06:25 PM
Nodding vigorously when Io says they should get to work, Meadow follows closely behind Iolaire. When her niece talks about Ila as they move, a wide, enthusiastic smile dances along her lips. The reindeer is certainly adorable and is a good judge of character if she decided to follow Iolaire. Offering a smile to Ila, she casts one last look at the dwarf reindeer before the woman turns her attention back to the task at hand.

Growing up, Io was always more of a collected individual while Meadow was more of a spur of the moment, hope it works out, kind of soul. Not that either way is wrong or bad it just… is. Truth is, the green-eyed woman admires that quality in her niece and is grateful to have the small healer to help keep her feet rooted on the ground when needed. She thinks about this as they walk and Io draws her out of her musing when she informs Meadow of what they are looking for. The woods are welcoming to them as Meadow keeps her eyes peeled for small saplings. Iolaire finds the first one and the light-colored female moves to stand by her side.

Io explains what they are to do and Meadow listens intently before moving around the sapling to get a better angle of attack. Gently she digs, careful of the roots that grow in ever widening branches. Luckily, the young tree has not spread its roots so far that the pair has to move far from the trunk. The work is quick and she digs down, pulling the earth away from roots. It is dirty job but the woman has always loved the feel of dirt in her fur and the accomplishment that comes from tilling the earth.

Her back legs are planted firmly on the ground and her front half moves methodically to extract the soil that hides their prize. Scooping the dirt that she loosens out of her work area as they free more and more of the tree, Meadow finds herself working muscles that she has not used in a long time. She pays heed to Iolaire’s instructions and does not cut any of the roots, if she can help it. Only a couple times does she have to inquire as to whether she should cut a certain one and Io is always ready with the answer.

Moving around the sapling, she continues the work, panting slightly from the exertion but enjoying every moment of it. When the root ball is exposed, Meadow moves to hold on to the trunk to ensure that it stays upright and does not fall over to injure itself. It has not taken as long as the woman thought it would to uproot the sapling and she sits back, holding the sapling straight, awaiting the directions that would follow.

For all her faults, Meadow is a hard worker and knows how to follow instructions. A fact that she prides herself on. There is time for talking and time for listening. Right now, Meadow listens.

This post - 510 words
Total Count - 1510

Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-10-2020, 10:04 PM
The pair worked tirelessly to remove the tiny tree from the earth. It was an arduous process, but in the end it would be worth it. What seemed like hours later, they had the tree ready for transport. Meadow held the sapling upright while Io removed the last of the bound roots. Together, the pair lifted the tree from the earth and placed it upon a woven mat that Iolaire had made prior. "Help me tuck the roots inside." The idea was to tuck the roots within the mat and then tie it up. She would then soak the grass mat with water and hopefully the tree roots would stay supply and pliable until they could replant it beside the garden.

Next, the pair of women loaded the sapling gently into the cart. Io had to call Ila back to her as the caribou had wandered off. In the mean time, Io offered Meadow a piece of dried meat. "Thank you for your help. This little guy will be good for all in the long run." The tree would provide shade for both the garden and the members of the pack. As it grow, so would the benefits that it provided.

"Let's find one more before heading back." They repeated the process with a small birch, its bark already white and peeling. These were Iolaire's favorite trees and she hoped that it would transplant well. After collecting the sapling and wrapping it in a similar grass mat, Io was rather tired. "We should head back before it gets dark." Already the sun was in a state of demise. They could make it back if they left now.

The little caribou did her duty, a frolic in her step as they made their way back to the plains. Upon arriving, Iolaire instructed Meadow where to begin digging. "If we both dig a hole, we can get these little beauties planted before nightfall. Then we can get some sleep." Io grinned. "Thank you so much for your help."

-Time skip-

Over time, one of the two trees grew tall and strong. The birch set its roots deep. The willow didn't do as well at first. It needed extra nutrients and so Iolaire took to burying fish heads in the soil. By the time it began to look somewhat healthy, its grown had been stunted. It didn't matter much to Iolaire as long as the tree was healthy and whole. After all, she was stunted as well.

This post - 414 words
Total Count -1924
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
01-11-2020, 08:13 PM
Holding the tree upright the pair are able to maneuver it up and out of the hole. Io has taken time to weave together a mat and the duo place the sapling onto the grass mat. When Iolaire instructs her to help tuck the roots in, Meadow nods and carefully moves the roots that hang over the edges of the mat. When they are all safely inside, they gather the mat around the trunk of the small tree and tie it down. The roots are now protected and not in danger of being torn off or poking anyone in their eye as it is moved.

With gentle, loving care, the two women manage to load the tree onto the cart. As they wait for Ila to return from her little escapade, Iolaire offers her some dried meat. Taking it gratefully, stomach growling its displeasure to her for having skipped lunch, Meadow makes quick work of the food. Listening to her niece as the woman offers her thanks and explains that this will be good for all in the long run, the green-eyed woman grins. Swallowing the last bit of meat, Meadow says, “Thank you for inviting me! I can already see the shade that it will offer.”

Indeed, she could see it all, in her mind’s eye. A glorious, large willow standing in stark relief against the sun, casting its shadow for all to come and find reprieve from the heat. She will spend many hours under those cool arms that sway in the slight breeze. Vibrant green leaves wave at her as she lays on her back, heavy eyes fighting to stay open as the tree calls her to rest her head and let her cares drift away on the breeze. Yes, she can see it.

Iolaire’s voice breaks the illusion of the future she sees and bids her to help find one more tree. It is a birch, the white, peeling bark seems to make Io happy and Meadow knows that this tree will be coming home with them. With a smile and a song in her head they repeat the process. Dig and release. Lift and tuck the roots. Tie and move to cart. Weariness is starting to settle into the woman’s bones and when her niece calls it, saying they should head back, the slightly taller female agrees. There is still work to be done and the sun had reached its zenith and had long since begun its march down the horizon.

They walk, Ila has a bounce in her gait while Meadow feels like she lost the pep in her step. She knows it will return after a good night’s rest but right now a straight line seems like the fastest way to go. When they arrive at the garden Io shows her where to start digging. The prospect of sleep invigorates the woman once more and she makes quick work of the hole. The transferring, covering and watering of the saplings becomes a blur to her tired mind. Only when she bids Iolaire goodnight and thanks her for inviting her to help does her world refocus.

The trip back to her den is not a long one but, to the tired woman, it seems to take hours. When she sinks onto the oxen coat that Sirius had given her, a sigh passes her lips as the realm of sleep takes firm hold and drags her under.

-Time skip-

Good things take time. That is what Meadow has always believed and, in the case of the trees, she is right. The pair tend to the garden and the saplings daily, giving water and nutrition where needed. As the days pass and became weeks, it became apparent that the birch was a happy tree and grew tall and strong. The willow, however, needed a little more love. While Io would bury fish heads in the soil, Meadow took a more unconventional approach to helping to the tree. She talked to it. Somewhere, at some point, someone had told her that talking to plants helped them grow. So, she tried it.

Long hours were spent by the willow, telling it every little detail of her life. Some days she talked so much her voice went hoarse and she had to drink a tea of lemon and honey to sooth her throat. Some nights she slept by the small tree, waking in the night to make sure that it was still there. By the time the tree decided it would stick around, it knew everything about Meadow and all her secret hopes, dreams and desires. The small woman knew they were safe.

Iolaire told her the willow would be stunted and Meadow was sad, at first. However, as time passed and she realized that stunted meant short and not sickly, the woman came to apricate the willow even more. This is their tree now. The Ashen Armada’s stunted little willow tree. No matter what happens to her or the pack, this tree will always be here to provide shade. This thought lifted her spirits.

On this particular morning, Meadow was out tending to the garden, digging up weeds and watering the plants that need it. Sitting back on her haunches, she looks over to where the willow sits and smiles. It is a good addition to the garden and it has given her a better appreciation for trees. She looks over at the birch, growing tall and strong and, while she likes the tree, the willow has stolen her heart. After all, good things come in small packages.

She spies a familiar form and calls out, “Hello Iolaire! Good morning! What do you think of the trees?” A wide smile settles on her lips.

This Post - 954
Total Count- 2878

Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-12-2020, 02:02 PM
Iolaire liked to sleep in since she was often up well after everyone else went to sleep. When she came out of her stone dwelling that morning, Meadow was already there and pulling weeds. Yawning, the small fae rubbed the sleep from her eyes and began padding towards her aunt. "Morning," she said sleepily. Meadow questioned her about the trees and Io grinned. "They've taken root well. They'll need friends. Lots and lots of friends." That meant many more trips out into the world. Lots of digging. Lots of careful cultivation. Together though, they could do it.

Meadow was a sentimental old thing so Iolaire had an interesting idea. "Since these were our first trees, why don't you give our stunted friend a name?" Canting her head, she motioned towards the little willow tree. Not only would it make the tree 'theirs' but it would always be a part of Meadow that way. Hell, she might even make a little sign on a post with the trees name and put it in the soil beside it.

There was much to do that day. Meadow had done a fine job weeding, but they needed to make sure that each plant had enough water. There was also Iolaire's personal garden to tend to. The garden that she didn't let anyone else touch. It was surrounded by a wall of thick briars (which had been a pain in the ass to transport, lemme tell ya) and was filled to the brim with greenery that could be used to kill. That was the woman's specialty, after all. How she had made her living before coming here.

Iolaire yawned again. "What are your plans for the day?" She planned on dealing with her poison garden and then probably taking a nap, because why not?
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
01-12-2020, 10:04 PM

As Iolaire swipes the sleep out of her eyes and calls out her greeting to Meadow, the green-eyed woman smiles brightly at her niece. While she is almost always running perpetually late, one thing that the light-colored woman is fond of is raising with the sun. While others like to stay up late and be with the moon, she prefers to awake when the sun peeks its head over the horizon. This allows her time to be and reflect on things before she ventures out to start her day.

When Io mentions that the trees have taken root and that they will need friends, the slightly taller female nods in agreement. She is willing to go out into the woods as many times as needed to get those friends. Truth is, Meadow is thoroughly enjoying her role as a gardener and the love and care that she must give each individual plant. She could not have a better partner to take care of these grounds either. Iolaire is a plethora of knowledge about how to care for the plants and their uses and dangers. Meadow is learning the correct way to cultivate and tend not only the plants but countless others that she has yet to find.

When Iolaire suggests that Meadow gives the stunted little tree a name, her whole countenance perks up and brightens. Her? Get to name it? This is both a delicate and important task that has been given to her. Looking to the stunted tree, she chews her lip thoughtfully for a few moments. The tree seems to whisper to her for a minute and huge smile spreads across her face. Turning to look back at Io, she asks, “How about… Eva?” The name seems full of life and the little willow tree has a long one ahead of her. A brilliant smile appears and her eyes dance with happiness.

When Iolaire yawns again her smile turns down slightly as worry creeps in. With a small tut, Meadow asks, “Are you getting enough sleep? Have you eaten yet?” Not one to ignore questions she adds, “My plans are to take care of you first and then I will water the plants. After that I will see where the day takes me.” Another smile appears and she raises, ready to fetch food for Io should she need it.

"I speak"I think

Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-17-2020, 07:23 PM
Meadow thought for a moment about what to name the tree. There were many choices, but Io was sure that her aunt would come up with a good one. After a time, Meadow offered up the name Eva. Io grinned. "Eva it is." It was as good a name as any for a tree. Io looked towards the peeling bark of the white birch tree. "I think I'll call that one Snow." White bark. Easy to remember. The trees were people now.

As Meadow said that she was going to take care of Io, the small wolf laughed. "You don't need to bother with me. I'll be fine. I've always had trouble with sleep." And she had, thanks to her father. Waking at the slightest noise in fear for her life. Not sleeping well was a lasting habit now. She just needed to get moving and she'd be fine.

With another yawn, Iolaire gave her head a little shake. "Shall we plan to go get more saplings tomorrow? Did you have anything else in mind?" A slight head tilt was given. She was open for suggestions.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.