
Boucretia Babies aka Kat's Birthday Puppies!



3 Years

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
12-25-2019, 02:52 PM (This post was last modified: 01-01-2020, 08:37 AM by Deathbelle.)
Due: January 13 

Lucretia and her doggo Bourbon fell in love and made some babies! Being half breeds you will have to pay for a canine pass, but with Bourbon’s discount it will be about 187 gems. Not sure how many free pups we will get but we’d rather have a smallerish litter of 3 maybe 4 if we really like the app. 

Parents: Lucretia Maxima Klein x Bourbon

Siblings: Moonshine-F & Cognac-M

Name Suggestions: Cocktails, liquors, and distilling/brewing terms.

Appearance: All sizes and builds are welcome. Dad is 22” mom is 33”. Lucretia does have a nice set of goat horns and Bourbon is a Border Collie/Australian Shepherd. We highly recommend you choose from the designs provided, but if you do bring your own we will want it to stay with the pup should we take it back. Also stay tuned for more designs! Refer to other Klein family designs if you would like to make your own. 

Disclaimer: We’ll take the pup back if you haven’t been active in a month or more(unless you talk something out with us we would also like any art to remain with them). These designs are not to be used on any other site besides Ardent. Would like them to be active within the pack and stay in Ashen/Ashen Armada 


<b>Name</b>: first, middle?, Klein
<b>Skills:</b> Both parents are hunting/healing 
<b>Appearance</b>: First and second choice 100+ words
<b>Personality</b>: any alignment though not as likely to be super dark 150+ words
<b>Plots</b>: anything goes
[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]



4 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!Christmas 2019
12-25-2019, 06:03 PM (This post was last modified: 01-09-2020, 07:00 PM by Célestin.)
Name: Mojito Alistair Klein
Gender: Male
Height/Build: 24"/Light
Skills: Healing/Navigation
Appearance: (First choice #2, Second #1)
[Image: boucretia3.png]
Mojito it's cleary Mojito is parts of his parents, without looking at his markings the boy comes across more like his father. He carries the looks of a border collie, he will stand 24 inches tall, bigger than an average collie but quite short for a wolf. He has the build of his father's careful breeding, his limbs aren't quite as long as a wolf's might be but are still obviously built for herding like behaviors. His ears are flopped much like his father's and his tail has the thick, silky fur that is signature of his father's breed. 

Though his pelt is thick and silken much like a collie's it is his pelt that makes Mojito Lucretia's son. He is a pristine white, wearing his Klein heritage cleanly on his fur. Breaking up the clean white is ink splatters, black marks his right eye in a splash of shadow, the tail of which trails towards his nose. the top of his head and base of his eyes is also marked in this liquid shadow, with that is a lighter grey shape almost a shadow of his darker markings. His toes look as though the boy had played in black paint, dipped unevenly across his forepaws, except for his right which is a pristine white. 

Rising above his head between those two floppy ears are something fantastical. Two small numbs that will grow into pronghorns as he ages.
The last item to tie the boy together is a set of pale blue eyes, bright and lacking in the ferocity his more feral family might otherwise carry.

(If second choice picked, change desc. for face markings and remove reference to paw markings. If mutations do need to be the same when using inheritance pass then change references of horns to goat horns.) 

Personality: Mojito from an early age with mimic his parents in specific ways. He will take after his mother's hypochondria though suffers from it less than his mother. He will still develop involved cleansing rituals, learning from his mother. Though he has a fear of disease brought on from his observations of his mother he won't be as worried about meat or as prone to sub coming to his paranoia, though it can and will happen all throughout his life.

Much like his father, he is easily excitable and loyal to a fault. The boy will be eager to please, especially as a pup but as he grows that desire won't be diminished much. He will become a bit less innocent as he ages. Afterall he will likely be surrounded by his mother's family and his strong loyalty will extend to most of them. Though his world view will always likely be a bit simple, with good and bad being related to how good or bad anything can be for his family, as well as how much it affects him. Those that are rude or dismissive of him, especially for his mixed heritage, will be bad. This less conventional moral system will often mean he's open to things some may consider darker but as long as it's for the benefit of those he's close to he won't have much reservation for extremes, though he won't seek them out himself.

Contrary to what it may seem Mojito will be a highly empathetic being, but he reserves his empathy for his family and those he considers close. More than anything though Mojito just wants validation, he desires so much to be a good boy. [Chaotic Neutral]

Plots: Open for a lot tbh. I'd eventually love for him to have a few litters but before that following his parents around a lot as a pup, specifically observing his mother and adopting her behaviors. Probably have a run-in with some family who maybe aren't so happy about his less than "pure" bloodline.
[Image: dxada_by_sterling_raven_by_lolaf-dccz5i2.png]
Célestin speaks both French and English fluently, hover for translations.
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
01-04-2020, 07:22 PM (This post was last modified: 01-19-2020, 06:40 PM by Acere.)

Name: Rum Angel Klein
Gender: Female
Height/Build: 17"
Skills: Healing x Intellect or Hunting x Fighting
Appearance: First choice: #3; Second choice: #4

Rum is a tiny little thing, standing smaller than her parents at a meager 17". Likely the smallest of her entire family line. She's a pretty little thing with a silvery white base coat, long, well groomed fur and floppy ears inherited from her dad's line. Being part dog, her fur is longer than average, particular on her tail and around her neck and underside. It seems sort of shaggy, but the babe takes great care of her appearance and does well to keep her fur silky and pristine. Marking her beautiful form are black spots that spot her coat here and there. Her right ear is tipped black, she has a trio of black spots near her left eye, a bit more on her muzzle, another trio of mismatched spots on the left side of her rib cage, and then her left hind leg is dipped in black though spots seem to filter out from that marking and up her leg. She may seem a bit unusual in appearance and her lack of color almost gives her a ghostly appearance. This, coupled with her icy blue eyes may make her appear almost like a spirit from another realm. Of course, her small paws help her to unintentionally sneak up on others.

Personality: Angel more or less lives up to her namesake. She can be as sweet as honey or as bitter as the liquor she is named after, though she's generally the former more often than not. Her sweet & bubbly personality is attributed to the dog side of her lineage, what with the more domestic companion dog mixed in there somewhere. She can be shy, but once she gets to know you she is prone to opening up pretty quick and wants to be nothing more than your best friend! As a child, Rum holds that sweet, innocent, and potentially naive personality until she learns that the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Eventually she will learn about the darker parts of it. That's not to say she'll run in blind to anything and everything, she does have a sense of caution but it may take a few "lessons" to show her that. Highly loyal to those she deems fit (family and pack of course), Rum in a sense takes after her father with the whole following orders. She may at times question the right and wrong of it, but again...the naivety may cause her to obey regardless. Later on she may develop her own sense of right and wrong as she grows up, but considering she practically puts her family on a pedestal and wants nothing more than to please them, she likely won't quite think for herself until then.
Plots: I'd like her to eventually find out the darker side of things when her naive side gets her into trouble potentially. Considering I prefer to go with the flow of things instead of flat out plotting everything, I do wanna try to explore that. Maybe something that causes her to be more critical of things or even reserved and soldier like. I'm honestly up for anything with her ;)


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


01-04-2020, 09:37 PM
-May continue being tempted but is trying to be strong... >>- Hhhh....



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-20-2020, 03:51 PM
Thanks to Lo and Drag for giving us some awesome apps! We're going to give Lo Mojito, but we've decided to go with a smaller litter so we'll only be taking the one pup. Ashen is about to flooded with babies once more with incoming litters :)