
blackberry currants


08-22-2013, 12:08 PM


Silverback bared her teeth in a silent growl as she lowered herself to her side. Dash it. Dash it all to the pits! She'd been up and down mountains - seen the underside of waterfalls, flung herself across thirty foot canyons - all without any problems. But this? This was asking too much of her. The cat laid back, pressing her head into the soft, earthy loam, and letting out soft grunts of pain. She'd gone rabbit hunting, which was usually a tame and easy sport when compared to the crazy cliff-leaping goats she was used to tagging. But this little bunny had rushed into a thicket.

At first Silverback had been certain she could keep up, but soon enough she'd found herself tumbling over a tripwire of vines and roots, and sprawling tail over talons into the thick of the brush. The more she'd flailed about in trying to escape, the more thorns she'd collected, until she resembled a pin cushion more than anything else. Worst of all, some of them were the kind that really stung even after they'd been plucked out.

Her pelt was a mess of burs and leaves and twigs, with a couple of sharp thorns till imbedded in the soft flesh of her paws. She'd tried hard to get them out, but her muzzle was too big and flat. All she could do was lick at them as they swelled. Limping to a stream would've been a good idea, but though the sound of water wasn't far away, she couldn't manage it. She needed to just hold still for a bit and let the waves of pain lower to a more managable rate. She was perfectly fine with bone freezing cold and heart-stopping drops, but real, sharp pain like this? It was horrible! No one liked this kind of thing! If it were a being attacking her, she would've already ripped off it's head or fled to the hills by now. But no, there was nothing she could do.



08-22-2013, 12:43 PM
Dempsey padded silently through the forest, enjoying the gently overcast day. The clouds blossomed in his gloomy state and he appreciated the depressing atmosphere they provided. A rustling in the thicket next to him caused him to stop in his tracks though. Crouching low to the ground he took in a long breathe to catch the smell of whatever was lurking in the darkness. The rumbling got louder and louder and all of a sudden a rabbit popped right out beneath his feet. Obviously startled and confused, the rabbit stared up wide at him. That was a mistake. With a snap of Dempsey's jaws the poor little soul hung lifeless from his mouth. Blood seeped through his teeth and rolled down his chin.

The rabbit was making a thorough mess of things, but he would taste good and so he would deal with the inconvenience. The sound of water made his ears prick up then. That would be a lovely place to eat! He could gulp this little fella down and then get a nice cool drink to make the perfect meal. Pushing through a bit of brush, Dempsey found himself on a bit of a bank before the river. A clay beach lay below him, and it would have been the perfect place to eat.. if a cut up and bruised snow leopard hadn't been laying there like the world was over. A snort blew from his nostrils. What could have possibly beat this leopard up so badly? In all honesty, she was a magnificent creature, so it must have just been something stupid she did. Thorns covered her body and he almost let out a low chuckle. Now he knew what the rabbit was running from.

He let the rabbit down by his feet and sat on his haunches. "Well you look like hell," his low voice rumbled out of his chest. A smirk played upon his mouth. The deep lines on his face made his masculinity stand out and if this leopard were a wolfess, he might have had her at hello.


08-22-2013, 12:53 PM


Of course the universe would refuse to let Silverback be alone in her misery. She was quickly becoming aware of another presence. She would've noted it sooner, had she not been in such great distress. She lay reclined under the blackberry thicket like some poor, wounded damsel, with the muted sunlight dappling over her rosettes and grey silks. Even with fur dotted by dirt and burs, it was clear that she was a work of art. The pathos of pain only added to it really. Not that she would've cared - she would've much preferred to be rid of all of it. She didn't care about the observations and opinions of others, but she was a vain thing.

The sudden words from the stranger were enough to raise her hackles - half in offense, half in defense; she didn't know if he was a threat to her. Usually one wolf was easy prey; She'd taken down plenty in her day. But in her current state, she wasn't in the mood to do anything but lay limp and moan. If he pushed her though, she'd be all the quicker to swing and claw. And since running away wasn't an option, it would be a fight she'd feel compelled to finish. One glance at the male though, showed that he was a rather fine specimen of his admittedly sad species. The blood running down his front didn't help allay the cat's concerns, but 'concerned' was not really the word for her current attitude.

She lifted her head over her shoulder and raised her eyes enough to get a good look at him. Her ears were pinned back and her whiskers stood out straight. She spoke with a voice that carried it's own mental eye-roll. "Oh, but I'm sure you say that to all the girls." Silverback poured a pleasurable, purring sound into her voice, letting the sarcasm bite all the deeper before she flung her head back to the dirt. She could hear him clearly - if he made a step for her she'd have to deal with it, but until then she just wanted to be left to hiss and moan in peace. Why couldn't someone helpful have come her way? Honestly! Here was one occasion where she would've have minded having Cantina in on her hunt.



08-22-2013, 03:01 PM
"Oh I'm sure you say that to all the girls." The feline's head thumped back to the ground. She was quite the pretty thing, though he felt no attraction to her because she was not of his kind. Her coat glistened in the low light and the dapples made a marvelous contrast. Unfortunately, thorns and prickers stabbed at her coat making irritated little welts all along her boddess. It was a shame really.

Sighing he looked down at the rabbit, and then back up at the leopard. She could surely need it more than he. Mentally he struggled with the process. He was a selfish brute, content to be by himself, but he felt the need to make friends with this cat. She could be a powerful ally after all. Dempsey ripped the rabbit in half with his jaw and set his half aside, admittedly the larger half. He picked up the hare then and strode to the cat purposefully and with caution. One never knew with this species. At about five feet away, he tossed the rabbit at her. It was still close enough for him to get his head ripped off if he had enough prowess, but he hoped she had a soft side.

He padded to the water side and lapped up a few sips, being sure to dip his muzzle in to clean it of the blood. "Only the pretty ones my dear, and you are quite lovely. It is a shame I am not a leopard myself." The smell of his portion of rabbit was wafting into his nostrils and he wanted the sweet taste on his lips, so he passed her again, this time a little closer, to go eat his dinner. When he got to his bank he plopped down on his belly with his rabbit half in front of him.


08-22-2013, 03:36 PM


Silverback heard his steps and tensed, almost visibly. She was ready to attack if need be, but wasn't certain that was what this was about. She didn't look up again though. It hurt too much for her to have to be on peak watch, plus she wasn't used to it. Usually she was the one in charge - she was the one that others looked out for. It was terrible this level of helplessness. A snarl stamped on her short muzzle as the thorns worked their hellish purpose. But the pawsteps of the other predator stopped a length from her and suddenly she was aware of something hitting the ground before her. She hadn't heard the brush of foliage that denoted a leap - and it was far too soft a thud for it to be the wolf himself. She started immediately, her head once more coming up, with wary eyes widening.

But... it was just a half of the rabbit carcuss. She stared at it puzzled for a moment before looking to the wolf - but he was already turning away back to the water. Silverback's eyes flattened, but she was touched. From his inital words he'd seemed a pig and a jerk - not to mention an idiot: wounded beasts are not meant to be poked at. But this gesture of sharing his food... it was unexpected and rather considerate. Course it might've also been a pity play.

She flicked that idea away with an annoyed roll of her eyes. What the heck, she was hungry. She'd much rather have had a magical cur for all these brambles, but this would do well to distract her for the moment. She eased herself carefully back onto her belly and snapped at the offered food. She couldn't use her tortured pads to grab at it, she she unsheathed her wicked talons and used them to pin down the morsel while she lowered her muzzle and chomped at it. So it was that a snow leopard and a wolf - both of similar grey hue, shared a meal together. Silverback said nothing, but she silence was proof of her enjoyment of the food. She finished off the meat quickly enough, and powerful jaws crunched down the small bones for good measure. She was left with just the bits of littered fur and the skull, which she licked the brains out of and then rolled back and forth absently between her foreclaws. When she was younger, such things had been her first toys.

Finally now she glanced over at the wolf, her posture relaxed except for the occasional twitch given to her by the prickles. She had to say something, so she managed a kind word, that, as per usual, was half mocking, half meaningful. "Do you know? You're the first male to ever take me on a dinner date?" She smirked gently. "Thank you."



08-22-2013, 04:05 PM
The feline rolled the skull of the rabbit around with her paws, her massive paws, absent mindedly. It was amusing to watch really. This large fearsome predator playing with it as if it was a toy. Dempsey's half of the rabbit was marvelously picked clean. The bones appeared pearly white even though they had been severely bloody just a moment ago. Admittedly, he was a delicate eater. Every bite he took he would peal back the flesh in an orderly fashion. It was one of his quirks, though he never really shared it with others.

"Do you know? You're the first male to ever take me on a dinner date? Thank you." The wolf turned his platinum eyes to the female and stared at her. A date? Well if that's what floated her boat he could turn on some charm. There was no expression on his face. He was very skilled at keeping it blissfully blank.

After a minute or two he raised a defined eyebrow at her. "I don't do dates." He licked his lips then. "I'm more of a night owl," He drew on the memory of his last encounter with a pretty wolfess to make his voice husky and low, "But I'm glad you liked our 'date', dear. If you were of my kind I'd invite you to stay with me to watch the stars." He let his eyes roam over her body and he began to memorize the pattern of her coat. It really was a shame she wasn't a wolf, he would make quick work of her. Dempsey wasn't one for drawn out relations after all. He just didn't care enough to keep them going. Maybe one day he would care, for one very special femme perhaps. No, probably not.


08-22-2013, 04:20 PM


The male seemed more or less willing to play along. She'd seen the way his eyes roved over her. He recognized beauty when he saw it - but he wasn't about to dance for her. The species barrier was firmly planted in this one's mind. As much as Silverback liked toying with other creatures, she couldn't say she was disappointed. She rather respected this wolf's sureness of self. Wait? Had she just put 'respect' and 'wolf' in the same sentence. She yawned - she must be getting soft. Course he had given her a lovely gift.

"Most thoughtful of you," she mused, still watching him with the eyes of an amused hawk, "But to tell the truth, I'd trade all the stars in the sky for a poultice of healing herbs." She glanced down at her paws. It was getting to the point where she could probably make an effort and get herself to the streambed, but even so then what? She wasn't liking this. In the back of her head she was thinking about how wounds even as small as these could fester. She was much too meticulous about her grooming habits to allow any infection to set in, but the longer they were in there, the more it would swell and hurt. "Dash my mother for only ever teaching me about poisons." The mutter was given under her breath, but probably loud enough to be heard. Why hadn't she bothered to ask about some healing know-how? Eh the old bird probably wouldn't have told her anything anyway. Silverback had only ever picked up what she did because she had keen eyes and a good mind. Her mother and her had had... well... a rocky relationship at best.

But why bring the past into her thoughts? She had enough to deal with in the present.



08-24-2013, 07:31 AM
"Dash my mother for only ever teaching me about poisons." The cat growled to herself.

Dempsey couldn't help but let out a low chuckle at the words. He knew the feeling of having a disagreeable parent, and he had to admit it was nice to swear about them sometimes. Rising from the laying position he currently held, he cat stretched to loosen up his limbs. "This was a lovely time, darling, but I have finished my dinner and it is only proper for me to head out." Licking his lips for emphasis on the subject, he continued with his speech, "But abandoning you in pain is not what I hope to do. I would be more than willing to pull out those painful thorns, all over your body, if you could assure me I won't get my head bitten off if I try." A little smirk tugged at his lips, but he tried to force it down. This was not a laughing matter. If he did not pay attention now, he may be watching her from the stars above instead of watching the stars above with her.

For some unknown reason the brute hoped she would say yes. Of course, there was a species barrier, but she was overly pretty and he could not say he would refuse the touch of a pretty woman, any pretty woman. Raising an eyebrow he waited for an answer, but then he laughed under his breathe. The poor female did not even know his name and he was offering to touch her in every concealed and protected spot on her lovely boddess! "Oh please excuse my manners, my name is Dempsey, dear. I would not want you to think a complete stranger had perused over you in such a manner, even if it is just to pull out some painfully nasty thorns." HIs eyes twinkled with amusement as he watched her and waited for her answer. Internally Dempsey sighed, he really needed to find a female of his own species to play with, soon. Just thinking about it made him wish he was standing in the cold waters of the lake instead.


08-24-2013, 05:32 PM


Silverback narrowed her eyes at the wolf. First he said he was leaving - announcing it as though she might actually notice - and then he was offering to stay. But it was to help. The wolf was offering... to help her - in more ways than just sharing food. What an odd creature she had found herself in the presence of. His benevolent carelessness rather reminded her of her own attitude, but to be honest, she was only truly comfortable unless she was the one in control - or perhaps another whom she trusted greatly. The idea of the large wolf standing over her as she bled as disconcerting. Even if he was decent looking as far as canines went.

As he shut his muzzle, she opened hers. "I'm afraid I can make no such promise to a creature I hardly know." A part of her felt like turning him down completely and sending him on his way.... oh but the pain hurt so much. She winced again, her head pressing into the head, as he side swelled in labored breath.

It was then that the male introduced himself. Dempsey. And he seemed to understand precisely where her words had come from. Or at least part of it. The issue went a bit deeper though; Silverback was a cat. She believed herself beautiful and powerful and in a position to hunt or control all lesser species. To lower herself to be tended to by this cocksure roamer? She wasn't sure she could. Accepting half a kill from him was one thing, but this...? She gulped. It stung so badly... She knew the thorns would hurt coming out, but it would be nothing compared to the prolonged agony that would only get worse the longer they were in.

She looked up at the male with eyes that were half pleading. "Alright," she murmured. "I'll not lay a claw to you -just- Help me. Please." She would have to trust him-or at the very least, give him the benefit of the doubt. So far he had shown himself a generous, if a stand-off-ish sort of wolf. She would control any reflexes or instincts. She would stay still for him. With ears still pinned and muzzle taunt in pain, she rolled over, ever so slightly, to show a bit of pale, silky-furred belly. There were burs all over, but those weren't important. What pained her were the thorns - some almost as long as her whiskers. There were a few embedded along her side, one or two pinned in her hip, and at least a single thorn shot through three of her four paws. The ones on her chest she had managed to get out, but there was one part way down her belly, and another sting of pain signifying a last thorn on the inside of her right haunch.

She wasn't going to enjoy this. She buried her claws in something safe - the earth, but she couldn't resist keeping one eye slitted open to watch the stranger she was trusting.



08-26-2013, 08:32 PM

When the cat turned over to review her stomach, Dempsey was shocked. He was amazed not only by her beauty, but by the size of the thorns in her flesh and her wondrous pain tolerance. A grimace appeared on his muzzle. "I'm so sorry, dear. I'm not going to lie. This process is going to hurt." He padded over to her, moving with a silence that was akin to his day job.

Standing before the pretty woman, he decided to start at her hip. That way if it did hurt her as much as he thought it would, he might only get a swift kick to the groin rather than the loss of his handsome face. The thorn in her hip was long, so he knew he would have to soften the already hardening skin to be able to pull it out as painlessly as possible. Dipping his head down, Dempsey put his lips to the thorn and just licked around its edged for a minute or two. His saliva soaked her fur and he felt the flesh around the thorn start to soften with the moisture. Then he began to suck on it. Slowly, but surely the thorn moved from her side and into his mouth. This could definitely be written down in his book of sexual torture methods. Once the thorn was removed he spit it out onto the ground and moved to the next one.

Dempsey's mind fogged and he couldn't help but trail his nose along her soft, plush stomach. Each time he came to a burr, though he knew they weren't important, he would take it into his mouth and comb the fur off of it with his teeth and tongue. One of the thorns was way up between her thighs on her stomach. Dempsey gulped in nervousness, but he wanted it more than he would admit. He attacked the thorn with the same gentle caress as he had the others, but when the thorn was removed he nipped down lightly on the sore skin. It was brash he knew, but it was more of a love bite than anything else.

He came to her paws and pressed his wolfy lips up against her ruff pads to pull each thorn out. When he was done he pulled his head up to look at her. Her fur was all disheveled and knotted. For some reason he felt he could not leave it that way, and so started to groom her and smooth down her silky white fur. Each moment he spent in her presence he became more and more aroused and needy. A fire had lit upon his skin and he needed to quench it, but he couldn't ask her to do that. There was something morally wrong about it to him. A wild fever showed in his eyes."Have I gotten them all, darling?" A shiver ran down his spine. "If I have not I shall stay to search you for them, but I think it is high time I leave."



08-26-2013, 09:32 PM

. . .

His words were not encouraging, but the snow leopard had mustered up her courage for this and she could not flinch of it now. She expected a rather rough snapping and yank at each of the pain centers and perhaps he?d even have to bite through some shallow skin to get at the deeper thorns - She let her muscles bunch tight in preparation. ?But none of that came. In fact, what Silverback felt was the soothing touch of the male?s tongue, as he eased out the offending little frog-stickers. It couldn?t have been more gentle. And ? with all considered ? it was almost? pleasant.

Silverback felt the discomfort lessening with each thorn the male fished out. And she also noticed how he began to really take his time. This was more than just giving a helping hand to a stranger. He was enjoying himself. The tension in Silverback?s body slowly vanished. She even sheathed her claws and let her head fall back again ? not in pain, but in comfort. The grey one ?she didn?t bother remembering his name- was even getting out those terrible cockleburs. As he moved his body over her own, her long, fluffy tail reached up and brushed against his fur. She was making it clear that she was grateful. He was no longer in any chance of danger from her. She didn?t want to scare him off.

Her suspicions were confirmed with the love nip he gave her belly. One grey-green eye peeked open. Oh he?d best not start games that he wasn?t ready to finish. Not with her. One way or another, Silverback tended to play for keeps. She was watching him now as he came around to her paws. She turned each one over to him, presenting black pebble-like pads with feather soft fluff fringing around them. What a good boy he was being. For a bit Silverback was terribly tempted. How much would she like to have a creature like him kept safe away for her in a cave? He could groom her all the time then. Oh and he was doing a marvelous job on her fur ? particularly for a wolf.

She could sense the change slowly taking hold of him. She felt it in his touch, heard it in his breathing, she could practically smell the pheromones in the air. When he finished and stood to look at her ? with those wild eyes, Silverback was left without a doubt. And yet despite the male?s desire he was pulling back. With honeyed words he tried to make himself a door for a possible exit. Silverback was left in that moment to make a crucial decision. Did she let him go? Or did she try to convince him to stay and then attack to make him her own?

She let out an exhale that came in a rather throaty purr. High time he leave? ?Yes I think so.? She swallowed, making an effort to control herself. He had helped her. No matter how much she liked him, he deserved to stay free. He was a bit big of a catch for her to try to bag anyway. The dappled mountain queen, now returned to her former glory, glanced away from the male, but she was only able to do so for a moment. While the rest of her body remained reclained in the thicket, her tail reached out to stroke at his side again. ?Thank you,? she breathed.