
In the Dead of Night



6 Years
08-20-2013, 10:15 PM (This post was last modified: 08-20-2013, 10:16 PM by Azalea.)

Night had fallen over Valhalla and Azalea had woken from her sleep in the tangled roots of an ancient tree. Her eyes were heavy, she was tired. Lack of sleep was just one of the many things she had been suffering since returning from the north. There was a hollow feeling inside of her tonight, her dreams heavy with one wolf in particular. She needed him, needed to be near him and to touch him. Azalea was, for one of the very few times in her life, lonely.

She left her makeshift bed, tracking across Valhalla with her nose to the ground. Of course she knew where Sarak's den was. So many things were happening in the young girls life and the discovery of all these new emotions did not technically sit well with her. She enjoyed playing with the emotions but more often than not they were her enemy, fighting against her to make her act in ways she didn't want to. They made her weak.

It was her weakness that had her outside of Sarak's den in the middle of the night, under a full moon, calling out his name into the darkness. "Sarak?" Her tones were so faint, she wondered if he would hear her at all. Weak as she might be to succumb to her need for male companionship, Azalea's whole body and mind would not allow her to believe that this was wrong. She wanted him company in equal parts to need. The female shifted her weight back and forth, uncertain as she waited for signs of life from within the den.




8 Years
08-20-2013, 11:27 PM

Darkness. It fell and lifted and fell again. As soon as the meeting had ended, he had come back to his den. The deer had paid him no mind as he passed; they feared him no longer. Why fear a predator that never even seemed to see them? So an uneasy truce had turned to complacent ignorance. He was just another part of the miniature, secluded meadow they grazed on a daily and nightly basis. However, when another figure ghosted across the dark meadow, the herbivores raised their heads, stock still as they focused on the pale form, front feet stamping a nervous pattern of warning to one another as their white plumed tails flicked up. They scattered as the form stopped outside the hole that held the harmless one.

Sarak?s ears barely flicked at the sound of his name being whispered. But a slow breath and faintest hum of vague acknowledgement whispered back to her. He was awake. Listening to the hum of silence and chirping of crickets, and the fainter, musical croak of tree frogs off by a small stream about eighty five feet away from the edge of the meadow. Dull greens opened, turned, lifted. Her shadow fell across the opening, faint under starlight. Tonight would either kill him, or set the pain in his chest running far away. It was down to her. So he waited for her to enter, giving a faint whuff of acquiescence. Tonight would be the night he told her his past.



6 Years
08-21-2013, 06:45 AM

When a sound was made, acknowledging her presence and welcoming her into the den, she stood her ground. "I was dreaming. I... I needed to see you." She said slowly and quietly before moving into his den. For once she didn't think about the fact that she was going underground, into the earth itself, all she could think about was getting near to Sarak and being in his den. She knew how much he treasured having his own den, this den.

His den was cozy, Azalea figuring she could probably curl up to where the two would manage to just barely touch but that wasn't what she wanted to night. She wanted Sarak and not really in a sexual way. She wanted to be held by him and be near to him. Stepping over his legs, slowly maneuvering into place, Azalea twisted around, facing him once more. Once she was facing him she lowered her body, rump first, until her chest was pressed to his and her front legs tangled with his own. She let her head fall behind his head, going down his neck to rest on the bone of his shoulder.

He was such a mess! "I needed you." Was all she said. She knew he wouldn't remain silent and now that she was here she knew she wouldn't either. There were things on her mind, awakened at the scent of him, that needed to be laid out on the table. It was best for both of them to lay all their cards down, right here and now.




8 Years
08-22-2013, 07:59 PM

So she needed to see him? Was this where he died? She came then, ducking into his dark hole, guard hairs wreathed in starshine, taking a position after stepping over his legs. She was soon snuggled against him, to the point where he could feel and hear her heart. The embrace touched something in him that had begun to grow in his time in Valhalla, and had recently begun to die. Touched it and warmed it until it lifted it?s head and took strength. Courage. ?I need you, too. And I need to tell you what I was? Before Valhalla.? His voice was quiet, only a whisper, really.

Silently, he pressed his nose to her shoulder, taking strength in the scent, before he took a breath. ?I came to Valhalla as an Assassin with a target. Erani to be exact. But? She took me by surprise, and I failed my mission. The penalty for failure in my birth pack, is death. There is no such thing as love in that pack. No family ties. Blood relation means nothing. It?s a twisted web of lies, ambition. All the wolves there love to kill. Even me.? Shame made his voice trail away. Yes. He had enjoyed taking lives. Until Valhalla, when Erani had spared him his life, and Cairo had even let him stay and learn the true virtues. Strength, unity, Love, Harmony. A place where you didn?t need to kill to rise in ranks.

He forced himself to go on. ?I was chosen to Assassinate the last known living member of a rival pack that ours had wiped out seven years ago. According to the inside information of the three who had managed to get accepted that this wolf was the chosen Heir to the pack, because the Alpha Female was barren. Erani. Fenrin, my birth Alpha, is, in fact a coward, now that I think of it. He feared any opposition, like any tyrant. And if Erani still lived, there was a possibility of her becoming aware of her right to rule her old land, and sources had come back from failed missions to say she had entered into a large and powerful pack. This one.

?In my old pack, there is a? trial. For young wolves that had managed to survive our Alpha?s paranoia. We have a birth name. And then, if we pass the trial, we are given a Warrior name. Erani?s death would have been my trial. A successful assassination of a rival. You would think that Fenrin would have learned by my turn that so many failed attempts meant that her death was impossible to attain. Or maybe he was just becoming more senile with age. He was unusually old, perhaps around fourteen or fifteen? Maybe older.?
As he spoke on, the words came easier, though he glanced at Azalea, fully expecting her to have drawn away at his first words. But the words, the story, once begun, couldn?t stop now.

?So I was sent out, and eventually I found Valhalla. I sought out Erani?s scent, and attacked. She? I don?t know. You know how she seems to listen with more than her ears at times? It?s like she felt me coming. She stepped aside, and I nearly went over the cliff. I tried again, but she beat me back, and cornered me. She?s terrifying when she?s furious? I think Fenrin would turn tail and run yelping to the hills if she turned that look on him. I?d love to see that.

?She called for Cairo, and other than Fenrin, I?d never seen a wolf so big, and his eyes were just as scary as Erani? I honestly expected to die there. But Erani ordered me to tell her everything? So. I did. She and Cairo talked it over, and she asked how old I was. I was only a yearling, a year and a quarter? That seemed to thaw her out. After they talked more, Cairo said that I would be taken into Valhalla, as sort of a prisoner, but I would be trained as a young Valhallan here, until I turned two. So? I chose to stay because I saw what weakness really was. Hatred is weakness. Love is strength. Forgiveness is essential.

And? then I met you? You were the first wolf outside Erani?s immediate family to approach me. I had no idea how to react. A pretty girl offering to be my friend. With my past? It?s hard for me to trust. I took this long to tell you about myself. And? I?ve never felt love myself. It?s like soaring, and yet it hurts when there is the fear of loss. I need you. I need you to teach me more. Erani has done all she can, but she isn?t you. When I smell you as you pass by, and your scent carries a strangers scent, I feel as though a bear has taken my heart and twisted it?. And that night? I honestly wondered if I would die then and there.?
He petered out, eyes closing.



6 Years
08-22-2013, 10:48 PM

Sarak warmed to her touch, not trying to flinch away when she curled up so close to him. Their hearts beat together, his tuning to hers and hers to his. ?I need you, too. And I need to tell you what I was? Before Valhalla.? Her heart skipped a beat at his opening words, pattering away to catch up. His next words made her stomach turn. She wasn't sure that she was prepared to know anymore. When she had first met him, it was the only thing she had been interested in and now she just didn't see the point in knowing.

Azalea wasn't given a choice, though, and the male began a very long story. The story of his life as told by him. It was the most accurate account of the male's upbringing she would ever get and she would likely never hear it again.

As his nose pressed into her shoulder it made her insides leap, shooting hormonal energy through her body. How was she supposed to pay attention to his story if he was gonna do stuff like that? He had already started talking though so she told her body to calm down, clenching in at the core to try and force those feelings out. His first words had her giving him an incredulous look. Sarak... and assassin? It was hard to believe since the wolf she had known all the while was submissive and from what she knew could hardly swat a fly. A runner but not a killer.

But he ended his beginning with a simple pairing of words that said that he wasn't as innocent as she was led to believe, he had enjoyed killing things. She still found impossible that he had ever killed another wolf, though.

He continued on a bit forcefully, seeming not sure if should even go on. Azalea wasn't sure what looks she was giving him. Nothing negative though she was sure some disbelief was slipping in there.

So Erani had been who he was meant to kill... to become a man, or something like that. It almost made her laugh out loud. Kill Erani? Even with the silvery she-wolf being a healer, Azalea didn't see her as a mere lamb. Erani was a lion and could very well be capable of killing in the right circumstances. She was especially lethal, holding deadly plants alongside her tooth and claw.

About midway through his life story Azalea laid her head down to where it rested on one of his forelegs and an ear brushed his chin. Her ears remained alert, making it clear that she was listening, and maybe more intently than usual. All too suddenly they had reached the present and he was talking to her. She lifted her head again, looking him square in the eye. He was reaching out to her, asking her to help him learn to love. His virtual proclamation of love was enough to throw her hormones into play again but at the same time his words terrified her.

"Sarak..." Her hesitant beginning was surely enough to set worry upon him, "I'm not even two yet... but I have these feelings. There is this want deep within me that craves you. I don't want to feel this way! It scares me! I'm too young to be connected... to be... tied. You can hold me but for the time being you cannot keep me, Sarak, I'm not ready for it. I want to get out, explore, meet every stranger I come across." She paused, looking troubled. "This isn't coming out right."

She looked down, clearly frustrated with herself. "I don't want it to be... just you and me... for now. You said I hold your heart in my paws but I feel like I hold it in my teeth and that's not fair to you! I'm utterly selfish, I want you but here I am telling you that you can't have me. That's how I feel though, Sarak. I'm too young to be tied to anyone or anything that isn't Valhalla itself but that doesn't mean that I don't have feelings for you. It doesn't mean that I don't want, don't need you... because I do."

She was struggling to pull herself closer to him, her body bumping roughly against him. There was no room to move closer and no way to move closer. It was clear that she was feeling a little... frisky now. It was a feeling she didn't know what to do with so she settled to cuddling into the male's neck. She lifted her paw and brushed his face lightly, something that was to be expected from her. As her paw moved out of the way, quickly touching down again, she reached out and licked him smack on the cheek.



8 Years
08-24-2013, 08:16 PM

He could see the disbelief on her face, in her eyes. She?d never been good at hiding her emotions. And his heart clenched when his last words brought fear to her eyes. He should have known better than to hope. When she said his name, hesitantly, his closed eyes tightened shut further. Her next words opened his eyes and he stared at her, but as she went on, confusion killed the hope that had started to flicker, like a flame in wet kindling being snuffed out by a breath of wind. And a small thread of anger was there too. ?No. It is not.? His agreement was given in a dead flat tone. As she wriggled closer, he caught the scent of her excitement, and rose to a shaking sitting position. The paw she lifted was expected. And while he let her control his face, her tongue would find salt as it touched his cheek.

He averted his eyes, dull gaze bright only with liquid, shrouded with agony and confusion. He gazed out of the den watching the faint shadows of the deer as they cautiously returned to the meadow. He listened to their restless steps and the settling of their hooves as they settled to graze again. Physically, he trembled. Inwardly, he was riding an earthquake, one pulse of his heart after another. Was it possible for his heartbeat to thunder like a furious storm? He tried to capture his swirling mind, tried to hold on to some sense of logic. Confusion, hurt, pain, anger, grief. Finally, he choked out a reply. ?And when you?ve had enough of running around ?meeting? every stranger. What then??

Eyes turned to gaze at her, silent, dead, before he rose and slipped past and into the starlight, taking a deep breath of the clear, Summer night air, The deer raised their heads, staring at him intently with great, sparkling dark eyes, large ears pressed forward, before they gracefully moved to the other end of the meadow, tails flicking. His head bowed as he tried to catch his breath.



6 Years
08-24-2013, 09:43 PM

Azalea's words made Sarak turn sour. He pushed away from her, into a sitting position. He let her paw him and give him a kiss on the cheek, but there was little reaction. A frown quickly covered her face and suddenly she was sitting too. Every fiber of being felt sick. Sick with rejection. Was Sarak rejecting her?

Perhaps her words were not what he had expected but she had tried to explain well enough. Words were not always her forte. He was looking away from her and were the space not so small she wouldn't have noticed he was shaking. Ears flipped back and then forward and then back again. ?And when you?ve had enough of running around ?meeting? every stranger. What then?? His words came finally.

After speaking he escaped into the open air outside of the den. Azalea shrunk back into the corner, making herself as small as possible. If only she could disappear. If only she had stayed away. The more depressing thoughts were there as well: If only they had not gotten so close. If only they had not met. If only he had never come to Valhalla.

She didn't know what to say or what Sarak would do. Clearly she was not bothered by his past and clearly that was not the matter at hand here. Life and love was on the line. Laying it all bare to each other. Perhaps it was not the wisest for either of them to do. He had taken her words in a way that only a wolf his age or older could. He made her seem like she was going to do things with all the strangers she met. She supposed she deserved it, with how she had behaved lately, but still it was not right.

There was a struggle for words, a flower of hope but now Azalea just felt like she was going to die down here in this shallow den. Sarak would walk away and leave her to do so at this point. She laid her head on her paws and a depressed, wispy whine was exhaled from her vocal cords.

She wanted to give in, for both of their sakes. She wanted to just tell him she loved him and live happily ever after. But how could she be faithful without first knowing for a fact that she was in love with him, not that she simple loved him. There was a difference and she could only be sure of the one right now. Her world experience was limited and her maturity in all honesty was lacking. Why did he have to like her? He was better off finding another.

If that was really what she thought then why did the idea make her feel a horrible emptiness inside? "Sarak..." She wasn't even sure she had said his name loud enough for him to hear. Strangled by her own uncertainty and overwhelming emotions. In her head she tried to think of all the cliffs she knew of in Valhalla because she could really use one right now. Yes, she ought to just throw herself over a cliff now and save anyone anymore trouble.




8 Years
08-25-2013, 09:56 PM

Clarity? He needed clarity. He lowered himself to the ground, paw draping over his muzzle, trying to shut out the world so he could think. Ears folded flat to his head. Her whine reached him, and he stilled. His head lifted slowly, ears slowly pricking. Quietly, he rose and turned, slipping back in, pausing to stand and study her. Curled into as small a ball as she could go, she looked as though something tore at her from the inside. The strangled call of his name called him forward. He lowered his head, and ran his tongue over her brow. ?I am here. You have me to run to when the world is too much, my shoulder to lean on, my ears to hear you. Neither one of us knows what they are doing, and I?m scared too. I?ve never felt these things either, Azalea. Not to mention, your father would probably tear me apart if he knew what I felt for you.? The last bit was an attempt at humor.

He settled onto the floor of his den and offered his side for her to nestle against. ?So? what now?? Green pools studied her as he reclined. In the meager light from the stars outside he could see her. The confusion he shared, the sadness, fear of loss? It must be ripping her apart. How were they going to get through this mess?



6 Years
08-25-2013, 10:19 PM

She watched the moon bathed male drop to the ground, looking quite thoroughly defeated from where she sat. As she whined though his head lifted and his attention returned to her. It didn't take him long to enter the den again, standing in front of her, considering her. Saying his name did the trick, his tongue brushed her brow roughly.

?I am here. You have me to run to when the world is too much, my shoulder to lean on, my ears to hear you. Neither one of us knows what they are doing, and I?m scared too. I?ve never felt these things either, Azalea. Not to mention, your father would probably tear me apart if he knew what I felt for you.? She laughed lightly, a bit manic. Damn these roller coaster emotions! Her desire for him was awakening again, weakly stumbling forth to try and claim her heart again.

Azalea nuzzled him roughly, "I don't think he would destroy what makes me happy." She seemed to be searching for words. "That would just be... rotten!" When the male laid down again, Azalea scooted closer practically laying on top of him.

?So? what now?? He asked, two words enough to sum up their situation and feelings. "Well..." Her tail pulled in lightly and she looked at him bashfully. She nuzzled into his boney angles, unable to think about how he needed to eat... a lot. Her suggestive "well" was almost teasing, she doubted that Sarak would accept her such a way. He was bashful and polite, a gentleman.




8 Years
08-25-2013, 11:15 PM

He leaned into the nuzzle, even though it jabbed his muscles against bone, gently nuzzling her neck, before he pulled away to recline. He words helped to lighten his still lingering anguish. ?I make you happy?? There was such genuine pleasure in those words he spoke. He gave a small grunt as he weight fell on him, pressing some of the air out of his lungs, and he situated himself a little more comfortably, so that he was beside her. Her reply to his question made him study her. Two could tease that way. He dropped his voice to a croon, using the tones he?d only ever used in Blackmoon, though inwardly he cringed at the sound. The croon of death? And yet here, there was love there instead.

?Well what?? A paw rose, and lay on her back, digging into the musculature in an almost kneading fashion as moss greens studied her shrewdly. ?I think I could outrun him, but what about your brother?? The crooning tone was still there, his eyes hooded slightly. He personally didn?t think the look he must have on his face would be all that appealing. ?You make me happy, too, Zalea. You confuse the hell out of me, but? I?ll bear it because you make me happy. Your adventurous, mischievous spirit. You make me look closer at things, instead of scanning only for danger. You made me realize how lovely the sky is, when the sun is setting, or when stars spangle it?s darkness. You make me see purple flowers for more than the possibility of their poisons. You make my heart tremble. But you make it soar too.? His muzzle was pressed to her ear as he spoke.

His stomach gurgled softly, silently. ?And you make me hungry.? He growled those words into her ear, blowing a puff of breath into it. Playful. He felt better, hunger was a good sign.



6 Years
08-25-2013, 11:31 PM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2013, 11:37 PM by Azalea.)

Sarak was gentle, carefully nuzzling her in return. Tender was a better word. Careful not to break her. It was she who should be careful with him, in his emaciated state is was very much breakable. ?I make you happy?? Her mind filtered quickly through the potential responses and opted to make the male even happier he was to hear her say those words. "Very." She accentuated on it. She owed him this show of affection after making him feel rejected.

Her words were greeted with a stare, Sarak's green eyes looking at her. ?Well what?? She blinked, the only reaction she could possibly know to make. He laid a paw over her, and for a second she thought maybe he was going to get up... but she was wrong. ?I think I could outrun him, but what about your brother?? So they were back to that? She looked very put off now but frowned openly at the idea of her brother. "He wouldn't dare." There was a defensive growl in her tone but she knew her brother would dare, in fact he would walk right over Azalea to destroy Sarak or any male if he thought that was what was best for his sister.

?You make me happy, too, Zalea. You confuse the hell out of me, but? I?ll bear it because you make me happy. Your adventurous, mischievous spirit. You make me look closer at things, instead of scanning only for danger. You made me realize how lovely the sky is, when the sun is setting, or when stars spangle it?s darkness. You make me see purple flowers for more than the possibility of their poisons. You make my heart tremble. But you make it soar too.? The whole while he spoke his nose was to her ear and she was shivering with spastic thrills of joy. She confused herself more than anyone, surely.

As his stomach rumbled, awkwardly breaking the moment, Sarak growling in her ear. It was a deep rumble that rang through her body. Could he tell that her temperature had risen? ?And you make me hungry." She couldn't help herself from breaking into a smile and pulling back from him. "Well, that's a relief!" Azalea really did look relieved. Sarak needed to eat and get his weight back up, he was not being healthy.



8 Years
08-25-2013, 11:53 PM

Her reply to his question made a soft chuckle whisper from his throat. ?It seems the world has a way of tearing things apart. He would certainly dare. However, perhaps I should get to know him better before saying so.? Her shivers were well noted. He placed a light nip at her ear. ?You?re feisty, have a hard time with words. You carry yourself like a queen. The stars make your eyes sparkle. And you have a habit of pawing me in the face. How can I not feel giddy when you only do that to me?? Gently, ever so gently, the paw he held on her back tightened. Almost a hug, almost a caress.

As his stomach growled and he answered that intrusion with a growl into her ear, her reply almost made him blush. True, he hadn?t been taking care of himself. Ever since? The shadow of the stranger?s visage flitted across his mind. There and gone. For a moment, his stomach twisted, making him feel green in the stomach. Then his eyes found her face, and the anxiety settled. He leaned in on impulse and flicked his tongue over her nose. He decided to play further, and tried his paw at a purr. There are many kinds of hunger, Zalea?? he stared into her eyes as he spoke, breath mingling with hers.

He had watched seduction in action. His parents, his birth pack. He made the moves with love, and not deceit. They eye contact, the touches. The breath. He knew that he wanted to be her first, even if he couldn?t be her only. Even if she was his first and last.



6 Years
08-26-2013, 12:09 AM

There was short talk of her brother before that conversation died, mainly because she didn't encourage it to thrive. With her shivers, the male nipped at her ear, the action making her physically jerk and her breathing increase. When it came to being intimate, her body giving away her every emotion wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Sarak seemed to be goaded by her body's tiniest reactions to him. ?You?re feisty, have a hard time with words. You carry yourself like a queen. The stars make your eyes sparkle. And you have a habit of pawing me in the face. How can I not feel giddy when you only do that to me??

Azalea was a sucker for words and Sarak just kept talking. She failed with a response but by what he said, maybe he expected it. She tried to signal to him that his words were noted, though, so he didn't feel ignored. His paw across her back curled in and the muscles in his leg tightened to pull her closer. Her heart slammed into her rib cage only for the millionth time and she feared it would bruise with the beating it was getting tonight.

When she pulled back in praise to his returned appetite Sarak seemed to stop moving. Azalea watched him carefully wondering if maybe her words had offended him by putting pressure on his current state. Then suddenly his tongue flicked out across her nose and Azalea jerked back in obvious surprise. Her eyes wide and her nose wiggling at the sensation. "There are many kinds of hunger, Zalea?? That grabbed her attention. Amber gaze locked with his mossy green one and her mouth slipped open to for a single syllable, "Oh." She said.

She was good at sending messages but was rusty on receiving them, especially from Sarak. It was a welcome change for her to realize that all along he had understood her suggestion and now was the one teasing her. In fact, the realization through her hormones into overdrive. She let out an almost anxious whine, her nose bumping at Sarak's chin. Bad with words, she really didn't know what to say.




8 Years
08-26-2013, 12:26 AM

Her reactions were perfect. Tenderness welled in him as he heard her heart rate leaping, and as his last words sank in as he stared into the amber pools, he saw the realization in her eyes, heard it in her single utterance, and then the desire in that near anxious whine. Her scent was rising around him. He basked in it for a moment, as her nose bumped into his chin. So he continued. ?You have an easily riled temper, and your glare can turn me into water.? His tongue flicked out, crossing more than her nose. A wolfish kiss. It turned to a gentle nibble along the bridge of her muzzle, becoming a firmer lick between her eyes as he rested his throat on her muzzle, letting her feel his pulse.

?You make my pulse hammer, and sometimes I wonder if my heart will burst. But I?d die happy if it did, as long as you grinned at me like you do. That little smirk that makes me wonder what you?re thinking of. You?re strong, beautiful, and stubborn as a rock.? He rumbled softly, running his chin over her forehead to nip at an ear. ?You like to play, you love to spar.?



6 Years
08-26-2013, 12:38 AM (This post was last modified: 08-26-2013, 12:39 AM by Azalea.)

?You have an easily riled temper, and your glare can turn me into water.? He just kept talking and she couldn't keep her mind from saying, "Idiot," As he did. Still there was affection in the word. He leaned forward to kiss her face once more, nibbling and teasing. His neck came to rest on her nose and she could feel his wild pulse, though she was certain hers was more erratic.

?You make my pulse hammer, and sometimes I wonder if my heart will burst. But I?d die happy if it did, as long as you grinned at me like you do. That little smirk that makes me wonder what you?re thinking of. You?re strong, beautiful, and stubborn as a rock.? Again an ear was nipped and again her body buckled in reaction. ?You like to play, you love to spar.? She had pressed into her neck nose, one eye firmly pressed into the fur of his neck, right along his throat where it was the warmest. "I just like to play rough." She corrected, her voice a bit winded.

She "mmm"ed as she took in his scent and her lips curled, her muzzle digging deeper into his fur. "Your scent drives me wild." She said, cuddling into him. Testing the waters, seeing how he would react.



8 Years
08-26-2013, 12:54 AM

He purred softly, getting more into the hang of things, as she pressed into his throat, and gave her ear another gentle nibble, and a caressing lick. ?Rough? You could bowl me over with one paw.? If she could catch him. He smiled, nibbling at the very tip of her ear as she cuddled into him. He believed her words. She was doing the same. But one thing at a time. He wanted her to remember this night. To think back on it and feel the rush of it. Teasing had become serious. He wanted to love her, make her burn with joy, raise her up to face the world. And to face the world at her side.

Gently nibbling trailed to her neck, and he purred into her fur. ?Is it hot in here or is it just you?? From neck to shoulder, and back up to her ear, where he paused to breathe softly over the sensitive ear hairs. ?I don?t play, but I think you could teach me.?



6 Years
08-26-2013, 01:16 AM

"Fuck me!" Her mind spoke as Sarak again nibbled her ear and caused her body to jolt. It was only getting her more and more into the moment. It only drew her nearer and nearer to Sarak. The black and brown mottled male was winning out here. Despite her efforts to regain control. She was more than happy to give him the reins, enjoying this show of power though he was really doing nothing particularly aggressive or dominating. The point was that he had control of her and being a woman of free will, she liked this small moment of feeling out of control.

?Rough? You could bowl me over with one paw.? Her body rumbled with a laugh that had no sound though surely he knew by now that she had only been half serious with her words, the rest was a sexual innuendo. He nibbled on her ear tip and as her body jumped this time, she locked up to try and control it. As he released her from his seductive ear nibbles, she let out a vocal sigh of relief. His teeth however continued down her neck. ?Is it hot in here or is it just you?? She snorted as she kept herself from laughing out loud. It was a corny line but he made it seem geekishly adorable.

Her mind was swimming by the time he got back to her ear and her stomach tensed with butterflies as awaited the nips. He knew what he was doing and almost too well. ?I don?t play, but I think you could teach me.? With an exhale she rolled, finding her feet and at the same time flipping Sarak nearly onto his back. Given a leg had laid across her, he really did all the work for her. She stood over him with fangs bared to show her ferocity before letting her lips fall and leaning down to kiss him not one, twice, but three times.

Her tail waved stiffly and she stepped off to the left, to allow him room to get up. Well, she certainly hadn't managed to sleep so far but she had gotten things settled with Sarak. More than settled, it seemed.




8 Years
08-26-2013, 01:41 AM

He grinned, green eyes twinkling with true vitality, as she jolted under his tender ministrations, as she jumped under his nips and nibbles. He could face a life of this, if she would give herself to him as he knew a part of her truly wanted to. A soft purr rippled into her ear, enjoying the soundless laugh she?d given, the sigh of near relief as he?d moved down her neck. The snort at his purposely lame line made his mouth quirk into a half grin. This was the most relaxed; and the most tense, that he?d ever been around her.

Tongue slid from between his teeth to flick at her ear after he gave his last words, before she found her feet in a smooth motion, flipping him to his back. He gave a soft grunt, and a chuckle, as she stood over him, showing her dominance before pressing her lips to his thrice. He snuck a lick at the last one before she stepped off. He rolled to his paws in an almost smooth flow, save for the shake weary muscles gave, nibbling his way up a foreleg to her chest, from chest to throat and neck, and back to her ear, snuffing softly into it as his tongue smoothed a wild tuft of fur. Side pressed to side, he continued the gentle nips and nibbles he knew she liked a great deal, sneaking a lick, rumbling a purr. Sweet nothings. Mere sounds of love, desire, soothing, urging. He slid along her form, circling around her, fur intermingling, nipping, nibbling along her body.

He pressed his nose into the ear he nose was closest to, the one that hadn?t yet gotten attention. The untouched ear was given a long, caressing lick and nips from base to tip. ?You are the wind in my fur, the sun on my back, the rain on my face. You are the fire in my heart, the Angel in my dreams. May I have this dance?? May I have this night? For us and us alone? To let our hearts soar? His words were whispered in a husky, crooning whisper into her ear as the unspoken plea flowed on the air a rhythm of the hearts, of the lungs.



6 Years
08-26-2013, 01:55 AM

He seemed to enjoy teasing her, down in his dark den. She had nearly forgotten her surrounding, locked away out of the moonlight nearly completely. He grunted as he was bowled over and chuckled at her as she stood over him with a dominant stance. A point perhaps proven?

But suddenly he was on his feet too and with all too much grace he nibbled his way up her body lighting fire as he did. His side was pressed to hers and again he teased her ears. Clearly they were sensitive. Sarak's continued teasing was beginning to drive her insane. She didn't want to remain the same she wanted change, she wanted action. When he moved she thought it was surely time, he was going to mount her, but again she was denied. Circling around her to cover every inch of her body.

Her body trembled on repeat as he now gave attention to the neglected ear. The back to back nibbles had her gasping for air as each little pinch choked her up. ?You are the wind in my fur, the sun on my back, the rain on my face. You are the fire in my heart, the Angel in my dreams. May I have this dance?? His words were barely there, lips right on her ear so that she head the faint whisper. He seemed breathless this time and the female sway to the side, into him. Her entire body moved, snuggling into the male like a cat would a human leg. "You don't even have to ask," There was nearly agony in her voice, betraying how much she wanted him right now.




8 Years
08-26-2013, 02:08 AM

He gave a husky rumble as she gave the groaned reply, but he didn?t take her just yet. Everything told him to, but he wanted to draw this out, make it last. She would never forget this night. He?d make sure of it. He delicately nipped the tip of her ear then down to the base, up and down, until he felt sure she would melt on the spot. She began nibbling, nuzzling, licking as he slowly, languorously moved his way down her side, nuzzling into her flank, craning his neck low to flick his tongue over her belly, and continued his way to her rump. He spent time, making her ready.

?I will not forget this night. And I hope you won?t either.? He trailed nips along her back as he slowly rose, gently covering her,, laying gentle nips to her ears from above, and began to make this night unforgettable.