
Tempo Delle Nuvole


08-23-2013, 05:26 PM

She hadn't eaten in a while, as were her ribs were rather slightly visible in the vixen's demeanor. Alabaster prize dripped cardinal flavoring down her fascinating paradox, weight against paws cracking the thin layer of snow, only to have her sink down every other moment she strode across the clearing. Air toying with her fur, swinging it into luscious knots to swing inferior of the gravitational pull. Stomach only kvetched for the attention of the casualty of game that dropped from the madam's aperture. There was nothing but the frozen basin, nothing dry she could enjoy her meal on, it was only snow. Every time she took a breather, her nasal passages would freeze and the vixen's body would do nothing but freeze with it.
Her coat would not help either. The rabbit had laid a simple trial of cardinal blood, making her movements not such of a mystery as she would have hoped, and made herself a lot more visible to the curious minds of the living. Sitting against her will, Macaria's fur clumped of snow as the wind exceeded to blow treacherous snow flakes. Letting her lifeless game drop from her aperture, her glassy knives sliced slowly only to have red ooze seep out slowly and add flavor as it danced against her tongue.

table by melanie


08-23-2013, 08:28 PM

The frozen field was near his home so he was here again. The Glaciem wolf was here to interact with others possibly even recruit females for Isar to look at. Like he'd do that just to know what it was life to feel special on the kings terms. Oddity sighed giving away his breath against the days waste. He could smell a dead rabbit nearby, and on top of that a wolf. Something that would always bring him to interest. The black scarred male raised his body showing off that large scar on his neck and chest to his shoulder. His bi colored eyes looked at the gray female a ways off. In sight though as he moved himself forward at a slow rate. As soon as he was within her sight he stopped and let out a small bark. To let her know he wasn't here to mean any harm or steal her food. After looking at her, she looked as if she couldn't feed herself. No doubt Isar wouldn't want a female like that, well in his mind anyway. Oddity was still sexist, not understanding some of the other males views. The only thing they were good for was bearing young, those who fought for themselves were a bit over their head and would be pulled down quickly if they were not careful.
"You seem to be new around these lands I've never seen you." Oddity said in his monotoned voice. He didn't dip his head, he wasn't used to giving respect to someone who didn't give it first. He was someone who was rather strange on that aspect. Though he never once felt bad for a wolf, and he never would. So her being a bit skinny didn't affected him. Oddity tilted his head though in curiosity, she had an interesting coat color. That was true, perhaps he should present her to the king. Yet only if she were willing, Isar would have his head if he wasn't kind. Oddity was always kind to females though their womb was a precious thing after all. "Pardon my rudeness, my name is Oddity." The young man introduced himself with a slight dip of his head. Then he returned his gaze to her.



08-23-2013, 08:49 PM

It didn't rather surprise the lady when the male showed up, it was rather.. abrupt though. She had just sat down at least a couple moments ago. Finishing the last of her alabaster meal, the woman raised herself, revealing a very attractive figurine. Pale tongue glided to meet her own bloodied aperture, cleaning off excess of any meal that happened to find its self against it. Lullaby delicately found its way towards the white wonderland, though it had been aiming towards the obsidian male. "I have indeed come from a different land, and you are reluctantly the first wolf I've encountered." She spoke in calm words before scanning over his figurine with beautiful blue eyes. He was a couple inches shorter than she, but everyone was mostly. There weren't many with her capable size, a rare artifact was she. The obsidian male's eyes matched her own, but only one, though the other one was a rather light shade of grey.

Large bodice turned to face the bulky brute respectfully in sync to his stature. Though when he spoke his name, she couldn't help to find it... odd. Chuckling at her own joke, she cut it off to speak her own name. "Name's Macaria. I have to say though, you are rather well fit, may I ask if you have a pack?" She spoke with soft words, though, of course that could change any moment.

table by melanie


08-23-2013, 10:27 PM

Well fit? With socializing did she mean? If she meant his stature of being well fed and so on, that wasn't because he was in a pack. After all he had only recently joined Glaciem. all Oddity cared about was survival that was why he was well muscled. He always only ate what he needed as well. It wasn't one of the pleasured he enjoyed unless he had been hungry for some time. Oh well Oddity didn't know what the term went anyway. She was bigger but that didn't alarm him. As he gave a smile and looked up at her flicking his ears. Well he was glad that he had been the first one she had come across anyway. "Sorry I'm not quiet sure what you mean, but yes I am part of the local pack of Glaciem. Though I only joined a few days ago." His voice came off as monotoned as it usually did. Oddity raised his head, his scar on his chest moving with him.
Oddity liked her colors though, she was a rather good looking female if he could say so himself. There had only been a few others he had been in contact with and they were either dead or not wolves. One had been a dog, and one had been a rather large cat. Anything that caught his interest made Oddity want to reach for it. Having a mental illness as he did though, he was a ticking time bomb when it came to killing others. He was on restraints in a pack, and perhaps that made it better. He was only there because he admired the king. Oddity would rather have kids of his own, but he didn't want to have to deal with having a mate. Unless he could be convinced otherwise of his sexist tendencies.



08-23-2013, 11:26 PM

Interest was beyond her eyes as the female tilted her head as the obsidian boy looked up at her with his bi colored eyes. She was interested in, was honestly obtaining a pack. "Would you mind informing me with the information of this Glaciem? " Lullaby soothed out, delicately wrapped in the words of the vixen. Letting the soft winds carrying small snowflakes wrap her like a blanket of alabaster, Macaria's fur was teased with only to make luscious knots that would mat her fur. "If you do, I may be interested in joining, if I do say so myself." She offered him a smile, though it was small, considering she didn't exceed in showing the friendly action too much.

ooc; Oh my.. sorry it's so short. >{

table by melanie


08-23-2013, 11:41 PM

Oddity's eyes widened with surprise, and perhaps a little bit of delight. He wasn't a fan of thinking that males were below females, but he sometimes guess it was because if wasn't the fact of their gender. It was a males job to take care of a female because they were so precious. Though it'd be awhile before he would convert to that thinking completely. Oddity gave a small smile just like hers. "I know it may sound biast of me but I'll give you what I know. They live under a king and his son is the only other male in the pack currently. Most of it is made up of females. Males are to protect the females and treat them with kindness as it got across to me. The king is a smart man, he isn't entirely nice nor mean but he makes up for a perfect monarch. It'd be nice to get to know you if you were to join. New friends are always welcome." Oddity explained. With a slight nod of his head as he backed up accordingly.
"Is there anything else that you need?" He asked. Although his monotoned voice didn't change. It was natural, not because of his emotions. Oddity was always like this, and he wasn't sure if he'd change or not. He wasn't even sure how he acted himself right now. Perhaps confused, or like a teenager trying to learn things. Maybe he was just simply anti social. It could have been a number of things.



08-24-2013, 01:50 PM

It wasn't rather necessary to have him widen his eyes in mere surprise. She listened casually as he spoke, collecting all of the information that he'd happen to acknowledge. Nodding slowly, her words were awfully simple disregarding the paragraphed speech that the obsidian brute only told moments ago. " That's very interesting. Would it be possible if I could join, Oddity?" Soft and delicate lullaby escaped from the vixen's mouth only to have it close it once again and relive the silence that she happened to grow to know so well as a loner. It was a hard life, and no, it wasn't like being treated like a damn princess at all, actually you could die from being a loner. Though, Macaria could fend, fight, and care for herself, it was hard still being a rouge. And she didn't want to keep that up.

table by melanie


08-24-2013, 02:16 PM

Oddity had just been, well an odd one. He hadn't chosen his name, his father named him that. Weather he had one from his mom he didn't know it was wiped from his memory. After being a loner his entire life all he had done was train to survive, it was a struggle but after learning so much this was the result. Perhaps his disorder had helped him along the way? He wasn't sure, but every wolf was different anyway. He was now a pack wolf, like everyone else, even though he'd always be that distant one who didn't know what was going to happen next. Even though he wished he could predict the future.
"I'm sure you can fit in. I don't have the authority to accept members but it's over there in the sparse pines where our territory is." Oddity said with a bow. He could bring her there, but that was about it. Then Isar may have consoled him for bringing such a beauty. He was learning wasn't he? It was better than nothing, and it was definitely better than sitting back and watching. "While females are treated kindly, we are still a group effort pack. Argent is probably the strongest female in Glaciem at the moment. But yeah." Oddity said with a nod of his head. Wondering if he was trying too hard with this.



08-24-2013, 02:59 PM
Well this was definitely a exciting moment. Perhaps she could learn more about this land more than she already known. Letting her tail flag and wave out behind her in a friendly mention, the woman spoke again, letting the wisps of the snow bound sir cover her tongue. "Well, I'm not just going to go there by myself am I? Come on!" She said before jerking her head in the most swift movement to exceed the direction to the obsidian male and for her to follow him. Paws left her previous spot as she once more left the stash of broken bones and bloodied meat lay across the wilderness. Perhaps this could be a new start.

table by melanie


08-24-2013, 03:48 PM

Oddity was going to lead her there? Well he didn't know if he'd be allowed to do such an act. Though waiting by the border with her was the least that he could do. Not that he felt bad if he were to leave her alone. His brain didn't work that way after all. The boy gave a slight shrug before getting to his paws and heading towards the sparse pines which made the home of the Glaciem wolves. He turned back and smiled at the larger wolf a bit. Oddity hopped along trying to make sure she was staying close so that she wouldn't get lost.
"I'll wait by the borders with you until Isar comes." He said speaking the name of the king he rather adored. Maybe it was just because he had never seen an albino before. That could have been a big factor. For the wolf who had been secluded for most of his life after all. It'd be nice to have a new packmate though, and one he had recruited himself.




08-24-2013, 06:47 PM

The invasive cologne of a most recent pack member would wander the caverns of quivering nostrils, coral maw raised curiously to the heavens as The King would brood over the unfamiliar perfume that accompanied his ebony Assailant. My, had Oddity brought him a little gift? Quickly the angel would saunter, eager within his intentions, though still the fiend would be grasped by the presence of elegance, beauty; haste no reason to falter his conscious efforts. The duo would begin to rise within the distance, hovering just near a loose gathering of pines, seeming to engage in some form of fickle conversation as the pale seraph would approach without reserve; waltzing so confidently before the young woman, before he would cease barely a loose meter from her chassis, marvelling quietly beneath her appeal. ?Oddity, you have brought me such a pretty little gift, no?? ruby gaze would skim by the ebony momentarily, proud of the monsters efforts as a wry smirk would twitch his lips. Though attentions would crawl, far more interest within the young silver that stood so innocently before him, ?Welcome to Glaciem, silver darling.? She was his now.


08-24-2013, 07:11 PM
Mere moments passed, the opacity of time nearing the end as green lush parted to reveal a brawn male that appeared to be full albino at all costs. Aroma wafted through the atmosphere only to reveal the most obvious message. Bowing down in complete respect, the female only lowered her head as she murmured words. "My liege.." Slowly picking herself up once more, the lass smiled softly, and to be honest, this was honestly one of the most times she was like this in her personality believed to be nice. The harpy's eyes glistened in honor before standing to her top height. Offering him a small smile, the lady only revealed her lyrics again. "I go by Macaria, my lord."

table by melanie


08-27-2013, 05:41 PM

Oddity was slightly proud of himself, perhaps this was his calling. To bring females to the pack? Maybe then he would learn what it meant to be in the pack, but he was more than happy to be protective of this land as well. Though nothing felt better than bringing a prize for his king. Oddity gave a bow to the king and nodded his head. "She seems well suited for Glaciem My lord." He noted. Looking at her, she did have nice colors to her. Oddity was rather happy with his so called catch to offer up to the king after all, what else was there for him to be proud about.
Although after all this he backed away a little onto the glaciem lands, flicking his tail as he watched the two of them. He wanted to see how Isar handled these things, accepting her with open arms? Would he ever be able to mate with these many females. After all, Oddity would simply have his children oblige to the king. Specially any females that were born, and the males would be subject to the hard training Oddity went through if they could survive it. Well, that was for time to tell.
