
�beware the water.


3 Years
07-31-2013, 05:17 PM

Lecher and beast. Shallow clever thing, that wards and warns of treacherous ends. Heart is misery, lungs cold and mind deaf; blissful intervention for glee, for nirvana still out of reach. You should have killed me. You should have let me rot, you should have destroyed me those years ago, when your feeble hands gripped the dagger? His body is a slow vessel to assume the viperous entity he is, his ribs a narrow expanse of rasping collective breaths that pool against the cage of his slender jaws. A being of lux and decay, wretched beauty still - as if immortality had graced his youth, and pitied his desolation. A vagrant born through centuries, nevermores that prolonged his ache and unrest, a resurrected idol of empires burned. It was my soul that loved, and so on to gild eternity with its preservation, abandoning me in the comfort of my crypt, my homely void, my decadent nothing. I cannot feel, I cannot taste, I cannot but want. I cannot but starve and feed - and feed, a visceral thing disemboweled by lust and delicious temptation. I will infect this world, I will live in your dreams and you shall hate me forever, thrive in your festering wrath, smother your furious inclinations that drive me deeper in you. He gravely resembles a fleeting vision, his anatomy long and taut in bristling muscle and wrapp'd tendons strewn. Escaping dawn as it treads over the spines of heaving dunes, pressing to their valleys and washing the desert in a steady glow. His distaste remarks itself in shuddering down the length of his corrugated spine, a tremor amongst his bones that compels a guttural groan and sigh; and what hunger that plagues him settles in his gut like an endless gulley. Styx gapes, and devours - a filthy wash of endless remorse and pitiless grief, it pries. It seethes. But rest is near, shy from the daylight and its deplorable warmth he resides in the chilled shelter of towering palms and high grasses. Dragging with him a mangled skull of a young doe to feast quietly in the shade, he gorged upon the meaty flesh that hung limp to the shredded remains of its vertebrae, having savored the eyes from its hollowed sockets.

paint the room blood red with your tears


08-24-2013, 10:19 AM

Paws kissed the earth in an odd dancing matter as the sand between her toes burned her delicate pads. She had never been in the desert before, and the vast sea of yellow was starting to play tricks on her mind. Not to mention the sweltering heat was taking its toll. She was starting to see mirages, mostly ones of her mother, who was taunting her to come closer- but every time she galloped toward the wavy outline, it was gone. Ears pinned back in frustration as salmon colored tongue caressed her cracked lips. She was so dehydrated and need liquid release. Brain worked to process how long she had been lost in the dunes, but she couldn't recall how many days ago she had ended up here. What day was it? Three, four, maybe five? She wasn't sure.

Pools of blue frantically swooped from left to right. Something was close, an from the scents wafting across her nose, it smelt like water. Her head turned sharply as a voice tantalized her senses. "Liiiiibberrrttyyyy.... Oooovveeerrrr hheeerrreeee." Her mothers voice rang within her ears, as if she was standing right next to her, but when she looked, her mother was no where to be found. "Heeerreeeee" There. Off in the distance she could see large figures that almost looked like trees. There was a cluster of them, and they looked odd, because she was used to seeing only pine trees. Was her mother leading her to help? She sure hoped so. Sand flew behind her as she used her last amount of strength to gallop toward the oasis. It seemed so close, yet the farther she ran, the farther away it seemed to be getting. Her vision tunneled, and before she could reach twelve or so feet from the shade, she collapsed. Her vision blurred, then, everything went black.
