
The Last Chick


Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

03-09-2020, 02:33 PM

Odette Mooncrest

Had it been weeks or months at this point? Odette couldn't remember anymore. The female had been working day and night on getting her chicken farm up and running. If she wasn't hunting down more wild birds for her gene pool, or building additions to the chicken hut, or culling bad chicks from the populations, she was sleeping or tending to her handmaiden duties. But when was the last time Odette had spoken to those outside of her King and Queen, their heirs? This was the question running through her mind as she slipped through the trees beyond her den, her nose close to the ground as she followed the small impressions in the wet dirt.

One of her best hens had successfully hatched half a dozen eggs several weeks ago, and it had taken Odette and Cordonia all of their energy to keep the young chicks safe. One chick, in particular, was giving the fawn woman enough grief to warrant a funeral in his name. She had named him Dash, for his unbelievable talent for running away the second someone wasn't looking. Ever since he hatched, it seemed like something was calling him beyond the border, beyond Odette's protection and into the dangers of the wild once more. His little adventures had caused Odette to chase after him. Though it helped her tracking capabilities, it was becoming tiresome, enough so that she had to seriously consider his worth to her flock.

Dash and his siblings were going to be Odette's prized flock, because their mother produced to most eggs and their father was gigantic. Together, Odette was hopeful the hens would be thick and produce many eggs, and the roosters would grow large and plump like their father; prime for feeding the pack warriors. However, to ensure they reached their maximum potential, Odette had planned on letting the hatchlings grow... except, perhaps, Dash. "This is your last run, Dash, so help me." She huffed under her breath, making a turn around another tree before realizing just how close to the border she was traveling. If the chick crossed the border, Odette wouldn't be able to follow him. "You wouldn't dare..." she mumbled softly before taking off once more, silently hoping for his safety despite it all.


Table by Sea
Art by Fox
Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her. 

Killian 2


2 Years
Extra large

03-09-2020, 08:09 PM

Hefty pad falls rang through the territory as the male made his usual rounds. Patrolling the territory per usual with icy eyes on alert. Killian had been rather quiet as of late. Doing his duties, visiting his brother, and maybe doing some exploring every now and again. Overall the male was focusing on bettering the Armada. As he sauntered through the sounds of movement filled his inky ears. The beast slowed as his eyes fell upon that of a creamy colored fae prowling through the plains. Killian could smell that she was a pack mate but had never officially interacted with her. She seemed to be on a mission, tracking something. Killian took a moment of hesitation. Should I help? With a raised brow the male watched before deciding it was his duty to at least approach her.

After a few bounds he moved towards the beautiful gal towards her side. He wanted to make his presence known to avoid giving her a good spook. As he got around five tail lengths away those husky tones filled the air, "Do you need help?" Killian aimed to keep pace with the girl, cocking his head to the side to expose the depths of his curiosity.


Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

03-10-2020, 09:01 AM

Odette Mooncrest

With her liver brown snout hovering above the ground, and her mind flushed with frustrating thoughts, Odette barely noticed another approaching her. Only moments before his words sliced through the air, did she faintly register the soft thuds of pads hitting against the forest floor. Cerulean eyes snapped up from the dirt to witness the dark and light hued male approaching. It was fairly alarming for a moment, seeing as Odette had not seen the wolf before, but calmed once she realized he was most likely just another member she had yet to meet. Her suspicions were confirmed when she took a quick breath in through her nostrils, smelling all the familiar scents of her packs laced into the male's own musk.

Falling into a relaxed stance, the fawn woman offered a polite smile as she tilted her head towards the faint chick tracks. "That depends, how fast can you catch a runaway chick?" Though her tone was more amusing than serious, Odette could not argue that help would be useful. Perhaps, she thought, this male was of higher rank, and had permission to cross the border should the need arise. Nevertheless, she was glad to finally see a face beyond that of her feline companion or the birds.

She continued along the trail, tossing a grin over her shoulder as she attempted to explain her situation. "He has been a rather troublesome hatchling, always scampering off when I'm not looking. I've named him Dash respectively." She giggled softly to herself. Perhaps she had been away from normal wolves for too long.. but she was surprisingly comfortable sharing with a pack mate. "Oh, my name is Odette Mooncrest, handmaiden to her majesty Zeitgeist. I've recently been granted permission to farm these birds for meat and eggs, but I am beginning to wonder if this one is worth the hassle."

Perhaps as a thank you, this brute would be interested in a particular... young rooster? Blue eyes flickered from the tracks to the male, forcing her chin to turn upward to peer at his towering height. The Warlord was also extremely tall... and the more she thought about it, the more Odette wondered if they were not giants but she was simply so small? She hummed at the thought, slightly bothered by the idea of being tiny.


Table by Sea
Art by Fox
Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her. 

Killian 2


2 Years
Extra large

03-11-2020, 11:03 PM

Killian kept pace with the smaller Wolf. She had been on the prowl, obviously tracking something ahead. He didn't want to be a bother but also found it only polite to offer his help. Nevertheless she gave him an answer rather swiftly. A runaway chick. Killian raised a brow as he lightly padded at her side, allowing her to remain in lead. He knew that some Wolves were interested in raising cattle or prey but wasn't aware that the Armada was doing so. He couldn't deny it would be rather lucrative and take the load off of hunting. But, he'd never stop hunting for the sake of reliability and never allowing himself to get rusty.

With a chuckle the male raised his brow slightly, "A suitable name." He then took in the scent of the tracks before them. Vibrant eyes scanned the ground before moving forward in hopes of catching sight of the little one. "We will find little Dash." His thoughts were swept away by the introduction offered by the babe. He slowed his roll slightly and raised a hefty head in return. "Nice to meet you, Lady Mooncrest. I am Killian Klein, Warrior of Ashen Armada. I do wish we had met on different terms, but I am happy to help." Kill flashed a quick smirk in her direction before bounding forward with his nose pointed downward. He kept track of the tiny imprints on high alert.

Suddenly a flash of movement caught his eyes. Killian sauntered forth with a wrinkle of his nose. The sight had vanished in an instant, "Check the brush I think I saw him."


Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

03-12-2020, 09:19 AM

Odette Mooncrest

A small smile pulled on her lips at the thought of locating little Dash and having him look up to the large male. The young rooster may have gotten use to the tiny fawn woman... but this giant... would surely have the chick shaking in his feathers. Was it terrible of her to be thinking such thoughts? Probably, but a justified one at that. Odette, lost in her thoughts, was abruptly yanked back into the conversation when the male slipped her name by his tongue. Lady? She thought for a moment, wondering if the male had not understood the ranking Odette held.

Out of all the females in the pack, Odette was least deserving of such an honorable title. But a small part of her felt overjoyed by the sound, as if she could one day achieve such a rank; as if others could see her as such a woman. Her smile grew to a small grin, as she turned her gaze away, attempting to hide her excitement. "Thank you for helping. I'm sure a warrior like you has more important things to attend to than runaway livestock. But I am happy to meet a pack mate who's kind enough to help." After her first encounters with the alphas and healers, it was actually quite refreshing to meet someone who was so openly kind. Unlike the others, Killian Klein did not offer several harsh layers before showing a kinder side.

Cerulean blue orbs followed his dark crown as he took the lead, pleasantly surprised to know warriors could track... well at least this one did. "You look like an experienced tracker. Do warriors get taught such a skill to hunt down enemies? Or are you just a natural?" Her words were soft as she followed his tracks, sniffing the faint three-pronged prints before lifting her head to search the brush. Odette's ears perked at Killian's voice, her head turning towards his direction in an instant. "Alright." She whispered, moving swiftly across the ground with carefully placed steps, trying her best to be as silent as the Plain would let her.

Thin form allowed the woman to slip between the thicket when she dipped her head low, laying her ears against her head to avoid getting caught on the branches. A flash of copper swept through the greenery, and Odette was kicking up dirt as she dashed after him. "I'm going to take to his left, hopefully turn him back towards you! If you seen him, try and grab his legs, dangle him upside down! They stop struggling faster that way!" Odette called out as she bobbed and weaved through the vegetation, the pitter-patter of tiny talons becoming increasingly louder as she moved to close the gap.

When Dash came into her sights, only a few yards in front of her, Odette jumped forward and to the left of the bird, startling the young rooster. He let out a loud shriek, before turning and running back the way he came, unknowingly, closer to where Odette had last seen the warrior Killian. Odette followed at a slower pace, continuing to act as a barrier for the chicken; sticking to his right side and slowly pushing him forward. "Coming back that way! Hope you're fast!" She called out playfully, chuckling softly to herself as she picked up the pace, urging Dash forward more.


Table by Sea
Art by Fox
Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her. 

Killian 2


2 Years
Extra large

04-08-2020, 10:56 PM

Killian was a rather neutral male with a soft spot for gentle souls such as the fae before him. The kindness of her words and the beautiful smile gracing those eloquent lips. As much as he had experienced the male could never turn down the company of a beautiful babe even if that meant chasing down a rogue chick. Thus as they ventured forth Odette expressed her gratitude for Killian assisting her. Her kind words brought forth a grin to his inky lips. The male shrugged gently, "Aye if I wasn't here I'd be patrolling and bored out of my mind. I am always game for some adventure." A husky laugh followed deep vocals as he turned his attention forward.

As they moved the babe spoke up once again. Killian offered often glances in her direction but maintained careful pad falls. Since they were so close to the border he was weary of what may be lurking just on the other side. Some predators were incredibly daring, but Killian was confident he could protect them if need be. "Before I came to Boreas I lived in a small tribe of Druidic Wolves. I was trained in hunting, tracking, and fighting. There were also a few healing and herb lessons but I almost always fell asleep during class." Another short chuckle was heard as their attention was turned back towards the runaway chick.

Suddenly they broke into action. Odette went left per her own instruction. Killian was honestly surprised to hear the smaller babe take charge but was not offended in the slightest. Even though he had only just met the handmaiden he was happy to watch her in action. Following her lead the male lurked as Odette chased the youngling towards him. Suddenly the chick broke from the brush with the tan fae on his rear. Killian then moved to carefully pluck the creature up from his legs. Dash wiggle and struggled but it seemed the position made it hard for him to do much. Killian raised his head and eyed Odette. The beast spoke through his teeth the best he could, "Where to?"


Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

04-10-2020, 04:33 PM

Odette Mooncrest

It had never crossed the fae's mind that wolves of higher rank might be bored with their duties. In her mind, the lower the rank, the less responsibilities were placed on your shoulders. If you weren't trustworthy enough to hold an actually title, then you shouldn't be given any responsibilities... right? But as the large brute expressed his boredom in his regular patrols, Odette started to realize it might be the other way around. Would higher ranks be expected to do less, and those below them pick up the slack? Shaking her head of any further negative thoughts, she tossed a playful grin over her shoulder. "My hen house is always under assault from predators, ya know. Raccoons, big birds, coyotes, and even Sirius's batch of wee devils. If your patrols on the border are too slow for you, come on by. It's almost always wild and I could use a warrior like you to fend them off." Her eyes widened for a split second as she realized that perhaps she shouldn't have spoken so strongly about the heirs... but it was a fair enough statement in her opinion. She couldn't count how many chickens she had lost to the likes of those pups!

Odette admired the life Killian described, how wonderful it must've been to be taught from such wolves. She could imagine the wonder they must've carried around them, and how nice they must've been if Killian came out such a gentlemen. Plus, he was given an important position, so he must be talented, and he was given the position by Sirius, presumably, so he was trustworthy too. When he finished, Odette hummed for a moment as she thought of over her response. "Sounds like a lovely place. I wonder if we will ever have enough pups to warrant such schooling." To her knowledge, it was only Sirius and Zee's litter running rampant through the pack. But perhaps if more mates came forwards and reproduced, a new generation could bloom and the pack would be in need of caretakers or teachers. Though she highly doubted the warlord and queen would allow Odette to teach any pups, perhaps they would allow her to act as a caretaker when parents were out on business. She sighed softly to herself, knowing good and well that sort of future was most likely a far off ideal rather than a reality.

Chasing down Dash and getting him to turn was simple enough, but as the fawn woman dug into the earth and urged her body forward, she could only hope the brute would be ready to catch the slippery bird. There was no way Odette would be able to snatch the critter on her own, her burning lungs told her that much already. However as she finally burst through the underbrush, with a few spare twigs and leafs as souvenirs to prove her efforts, she was ecstatic to see little Dash dangling from the male's lips. She panted softly as she approached the pair, eyes darting up to meet Killian's as he asked where to next. She winked to the warrior and smiled a wicked grin as she peered down at the young rooster, whose wings had fallen beside his head and his wide brown eyes stared helplessly from below. "Depends... Killian, are you hungry?" Odette watched as the young rooster's head cocked to the side, his gaze panicked. She left him there, imagining his doomed fate, before she giggled to herself. "We can grab a bite to eat after we bring Dash back to my place." The chick visibly relaxed, dropping back into his limp form, dangling from the large male's teeth.

Returning her attention back to Killian, Odette tilted her head to the side. "I can't thank you enough for helping, Killian. I would have never been able to catch him on my own." A truth she was all too painfully aware, as the chick had escaped her watch one too many times. "If you're not too busy with your.. exciting patrols.. I can show you the hen house, and I'll cook up some dinner." Seemed only fair to the fae to offer the warrior some sort of compensation for her time. But all she had to her name in this pack was her chickens, so all she had to offer was food. While she would understand if the high ranking male didn't wish to attend, she was happy she could at least offer it. If he denied, Odette would simply accept it, take her runaway chick, and head home. No hard feelings would be felt, and she would simply be grateful to have met another one of her pack mates.


Table by Sea
Art by Fox
Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her. 

Killian 2


2 Years
Extra large

04-10-2020, 06:27 PM

The proposition of assisting the beautiful handmaiden by protecting her hen house did not sound bad. Killian never shied away at the chance of flexing in front of pretty babes as well as getting a good exercise in. Though, warding off the royal spawn was a whole different can of worms. Killian was aware of how protective he was and wouldn't want to cause any trouble by scaring away those massive pups of his. Nevertheless, the slate beast would take his chances and agree to help. "You can count on me stopping by then. Sounds like a good opportunity for some action." Killian sent the sand toned babe a wink.

Thinking back to his homeland Killian had a fondness for his previous pack. If it weren't for the famine there could be a chance the Klein would have been settled down with a family of his own. Well... maybe not settled down. Killian would always have his duties and aspirations. But, a lovely lady and some pups of his own didn't sound like a bad idea. It seemed since coming to Boreas the male hadn't the chance to meet many fae's or really anyone outside of the pack in general. It felt as though everything had reset. "Maybe one day, love." A sly smirk stained those inky lips per usual.

As the youngling dangled from his jaws the male listened to the fae's words with a curious look. A rather direct threat was made to Dash which called for a light chuckle to escape nearly shut jaws. Next came vocals of gratitude and an invitation for Killian to join Odette for a meal. This caused the Klein to raise a brow before offering a gentle smile, the best he could with a chick's leg between his teeth. "Nothing would make me happier." Killian lightly gestured towards the path back where they came. "Lead on."
